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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-1 07:45 AM 编辑
Draugen Announced ~ Survival Horror Adventure by Red Thread Games
Red Thread Games receives grant from NFI for new game
We are very happy and excited to announce that the Norwegian Film Institute has awarded Red Thread Games with a $144,000 grant for Draugen, a first-person survival horror adventure amongst the mountains and fjords of the Norwegian west coast in the 1920s.
Draugen is a first-person survival horror adventure, set amongst the deep fjords and towering mountains of Norway's awe-inspiring west coast. The game is a dark and disturbing journey into the pitch black heart of Norwegian national romanticism, as seen through the eyes of an American nature photographer, botanist and entomologist.
The story - inspired by Scandinavian literature, legends and fairytales, as well as Norse mythology and the Icelandic sagas - is set in the early 1920s, and delves into the deepest, darkest secrets of a remote fishing community where every single soul has mysteriously vanished.
As the player explores the tiny settlement, gathering clues and memories, and unearthing the truth behind a terrible tragedy, they will learn more about the history of the village and its inhabitants. And they will come to see that behind even the most innocent of facades lurks the potential for malice.
But there is more to this place than meets the eye.
From time to time, a woman in black can be spotted in the distance. Who is she, and what is her connection to this place? Who is the little girl singing broken lullabies as the sky begins to darken? And when night falls, and those last few, precious drops of kerosene in the lamp feed a fragile, flickering flame, what hides out there in the darkness and in the cold, black sea?
Discover the clues. Uncover the memories. Decipher the past. Survive the night.
Draugen - Norwegian, meaning "the Draug" - is an undead creature from Norse mythology. The original Norse meaning of the word is ghost, but unlike traditional ghosts the Draug has a corporeal body and physical abilities. Draug reside in their watery graves, guarding the treasures and secrets that were buried with them. And they will protect those secrets at any cost...
Draugen is currently in development for PC/Mac/Linux and next-generation consoles.
《梦陨》的制作者Red Thread Games近日公布了他们正在开发的新游戏《尸灵》,该作品已经从挪威电影协会赢得了144,000美金的拨款。
游戏的故事深受斯堪的纳维亚人的文学作品,传说和童话,挪威神话和冰岛故事的启发。游戏的名称“Draugen”是一个挪威语,意思就是“The Draug”,是挪威神话里的一个不死生物。Red Thread解释说:“这个词的原意为鬼魂,但是同传统意义上的鬼魂不同,Draug有一个肉身。Draug生活在他们潮湿的墓穴中,守护着同他们一起埋葬的财宝和秘密。他们为了保护这些秘密会不择手段。”
Red Tread在游戏介绍中写到:“一个一袭黑衣的女人会时不时的出现在远处。她是谁,她同村落有什么联系呢?每当天色渐暗就开始唱着跑调的儿歌的小女孩又是谁?当夜晚降临,你依靠煤油灯仅存的少量煤油来照亮四周的时候,又有什么躲藏在阴暗处和冰冷的海里呢?
找到隐藏的线索,重拾以往的记忆,解锁过去的秘密,度过恐怖的黑夜。” |