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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-5 10:33 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-5 11:16 PM 编辑

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn launches June 5

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn will launch worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on June 5, publisher Wired Productions announced.

The digital edition will be available for $19.99. A physical edition with unannounced downloadable content will also be available at major retailers for $39.99 on Switch.

Users who purchased NBA Playgrounds for Switch prior to June 10, 2017 will receive a free digital copy of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn on Switch upon release.

Indiegogo users who backed funding of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn will receive specifics regarding the timing and deliver of backer rewards in the future directly via the game’s Indiegogo page.

Here is an overivew of the game, via Wired Productions:

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is an action-packed beat ‘em up starring the one and only Big Diesel himself: Shaquille O’Neal. Battle the hordes of Hollywood and hell on a one-man journey to avenge your fallen home and martial arts master. Beat down foes with devastating combos, face off against outlandish celebrity bosses, and unleash your fury with a variety of hard-hitting weapons and power-ups.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-5 11:16 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-5 11:34 PM 编辑

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Officially Announced
《斯派罗重燃三部曲》正式公布 9 月 21 日发售 宣传片公开

  Activision 动视正式公布了《斯派罗》系列 20th 周年的《斯派罗重燃三部曲(Spyro Reignited Trilogy)》于PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One 和 Xbox One X 平台发售。

  本作售价为 39.99 美金,支持多种语言字幕但无繁体简体中文版本。根据官方介绍,这款游戏将会在 9 月 21 日前发售。本作将包含《小龙斯派罗》(Spyro the Dragon)、《小龙斯派罗2:里普特之怒》(Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! )以及《小龙斯派罗:龙年》(Spyro: Year of the Dragon)的高清重制版本。

  玩家将扮演一只紫色的小龙,去拯救被主要对手 Gnasty Gnorc关在水晶监狱中的同伴,这些同伴被送到各个不同的世界,玩家将穿梭出现在地图上不同的传送门,一边拯救同伴,一边对抗 Gnasty Gnorc。


Spyro, the Original Roast Master, is Back! Spyro Reignited Trilogy Arrives September 21

Spyro has been unleashed! He’s all scaled up and ready to flare up some bad guys in Spyro Reignited Trilogy, a dynamic gaming collection that’s going to have fans “Spyro-ing” out of control on Sept. 21. In Spyro Reignited Trilogy, gliding to new heights, unleashing fire-breathing attacks, and exploring lush environments is more fun in HD graphical glory on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro and the family of Xbox One devices from Microsoft, including the Xbox One X. Spyro Reignited Trilogy introduces players to a fully remastered game collection of the three original Spyro games that started the phenomenon: Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is available now to pre-order via major retailers at a suggested retail price of $39.99.

In celebration of Spyro’s 20th anniversary, Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATVI) is bringing the heat to fans before his official return this September. As a throwback to the original Spyro unveil, starting today Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy players in North America on PlayStation 4 can enter the iconic code (↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → square) into their controllers in the Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped title screen to watch the Spyro Reignited Trilogy trailer.

Remade from the ground up by lead developer Toys for Bob, the Spyro Reignited Trilogy features the fun and nostalgic gameplay that fans remember with more than 100 levels, enhanced reward sequences, Spyro’s gang of zany dragons and other goofballs (including Sparx the Dragonfly, Hunter, Sheila, Agent 9 and Sgt. Byrd) and more. The trilogy also includes improved environments, updated controls, brand-new lighting and recreated cinematics for added flavor in this one-of-a-kind adventure.

“We’re deeply passionate about staying true to the legacy of the original three Spyro games with the Spyro Reignited Trilogy,” said Paul Yan, Chief Creative Officer at Toys For Bob. “We’ve poured a lot of love into making the personalities and worlds feel just like fans remember them, while also keeping the game collection surprisingly fresh with lush, high definition detail. We’re bringing back the Spyro we all fell in love with 20 years ago.”

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is an awesome gaming experience that builds on the excellence of the first three games. Each level in Spyro Reignited Trilogy is mapped faithfully from the originals. The characters are creatively re-imagined with additional flair, allowing fans to rekindle the fire with Spyro and his crew like never before. Players will experience a trilogy that’s loaded with an astonishing amount of detail, refreshed modern day mechanics, full analog stick support and smooth camera handling. Spyro Reignited Trilogy also re-imagines Stewart Copeland’s original soundtrack from the first three games.

Paying homage to fans, Tom Kenny, the original voice actor in Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!, and Spyro: Year of the Dragon, has returned as the voice of Spyro in the trilogy Spyro Reignited Trilogy. For more information, please visit SpyroTheDragon.com.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-7 11:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 05:13 PM 编辑

Metal Slug XX coming to PS4 this summer
PSP平台射击游戏《合金弹头XX》今夏登陆 PS4 平台

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/9040518194.html



Metal Slug XX is coming to PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store this summer, SNK announced at PAX East 2018.

An updated version of Metal Slug 7, Metal Slug XX was released for PSP in December 2009. It added co-op multiplayer and downloadable content. The game was later released for Xbox 360 via the Xbox Live Arcade.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-9 05:24 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 06:00 PM 编辑


  《这是我的战争This War of Mine 》波兰研发团队11 Bit Studios 旗下新作《冰封庞克(暂译,Frostpunk)》即将于 4 月 24 日登陆 PC。近日在 PAX East 上,官方正式确认本作将推出主机版,预定今年年底发售。


  开发商 11 bit studios 高级市场经理 Karol Zajaczkowski 坦言称《冰封庞克》实际上是一款更适合键鼠操作的游戏,但团队目前正在努力让手柄操作变得“100%”完美,让玩家能更安心的游玩游戏,而不是与手柄控制较劲。

  主机版《冰封庞克》目前正计划登陆 PS4/Xbox One 平台,团队打算为主机版加入独占内容。当被问及《冰封庞克》是否会登陆 Switch 平台时,Zajaczkowski 称他们暂时还不了解该硬件的潜力,如果运行效果合适,本作或许将会有 Switch 版本。

  《冰封庞克》PC 版将于4月24日发售,并将同步推出中文。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-10 12:59 PM |只看该作者
PS4 版《CLANNAD》将于 6 月 14 日发售 透过 Full HD 与 5.1 声道享受感人剧情
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/161116.html

  Prototype 近(30)日公布,Key 旗下恋爱冒险游戏《CLANNAD(クラナド)》的 PlayStation 4 版将在 6 月 14 日发售。 价格分别为实体版 5616 日圆(含税),下载版 4600 日圆(含税)。


  本作移植自 Key 在 2004 年 4 月于 PC 推出的恋爱冒险游戏。 以 “家族” 为主题,描述高中生主角. 冈崎朋也,与女主角们的内心交流。 由麻枝 准、凉元悠一、魁编写剧情,樋上至(樋上いたる)负责原画。

  PS4 版支持 1920 X 1080 像素的 Full HD 画质及 5.1 声道,可享受到充满魄力的画面及音效。 字幕更支持日文与英文两种语言,可随时随地于游戏内切换。 游戏中收录的语音仅有日文。

  这次将送上 PS4 版游戏截图与登场角色情报。 详情请照以下报导。













春天。 从平凡学校生活展开人与城镇的故事
以最高质量移植水平登上 PlayStation 4

创造《Kanon(カノン)》、《AIR(エアー)》等名作,为恋爱冒险游戏市场确立「流泪游戏」类型的 VisualArt's 旗下品牌「key」,《CLANNAD》是该品牌第三部作品。

Windows 版自 2004 年 4 月 28 日发售以来,便挟带高人气,改编为电视动画、动画电影、漫画、小说,还有广播剧 CD、音乐 CD、角色精品等,在众多领域上皆有发展。

家用主机平台方面,则依序推出了 PS2 版、PSP 版、Xbox360 版、PS3 版、PS Vita 版,Android 专用游戏 App 也已经推出下载中。

藉由「家族」这主题描写人与人之间牵绊的宏大故事,凭借美丽画面与感人音乐,轰动的《CLANNAD》,如今将加入 Full HD、5.1 声道、支持日英字幕等要素,终于在 PlayStation 4 主机上登场。

PS4 版的特征

支持系列最高分辨率的 Full HD

PS4 版《CLANNAD》支持系列最高分辨率的 Full HD 1920 X 1080 像素。 伴随更为美丽的画面,尽情享受风采不减的感人故事。

支持 5.1 声道让临场感提升

所有音乐(包含片头影片等部分)与部分语音支持 5.1 声道,临场感大幅提升。 将家庭剧院组或 5.1 声道耳机接上 PS4 主机,体验被美妙音乐包覆,彷佛置身角色周围的感受。 (可切换至以往的双声道模式)

字幕支持日文 & 英文两种语言

PS4 版《CLANNAD》的字幕,支持日文 & 英文两种语言(语音仅限日文)。 只需一个步骤,就能随时于游戏内切换显示语言。





朋也听到其他叹气声转过头,看到旁边站着同为三年级,自己却没什么印象的少女。 她的名字叫「古河渚」。





冈崎 朋也(おかざき ともや)

主角。 就读舞台城镇中升学名校的三年级生。 与父亲两人一起生活。 几乎天天迟到,在校内被当成不良学生。 原为体保生,却有次与父亲起了冲突而受伤,也因此断送了前途。 已经放弃升学,冷眼旁观为考试努力念书的同学们。

古河 渚(ふるかわ なぎさ)
「如果可以的话... 我想重建话剧社」


与主角同校的三年级生。 从长期休学中复学的那天,站在通往校门的长坡道前犹豫不前的时候,与主角相遇。 纵然学校里有很多困难等着她,但也决定与主角一起努力下去。 个性有点怕生,但总是努力不懈。 也有下定决心就不会退缩的坚强精神,总是为他人着想。

藤林 杏(ふじばやし きょう)
声优:广桥 凉
「万一,有个喜欢你的女孩,你会跟她交往吗? 」


主角隔壁班的女孩,担任班长。 二年级时与主角同班。 嘴上不饶人,个性粗枝大叶,却也很会照顾人。 偷偷违反校规骑车上学,与沉稳的妹妹. 椋不同,个性非常活泼。

一之濑琴美(いちのせ ことみ)


主角的同学,学年成绩第一的秀才。 却不上课经常泡在图书馆里看书。 有些与世俗脱节的感觉,对话总是牛头不对马嘴,但会好好听人说话。

坂上 智代(さかがみ ともよ)
「那当然。 谁想要交往之后结果变得不幸啊」


在今年春天转入主角学校的二年级女孩。 在这间学校里刻意隐瞒,实际上是个可以打赢一群男生的打架高手。 年纪比主角小,举止上却完全感觉不出来。

伊吹 风子(いぶき ふうこ)


主角学校的一年级生。 总是一个人用小刀雕刻木片,给人沉稳印象的女孩。 想把手作雕刻尽可能赠送给许多人。

宫泽 有纪宁(みやざわ ゆきね)


二年级生,总是窝在被人遗忘的数据室里。 很清楚学校跟城镇的大小事。 非常有礼貌,称主角为学长。

藤林 椋(ふじばやし りょう)


与主角同班的女孩。 与隔壁班班长的姊姊. 杏是双胞胎。 与姐姐不同,个性消极沉稳,但也一样担任班长。 喜欢占卜,却绝对说不中。

春原 阳平(すのはら ようへい)


主角的损友。 虽然以体育推甄入学,但因打架而停学,也因此被迫离开社团。 自此之后过着懒散的学校生活。 对春原而言主角是好友,对主角而言春原是跑腿小弟(? )

相乐 美佐枝(さがら みさえ)
「好啦、你们给我去打扫自己的房间! 」


春原居住的学生宿舍舍监。 个性开朗的大姐头,宿舍学生们的最佳咨询对象。 也是主角们学校的校友,本人自称「在学生时代是个楚楚可怜的美少女」。

古河 秋生(ふるかわ あきお)


渚的父亲。 与妻子早苗一起经营面包店。 个性就像更生失败直接长大成人的不良少年,嘴巴不但坏还有些下流。 不过邻居们似乎都很喜欢他,只要一有空,就会跟附近的孩子们打棒球。

古河 早苗(ふるかわ さなえ)


渚的母亲。 性格与女儿渚同样孩子气,还是个爱哭鬼。 帮忙面包店工作的同时,还召集了小学生教他们功课。

发售日:2018 年 6 月 14 日(四)
实体版定价 5200 日圆(未税)5616 日圆(含税)
下载版定价 4259 日圆(未税)4600 日圆(含税)
支持平台:PlayStation 4
日本 CERO 分级:预定审查
剧本:麻枝 准、凉元悠一、魁
音乐:折戸伸治、户越 Magome(戸越まごめ)、麻枝 准


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-10 06:08 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-11 04:40 PM 编辑

Moonlighter launches for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 29
经营类ARPG新作《月光》5月29日发售对应3平台 NS版稍后推出

转载 - 多玩(http://pc.duowan.com/1804/387367523621.html

  荷兰开发组11bit Studios于日前公布,将于5月29日发售新作《月光》,平台为Steam、PS4、XboxOne,NS版的发表日暂未公布,但据官方声称会比其他版本晚一段时间。





Action RPG Moonlighter will launch digitally for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on May 29 for $19.99, publisher 11 Bit Studios and developer Digital Sun announced. A release date for the Switch version was not announced.

Physical standard and “Signature” editions of Moonlighter will also be released. The Signature Edition will include a copy of the game, high-quality box, glossy A3 poster, squishy Jelly-Monster figure, and double-sided medallion.

The press release notes that further information about the physical editions will be announced at a later date. However, physical edition distributor Merge Games previously announced that the PlayStation 4 and Switch versions of Moonlighter will be released at retail.

Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:


During an archeological excavation – a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was found near the excavation site – providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure.

Moonlighter is an action RPG with rogue-lite elements that demonstrates two sides of the coin – revealing everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that secretly dreams of becoming a hero.

Key Features

  • Shopkeeping – While conducting your business in Rynoka village, you can put items on sale, set their price carefully, manage gold reserves, recruit assistants and upgrade the shop. Be careful though – some shady individuals may want to steal your precious wares!
  • Meet Villagers – Getting to know Rynoka’s residents and understanding needs of customers is crucial. Some folks may have special quests for you, requesting rare items and offering handsome rewards in return.
  • Craft & Enchant – Crafting and enchanting system is essential for the your progression. Interacting with the villagers is the way to craft new armors, weapons and enchant existing equipment. This creates a great deal of flexibility and spices up the way the equipment is used.
  • Get the Loot – While visiting other worlds, collect valuable resources, weapons, armors, treasures and peculiar artifacts. Then, manage acquired loot using unique inventory-based abilities.
  • Fight with Style – Defeating various enemies and bosses, revel in the challenging and deep combat mechanics. The depth of combat depends on the interactions between weapons, abilities, enemies and secondary effects of items. Feel comfortable developing your own battling style.
  • Open the Gates – Gates lead to different worlds. Each run is unique and forces you to take some smart decisions. You never know what you will encounter next – that’s why you have to be prepared for everything.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-11 11:04 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-11 04:35 PM 编辑

The Invisible Hours non-VR version coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC on April 24

   近日,GameTrust和Tequila Works宣布将于4月24日在PS4、Xbox one和PC平台推出《看不见的时间》的非VR版。《看不见的时间》曾于去年10月作为Tequila Works公司的首款VR版虚拟现实游戏亮相。


  Tequila Works成立于2009年,是西班牙一家影视游戏开发公司。由曾在暴雪娱乐、Pyro Studios、SCE、Weta Digital等知名游戏娱乐公司任职的员工创立。


GameTrust and Tequila Works will release a non-virtual reality version of the October 2017-released narrative adventure game The Invislbe Hours for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 24, the companies announced.

The game was previously only playable with a PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, or Oculus Rift headset. This is also the first time it will appear on Xbox One.

Here is an overview of the game, via Tequila Works:

■ The Game

Tequila Works has created an immersive theater story that is now coming to players on TV consoles, in addition to virtual reality. The Invisible Hours is a complex murder mystery in the style of immersive theater, in which players freely explore and observe an intricate web of interwoven stories within a sprawling mansion – in order to untangle the dark truth at its heart. It is one of the deepest narrative experiences in gaming to date.

Time plays a critical role throughout the experience. All seven suspects’ stories unfold in real time. For the player, this means seven very different but intersecting stories happening simultaneously. The player must carefully choose where to spend their time, offering a different perspective each time they enter The Invisible Hours. Depending on how the player explores, the game can take up to six hours to experience the different storylines.

As a player, you’re completely immersed in the stories unfolding around you. Invisible to the cast, you have the unique experience of following and observing anyone at any time and self-exploring the mansion freely for hidden clues.

■ The Inspiration

The Invisible Hours is inspired by classic murder mysteries, such as Agatha Christie’s masterpiece And Then There Were None, Hitchcock’s Rear Window, as well as genre-busting period thrillers like Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige, and the immersive theater of Punchdrunk. It also draws influence from the real-life rivalry between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla.

■ The Story

A group of strangers receive a curious invitation from enigmatic inventor Nikola Tesla, offering each of them the chance to make amends for their darkest wrongdoings. When the last guest arrives at Tesla’s isolated mansion laboratory, they find him dead – murdered. Disgraced Swedish detective, Gustaf Gustav, vows to find the killer amongst the other guests: a blind butler, a convicted murderer, the world’s most famous actress, Tesla’s former assistant, the son of a wealthy railroad magnate, and rival inventor Thomas Edison. But none of these people are what they seem.

■ Unique Blend of Narrative and Gameplay

  • One of the first video games to offer players a spherical narrative with seven concurrent, interwoven narratives.
  • Updated, television version game (non-VR) features locomotion, allowing the players to freely move themselves around within the game.
  • Large, non-linear experience.
  • Key interactions lead to new clues.
  • High replayability to discover each character’s backstory.
  • Classic murder mystery meets science fiction thriller with a deep multilayered plot.

■ The Cast

  • Rob Yescombe, writer and narrative director (The Division, Farpoint, RiME).
  • A cast of international actors:
  • Mark Arnold (Criminal Minds, Desperate Housewives)
  • Katherine Carlton (Downton Abbey, All that lives)
  • Uriel Emil (The Bourne Ultimatum, Homeland)
  • Grahame Fox (Game of Thrones, Sons of Liberty)
  • Bentley Kalu (Avengers, RED 2)
  • Patrick McNamee (Inspector George Gently, Sweeney Todd)
  • Henning Valin (The Killing, The Last Kingdom)
  • Fiona Rene (Sinister Squad, Fortune Cookies)


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-11 04:35 PM |只看该作者
■ The Characters

Nikola Tesla – The Victim

“The scientist’s dream is to know the result before the experiment.”

World famous inventor, futurist and arch rival of Thomas Edison. Until a few months ago, Tesla was a flamboyant socialite – regularly seen charming potential investors at the finest restaurants in the city. And then suddenly, he cut ties with everyone. He stopped taking visitors, and fired his long-time assistant, Flora White. He became a recluse overnight, never leaving the workshop in his mansion, and no one knows why. Soon after, Tesla advertised for a new assistant – with one strange condition: they must be blind. Oliver Swan was the only applicant. Tesla hired him immediately. Whatever Tesla was working on, he didn’t want to risk letting anyone see it.

Gustaf Gustav – The Detective

“A real detective doesn’t make mistakes.”

Once known as the inspiration for the mystery novel “The Detective So Good They Named Him Twice”, these days this renowned Swedish Investigator is unemployed, bankrupt and alcoholic. He retired from police work in disgrace after an infamous killer convinced Gustaf of his innocence – whereupon Gustaf released him from custody. The killer went on to murder nine more people before he was finally recaptured. Gustaf is haunted by his mistake, and has vowed never to make it again. No matter what.

Flora White – Tesla’s Ex-Assistant

“How did the murderer know Tesla’s gun was empty?”

Flora has never been more alone: her husband only recently died at war, and when Tesla suddenly removed himself from public life, he immediately fired his assistant – Flora – much to her confusion. As a result, she has fallen on hard times, and has returned to Tesla’s island to beg for her job back. She doesn’t belong in this nest of snakes, but she is desperate.

Thomas Edison – Rival Inventor

“I am the father of modern age.”

Self-proclaimed genius Thomas Edison is already known as the “Wizard of Menlo Park” thanks to his latest creation: the Phonograph. But what his adoring public don’t know is that Edison stole the idea. Desperate to hide his crime, he travelled to the island when Tesla implied he was aware of Edison’s wrongdoings. Could Edison have murdered Tesla to hide the truth?

Augustus Vanderberg – Wealthy Layabout

“Never has a man been worth so much, and achieved so little.”

Son and heir to the richest family in England, the Vanderbergs, Augustus has never had to work a day in his life. He loves women, booze, and any pleasure he can get his hands on. And yet, he is quietly tortured by his need to impress his stoic father, Marcus Vanderberg – a legendary British engineer and railroad magnate. Augustus once had an older brother who drowned when they were children. His father still mourns “the better son”. Perhaps Augustus’ interest in Tesla is part of an effort to finally impress his father?

Oliver Swan – The Blind Butler

“Everything in this house is a matter of discretion.”

Once a slave in Zanzibar, Swan escaped to the United States where he finds himself as an ‘indentured servant’ – perhaps not much of a change after all; made especially painful since he abandoned his young son to get there. Swan was born blind, making him the strange but ideal candidate to become Tesla’s new assistant. After all, what Tesla wanted most was to “keep his secrets safe from prying eyes”. Did Swan learn something about Tesla that could have motivated him to commit murder?

Victor Mundy – Ex-Convict & Murderer

“People lie because they’re afraid. And I ain’t afraid of nothin’.”

Mundy is a murderer. Twenty six years ago, he killed his wife in cold blood when he found her sleeping with another man. He was convicted thanks to the testimony of his own young daughter Mary. In all the years he spent incarcerated, he became obsessed with taking revenge against his daughter. Mundy is a man of strange contrast: a vicious killer, yet also a God-fearing art lover. Killing is easy to a man like him. But why would he murder Tesla?

Sarah Bernhardt – Actress & Celebrity

“If you don’t have secrets, you’re terribly dull.”

World-famous stage actress and member of the Comédie-Française in Paris. Bernhardt is one of the biggest celebrities of the age. She made her fame on the stages of France in the early 1870s, and was soon in demand in Europe and the Americas. She has developed a reputation as a serious dramatic actress, earning the nickname “The Divine Sarah”, and was the first woman in history to play Hamlet on film. For years, she has been dogged by rumours that she is secretly a high class courtesan, but she doesn’t care. Being mixed up in a murder investigation is quite a thrill to her – could she have killed Tesla just to make life a little less boring?


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-12 10:43 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-13 04:47 PM 编辑

Forgotton Anne Launches May 15
2D画风冒险游戏《被遗忘的安妮》将在 5 月 15 日发售

转载 - 多玩(http://tv.duowan.com/1804/387543028552.html

  由SE代理发行,ThroughLine Games开发的新作冒险游戏《被遗忘的安妮》于今天公布将于5月15日发售,并公开了一段新的宣传视频。

  故事的舞台为一个积累了大量人类世界遗失的东西,如一只袜子、信、玩具等东西,名为“Forgotten Lands”神秘地点。一位名叫安妮的少女和她的搭档Master Bonku被困在了这里,玩家要做的就是以这里的被遗忘的道具为线索,帮助安妮寻找回家的道路。制作人之一Phil Elliott声称本作“不单单只是如动画般的冒险游戏,而是可以流畅如动画一般。并为玩家展示本作中的细致与美丽的世界的魅力。”


About Forgotton Anne

Imagine a place where everything that is lost and forgotten goes; old toys, letters, single socks. The Forgotten Lands is a magical world inhabited by Forgotlings; creatures composed of mislaid objects longing to be remembered again.

Forgotton Anne is a seamless cinematic adventure with a focus on meaningful storytelling and light puzzle platforming. You are Anne, the enforcer who keeps order in the Forgotten Lands, as she sets out to squash a rebellion that might prevent her master, Bonku, and herself from returning to the human world…

Key Features

• Discover a beautifully realised world of wonder filled with Forgotlings – charming everyday objects brought to life, bursting with personality.

• Uncover the truth behind the harrowing conflict taking place between an impassioned ruler and ruthless rebellion.

• Harness the power of Anima, the energy that brings life to the Forgotten Lands. Use it to solve puzzles and command ultimate control over Forgotlings’ lives.

• Choose carefully. Your words and actions can alter the tale being told thanks to a branching dialogue system that places the power in your hands.

• Run, leap, and soar as you strive to guide Anne home, unlocking areas and abilities along the way.

• Enjoy hand-animated visuals created using the same traditional techniques that brought your favorite animated movies to life.

• Immerse yourself in a soaring orchestral score


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-13 02:54 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-13 03:28 PM 编辑

The Banner Saga 3 Launches for PS4, Xbox One and PC on July 24
《旗帜传说3》发售日确定 将推出三部曲合集实体版

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946495.jhtml

  由 Stoic 制作的《旗帜传说3》确定将于7月24日登陆 PC/Mac/PS4/Xbox One/Switch 平台。

  想要收藏实体版的朋友,可以关注一下由 505 Games 发行的《旗帜传说 合集》。该合集版将包含《旗帜传说》三部游戏、一本艺术书和原声音乐光盘,售价39.99美元。该版本同样将在7月24日发售,有兴趣的朋友记得关注哦。

  在今年3月举办的任天堂独立游戏直面会上,官方曾宣布《旗帜传说》初代和《旗帜传说2》将在不久后登陆 Switch 平台,目前官方还没有公布具体的发售日。


Banner Saga 3 Launch Date Announced

Versus Evil, a leading independent video game publisher in partnership with Stoic, an indie video game developer, today announced that the third and final chapter in the award winning Viking RPG trilogy, Banner Saga 3 will launch on July 24th, 2018 for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Mobile platforms are expected to launch later on in the year.

The team also unveiled the PC pre-order offer details for the ‘Dredge Ally Pack’. Fans who digitally pre-order the game through Steam and other digital PC retailers will get the following in-game items as a bonus:

• Dredge Stoneguard Character - Rank 10 Hero called Kivi

• Unique Combat Ability: Tank

• Unique Dredge Item - Sculptor's Tools

• Exclusive Dredge Heraldry

• Unique Heroic Title: “Shield Cleaver’

• Exclusive Banner Saga 3 Overture Track by Grammy-nominated and two-time BAFTA winning composer Austin Wintory

“Banner Saga 3 represents the feeling of closure but also immense accomplishment to a trilogy that has been at the very fabric of our lives for many years. We’re ever thankful to the fans and backers that have shared this epic journey with us and helped us deliver what we feel is a fitting end to our Viking adventure.” Said John Watson, Technical Director of Stoic.

There will be three digital versions of the game at launch. The Standard Edition of Banner Saga 3 on PC will cost $24.99, while the Deluxe Edition will be priced at $29.99 and will include the game’s official soundtrack composed by Austin Wintory in addition to a digital wallpaper, world map and the ‘Gold Wasp’ in-game title.

The Banner Saga 3 Legendary Edition is priced at $39.99 and includes everything that comes in the Deluxe Edition as well as the exclusive ‘Shadow Walker’ Heroic Title, the ‘Petrie Clan Ring’ exclusive legendary item and digital novel ‘Gift of Hadrborg’.

“Banner Saga 3 will maintain the legacy created by the previous two games in the series. Even more exciting is the fact that in addition to PC we are bringing Banner Saga 3 to PlayStation 4, Microsoft’s XBox One and the Nintendo Switch simultaneously at launch. Stoic have created a trilogy that will stand the test of time as one of the best RPGs ever created and one that has resonated with fans from all over the world. This is it! This is the end. If there was ever a time to experience the Banner Saga it is now.” Adds Versus Evil General Manager, Steve Escalante.

505 Games will be publishing a physical retail package – The Banner Saga Trilogy: Bonus Edition - for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 priced at $39.99. The Bonus Edition will enable RPG fans to dive headlong into the entire Viking adventure and will include Banner Sagas 1, 2 and 3 plus a mini art book, poster, best of soundtrack and in-game digital item. It will be available at major game retailers on July 24th in the US and July 27th in Europe. A digital PC Bonus Edition featuring all three games will also be available.

In Banner Saga 3, players will embark upon the final journey beyond the wall of Darkness to traverse a world unlike anything encountered in previous sagas. The games compelling story driven narrative will continue to encourage the character building and strategic aspects which were essential to the previous games popularity with fans. Story secrets will be brought to light and character motives will be made clear. The end has come.


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