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【新闻部】杂谈游戏 -









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-14 01:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-16 02:22 PM 编辑

Border Break PS4 launches August 2 in Japan
PS4《边境保卫战》确定 8 月 2 日上线 将推出特别刻印版 PS4 主机

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/161371.html

  SEGA Interactive 今(14)日宣布,开发中的 PS4 高速机器人团队对战游戏《边境保卫战(Border Break)》将于 8 月 2 日推出,并预定于 4 月 16 日在 PlayStation Store 开放预购。


  《边境保卫战》是 2009 年 9 月推出、可透过网络进行最多 10 人对 10 人大规模联机对战的大型电玩机器人团队对战游戏的 PS4 家用版。 游戏中玩家将驾驶自己改装的机器人,与同伴携手对抗敌军。 采用基本游玩免费制营运,亦不设定体力限制。 操作部分将支持鼠标,重现大型电玩版的操作手感。 收录能体验游戏深奥世界观的「故事模式」,能依照玩家程度享受战斗乐趣的「新手对战」、「休闲对战」与「位阶对战」等模式,没有玩过大型电玩版的玩家亦能轻松游玩。

  游戏除了免费下载版之外,还预定推出加值的「新手包」(套装 / 下载),内含各种特典。

  PlayStation Store 则是会独家贩卖包含新手包内容与更多额外特典的「特别包」(下载)。

  此外,游戏还预定推出特别刻印版 PS4 主机,以及与寿屋、ALTER 合作的模型。

Border Break will launch for PlayStation 4 on August 2 in Japan, Sega announced at Sega Fes 2018. PlayStation Store pre-orders will begin on April 16.

While the game will be available as a free-to-play digital title with item-based micro-transactions, paid physical and digital versions with extra bonuses will also be available.
Here are the details:

Physical Edition (4,990 yen)

A copy of the game
Starter Pack
Border: “Amelia” (voiced by Ayane Sakura, illustrated by Katsumi Enami)
Robot Parts: “Cougar S-Type (Two-Star)” Set – An all-rounder who can fight in various situations. (Each of Cougar S-Type’s parts can also be acquired in the Frame Lotto.)
Robot Paint: “G.B.W. Stripes” – The main color of the PlayStation 4 version of Border Break.
Core Seed x1,000 – Core Seeds can be used for item purchases at the in-game shop, and for the “Frame Lotto.”
Weapon Lotto Ticket x5
Robot Lotto Ticket x5

PlayStation Store Special Pack (9,800 yen)

A copy of the game
Starter Pack
Border: “Amelia” (voiced by Ayane Sakura, illustrated by Katsumi Enami)
Robot Parts: “Cougar S-Type (Two-Star)” Set – An all-rounder who can fight in various situations. (Each of Cougar S-Type’s parts can also be acquired in the Frame Lotto.)
Robot Paint: “G.B.W. Stripes” – The main color of the PlayStation 4 version of Border Break.
Core Seed x1,000 – Core Seeds can be used for item purchases at the in-game shop, and for the “Frame Lotto.”
Weapon Lotto Ticket x5
Robot Lotto Ticket x5
Premium Service (30 days)
Core Seed x1,000
Two-Star Weapon Lotto Ticket x3
Two-Star Robot Lotto Ticket x3

PlayStation Store-Exclusive Pre-Order Bonus

Border Break PlayStation 4 dynamic theme
Weapon Lotto Ticket x1
Robot Lotto Ticket x1
Pre-load to play at 0:00 JST on release day

Sega also announced that Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia will release white and black Border Break-engraved PlayStation 4 special edition models.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-17 10:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-18 02:48 PM 编辑

NBA Playgrounds 2 Announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch & PC, Coming this Summer

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946752.jhtml

  系列开发商Saber Interactive正式公布了《NBA游乐场2》游戏,预计将在 2018 年内登陆PS4、Xbox One、Switch 和 PC 四个平台。

  根据官方介绍来看,本作[词语过滤-#0048]有200多名现役和退役的NBA球员亮相,其中包括斯蒂芬·库里、凯文·杜兰特、詹姆斯·哈登、凯里·欧文、勒布朗·詹姆斯、拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克。Saber Interactive同时还公布了一则预告片,该作的卡通画风与夸张动作仍然让人印象深刻

  除了强大的明星阵容之外,Saber Interactive还公布了两个全新的要素:全球排位联盟系统和赛季模式。前者将允许玩家进行个人和团队竞技排位,而后者将会是一种全新的单人体验,玩家可以带领着自己的球队勇闯季前赛和季后赛,并为总冠军这个目标而奋斗。



Saber Interactive Announces NBA Playgrounds 2, Coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC in 2018

Independent developer Saber Interactive has revealed NBA Playgrounds 2, the next installment in the bestselling arcade-sports franchise. NBA Playgrounds 2 raises the intensity of the series’ over-the-top, two-on-two street action with a new line-up of online and local multiplayer game modes, as well as new courts from playgrounds across the world.

Playgrounds Championship mode introduces a new worldwide ranked league system, featuring multiple competitive solo and co-op division ladders for players to climb. Season mode is a new single-player experience that recreates the feeling of leading a team through the regular season, playoffs, and, ultimately, the NBA Championship itself. There’s also improved matchmaking with dedicated servers, the arrival of four-player online matches, the return of three-point contests, custom matches, and more – pick your team and play without limits!

NBA Playgrounds 2 continues to feature the sport’s biggest players front and center. The game will launch with a massive roster of over 200 current and retired NBA players – including Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, James Harden, Kyrie Irving, LeBron James, Russell Westbrook, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Anthony Davis, DeMar DeRozan, Damian Lillard, Karl-Anthony Towns, Shaquille O’Neal, Magic Johnson, Dr. J., Allen Iverson and Larry Bird. There are new moves and power-ups to bust out, improved AI, and new player models and animations.

NBA Playgrounds 2 is expected to launch in 2018 on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC. For the latest updates as its release approaches, visit playgroundsgame.com, and follow the series on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-23 01:54 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-23 02:26 PM 编辑

Housemarque Announces Multiplayer-Centric Stormdivers



Housemarque Presents: Stormdivers

Hello from Housemarque!

It’s time to introduce our latest title that we’ve been secretly working on for 2 years.

As a part of our recent transition away from our core genres, we’ve had a hard look at what really makes up an arcade game and how can we bring those elements to whole new heights. Fortunately a few greats have been able to show the way and bring gameplay centric experiences to wider audiences. We hope to expand that progress as we bring our explosive effects and second-to-second gameplay to new genres.

Our newest title will still remain in a slight shroud of mystery, but we can say that it will be a high flying and heavy hitting, multiplayer centric experience. It will be the first title that we treat as an on-going service, this also means that there are ways to get to play it earlier and we’d love to develop it further with a feedback loop in mind.

This will also be our second game made with the Unreal Engine (Matterfall was the first), and now we are also officially branding our added layer of special effects candy as the “Housemarque VFX Engine”. Basically meaning that we put an extra effort into creating custom technology solutions that take our upcoming titles to whole new visually shattering ends.

That is it for now, as an extra we’d like to remind that a new trailer for the upcoming movie “Name of the Game” is now live. It’s a documentary that follows our team for three years as we got to work with our biggest idol, Eugene Jarvis, while making “Nex Machina”.

All the best! - Housemarque Team



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-23 11:12 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-24 04:52 PM 编辑

The Swords of Ditto Launch Trailer

转载 - 游侠(http://www.ali213.net/news/html/2018-4/357683.html

  《迪托之剑(The Swords of Ditto)》是一款玩法风格和之前颇受好评的国产游戏《失落的城堡》非常相似的游戏。但游戏的整体视角是斜俯视角、游戏的地图则更加开放。《迪托之剑》即将在今日解锁发售(截至发稿还有8小时左右解锁),官方也此之际公布了游戏的发售预告。





Ditto is Coming to Town Tomorrow – Check Out The Launch Trailer

Legendary Heroes! The time has come to save the world of Ditto. Here’s a luscious new launch trailer from Devolver Digital and onebitbeyond, animated by Powerhouse Animation (Netflix’s Castlevania series) celebrating the premiere of The Swords of Ditto.

The Swords of Ditto premieres on the 24th of April on PlayStation 4 and PC. Save the date!

About The Swords of Ditto

The Swords of Ditto is a compact action RPG that creates a unique adventure for each new hero of legend in the relentless fight against the evil Mormo. Explore a delightful but dangerous overworld, brave menacing dungeons, and improve your hero in a charming village, during your quest to overcome the evil that plagues the island. Unleash the mystical Sword of Ditto and grab a co-op friend for an unforgettable adventure filled with delightful characters, extraordinary loot, and heroic battles!

Key Features

• Unique Adventures Linked Together: Each adventure becomes its own legend, both distinct from those that came before it and part of a heroic legacy that bind together. The deeds, successes, and failures of each hero’s adventure have implications for those that follow including the ability to find weapons and recover loot from history’s fallen heroes.

• Solo & Cooperative Adventuring: Battle Mormo and her evil armies alone or summon a brave friend to take up arms alongside you in local co-op mode. Fear not, even less experienced adventurers will find help from their fellow heroes through the magic of a good old-fashioned revival hug!

• Weapons, Items, & Stickers: Wield the traditional sword and bow combo alongside the decidedly less traditional vinyl record Frisbee, magic golf club, and colossal foot from the heavens to put Mormo and her legions back on their heels. Collect and equip stickers to boost up your hero and add perks to their gear to become powerful enough to banish the wicked sorceress.

• Main Quests and Secret Side Missions: Approach your legend however you see fit by battling through dungeons in any order, completing side missions through dark caverns and deep wells, or confront Mormo right from the start for the ultimate challenge.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-24 02:55 PM |只看该作者
Chinese strategy RPG Banner of the Maid coming to PS4, Switch, and PC in 2018

Chinese-developed strategy RPG Banner of the Maid is coming to PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC in 2018, publisher CE-Asia announced.

Here an an overview of the game, via CE-Asia:

Banner of the Maid is a tactical role-playing game based on the famous French Revolution, with a twist of fictional fantasy elements. You will be playing as Pauline Bonaparte, a newly-graduated girl from military academy, who is always dreaming of earning herself a position in the upper class. In a journey of visiting her brother Napoleon Bonaparte, Pauline was accidentally dragged into a revolutionary storm in France.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-24 02:56 PM |只看该作者
Omensight launches May 15


Action adventure game Omensight will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC on May 15, developer Spearhead Games announced.

On PlayStation 4, the game will be part of the PlayStation Store’s Totally Digital campaign. Starting April 24, users will be able to pre-order Omensight via the PlayStation Store, and PlayStation Plus members will receive a 20 percent discount.

Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:


A new action murder-mystery from the award-winning creators of Stories: The Path of Destinies.

You are the Harbinger, a mythical warrior who only appears in times of crisis. The land of Urralia is torn by war. But there is worse: as night falls, you witness the destruction of the world at the hands of a dark God.

As the eyes and the sword of Urralia, it is up to you to reverse this fate. All you know is that it started with a mysterious murder.

You are granted the power to relive the final day of Urralia. Lead the investigation as you decide how you spend each day.

Appear alongside characters who played a part in the apocalypse, fight with them or against them, and use your Omensight power to weave a new narrative. Through your decisions, your skills and your wits, change the course of the day and, perhaps, pave the way to a brighter future.

Featuring the top voice acting talents of Patricia Summersett (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) and Julian Casey (We Happy Few, Stories), and a stellar writing team including Nadim Boukhira (Stories), Genese Davis (The Holder’s Dominion), and Chris Avellone (Planescape: Torment, Pillars of Eternity).

Key Features

  • Manipulate Time – An innovative narrative experience, seamlessly blending interactive story with action gameplay. Witness the outcome of events from different perspectives, and affect the outcomes through your actions.
  • Investigate A Mystery – Join a diverse cast of characters with mysterious roles to play in Urralia’s story – and each other’s.
  • Change Fate – Learn key information about specific characters, then help or hinder them to prevent the end of the world.
  • Save Urralia – Fight using fluid, stylish combat that combines swordplay, magical abilities and time-manipulation.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-24 06:20 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-24 06:42 PM 编辑

Experience announces horror adventure game NG for PS Vita
《死印》续作《NG》正式公布 恐怖冒险新作登陆PSV平台

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/6108218443.html

  EXPERIENCE在本周Fami通杂志中公开了PSV独占新作《NG》,这是一款继承了《死印》“寂静的恐怖”概念的恐怖冒险类游戏,预定于8月9日发售。 据称本作沿袭了《死印》的基本系统,并会在各个部分进行强化。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals NG, the second entry in Experience’s “spirit horror” series created with the concept of “quiet fear.” It will launch for PS Vita on August 9 in Japan.

The first entry in Experience’s spirit horror series is Death Mark, which first launched for PS Vita in June 2017 in Japan, followed by PlayStation 4 in January 2018, and is due out for Switch on June 28 and Xbox One on an unannounced date.

Development on NG is currently 75 percent complete.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-26 02:23 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-26 02:24 PM 编辑

为支持台湾游戏原创 IP 发展 巴哈姆特等业者宣布成立 「独立游戏生态圈联盟 TIGEA」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/161833.html)

  为支持台湾游戏原创 IP,八家业者宣布将于 4 月 28 日的 2018 GDC 分享大会宣布正式成立「独立游戏生态圈联盟 TIGEA(Taiwan Indie Game Ecosystem Alliance)」,串起游戏开发过程中,从早期 投资、孵化育成、群众集资、媒体与宣传、海内外发行等各种资源,联盟成员包括巴哈姆特、创梦市集、GASH 乐点、Manapool、TGDF、Twitch、群募贝果、唯晶科技。


联盟成员期待并肩一同支持台湾游戏原创 IP

  联盟成员长期各自支持独立游戏发展,例如:巴哈姆特长期报导独立游戏作品,举办 ACG 原创大赛。 创梦市集投资《我满怀青春的有病测验》的研发团队「有病制作」、孵化育成《偃月之日》的开发团队 Ryotaro Studio 以及 《荒漠乐园》的开发团队 Gamtropy Studio。 Manapool 投资赤烛游戏团队的知名作品《返校》。 TGDF 为台湾最大的游戏开发者论坛活动;唯晶科技近年来与众多独立游戏团队合作,以投资或代理发行的方式将台湾优质作品传播至海外市场,如赤烛团队新作《还愿》、乙女性向恋爱游戏《东周列萌志》及萌兔耳娘射击游戏《 Rabi-Ribi》Switch 版欧美发行商。 除此之外,游戏实况平台 Twitch 与 GASH 乐点也将推出与独立游戏团队相关的服务。



  联盟成立的初期目标是建立独立游戏生态圈的信息整合与传递,让台湾在地游戏社群以及有兴趣进入繁中市场的国外独立游戏团队,皆能快速获得信息。 独立游戏团队可以透过 TIGEA 官网与联盟成员联系,藉由联盟成员的推荐,可加速获得其他联盟成员的商业合作机会以及优惠条件,期待透过更多商业合作,让优秀的独立游戏作品或团队,获得各个发展阶段的资源。

官方网站 - https://www.tigea.tw/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-27 10:57 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-2 07:01 PM 编辑

Pirates of the Enchiridion Launches July 20, Debut Trailer
《探险活宝》系列冒险游戏新作《探险活宝:海盗的英雄宝典》确定 7 月上市

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/162039.html

  《探险活宝》系列冒险游戏新作《探险活宝:海盗的英雄宝典(暂译,原名:Adventure Time: Pirates Of The Enchiridion)》公布上市时间,游戏将于 7 月 17 日美国上市,预定 7 月 20 日在全球发售。

  《探险活宝:海盗的英雄宝典》是由英国开发商 Climax Studios 打造的冒险游戏新作,以卡通动画《探险活宝》系列为主题,玩家将在开放世界中与主角阿宝、老皮、毕莫与吸血鬼女王艾薇尔一起探索。 本作是一个全新的故事内容,玩家将从被洪水淹没的地区「Ooo」开始探险,在这里熟悉的王国被溢出的水隔开,而阿宝、老皮等将驾驶着船去调查真相。


  PC、PS4、Xbox One、Nintendo Switch 新作《探险活宝:海盗的英雄宝典》将于 7 月 17 日美国上市,预定 7 月 20 日在全球发售。


An Original Adventure Time Story Coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One & PC 20th July, 2018

Bandai Namco Entertainment, Outright Games and Cartoon Network today share the first official trailer while revealing that Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC 20th July, 2018.

In this brand-new hilarious Adventure Time story, gamers play as Finn, Jake, BMO and Marceline to explore fan-favourite kingdoms and meet the well-loved characters from Cartoon Network’s popular TV animation series. The game starts with a flooded Land of Ooo in which familiar kingdoms are cut off from each other by rising waters. In their newly constructed boat, Finn and Jake set sail to investigate what happened…

During their adventures, Finn and Jake will recruit friends to join their crew on the newly constructed boat Jeff, heading into swashbuckling fights, interrogate characters for clues and traverse the new and dangerous sea to locations across Ooo.

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion Gameplay Features Include:

• Freely explore the Land of Ooo

• 3D visuals that match the art-style of the show

• Playable fan-favourite characters: Finn, Jake, BMO, and Marceline

• An original Adventure Time story, voiced by the series’ voice cast.

• Tactical combat

• Hero progression

• Pirates – “Shiver me timbers!”

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion developed by Climax Studios and distributed by Bandai Namco Entertainment will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 20th July, 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-27 11:06 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-27 07:10 PM 编辑

First look at Experience horror adventure game NG

Pre-orders for NG, the newly announced second entry in Experience’s “spirit horror” adventure series for PS Vita, have gone up at various Japanese online retailers, which provide a first look at the game.

Get the details below.

■ Summary

Danger beyond this point!

Tokyo, 1999. A certain girl suddenly disappeared from the city. With that event as the catalyst, a boy got dragged into a game of life and death. Spirits and ghosts themed after fantasy and legends will gradually corrode everyday life, transforming common sense into something else.

“They have no rhyme or reason.”

The boy clenches his fists and fights—alongside no-doubt-about-it outlaws!

■ Characters (via Weekly Famitsu)


A quiet high school boy who makes money through street fighting. In chasing after his little sister, who disappeared, he sets foot into an extraordinary world…

Seiji Amanome

The protagonist’s childhood friend. He is an honors student who puts on the act of being well-behaved, but will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. He is the son of the leader of the Amanome family yakuza organization.

Kaoru Hazuki

A female high school student who likes goth-loli apparel, she is a friend of Ami Kijima and has an innocent appearance, but she is rbave and loves stories about spirits.

Ami Kijima

The protagonist’s younger sister, related by marriage. She can be somewhat faint of heart, but she is a dilligent person. She seems to have suddenly gone missing.

Mitsuru Maruhashi

A member of the Amanome family yakuza organization. A self-proclaimed gangster informant, he is a thoughtless man who quickly gets riled up and is easily carried away.

■ A Completely New Title Themed After the Corrosion of Everyday Life

Developed with the concept of Japanese horror’s “creeping fear,” NG is the second entry in the “spirit horror” series. Unlike the first entry, Death Mark, NG is a horror experience that plays out in a familiar setting, where the player confronts ghosts themed after fantasy and legends. By the time it occurs to you, your daily life may have already been encroached on…

■ An Unknown Fear Experience Told through Outlaws and Horror

One of the traits of NG is its fusion of “outlaws” and “horror.” It offers a never before done, unknown fear experience through its Fumiya Sumio-illustrated characters and profoundly in depth scenarios.

■ Numerous “Fear”-Inducing Scenes

With the introduction of the new “Survival Escape” system, NG is an even greater production of “fear.” Additionally, NG offers an even greater sense of uneasiness and tension with aspects like the “Crisis Choice” system where any error in judgment will prove immediately fatal or when “death” visits your companions.

NG is due out for PS Vita on August 9 in Japan.

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947163.jhtml

  由日本游戏开发商 Experience 制作的文字冒险游戏新作《NG》将会在2018年8月9日登陆PSV平台,这也是开发商旗下“心灵恐怖”系列的第二弹。













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