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【PS3/PS4/Vita/X360/XO/PC】Child of Light









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-8-19 07:07 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-21 07:12 AM 编辑

Google Cache reveals info on Ubisoft’s Xbox One Kinect game Fighter Within

育碧新作《Fighter Within》曝光预计科隆公开

  育碧的全新作品《Fighter Within》近日在官网泄露出来。此款游戏很有可能将会在科隆游戏展上发布。






  在2010年的时候,育碧曾发行过一个Xbox 360独占的格斗游戏《格斗解禁(Fighters Uncaged)》。

Unleash your inner fighter to beat your friends with your bare knuckles

Discover Fighter Within, the next-gen game that provides you the excitement of a real fight, throwing you into the most immersive total-body combat experience ever made. Enter a world of sweat, timing and training thanks to kick-ass motion recognition. Brawling with your friends will never feel the same again.

Test your real fighting skills thanks to the next gen of motion recognition. The new Kinect technology arms Fighter Within with realistic fighting moves using unprecedented 1 to 1 precision movement tracking.

Enter a brutal, physical and liberating world. New-gen jaw-dropping graphics, real-time wounds, sweat & facial impacts, extreme arenas environments, primal animations… The new Xbox One Kinect allows you to dive into a unique realistic experience and feel the fight. All you expect from a next gen fighting game is there.

Earn your bragging rights over your friends by proving your real fighting skills!

• True friends don’t pull their punches: Let off some steam and earn your bragging rights over your best mates in ultra-raw fighting sessions. New Kinect’s power dramatically improves the multiplayer experience, allowing you to invite and defy your friends over a good fight right in your living room, or to compete online against the world to become the ultimate fighter.

• Reveal your abilities: Kicks, punches, counters, throws, combos, special moves, everything you expect from a fighting game is there: Execute precise and amazing combos thanks to the new Kinect and use the huge diversity of gameplay to choose between core combat or special attacks to destroy your opponents.

• Think first, hit after: Skills are not enough to win a match, superior fighting tactics will give you the upper hand. Use your surroundings to your advantage, collect totems and position them wisely in the arena to power up your attacks, choose the right moves and signature attacks that will undermine your rival and finish him off with a devastating final blow.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-9-10 07:17 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-11 06:43 PM 编辑

Ubisoft Unveils Child of Light


Ubisoft's Child of Light Steps Out of The Shadows

Today, at its Digital Days event, Ubisoft shared more details about Child of Light, a digital title to be released in 2014 on current and next-generation platforms as well as PC.

The game is being created by a small team of seasoned developers based in Ubisoft Montreal. Child of Light has been developed on Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework, a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists to bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted unedited into the game world. In Child of Light, the effect is that playing becomes akin to stepping into an interactive painting.

Child of Light is a reimagining of classic fairytales, inviting players on an epic adventure into the magical painted world of Lemuria. Players will uncover mysteries, participate in turn-by-turn combat inspired by classic JRPGs, and explore the mystical kingdom. The game puts players in the shoes of Aurora, a child stolen from her home, who, in her quest to return, must bring back the sun, the moon and the stars held captive by the mysterious Queen of the Night. Helped by her companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears, including dragons and other mystical creatures in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.

“Ubisoft’s strengths include its diversity and the freedom it gives its creative teams,” said Patrick Plourde, Creative Director, Ubisoft. “We want Child of Light to be like a playable poem, a love letter to art and video games."

The kingdom of Lemuria is in despair

The Black Queen has stolen the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. You play as Aurora, a young princess with a pure heart whose soul is brought to the kingdom of Lemuria. Embark on a quest to recapture the three sources of light, defeat the Black Queen and restore the kingdom of Lemuria.

Key Features

• An Adventure Waits! - Created by the talented team of Ubisoft Montréal using the UbiArt Framework, Child of Light is an RPG inspired by fairy tales. Take an extraordinary journey through the vast world of Lemuria and explore its mythical environments, interact with its inhabitants as you discover new locations and their secrets.

• The breathing world of Lemuria - Across your experience through Lemuria you will meet encounters that you will remember, from friendly fairies and gnomes to vile wolves and dark dragons.

• Fight monsters and evil mythical creatures - Aurora has the power to fight creatures from the dark and to restore the Stolen Lights. Fight alongside the Igniculus in Active Time Battle Systems.
Your firefly ally can be controlled by another player, so you can live this adventure with your friends.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... -of-light-hands-on/


  日前育碧公司正式公开了旗下新作《光之子(Child of Light)》,这是一款下载游戏,将登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台。

  本作将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室中的一个小团队来负责开发,由育碧的强大新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造,能够让程序员和设计师们实现自己心目中的种种想法,让他们能够将原本的艺术概念图逐渐在游戏世界中变为现实。在《光之子》中,游戏就像是变成了互动的画卷一样。


  育碧的创意总监Patrick Plourde表示:“育碧的长处就在于能够给予创作团队以多样性和自由性。我们想让《光之子》变成一部可玩的诗篇,一封献给艺术和视频游戏的情书。”




  冒险:《光之子》将由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造,其灵感则来自于童话故事式的RPG游戏。玩家们将在利莫里亚的广阔天地中展开一场不平凡的旅程,探索神秘的世界,与当地居民产生互动,并发现新地点和他们的秘密。




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-9-11 06:44 PM |只看该作者
Child of Light Q&A

    Child of Light Digital Days 2013 Q&A - Answered by: Patrick Plourde, Creative Director & Jeffrey Yohalem, Scriptwriter

    Q: What is Child of Light?

    A: Child of Light is a 2D RPG using Ubi Art Framework, the Rayman Origins Engine. The original idea was to make a game where we play on living paintings, a ‘playable poem’. A game that feels soft and inviting where I’m free to explore and discover it. You mix it with my love for JRPGs like the FinalFantasy and Grandia series and you have the foundations of what the game is today.

    Q: What were your inspirations to create the Child of Light’s universe?

    A: In 2007, I went to see the ‘Once upon a Time… Walt Disney’ exposition at the Art Museum here in Montreal. Looking at the references , from Arthur Rackham to Kay NielsenDisney used to create its classic movies was really inspiring to me. The idea that stuck with me was to, one day, uses those references and have a chance to do my personal take on it.

    Fairy Tales strong use of Symbols makes them universal and open to be reinterpreted. The idea is to use those symbols that live in our collective ‘DNA’ and to spin them in a tale that feels modern: An active heroine, no prince charming at the end, focused on the idea that we need to grow up, leave home and take responsibility to make a change in the world.

    That was the initial spark toward building the universe of Lemuria.

    Q: What is the story of Child of Light?

    A: Child of Light is the story of a young girl, Aurora, who falls ill, but instead of dying she wakes up in another world. The game is about her struggle to return home.

    Q: Jeffrey, how did you write the script?

    A: The script is written in verse, largely in ballad form. It’s exciting and challenging to work within such a rigid structure. Pat and I developed the story together in October, and I’ve been working on it since.

    Because the text in the game is largely written, not spoken, my goal is to pack as much meaning into as few words as possible. Much of the story is told through gameplay, the story’s evolution is tightly linked with Aurora’s evolution.

    It’s also important that I remain flexible. The script changes during the development process. As the
    levels of the game evolve, the script evolves. We’re working in tandem.

    Q: Patrick, as the creative director, can you tell us what are the key challenges you are facing while developing Child of Light?

    A: Self Doubt. That’s always the main issue. Is it a good idea? Is it going to be fun? Is it relevant? I follow my heart and my guts, but since this project is more personal, I feel naked sometimes. I hope players will fall in love with the game.

    Otherwise, the switch from 3D to 2D was another big challenge. In 2D, you can’t lie. Everything exist on the screen, you can’t turn the camera around to reveal something or to tease. It’s all there on the screen. All my design reflexes in previous games were built on using 3D to tease exploration, to generate Gameplay challenges, etc…, so that was something that hit me hard when we started to play the prototypes. But don’t worry, I got over it!

    Q: For which public did you create this game?

    A: Primarily the game is a love letter to JRPG fans. That’s our core audience. We hope we can reach players that haven’t played the genre in a while and rekindle their love for this type of adventure, players who were raised on the golden age of Squaresoft.

    I also feel we can make an impact with women. There’s a serious lack of representation of strong female leads in games and I feel we can make a difference.

    Q: What did the UbiArt Framework bring to the game?

    A: The first advantage is that we can produce a lot of content with a small team in a reasonable time frame. Something that we could NEVER have done in 3D. When you make a JRPG, it requires a LOT of assets, both in the number of environments and enemies, something that would have required a much bigger team. Going with UAF gives us the opportunity to create the game we want, and take more creative risks. For example, we can actually draw a character in the morning, and have it animated and working in the engine in the afternoon. It’s better for iterations and allow us to create a full bestiary.

    The other one is that we can create a rich High Definition world in 2D, in 60 FPS. The tools for the artists are really great so that will enable our team to create a really magical world.

    Q: You both worked on Far Cry 3 before Child of Light. Why create such a different game? Are there some common points between the two projects?

    A: [PP] Child of Light is the complete opposite from FC3. That was my conscious goal from the start. Something soft, poetic and feminine. I think these are themes that are a) fascinating, and B) underrepresented in games. So I wanted to explore them.

    Creators are like Sharks, we die if we stop moving. Child of Light is about pressing the reset button, starting fresh and risk everything on something that I never did before.

    [JY] They both are coming-of-age stories set in dream worlds. The worlds themselves are very different, but the journey is one of self-discovery. We wanted to tell a different kind of story than a first-person shooter would allow. Try to create a new experience.

    Q: What would you like to be the emotion that people will keep in their mind after finishing Child of

    A: [PP] Happiness. I hope they will feel they went on a Journey with Aurora and that they believe in the magic of Fairy Tales.

    [JY] Joy. The triumph of the human spirit.

    Q: Why Child of Light is a digital title? On which platforms the game will be released?

    Digital means that we have the possibility to reach directly our consumers. We can be as creative as we want without worrying about competing for self space. Its all about our relationship with the fans. I hope we won’t disappoint them.

    Our goal is that gamers can have easy access to our game. The game will come on PS4, PS3, Xbox
    One, Xbox 360, PC and WiiU!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-9-11 06:46 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-9-12 06:17 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-13 07:43 PM 编辑

育碧称《光之子》流程超10小时 价值60美元

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。本作是一款下载游戏,将于2014年登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台。日前育碧透露了本作的一点新情报,其中提到游戏的流程长度至少10小时,且具有60美元的价值。

  在接受OXM的采访时,育碧的创意总监Patrick Plourde强调了《光之子》的独特吸引力。他表示虽然本作只是一款下载游戏,但它还是能够提供长达10小时的游戏时间,而育碧亦表示他们会挑战所有下载游戏都很小且没价值的偏见。




“You see some small games and say, ‘you’re doing a cheap rip-off of some FPS, I’m going to play Call of Duty instead’. But by going off on a different angle, the more different we are, it’s like OK – this is original, and it’s entertaining, and people are looking for that.”
“The Walking Dead and Journey, for them, I’m really grateful, because they changed the perception, and it’s going to evolve more and more. There’s this perception that if it’s not on a disc or it doesn’t retail for 60 dollars, it’s not worth it. And that mentality is changing. For me Child of Light is as valuable is a 60 dollar game and it’s as long, it’s a long game – more than 10 hours, easily. Just the demo you can play for like an hour, and the demo is the smallest chunk we could do that would show a boss fight.”

- Child of Light creative director Patrick Plourde

News:http://www.oxm.co.uk/62116/child ... 0-dollar-game/#null


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-11-13 07:20 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-14 08:56 PM 编辑

Child of Light Developer Walkthrough


Ubisoft Releases Child of Light Walkthrough With Lead Programmer Brianna Code

Ubisoft released today a walk-through trailer with lead programmer Brianna Code, offering an inside look at the turn based RPG set in the magical world of Lemuria.

The game is created by a small team of seasoned developers based in Ubisoft Montreal. Child of Light has been developed on Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework, a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted unedited into the game world. In Child of Light, the effect is that playing becomes akin to stepping into an interactive painting.

Child of Light is a re-imagining of classic fairy-tales, inviting players on an epic adventure into the magical painted world of Lemuria. Players will uncover mysteries, participate in turn-by-turn combat inspired by classic JRPGs, and explore a mystical kingdom. The game puts players in the shoes of Aurora, a child stolen from her home, who, in her quest to return, must bring back the sun, the moon and the stars held captive by the mysterious Queen of the Night. Helped by her companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears, including dragons and other mystical creatures in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.

Brianna Code has more than 10 years of games programming experience, until recently focusing on AI in AAA games. She started at Relic Entertainment in Vancouver on the critically acclaimed RTS Company of Heroes, moved to Pandemic Studios in Australia, and returned to Canada to join Ubisoft Montreal in building the Assassin’s Creed franchise with AC2, AC Brotherhood, and AC3. Very interested in contemporary art and design, she has also exhibited photography and procedurally generated art in Vancouver and Montreal. Brianna is currently Lead Programmer on Child of Light.

Child of Light details

- Combat system has traditional elements but has a twist
- Game rewards clever thinking over button-pushing dexterity
- One level takes place in a subterranean network of caves back with big spiders and three-legged archers
- One player can play as Aurora while another controls the floating spark sidekick Igniculus
- Head through the caves and battle enemies
- Combat system based largely on the system from Grandia 2
- Sneak up on enemies in order to gain an advantage in battle
- Can attack first if you drop on enemies from above or behind
- Battles are set on several raised platforms
- Platforms were inspired by the designs of opera sets
- Bar at the bottom screen tracks the amount of time between each combatant’s attack
- Small pictures of each combatant will move along the bar as they prepare to attack
- At the end of the bar is a smaller bar colored red
- Characters that are attacked while their picture is in the red zone will have their attack “interrupted”
- This resets their charging time and starting them over from the beginning of the bar
- Dialogue is structured like an epic ballad
- Every second and fourth line in its poem-like structure rhyme
- Yohalem wrote the first 10 pages of the script before he realized it “had to be a poem”
- He then decided to write the script directly into poem format

“We wanted to create something minimalistic that would welcome new [JRPG] players in. We wanted to show people how we felt with the games we had growing up, and we feel there’s an audience out there who has never played a game like this. Then there are people who miss games like this. We wanted to create a deep, passionate story and world that would welcome new players to this type of game.”
“Battles are based on cleverness, not dexterity — they require a lot of logic and strategy. You win fights and earn rewards based on cleverness.

“Video games are still in their infancy, so this might not prove true on the future, but I feel gameplay evolves through society, not an individual. I think it’s difficult for an individual to create a fun game, let’s say — it’s something that evolves organically over centuries, like chess. It takes time to develop these rules, and I think we have a toolbox of mechanics that we know are fun and interesting and as designers we play with those mechanics.

“If you go off and create something that doesn’t build on that any of those, it’s difficult to create something that people enjoy playing. It’s great to create something from nowhere, but most of the time you make that thing and then players go, ‘We like what you’re trying to do but we’ll stop after five minutes.’ We know here we have something people miss and that people love. We can build on it.”


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-2-7 07:30 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-7 07:24 PM 编辑

Child of Light Coming April 30, Features Trailer

  育碧今天确认《光之子》具体发售日期为2014年4月30日,同时育碧官方也公布了该作最新预告片,这款RPG游戏背景设定在利莫里亚魔法世界。游戏将在XBOX LIVE,STEAM,任天堂eshop以及PSN上架,登陆平台为PS3,PS4,XBOX360,XB1,Wii U以及PC。



Ubisoft Announces Release Date and New Trailer for Child of Light

Ubisoft confirmed today that Child of Light will release on April 30, 2014 and has also released a new trailer for the turn based RPG set in the magical world of Lemuria. The game will be available for download for $14.99 on Microsoft Xbox Live for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Microsoft Xbox One, the Sony PlayStation Network for the Sony PlayStation 3 and Sony PlayStation 4, the Nintendo eShop for the Wii U, and Steam for PC.

The game is created by a small team of seasoned developers based in Ubisoft Montreal. Child of Light has been developed on Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework, a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted unedited into the game world. In Child of Light, the effect is that playing becomes akin to stepping into an interactive painting.

Child of Light is a reimagining of classic fairytales, inviting players on an epic adventure into the magical painted world of Lemuria. Players will uncover mysteries, participate in turn-by-turn combat inspired by classic JRPGs, and explore a mystical kingdom. The game puts players in the shoes of Aurora, a child stolen from her home, who, in her quest to return, must bring back the sun, the moon and the stars held captive by the mysterious Queen of the Night. Helped by her companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears, including dragons and other mystical creatures in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-3-6 07:21 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-6 06:24 PM 编辑

Child of Light Co-op Trailer, Deluxe Edition Revealed
《光之子》预告片一览 豪华版内容公布

   育碧日前公布了RPG游戏《光之子》豪华版的信息以及数字版的发售日期,游戏将于2014年4月30日发售,豪华版也会同时发售,对应平台为PS3,PS4和PC。豪华版现在已经可以开始预订了。不过目前只有英国和欧洲地区购买而已。《光之子》豪华版将包含独占内容,包括一张由日本著名艺术家天野喜孝的设计的海报,一本24页的艺术图册和一个Igniculus钥匙环。游戏售价为11.99美元,对应平台为XBOX 360,XBOX ONE,WiiU,PC。‘’

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。近日育碧公开了本作的最新宣传片,为大家展示了本作多人合作模式的一些细节,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。《光之子》是由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的一款下载游戏,使用新引擎UbiArt Framework打造。据悉本作的流程长度至少有10个小时,具有60美元的价值。


Ubisoft Announces The Child of Light Deluxe Edition

Today, Ubisoft announced that Child of Light, the poetic turn-based RPG that will release digitally on April 30th, 2014, will also be available the same day in retail as a Deluxe Edition on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and on Windows PC. This Deluxe Edition is available for pre-orders right now and will be available in the UK and other EMEA territories only.

The Child of Light Deluxe Edition will contain exclusive content, including a poster designed by Yoshitaka Amano, the renowned Japanese artist, a 24 page art book with unrevealed artwork and an Igniculus key ring. This boxed edition will also include additional game content, with a bonus quest, a new character and a pack of collectibles.

Additionally, the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of the game, both in retail and digital, will benefit from the cross-buy option. Therefore, players buying Child of Light on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 will be able to play the game on both platforms at no additional cost.

Child of Light is created by a small team of seasoned developers based in Ubisoft Montreal. It has been developed on Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework, a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted unedited into the game world. In Child of Light, the effect is akin to stepping into an interactive painting.

Child of Light is a reimagining of classic fairytales, inviting players on an epic adventure into the magical painted world of Lemuria. Players will uncover mysteries, participate in turn-by-turn combat inspired by classic JRPGs, and explore a mystical kingdom. The game puts players in the shoes of Aurora, a child stolen from her home, who, in her quest to return, must bring back the sun, the moon and the stars held captive by the Queen of the Night. Helped by her companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears, including dragons and other mystical creatures, in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.

The game will be available for download on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the eShop from Nintendo for the Wii U, and PC Digital, at the price of £11.99.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-3-19 07:30 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-19 06:14 PM 编辑

《光之子》开发者日志影像 介绍游戏基本要素

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。日前官方公开了一段全新的幕后开发影像,通过几位游戏开发组成员为大家介绍了本作的开发过程,并展示了游戏中的各种要素,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。

  《光之子》是由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的一款下载游戏,使用新引擎UbiArt Framework打造。据悉本作的流程长度至少有10个小时,具有60美元的价值。游戏将于2014年4月30日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU和PC平台,售价为14.99美元。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-4-4 08:50 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-5 03:40 PM 编辑

《光之子》新截图及艺术图公开 展示精美场景

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。日前官方再度公开了本作的一些新截图,主要包含游戏的场景、战斗画面和艺术设定图,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  《光之子》是由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的一款下载游戏,使用新引擎UbiArt Framework打造。据悉本作的流程长度至少有10个小时,具有60美元的价值。游戏将于2014年4月30日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU和PC平台,售价为14.99美元。



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