Myst studio’s Obduction coming to PS4, PlayStation VR, and Vive in 2017
Obduction, the new game from Myst studio Cyan out now for PC, is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR, and Vive in 2017, the studio announced.
“We’re going all-in on VR,” Cyan CEO Rand Miller told VentureBeat. “And the PlayStation breaks open our availability as a much broader platform for us. I [was] amazed at how good this looks on a console.”
Cyan has already begun work on adding support for hand controls and room scale, the former of which will allow players to directly interact with objects in the world, including picking up and examining objects.
The developer says Obduction for virtual reality is “just the beginning” of Cyan’s projects in the virtual reality market.
Here’s an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
From Cyan, the studio that brought you Myst, comes Obduction, an all-new adventure that brings the spirit of Cyan’s earlier games into the new millennium. Obduction resurrects the feeling of finding yourself in the middle of new worlds to explore, discover, solve, and become part of.
As you walk beside the lake on a cloudy night, a curious, organic artifact falls from the sky and inexplicably, without asking permission, transports you across the universe.
The worlds of Obduction reveal their secrets only as you explore, coax, and consider them. And as you bask in the otherworldly beauty and explore through the enigmatic landscapes, remember that the choices you make will have substantial consequences.
Obduction. This is your story now.
Watch the launch trailer for the PC version below.
如今官方宣布,《Rez Infinite》已经内建支持即将上市的 PS4 Pro,在以一般电视游玩的 TV 模式下,包含第 1~5 关以及 Area X 的原生分辨率都会提升至 4K(3840 x 2160,2160p)绘制与输出,但不支持 HDR。 在以 PS VR 游玩的 VR 模式下,每眼原生分辨率将从一般 PS4 的 1440 x 810 提升至 PS4 Pro 的 1920 x 1080,且画面更新率、Area X 的粒子特效与对象细节都会提升。