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【PS4】Uncharted 4:A Thief's End









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-8-13 07:48 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-9-1 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-1 06:43 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》全新多人模式情报地图

  今天顽皮狗工作室为《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》推出一张全新的多人模式地图。这次的更新是完全免费的,玩家将在地图“新德文”(New Devon)上展开新一轮狙击战。这一次的新地图将是《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》中最大的一幅,具有极大的开放性和各异的地形。显然,地图的设计充分考虑了射击战的需求,复杂的场景让远程装备和狙击手得以大展身手。此外,这次更新也对Rank机制做了调整,新的收集宝藏玩法也将被加入。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-9-22 07:27 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-10-31 06:09 PM |只看该作者
《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》新情报剧情DLC 独立发行

  《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》(Uncharted 4:A Thief End)本作发售已经半年了,虽然顽皮狗早前就公布有单人剧情 DLC 计划,可在这之后半年里似乎只对游戏的多人模式青睐有加,决口不提之前的承诺了。

  根据国外游戏媒体LetsPlayVideoGames的预计,在今年 12 月 3 日举办的PlayStation Experience 2016展会上,顽皮狗将会公布《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的单人剧情DLC。

  LetsPlayVideoGames 的预测并非空穴来风。他们在近期的伦敦动漫展上采访到了Nathan Drake 的配音演员 Troy Baker,并得到了他对“顽皮狗迄今为止最大剧情DLC”的确定,Troy 还透露说,这个DLC“很快”就会到来;此外,他们还得到了另一个神秘消息来源的爆料:《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》DLC的剧情仍会围绕Drake 兄弟的故事展开,如果你很期待Nathan Drake 女儿表现,那可能得多等等了,此外非常值得注意的是,这个DLC 可以在没有本体游戏的情况下独立运行。

  如果传言成真,对那些还没接触过本体游戏的玩家,的确会是一个好机会。另外方面也证明,这个剧情DLC 的内容的确非常丰富,甚至足以作为一个完整游戏了。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-11-22 07:19 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-22 07:22 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4 will add Survival mode in mid-December
《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》生存模式宣传片展示 12月中旬推出

  今天开发商顽皮狗公布了新的内容并放出宣传片展示了《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的全新生存模式。该模式分为合作和单人部分,将会在下周的PSX 上亮相,并于12月中旬正式推出。



Since announcing it as part of our Uncharted 4 Multiplayer road map back in May, one of the most common questions we get is: what’s in store for co-op? Well, today I’m excited to give you a first look at Uncharted 4: Survival, our new cooperative and solo mode that will make its public hands-on debut at PlayStation Experience next week and launch in mid-December.

Survival is a wave-based mode where you and up to two additional friends can take on swarms of increasingly powerful enemies and unique objectives. If you played Co-Op Arena from Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3, you’re going to feel right at home in Survival. We’ve built upon and evolved the core gameplay experience with an entirely new level of depth, challenge, and variety. From new enemy types and powerful new bosses to a dedicated progression system and expansive upgradable arsenal, Survival is all about strategy, camaraderie, and skill.

Across 50 waves and 10 maps, you’ll face off against Shoreline mercenaries, heavily armored Brutes, Snipers, Hunters, and more that will only get more precise, more aggressive, and better equipped as time goes on. Every 10 waves culminates in an intense boss battle, including our all-new Pirate Warlords. Inspired by the story of Uncharted 4, some of the Founders of Libertalia have arrived to hunt you down with powerful Mystical attacks. Don’t miss Henry Avery himself as the Djinn-wielding Warlord boss in the video above.

But Survival requires more than just dispatching enemies. To reach wave 50, you’ll need to work your way through objective modes where victory depends on defending a particular area, collecting treasures within a time limit, or taking out marked enemies. We might even throw a curveball at you from time to time, like when an active modifier makes it so only pistols, headshots, or melee attacks do damage to enemies. As you take out enemies and complete objectives, you’ll earn in-game cash, which can be used to unlock and equip weapons and gear via arsenal crates around the map. You can buy everything from Heavy Weapons, long guns, Mysticals, and more.

Survival also features its own dedicated progression system, Relic Challenges, and loadouts. As you rank up, you’ll earn upgrades for your weapons, as well as new items, such as Survival-exclusive boosters. There are also vanity items that can only earned by playing Survival, but can be used to deck out your character in both Survival and Multiplayer. Best of all, the challenge grows with you. Enemies will adapt to your increased firepower and there are multiple difficulties to choose from. Those that finish Survival on Hard Mode will unlock Crushing Mode, which as the name suggests, is the ultimate test of your will and determination.

But this is just a small taste of what to expect when Survival launches next month. To see more, be sure to check out IGN’s exclusive coverage and extended gameplay videos. And if you’re attending PlayStation Experience next week, come see us at the Uncharted 4: Survival booth to try out the mode for yourself.

Vinit Agarwal - Game Designer, Naughty Dog



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-12-4 06:09 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-6 07:30 AM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy announced for PS4
《秘境探险》独立章节游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将在 2017 年发售

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)在年度玩家活动「PlayStation Experience 2016」中宣布,将在 PS4 推出《秘境探险》的独立章节游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产(暂译,Uncharted:The Lost Legacy)》并且发表了预告影片。

  而官方也在 Blog 上给了更多的说明。 当《秘境探险 4》结束时,也代表了德瑞克这十年来的故事结束。 当制作小组思考该是诠释谁的剧情时,想到了完美又令人喜爱的克洛伊。 根据官方指出,PSX 释出的影片仅是游戏前期的部分。 玩家操作的克洛伊将会在遭到战争蹂躏的城市遇到佣兵集团的首领娜汀。

  娜汀是个冷静且熟练的作战指挥家,与机智灵敏的克洛伊形成有趣的对比。 在这个故事中,两人将携手合作,前进印度南部的西高止山脉,寻找当地神明象神失落已久的宝藏「獠牙」。

  在开始制作之后,顽皮狗发觉自己对于游戏的愿景不止于此,不该只是《秘境探险 4》的延伸(单纯的 DLC)而可以做的更多,之后决定做成独立章节。

  而《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将会发售实体版与数字版。 若是当初有购买豪华版以及季票的,千万别错过失落的遗产的下载代码,这份下载代码 12 月 13 日之后停止供应。


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Arrives Next Year on PS4

We’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years on a journey with Nathan Drake, but as his story came to a close in Uncharted 4 and we looked ahead to the series’ first-ever story DLC, we were faced with an unprecedented question: whose story did we want to tell next?

Over the years, we’ve assembled an incredible cast of characters, but of them all, we kept coming back to one in particular: Chloe Frazer. As the smooth-talking master thief who debuted in Uncharted 2, Chloe is not only one of our favorite characters, but we know she’s a favorite amongst our community. She’s also a strong and enigmatic character — in other words, perfect to be our lead protagonist in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.

We revealed a first look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at PlayStation Experience today with a nearly 9 minute video of gameplay. Check out the full clip below.

Our video shows an early section of the game where we find Chloe in a war-torn city on her way to a rooftop rendezvous with her partner, Nadine Ross. Much like Chloe, Nadine is a formidable and interesting character whose complex nature we just started exploring in her Uncharted 4 debut. She’s a skilled tactician, whose cool, calculating nature offers an important contrast to Chloe’s improvisation and wit. As they venture deep into India’s Western Ghats mountain range, they’ll need to work together to recover the long lost Tusk of Ganesh.

When we began to plot out the story and our vision for the game, we realized we were building something more than an extension of Uncharted 4, and instead, a standalone story in the Uncharted universe. We wanted this adventure to feature all of the hallmarks of the series, from cinematic storytelling set within exotic destinations, to dynamic combat and intricate puzzles. It’s our biggest story expansion to-date and will be available as a standalone game on store shelves and for digital download.

If you picked up the Uncharted 4 Digital Deluxe Edition or the Explorer’s Pack, you’ll get Uncharted: The Lost Legacy as a download at launch. Both versions will only be available until December 13, 2016, so don’t miss your chance to get Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at an amazing value.

Shaun Escayg - Creative Director, Naughty Dog


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-12-15 07:41 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-15 07:36 PM 编辑

《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》生存模式宣传片DLC 正式上线

  《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的全新大型更新今日将正式推送。本次更新最主要的内容便是主打多人合作的模式“生存”!“生存”模式将支持3位玩家之间的合作守关(也可以单机带两个AI),总计50波敌人包括Boss战。据悉,“生存模式”将包含普通、中等、困难、粉碎、以及硬核五大难度,还将包含全新的奖杯。本次更新将有3.3GB。


  在生存模式中还将有“山王(King of the Hill)”的PVP游戏模式,以及两张全新的地图“Train Wreck”和“Prison.”。还将新增皮肤和自定义道具,包括在80级和90级解锁新关卡。合作任务的进度是单独的,玩家需要从第一个关卡开始。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-1-9 06:58 PM |只看该作者
《秘境探险 》电影版剧本完成

  《秘境探险 》的电影版最新终于有新的进展了,负责撰写影片剧本的 Joe Carnahan 今天通过个人的Instagram 表示,他已经完成了编剧的工作,“现在真正的(拍摄)工作要开始了”。

  根据曝光的剧本封面来看,电影的制片方为 Arad Production 与 Atlas Entertainment,但工作室仍为索尼影视娱乐。《秘境探险 》是 PlayStation 平台中最受欢迎的独占游戏之一,但是似乎改编电影的推进过程异常艰难,希望在剧本完成之后这样的情况能有所好转,让我们可以尽早在影院中见到德雷克 Nathan Drake 的表现。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-3-16 07:01 PM |只看该作者
转载 - 游侠网

  在国外媒体 Game Informer 最新一期的杂志报道中,有关《秘境探险:失落的遗产(Uncharted: The Lost Legacy)》的最新情报已经被大量曝光。其中游戏中大反派Asav 的资料和原画也首次公开。


  另外根据游戏创意总监Shaun Escayg的描述,Asav和当地政府有一段历史,其在过去感到自己在解决政府争端时间中被远,因此他成立了一支反抗军并制造争端从中获益。同时游戏中的主角之一,也是《秘境探险 4》的女反派Nadine 也曾经为 Asav 工作过。


  另外顽皮狗公司近日通过海外 PlayStation.Blog 表示,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人模式将会更新追加名为“King of the Hill”的新模式。

  1.21 版本的这次更新,除了追加非正常点数捕捉的游戏模式“King of the Hill”以外,还收录了 INSAS、Type-95、带瞄具的竞技用手枪等武器。另外还追加《美国末日》(The Last of Us)游戏内漫画“Savage Starlight”的特色衣装等,但是为了新地图的表现问题本次的更新会有延期的可能性。官方还将会提供被称为“Treasury”的新地图。

  版本1.21更新时间预定为2017 年 3 月 17 日。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-21 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-21 06:50 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy preview discusses level design, characters
《秘境探险:失落的遗产》大量细节 德雷克不会露面

  《秘境探险 4》独立DLC“失落的遗产”,如果你想在里面看到系列主角德雷克的话,那么你可能要失望了,因为德雷克并不会出现在这款DLC中。








First Look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Last month, I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at an early version of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Though still early in development, it’s showing loads of promise. I was able to get unprecedented access to the minds at developer Naughty Dog to learn more about its next Uncharted adventure.

First, the setting. In moving the action to the southern tip of India, The Lost Legacy injects a fresh surge of color and personality — closer to the pulpier feel of the original Uncharted, in some ways. “Beautiful, big landscapes to traverse and explore, that sense of a surprise around every corner,” Creative Director Shaun Escayg told me. “We wanted to bring more of that back.”

The Lost Legacy is a new story set six to 12 months after the events of Uncharted 4. The action kicks off with a search for a priceless relic — the Tusk of Ganesh — and a decidedly unlikely pairing.

Opposites Attract

Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross are reluctant partners who don’t always see eye-to-eye, but who must work together to obtain the priceless Tusk from a mysterious warlord named Asav. “I like to figure things out as I go,” Chloe mutters at one point in the gameplay demo. “I noticed,” Nadine snorts.

Why revisit Chloe? For Naughty Dog, it was an easy decision. She’s an interesting character with a darker moral compass compared to Drake. Writer Josh Scherr remarks: “They’re both treasure hunters. Drake has a bit of a hero complex, but Chloe looks out for number one, first and foremost.” It’s Chloe who initiates the hunt for the Tusk.

Nadine reenters the picture for different reasons, partially born out of the consequences of her actions in Uncharted 4. With Shoreline crumbling, she’s out of work and desperate.

“Chloe would need somebody with military expertise,” Escayg said. “In all of Uncharted, Nadine is probably the most rational and practical character we’ve ever introduced,” Scherr added. “She tends to take a direct approach.”

Bringing them together helps each character accentuate the other. “They’re opposites. Chloe is spontaneous and impulsive, where Nadine is by the book, structured,” Escayg explained. “That made for a good pairing.”

And you better believe that relationship is going to develop over the course of the game. “Both of them are in positions they aren’t used to being in,” Game Director Kurt Margenau said. “Chloe, in terms of taking charge. Nadine, who is used to running the show, is now the hired gun. They’re both figuring it out as they go.”

Wider Linear

With characters and the setup out of the way, it was time to get a closer look at the game itself. Based on what I saw, The Lost Legacy’s overall gameplay style will be familiar to Uncharted 4 veterans. But Naughty Dog is determined to add further refinements and enhancements based on lessons learned during Uncharted 4’s lengthy development cycle.

Starting with the level design. In one pivotal section of the game, the team wants to provide a more expansive environment that gives players more ways to explore at their own pace — “the biggest [area] ever for an Uncharted game,” Margenau mentioned.

While developing Uncharted 4, Naughty Dog had hoped to go even bigger on certain huge locations such as Madagascar, Art Director Tate Mosesian explained to me. But some concessions had to be made in the interests of maintaining the game’s development schedule. Not so with The Lost Legacy, where the game will benefit from an updated production process that can see up to five teams working on one location at a time.

In The Lost Legacy, this translates into a sprawling level with traversal challenges, environmental puzzles, shootouts, and more.

It’s honeycombed with secrets too, with new hidden treasures that will reward persistent players who try to traverse everything they can see.

There’s loads of environmental variety, too, partly thanks to the natural diversity seen in the Western Ghats region of southern India. You’ll explore lush jungles, soaring mountains, and ancient temples, in addition to the war-torn urban environment seen in the PSX 2016 reveal.

Tools of the Trade

There is some new combat gear to master, too. A silenced pistol (The first lethal stealth weapon in Uncharted history!) will add new tactical wrinkles to The Lost Legacy’s stealth play and expand your combat options.

Meanwhile, C4 proved so popular among Uncharted 4’s loyal multiplayer community that Naughty Dog couldn’t resist adding it to The Lost Legacy. Why not?

There also seems to be an increased range of options available for combat encounters. “There are entire combat setups that you can skip, go around, or approach from any direction,” Margenau explained. “It’s got a bigger, more organic feel, with more player choice and more stealth options.”

Another new mechanic, lockpicking, was first seen in the game’s PlayStation Experience 2016 debut trailer. Though the exact lockpicking mechanics are still a work in progress, the team was so fixated on capturing the tactile feel of the act in-game that they purchased a real lockpicking kit to practice with. That’s dedication!

One thing that definitely won’t be changing, though, is Naughty Dog’s approach to the series’ iconic action set pieces — some of the most memorable moments in gaming. “We obviously love them,” Margenau teased, adding that The Lost Legacy will include set pieces that do “things we’ve never done.” Sorry folks — I couldn’t squeeze anything more out of him than that.

To Catch a Thief

It’s worth noting that The Lost Legacy, which will be launching later this year as a standalone game, will be a lengthier experience than The Last of Us: Left Behind, but shorter than Uncharted 4.

As for fans hoping for a Nathan Drake cameo in The Lost Legacy? “We entertained a few possible ideas around including Nate as a secondary character,” Scherr explained. “But everything we did felt superfluous because we tied it all up with Uncharted 4.” Margenau was even more direct. “We’re not going to touch on Nathan Drake in this, at all.” So, uh, maybe don’t hold your breath.

“You can sort of imagine Drake sitting on the couch playing Crash Bandicoot while Chloe and Nadine are off galavanting,” Scherr joked. “Yeah, the Crash Bandicoot remaster,” Margenau added.

Sid Shuman Director - SIEA Social Media


《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》获SXSW 2016年度游戏奖

  在昨日于德克萨斯州奥斯汀举办的SXSW游戏颁奖典礼上,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》荣获年度游戏大奖。在其他颁奖机构中多次获得年度游戏奖项的《斗阵特攻》也获得了SXSW的多个奖项。


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