「虚拟现实是令人兴奋的新兴平台,这种平台有潜力让互动娱乐的创作及体验方式更上层楼」,2K 营销资深副总 Sarah Anderson 表示:「由于这是我们首次跨足虚拟现实领域,我们希望带给玩家容易上手的娱乐体验,并让玩家陶醉在《体感嘉年华》系列令人熟悉的经典趣味中。 藉由风格独具的互动环境和全新的特色,《嘉年华 VR》将以前所未有的方式展现游乐场的神奇魔力。 」
《嘉年华 VR》预定 10 月 28 日推出支持 HTC Vive(透过 Steam)和 PlayStation VR(透过 PlayStation Store)装置版本,并将在今年稍晚发行给 Oculus Rift 装置使用的数字下载版本。 另外,官方表示,游戏预计在 9 月 2 日至 5 日 PAX West 游戏展期间开放试玩。
PlayStation VR demo disc includes 18 playable demos
All the Games on the PlayStation VR Demo Disc
When it comes to VR, seeing is believing. It’s hard to get a sense of the magical worlds that VR transports you to by just reading about the games, or seeing photos and videos. For that reason, we’re including a free demo disc in each retail PlayStation VR unit (both the launch bundle and core unit) that’s jam-packed with content.
he disc includes demos of entertainment and gaming content spanning across a wide variety of diverse genres. That way, you can get a sense of the content you enjoy the most and can even click to purchase and download the game after trying the demo.
Also, if your friends have a PS4 system but have not played PS VR yet, just bring your PS VR and demo disc over to their place so they can have a go!
Now without further ado, here’s what you get on the disc:
Summer Lesson will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan as “Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto Seven Days Room (Basic Game Pack)” in Japan on October 13 for 2,980, Bandai Namco announced at the 2016 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan.
While it appears the Basic Game Pack will only contain Hiraki Miyamoto’s room, later on Bandai Namco plans to release new situations, such as going outside or to a coffee shop.
Robinson: The Journey Dev Diary 2: Creating the Robinson Universe ~ PlayStation VR
Robinson: The Journey Developers Are Obsessed With Details
Hello there, PlayStation.Blog readers! We’re getting more and more excited as release day approaches, and so today we’re sharing a bit of that excitement with the release of a new dev diary video. This time we’re looking at some of the ways we created the immersive and believable VR world of Robinson: The Journey.
Many elements have played a role in building the Robinson universe, but one thing that stood out more than anything was our attention to detail. Since the world of Robinson is littered with debris from the crashed spaceship Esmeralda, we obsessed over every manmade and natural object in the world and handcrafted each item with an extensive backstory, design, and function in mind.
This ranges from a simple food box with correct nutritional facts written on it to the evacuation plan of an 11 kilometer long spaceship.
But our visuals weren’t the only thing that needed a lot of attention to detail. Sound is just as important in creating a convincing VR world. If, for example, you see a bird take off — not only can you actually hear that it is getting farther and farther away, you can also hear in which direction it is flying — and all of these sounds create realistic echoes.
Each of these elements make the environments of Robinson feel like a part of a living, breathing world — and we can’t wait for you to get lost in it!