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【新闻部】杂谈游戏 -









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-10 10:01 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-11 04:49 PM 编辑

Fantasy RPG Caravan Stories coming to PS4 in 2019 in Japan
奇幻在线 RPG《卡拉邦 CARAVAN STORIES》预计 2019 年免费登陆 PS4 平台
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/168035.html

  Aiming 艾鸣游戏于 9 月 10 日举行的发表会「PlayStation LineUp Tour」当中,宣布现正于 PC / iOS / Android 平台营运中的 MMORPG《卡拉邦 CARAVAN STORIES(キャラバンス トーリーズ)》即将推出 PS4 版,预计 2019 年以基本免费的方式提供游玩,仅提供下载版。



  《卡拉邦 CARAVAN STORIES》是一款主打高画质的手机在线 RPG,亦有推出 PC 计算机版。 玩家可以在各种不同的地图场景中自由移动,并与交通工具「卡拉邦」以及伙伴们一起踏上旅途。 游戏内有人类、精灵、矮人、兽人、盖西、蜥蜴人等 6 大种族,还有超过 100 种的幻兽登场。




游戏内有超过 80 种的大型地图可以自由走动



分属 6 种族的伙伴们会在以全 3D 演出的故事内登场




Caravan Stories, the free-to-play fantasy RPG currently available for smartphones and PC in Japan, is coming to PlayStation 4 in 2019, developer Aiming announced.

In Caravan Stories, players can freely walk around a beautiful world, and enjoy an adventure with friends and their “Caravan” travel companion that players can arrange as they please. There are six races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gessy, Orc, and Lizarman), and more than 100 types of animals and fantasy creatures. There are more than 80 maps with full 360 degree camera rotation. The story between the six races is thoroughly told in full 3D.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-12 05:58 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-12 07:29 PM 编辑

Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition Coming to PS4 and Xbox One on September 25
《空洞骑士 虚空之心版》9月25日登陆主机平台

  开发者Team Cherry宣布《空洞骑士:虚空之心版》将于9月25日在PS4和Xbox One平台上发售。PS4版目前已开启预购,PS+会员可享受20%的折扣。



  《空洞骑士》的实体版将于2019年春季在PS4、Xbox One以及NS平台上发售。


Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition Releasing on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One September 25th!

Gang! We’re hugely excited to reveal Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition, arriving digitally, for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players on September 25th!

You asked for it, and with the help of Sony and Microsoft (and our buds Shark Jump on porting duty) it’s all happening!

Pre-orders are available for PS4 owners in certain regions right now, with a 20% discount for PlayStation Plus members.

So what’s packed in with Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition?

• The original award winning action-adventure. Journey through vast lands. Defeat over 150 deadly foes, including over 40 epic bosses. Power-up with startling new skills and abilities.
• 4 giant Content Packs, built in at launch, expanding the game with all new quests, terrifying boss fights and striking new abilities. Hours of additional content, additional challenges and additional bugs (the insect kind!). That’s Hidden Dreams, The Grimm Troupe, Lifeblood and the colossal Godmaster.

That’s it! We’re keeping it short and sharp. Get your adventuring skills honed and ready. Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition is almost here!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-12 06:15 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-12 06:31 PM 编辑

Taipei-set anime-style action game Dusk Diver announced for Switch, PC


Taiwanese publisher JFi Games and developer JERA Game Studio have announced Dusk Diver, a new action game for Switch and PC (Steam) set in Taipei’s Ximending neighborhood. It will launch in spring 2019.

Get the first details below.

Dusk Diver depicts the adventure that unfolds when protagonist Yang Yumo, a seemingly ordinary high school girl, gets caught up in a strange incident while shopping with friends in Taipei’s Ximending neighborhood.

Ximending is one of the fashion trendsetting areas of Taiwan, as well as a popular spot for sightseeing. Starting at Ximen MRT Station Exit 6, the game reporduces the distinctive streets of Ximending with an anime touch to create a familiar, yet somewhat mysterious world.

The reason the development team chose Ximending as the game’s setting is not only because it is a popular tourist spot, but also because it is where an ancient Taipei castle once stood, where various stories have been cultivated for over a century, and because it is a special town where traditional and modern, and culture and fashion intersect. In order to create a bustling Ximending within the game, the development team has gone through the town many times over, and tried its best to grasp as much of its characteristics and atmosphere as possible.

Visit the game’s official website https://duskdiver.jfigames.com/index.html

《圣域对决》台湾团队新作《酉闪町》曝光 一个人的西门町冒险即将展开
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/168097.html

  由《圣域对决》台湾开发团队 JFI Games 竞锋国际自制研发单机动作游戏新作《酉闪町(Dusk Diver)》首度曝光,并宣布将于下周在 2018 东京电玩展「商务会议区」亮相。 今(12)日,官方抢先公开游戏预告影片、场景角色图,以及故事背景。


还原西门町真实街景 忠实展现在地风华

  《酉闪町》为 JFI Games 竞锋国际产品开发二处团队历经多时所设计出的一款单机动作游戏,以台北观光文化重镇西门町为故事舞台的单机游戏,故事以捷运西门站 6 号出口为起点, 并强调透过以动漫风格笔触呈现出的既真实又疏离的奇幻世界观,来真实还原西门町街头风貌。


西门町 6 号出口游戏实机截图

  开发团队表示,之所以会选择西门町,除了具国际观光知名度外,前身为古台北城所在地,百年来的故事与兴衰,也使得西门町同时融合了传统与现代,呈现兼具文化背景与时尚流行的特殊风情。 而为了在游戏中重现西门闹区的繁华景象,并提升玩家游戏代入感,团队特地于西门町地毯式的收集各种信息,努力呈现出完整街头景色。




动漫风动作单机新作 2019 年春季预定

  本作故事主角是一位普通的女高中生,有一天与朋友相约西门町逛街的时,意外地被卷入了突发事件,从此展开了紧张刺激的冒险篇章。 将玩家透过操纵女主角「阳语默」行动,与守护神「李欧」在异世界一起斩妖除魔,阻止邪物入侵人界的危机。 对战时玩家除了能感受角色连段攻击的爽快感,还能从招式搭配中尝试不同组合攻略的乐趣。



  PC、NS《酉闪町》预计于 2019 年春季陆续登上 Steam 及 Switch 平台。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-13 05:10 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-13 08:41 PM 编辑

Ultra Age official fact sheet, TGS 2018 demo gameplay, and screenshots
《Ultra Age》发布 东京电玩展 2018 八分钟试玩演示

  由韩国发行商 Intragames 今日发布了 PS4 平台快节奏 Roguelike 类动作新作《Ultra Age》一段东京电玩展 2018  试玩内容的八分钟演示视频,并公开了本作的故事背景。

  《Ultra Age》背景设定中随着等离子体聚变反应器的小型化和人工智能技术的发展,人类已经建立了一个没有战争、没有饥荒的完美乌托邦。即便随着全球变暖导致的海平面升高以及地壳变化,人类在性能卓越的等离子体设施中依然过着毫无危机感的生活。



  《Ultra Age》在今年 3 月初曾在韩国举行的 PlayStation Arena 等活动中展示过,游戏以虚幻4引擎开发,以“高质量的视觉效果”和“令人难以置信的组合动作”为特色。并且在东京电玩展2018 上将会首次面向全球玩家提供试玩。

  《Ultra Age》预计在2019年登陆PS4平台,支持简繁体中文。


Intragames and has released an official fact sheet and new screenshots for Ultra Age, the upcoming “high-speed action roguelike” for PlayStation 4 from developers Next Stage and Visual Dart. Additionally, Konsoler has posted eight minutes of footage from the Tokyo Game Show 2018 gameplay demo.

Get the fact sheet below.


Mankind has established a perfect utopia due to the miniaturization of plasma fusion reactor and the development of AI technology. As a result of learning and developing on their own, mankind had created an optimal environment, a world that has no conflict and famine has arrived.

Unexplained and sudden rise in temperature lead to sea level overload and diastrophism brought critical situation to mankind. However, thanks to the excellence performance of A.Is, mankind was living their normal lives without the sense of crisis.

But as the giant meteor scape along the earth, the plasma facility exploded causing the ecosystem to collapse leading to a resource supply deficiency. Thus, a group of scientists called the Frontier commenced the Earth Purification Project to preserve humanity, and the survivors was dispersed into earth’s shelter and cosmic orbital arc.

As time flew by the earth resources were lacking making the Frontier to decide to stop all supplies to the Orbital Arc. They commence an experiment to give last hope of humanity…

1086 years later, a person called ‘Age’ falls to earth from the Universe.

Key Features

The first fight for survival – Age on his arrival to earth begins an adventure to find something indispensable for the survival of mankind. But what is waiting ahead of him was a threat by the mutant creatures, organisms and specimens left on the desolate earth, and machines that became aggressive due to programming errors attacking him. Will age find what he wants and return to where he should be?

Exquisite combat system – Attack endlessly on the ground or in the air and evade at the just timing to keep the combo. Continue the combo by quickly narrowing the gap between enemies using the wire. When all the battle techniques have been mastered, you will experience the pleasure of action only available in Ultra Age alone.

Master the Sword – A battle system that allows you to change your sword real time, bring down enemies in rapid tempo gives you the best combat experience you never had before. The special skills that is usable before your sword durability is done gives you the overwhelming power to turn the table around in the most critical situations. Identify the characteristics of the sword, and fight the enemy with the most effective strategy of your own.
Trilateral, strategic selection – You will find different species of Ultra Age monsters fighting for their territory. Will you take advantage of these fights or will you choose to strategically bypass it? It is up to you to explore the situation and make your future plans.

Rich natural environment – There are a variety of environments, such as lush forests, blazing desserts, thick rain forest as well as desolate waste factories that is occupied by no one. See for yourself how the devastated Earth has become.
Ultra Age is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2019.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-13 10:01 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-13 10:05 PM |只看该作者
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story launches September 28 for PS4 in Europe, October 2 for PS4, Switch, and PC worldwide


Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story will launch for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Europe, and for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC worldwide on October 2, publisher PQube and developer Agate Studio announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via PQube:


Putting you in the shoes of a newly appointed principal, your role in Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story is to build and manage an academy to train the heroes, mages and adventurers of tomorrow! This also means that everyday decisions lie in your hand: Do you tell a student that’s late for class off or make an indulgent exception? Will you only accept the best and brightest upstarts or also give apprentices with bad stats a chance to prove their potential? Help them develop into the greatest heroes they can be, guiding them through three core disciplines and six specialized sub-classes:

• Knight: Armored students with strong physiques to bear the brunt of melee combat.
• Magi: Highly intelligent students who command powerful magic.
• Scout: Stealthy and dexterous students, perfect for hidden strikes.
• Arc Draconus: Knights who trained with dragons and lived.
• Arquebusier: Scouts who excel in marksmanship.
• Scholarsage: Magi who study the arcane knowledge of the world.
• Harlequin: Scouts who practice acting and acrobatics.
• Paladin: Knights who have been anointed to protect others.
• Medica: Magi who master the arts of healing.

Key Features

• Build and manage your school infrastructure: From the dormitories your students sleep in, to the classrooms where they learn – there are over 20 buildings and facilities you can build and upgrade to make your school!
• School rooms and extensions: The lifeblood of your school, these include the likes of classrooms, libraries, cafeterias and practice rooms. Improving these will help make your students more powerful!
• Out buildings and school grounds: Open-air theatres, blacksmiths, dormitories and training grounds! These facilities will help your students feel at home or provide them with the means to craft powerful weapons!
• Quests and missions: Sending your students out on quests is the best way to get them ready for the world!
• Take control: You can send students on quests unsupervised or take control of them directly, battling and adventuring in real time! Slay monsters for XP and search areas for materials and loot!
• Party strategy: Switch students on the fly, tell party members to stand their ground or attack – using the correct strategy in battle will mean the difference between success and failure!
• Graduate the best: Your finest students can’t stay in school forever! The highest achieving students are your prized asset – with powerful mages, priests and warriors earning your school great rewards!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-14 04:24 PM |只看该作者
Nickelodeon Kart Racers debut trailer


GameMill Entertainment has released the first trailer for Nickelodeon Kart Racers.

The upcoming racing game featured playable characters from Nickelodeon animated series SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, and more as they race across 24 different tracks.

Nickelodeon Kart Racers is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch this holiday season.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-18 11:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-18 08:04 PM 编辑

Tetris Effect launches November 9
水口哲也领军打造新作《俄罗斯方块效应》确定 11 月初上市

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/168399.html

  由以《Rez》、《Lumines》等作品闻名的水口哲也领军的 Enhance 工作室打造的益智新作《俄罗斯方块效应(Tetris Effect)》将于 11 月 9 日登陆 PS4 平台。

  《俄罗斯方块效应》是由曾创作《太空第 5 频道》、《Rez》、《Lumines》、《伊甸之子》等独特声光艺术风格游戏的日本知名游戏创作者水口哲也所领军的开发工作室打造新作,以畅销 1 亿 7000 万套的经典方块益智游戏《俄罗斯方块 》为题材。

  游戏将收录从深邃的海洋到一望无垠的外层空间等不同背景的 30 多个关卡,会依照玩家的游玩方式产生回馈并演化,让玩家彻底融入此一惊奇世界。 不论背景元素、声音、游戏特效,还是方块本身的节拍、舞蹈、闪烁、产生的音乐和爆炸等,一切都将与玩家的游玩方式完美同步呈现。

  该作品于 E3 前首次发表,近日确定游戏 PS4 将于 11 月 9 日上市,并同时支持 PSVR 功能,更多细节将于之后公开。



Tetris Effect will launch for PlayStation 4 on November 9, developer Enhance Games announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:


Named after a real-world phenomenon where players’ brains are so engrossed that images of the iconic falling Tetrimino blocks (i.e. the Tetris playing pieces) linger in their vision, thoughts, and even dreams, Tetris Effect amplifies this magical feeling of total immersion by surrounding you with fantastic, fully three-dimensional worlds that react and evolve based on how you play. Music, backgrounds, sounds, special effects—everything, down to the Tetris pieces themselves, pulse, dance, shimmer, and explode in perfect sync with how you’re playing.

From deep beneath the ocean to the furthest reaches of outer space and everywhere between, Tetris Effect’s 30-plus stages take players on a wondrous, emotional journey through the universe. The core of the game is still Tetris—one of the most popular puzzle games of all time—but like you’ve never seen it, or heard it, or felt it before.

Play it on either a PS4 and standard display, or up to 4K and 60fps on a PS4 Pro, or optionally in mind-blowing 3D via PS VR!

Key Features

Get in the Zone – Includes the all-new “Zone” mechanic, where players can stop time (and Tetriminos falling) by entering “the Zone” and either get out of a sticky situation that could otherwise lead to “Game Over,” or rack up extra line clears for bonus rewards.

Level Up – Over 30 different stages, each with its own music, sound effects, graphical style and background that all evolve and change as you play through them.

PS4 or PS4 Pro (and optional PS VR!) – Fully playable on either a standard display (up to 4K and 60fps on a PS4 Pro), or optionally in mind-blowing 3D on PS VR.

Play Your Way – Fan-favorite modes like Marathon, Sprint, and Ultra, with more all-new modes and other features to be revealed before launch.

Timeless. Endless. – A player grading and leveling system as well as variable difficulty to encourage and reward replayability.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-18 11:21 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-18 07:22 PM 编辑

Survival horror game Silver Chains announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
恐怖冒险游戏《银链》宣传视频公开 2019年春季推出

  第一人称怖冒险游戏《银链(Silver Chains)》今日公开了一段游戏宣传影像,本作将使用类“PT”的游戏风格,玩家将在对于前往未知的情况下探索自己周围所发生的神秘事件,去发现这一切背后隐藏的真相。

  本作预计2019年春季发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One、Switch和PC平台。


Publisher Headup Games and developer Cracked Heads Games have announced Silver Chains, a survival horror title due out in spring 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.

Here is an overview of the game, via Headup Games:


Silver Chains is a first-person horror game with a strong emphasis on story and exploration. Search for clues within an old abandoned manor to unravel the truth about the terrible events which happened here.

After a mysterious accident, Peter wakes up inside of an abandoned mansion, located in rural England. Not knowing how or why he ended up here, he soon begins to realize that he is not alone. As Peter tries to find his way out, he starts to uncover the dark secrets of what happened in this place. More disturbingly, he discovers hints indicating that he had been here before.

Solve puzzles to find out how you are connected to the mysteries of this place. But be careful: the evil haunting this place has already picked up your trail…

Key Features

An atmospheric horror experience: photo-realistic & detailed graphics bring the interior of an old abandoned mansion to life and an eerie soundtrack will fully immerse you into the game.

Story-exploration-game with puzzle- and action elements: Unravel the mysteries of a huge mansion and gain entry into its hidden areas by solving puzzles

Beware the dangers lurking in the dark. This evil you cannot fight – run for your life or find a place to hide: Experience intense feelings of horror as you try to escape from the monster chasing you down.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-18 06:07 PM |只看该作者
Fighting EX Layer physical edition launches December 6 in Japan

The physical edition of Fighting EX Layer will launch for PlayStation 4 on December 6 in Japan for 8,208 yen. It will include downloadable content as a special favor.

The arcade version of the game is also planned to begin service across Japanese game centers in late November.

Fighting EX Layer is available now worldwide via the PlayStation Store. Plans for a physical edition have not been announced outside of Japan.


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