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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-31 07:05 AM |只看该作者
The Bard’s Tale IV: Barrows Deep personalities trailer


inXile Entertainment has released a new trailer for The Bard’s Tale IV: Barrows Deep highlighting some of the over 350 fully-voiced characters players will meet in the game.

The Bard’s Tale IV: Barrows Deep is due out for PC on September 28, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later in 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-31 10:31 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 07:29 PM 编辑



PS4《逃离地狱:重生》繁中版今日发售 扮演 “吞噬者” 与死亡英雄的灵魂踏上史诗冒险
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/167743.html

  H2 Interactive 宣布,今(3)日正式发售,由 Games Farm s.r.o. 制作的动作角色扮演游戏《逃离地狱:重生(Shadows: Awaekning)》PS4 繁体中文版。 支持语言为繁体中文、英文和韩文 。

  《逃离地狱:重生》是一款采用实时战斗的独特俯视视角单人 RPG。 玩家将操作一只由影界被召唤而来的恶魔 “吞噬者”,吞噬死亡英雄的灵魂,并踏上一场史诗冒险。 游戏充满具挑战性的内容、扣人心弦的故事剧情、赏心悦目的画面。 如果玩家有足以掌控异教诸国的凝聚力以及智能,能召集自己的团队,利用各个英雄的强大能力作战。 但最终,发号施令的究竟是恶魔,还是被他所吞噬的英雄呢。 这个世界已经命悬一线,是成是败,就在玩家掌中。

  游戏以三位灵魂为一组行动,可根据情况适时改变角色,与敌人对抗。 但英雄灵魂无法离开凡人界,吞噬者只能单独进入影界,面对在凡人界所遇不到的敌人,当然,存在于凡人界的敌人亦无法干涉影界。 玩家可根据情况穿梭世界,有策略地寻找别进行方法或避开危险敌人。



• 一个故事,两个世界

• 独特的小队系统

• 大量技能与角色
选择三位英雄中的一位,每个都有独特的背景故事、目标以及谈吐。 吸收 14 名可玩角色的灵魂,每个角色的技能都大相径庭,比如强盗王卡利戈,还有火炎之女伊维亚。

• 充满战术性的实时战斗

• 困难的解密

• 工艺品与战利品系统










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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-31 10:41 PM |只看该作者
Bless Unleashed debut trailer


Bandai Namco, Neowiz, and Round 8 Studio have released the debut trailer for Bless Unleashed, the recently announced free-to-play MMORPG coming first to Xbox One in the first half of 2019.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:


Bless Unleashed is the first free-to-play MMORPG from Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., coming first to the Xbox One video game system. Built with the hardcore MMO gamer in mind, Bless Unleashed takes players on an epic multiplayer journey across a vibrant persistent world where gods exist, and mythical beasts are a constant threat. Adventurers will battle – in hopes of surviving vicious, lethal monsters that inhabit the untamed landscape.

Key Features

• A Visually Stunning MMORPG Experience – Utilizing the Unreal Engine 4, the game brings unparalleled visuals and deep gameplay mechanics which offer one of the most beautiful MMORPGs built for a console platform.

• Combo-Driven Gameplay – Survive a menagerie of mythical beasts and other players with deep and rewarding combat system that features skillful combo mechanics coupled with action-oriented combat with dodging. A progression system handcrafted for online play and an integrated players-vs-player (PVP) mode provide added challenges and rewards at every turn.

• An Immersive Fantasy World – Dive into an open persistent world with a rich backstory and an intricate plot as players uncover divine secrets on their journey to defeat the return of an evil goddess.

• A MMORPG Built for Modern Consoles – Built from the ground up to be a comprehensively and robustly supported live service, every aspect, from story to combat to skill progression, has been carefully crafted with the console experience in mind.

• Classic Fantasy with a Twist – Choose between five classic fantasy jobs, including the arcane wielding Mage or the bloodthirsty Berserker. Travel the world in search of the truth about the gods with other adventurers and experience a personal brush with divinity.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-31 10:42 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-31 11:06 PM 编辑

Stormdivers August 2018 gameplay
《风暴潜者》演示首曝 科幻版第三人称大逃杀射击








Housemarque has released a 55-second gameplay video of Stormdivers, its new sci-fi-themed third-person battle royale game.

Here is the commentary from the video:

You’ll start off the match by dropping in to the play field in a customizable drop pod. One of the things you’ll notice early on in the game is that each player class has a glider available to them, which allows for a lot more verticality. You also can use one of your two abilities, ranging from movement abilities like teleporting and camouflage and jet packs, all the way to healing areas shields, and things that actually help out your team as you go on. With the early prototype, we wanted to be on point with the gameplay, so movement and the way your character controls are paramount to us. Which allows you, the player, to be on top of every single situation, even when things are getting hectic in a fast moving environment.

Stormdivers is due out for PC in 2019.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-2 10:17 PM |只看该作者
Space combat adventure game Rebel Galaxy Outlaw announced for PS4, Switch, and PC


Double Damage Games has announced Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, a “blue-collar space combat adventure” game and “sort-of-prequel” to 2015’s Rebel Galaxy. It will launch for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC in Q1 2019.

Here is an overview of the game, via Double Damage Games:

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is a blue-collar space combat adventure packed with outlaws, explosions, gleefully unrealistic spaceflight, and a hell of a soundtrack. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is a sort-of-prequel to 2015’s Rebel Galaxy, this time dropping you right into the cockpit and doubling down on the roadhouse vibe of the previous game. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw features high-octane space combat, over 20 hours of subspace radio, side activities like billiards and dice poker, plenty of sketchy characters to meet, and sketchier jobs to take on. Nobody’s saving the universe around here – they’d settle for saving a couple of credits. It’s aiming to launch Q1 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

“This has got to be the most ambitious game I’ve ever worked on,” said Travis Baldree, co-founder of Double Damage Games. “We took what worked from the last title, and then went a little crazy. It’s got a stronger focus on story and place, a huge jump in detail, and while it still works great for folks with a HOTAS at home, I think we’ve managed to make space combat accessible and fun for everybody else in a way that nobody has managed before. We’ve got a lot more to share in the months ahead”

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is a prequel to 2015’s Rebel Galaxy, set 34 years prior in a series of star systems closer to old Earth. You’ll inhabit the role of Juno Markev, an outlaw and smuggler who went straight and settled down until events conspired to drag her back into the life. After an encounter in a shady watering hole goes bad, your ship is trashed, and you find yourself in debt to an old friend and casino owner who gives you a rustbucket and some words of advice. Packed with exciting combat, unique ships, and over twenty hours of great music, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw drops you into a retro future steeped in blue-collar Americana.

Visit the official website https://rebel-galaxy.com/



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-3 07:54 PM |只看该作者
乐高藉由科技系列组件 打造 1:1 可动 Bugatti Chiron 超级跑车
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167709.html

  发迹自丹麦的玩具积木公司乐高(LEGO),继先前推出 Technic 科技系列的超级跑车 Bugatti Chiron 后,官方于近日公开了一部由他们所打造的 1:1 等车大的积木版 Bugatti Chiron 超跑制作影片。


  乐高为世界知名的玩具积木制造商,其所推出的积木年龄层十分广泛。 其产品除了一般大众所熟知的系列外,还有许多与电影跟动画的合作产品,或者像是建筑师系列,以及这篇所提及的科技系列,产品线十分广大。


  而他们继在科技系列中,推出以法国超跑品牌 Bugatti 旗下车款 Chiron 为基础推出了等比例的乐高积木后,官方于上周公开了由他们所打造实车比例的 Bugatti Chiron 超跑乐高。 这部实车比例的 Bugatti Chiron,除了铝圈、轮胎以及基础车架等部分需要高强度的零件不是采用乐高积木组成外,包含引擎以及车身内装皆使用了乐高科技系列的积木制作。


  官方数据指出,这台 Bugatti Chiron 使用了超过 1 百万片的乐高科技系列组件,并且运用了 300 多种不同类型的科技组件,整台车没有使用任何胶水固定,而引擎也是使用乐高的电机零件所构成。 整台乐高 Bugatti Chiron 从构思到实际制作完成,共计花费了 13438 工时,可说十分惊人...


  而在实车操作上,他们也邀请到 Bugatti 的官方驾驶为这台具有 5.3 马力的乐高超跑进行实车测试。 对于这台 Bugatti Chiron 有兴趣的玩家,不妨可以点击影片欣赏制造以及试车过程。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-5 07:33 PM |只看该作者
There's a new free-to-play "AAA" Lord of the Rings MMO in the works

Athlon Games Partners with Middle-earth Enterprises to Publish Multi-Year Online Game Based on The Lord of the Rings

Athlon Games, a global publisher of console and PC games, announced it has signed a long-term licensing agreement with Middle-earth Enterprises to develop and publish a video game based on The Lord of the Rings. Athlon Games is working with a partner developer to create an online game set in the world of Middle-earth™ at a time long before the events of The Lord of the Rings, exploring lands, people and creatures never seen before by fans of the Tolkien universe.

“It’s a singular opportunity to work closely with Middle-earth Enterprises to create a completely new experience for fans of the landmark fantasy work of J.R.R. Tolkien, and we are excited about the resurgence of interest in The Lord of the Rings IP,” said Dave Miller, president, Athlon Games. “This, along with several other major properties Athlon is working with, will help us to further our goal of creating AAA cooperative console and PC experiences that gamers will want to play for years to come.”

“We are extremely pleased to work with Athlon Games to create a new, immersive game experience, exploring epic regions in Middle-earth during the years leading to the events of The Lord of the Rings,” said Fredrica Drotos, Chief Brand & Licensing Officer at Middle-earth Enterprises. “Athlon’s game will allow millions of Middle-earth fans throughout the world a unique opportunity for fellowship and epic exploration.”

Athlon Games, and its parent company Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited, which also owns Digital Extremes and Splash Damage, is marrying its deep expertise with free-to-play game design and service with Western development and strong IP to create top quality console and PC games that have global appeal.

“We believe in Athlon Games’ model to collaborate closely with Western developers to implement incredibly successful live services, while also giving its partners the autonomy they need to develop outstanding game experiences,” said Alex Xu, CEO of Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited. “At Leyou, we’ve seen great success implementing this strategy with other titles, such as Warframe. Now we can expand our footprint in the West with Athlon Games.”

Los Angeles-based Athlon Games is a newly formed publisher headed up by industry veteran Dave Miller, formerly of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Codemasters and NBC Universal. For more on Athlon Games, visit http://www.athlongames.com/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-5 07:48 PM |只看该作者
Fighting EX Layer version 1.1.0 update now available, adds Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna; physical edition announced for Japan

Arika has released the version 1.1.0 update for Fighting EX Layer, which adds playable characters Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna, two new stages, and a host of other additions and changes.

Additionally, the company announced that it will release a physical edition of Fighting EX Layer in Japan in response to user demand. A release date for the physical edition was not announced. A physical edition was not announced for western territories at this time.

Also, as announced via Konami’s E3 2018 lineup earlier today, Fighting EX Layer will be playable at the Konami booth at Tokyo Game Show 2018 from September 20 to 23.

Get the version 1.1.0 patch notes below, via Arika’s Facebook page:

Version 1.1.0 Adjustments, Fixes, and Changes

• The following Gougi were adjusted:
Meter Power
Heads or Tails
EX Arrow
• The makeup of the Babel Deck was changed.
• The corner system was fixed.
• The range on cross-ups was fixed.

• The following Normals were adjusted:
Shirase (stMP)
Kairi (stHP, crHP)
Garuda (stMP, crHP)
Skullomania (crHP)
Doctrine Dark (crHP)
Blaire (crHP)
Jack (crHP)
Shadowgeist (crHP)
Hayate (crHP)
Sanane (stMP, stHP, crHP)
Hokuto (stMP)

• The following characters had certain Special Moves adjusted:

Shirase, Hokuto
• The move [Shin] had its invincibility time altered and it is now throwable.

[Kienbu]’s hitbox has been adjusted.

• [Darun Catch] was adjusted.
• His hurtbox while in a blowback state was adjusted.
• [Twilight Lariat] was adjusted.

Doctrine Dark
• MP, MK, HP, and HK all had their damage adjusted.
• His hurtbox while in a blowback state was adjusted.
• [EX Prominence] had its hit property adjusted.

• [Skullohead] had its damage adjusted.
• [Skullodive] had its damage adjusted.

• MP, MK, HP, and HK all had their damage adjusted.
crHP was adjusted on hit.
• [Sliding Arrow] will now work on opponents who have Hades activated.

• [Crazy Jack Upper] was adjusted on hit.

• Along with the new changes to the corner system, [Kasumi-Oroshi] has been adjusted.

• LP and MP versions of [Kamaitachi] had their startup frames adjusted.
• HP version of [Kamaitachi] had its damage adjusted.
[Oborozuki] had its damage adjusted.
[Tsumujikagerou: Kyoku] had its damage adjusted.
*[Kamaitachi] also had its animation corrected.

The situations after the following throws were adjusted.
• Kairi: Forward Throw
• Shirase: Forward Throw, Back Throw
• Allen: Forward Throw
• Jack: Command Throw
• Blaire: Forward Throw, Back Throw
• Sanane: Forward Throw, Back Throw
• Hokuto: Forward Throw, Back Throw
• An error where one would end up behind their opponent after throwing them in the corner was fixed.


• Text Messages were added to Arcade Mode.
• Two additional Characters (Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna) were added.
• The voice actors for Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna have been added to the credits.
• Expert Missions were added for Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna.
Color Type A for Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna has been added.
*Color Type: Gold has not been added.
• CPU versions of Vulcano Rosso and Pullum Purna were added.
• Two additional stages were added. (There are variations of these stages, so four were added in total.)
• The appearance conditions for certain CPU opponents in Arcade Mode have been changed.
• Sanane’s move [Yayoi Tougong] was difficult to see on some stages, so the shading has been fixed.
• The Player Information display has been fixed when entering a Casual Match.
• Fixes to 1-Bar Connections: As a test in Version 1.1.0, 1-Bar Connections will be able to match with others and appear on search results so long as they meet their opponent’s search criteria.

Fixes to the Fighting Game Engine

• Invincibility was added to the recovery period after teching a Throw.
• Fixed an issue where Garuda’s [Kienbu] would slow down when moving forward.
• Fixed an issue where D.Dark’s [Dark Shackle] would grab opponents who were not supposed to be able to be grabbed..
• Fixed an issue where Hard Attack (Guard Break) was not being affected by the Gougi [Critical].
• Fixed an issue where the effect of Critical would reset the moment a Command Throw was used.
• The effect of Disrupt was fixed so [Throws are not affected by increases to Attack Power. They will only consume 1 bar of Super Meter.]
• Fixed an issue where Easy Combos would come out after inputting Command Normals from a Dash.

Fixes to the System

• Fixed an issue in Training Mode where setting a CPU opponent without meter to perform a reversal Super Combo would cause them to perform the action the moment they built up enough meter.
• Fixed an issue where CPU opponents were able to block moves on landing that they should not have been able to block.
• Fixed an issue where the Reversal message wasn’t shown after performing repeated Reversal attacks.
• Fixed an issue where continuing to search above your own rank on the Leaderboard would cause an connection error.
• Fixed an issue where both players would get desynced at the start of a Ranked Match.
• Fixed a rare issue where players would proceed to the game even after receiving a time-out error in an Online Match.


• Fixed an issue where a small memory leak would occur when going to different screens from the Main Menu.
• Fixed an issue where the effects in the Intro would disappear 1F before the Intro ended
• Fixed an issue where your character would slide across the screen during their intro against Shadowgeist.
• Fixed an issue where the game wouldn’t proceed to the Victory Screen after KO’ing an opponent with D.Dark’s back throw.
• Fixed an issue where the cursor would disappear from the Options menu in Training Mode.
• Fixed an issue where the tabs would go dark in the Option menu in Training Mode.
• Fixed an issue where holding down a button and closing the Pause menu would make that button not work in game.
• Fixed an issue where holding down a button and closing the Pause menu would make it so that button would register as being pressed.
• Fixed an issue where accepting a Casual Match invitation from the Expert Mode ending screen would cause you Matching Status to disappear on returning to the Main Menu.
• Fixed an issue where the Sound Effects would repeat upon building a bar of Super Meter.
• Fixed an issue where the playback wouldn’t be centered when changing the Character Voice volume in the Options menu.

Fighting EX Layer is available now for PlayStation 4.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-5 09:55 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-9-6 07:34 PM |只看该作者
Pearl Abyss to Acquire EVE Online Developer CCP Games
《黑色沙漠》研发商 Pearl Abyss 宣布收购《EVE Online》团队 CCP Games

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/167897.html

  《黑色沙漠》研发商 Pearl Abyss 宣布收购《EVE Online》研发商 CCP Games,CCP Games 仍将会以研发团队身份结合在雷克雅未克、伦敦与上海的团队独立营运,而该公司延伸的开发与发行专业等将会整合到 Pear l Abyss 现今与未来的项目中。

  CCP 旗下雷克雅未克工作室开发的《EVE Online》于 2003 年问世,其玩家互动性与打造的游戏世界受到许多玩家欢迎。 Pearl Abyss 执行长 Robin Jung 表示,随着《黑色沙漠》在全球市场持续扩展,很高兴 GGP Games 加入 Pearl Abyss 团队,CCP Games 是经验丰富的出版商,拥有超过 15 年游戏发行与研发经验,他们在 经营玩家基础方面有着很好的表现,Pearl Abyss 的目标是向其学习,并能够整合入 Pearl Abyss 未来作法中,他相信以 CCP 拥有世界极富盛名的游戏 IP 与专业游戏经验,将有助于 Pearl Abyss 致力于开发与营运世界上 最好的 MMORPG 的目标。
  CCP 执行长 Hilmar V. Pétursson 指出,自从他第一次浏览《黑色沙漠》网站后,他很快就成为这款游戏的狂热玩家,他对《黑色沙漠》的表现印象深刻, Pearl Abyss 是家发展迅速的公司,可以提供技术、愿景等各方面 的帮助,他相信两家公司结合可以相互学习,希望藉此合作为 CCP 的游戏与玩家创造更高的境界。

  金融投资公司 Novator Partners 与 CCP 主席 Birgir Már Ragnarsson 指出,做为 CCP 主要投资者,他十多年来一路看着这个团队只有少数几十人变成如今数百人的团队,不断地增加玩家客户与游戏作品, CCP 的执行长 Hilmar V. Pétursson 与其团队建立了一家令人骄傲的公司,Novator Partners 可以很自豪地把这个团队交给 Pearl Abyss。

Black Desert Online Creators Pearl Abyss to Acquire CCP Games, Makers of EVE Online

Today, Black Desert Online developer Pearl Abyss announced that it will acquire CCP Games, the creators of popular spaceship MMORPG EVE Online. The deal outlines that CCP Games will continue to operate independently as a developer with studios in Reykjavik, London and Shanghai, while integrating the company’s extensive development and publishing expertise into Pearl Abyss’ operations for all current and future projects.

EVE Online is a space-based, persistent world MMO game, developed by CCP’s Reykjavik studio. The game first launched in 2003 and has since gained recognition for its scale and complexity with regards to player interactions in EVE’s single, shared game world. EVE Online is one of the most critically-acclaimed MMORPG intellectual properties (IPs) in North America and Europe, and one of the most extensive works of science fiction in the world.

Pearl Abyss CEO Robin Jung stated, “We are thrilled to have CCP Games join our team as Black Desert Online continues to branch out globally. CCP is a seasoned publisher with over 15 years of digital distribution experience and know-how. They have done an incredible job of engaging and maintaining their playerbase, which we aim to learn from and hope to integrate natively into Pearl Abyss’ general practices across all our games. I am confident CCP’s reputable IP and expertise in global publishing will help reaffirm our company’s dedication to developing and servicing the world’s best MMORPGs.”

“I have been seriously impressed with what Pearl Abyss has achieved ever since I first visited their website for Black Desert Online and subsequently became an avid player of the game,” said CCP Games CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson. “Pearl Abyss is a fast-growing company with lots to offer in terms of technology, capability and vision. I believe our two companies have a lot to learn from each other. We are very excited to join forces with them and achieve great new heights for our companies, our games and – above all - our players.”

Birgir Már Ragnarsson of Novator Partners and Chairman of CCP commented, “As lead investor in CCP for over 13 years alongside General Catalyst and NEA, we’ve seen CCP go from being a few dozen people strong to employing hundreds all over the world, with an ever-increasing customer base and multiple titles. CEO Hilmar V. Pétursson and his dedicated team have built a company that Novator and its partners are proud to hand over to Pearl Abyss and we wish them the best of luck in their future ventures.”

Pearl Abyss first launched its open-world MMORPG, Black Desert Online, in Korea in 2014. The game has received critical acclaim for its advanced graphics, seamless world, large-scale castle sieges and action-based combat system. Since Pearl Abyss’ initial public offering in 2017, the company has worked to secure competitive global IPs, such as EVE Online, through strategic investments and M&A activity.

Pearl Abyss saw record-high sales in the first half of 2018, following the launch of Black Desert Mobile in Korea. The company is looking forward to another strong year in 2019 with EVE Online and the upcoming global launch of Black Desert Mobile.

Deutsche Bank is acting as financial advisor to Pearl Abyss, and Kim & Chang is providing legal counsel. The Raine Group is acting as financial advisor to CCP Games, and White & Case LLP and LOGOS are providing legal counsel.


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