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【新闻部】ATLUS 株式会社アトラス









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-12-20 07:00 PM |只看该作者
Atlus Teases a New Fantasy RPG Project, Reveal in This Week's Famitsu
开发商ATLUS新作曝概念图 幻想RPG公布在即

  Atlus 旗下人气游戏《女神异闻录》系列第五作《女神异闻录5》自从 9 月份发售以来销量非常强势,也收获了很高的评价。而今天 ATLUS 宣布一则大新闻,公司将成立 Studio Zero 制作组负责新作的开发,并放出了新作的概念艺术图。

  制作这款新作幻想 RPG 的新团队 Studio Zero 包含了《女神异闻录5》总监桥野桂以及 ATLUS 市场部门的领导平冈直人,本次放出的这张概念图也是由在《女神异闻录 5》中担任角色设定的副岛成记所绘制。



Message by Persona 5 Director Katsura Hashino

It’s Neither “Persona” nor “Shin Megami Tensei.” A New Challenge.

Starting from Zero.

The Atlus RPG was born 25 years ago. At the time, stories in the so-called “fantasy” worlds were mainstream. The “Persona” series released as a spinoff of “Shin Megami Tensei” was launched as a “counter” to such a natural world view.

Both series have been developed with concepts that have always been in opposition to their times until now, including the latest games. So what could be the image of a new RPG tackled by ATLUS now in addition to continuing those series?

I think that it is to challenge the “normality” of the genre which has been consumed for decades. That challenge is about to begin right now. The moment of birth from zero. We would be pleased if you could stand-by us at the moment we launch our challenge from zero.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-1-10 06:03 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-10 07:03 PM 编辑

Shin Megami Tensei 25th Anniversary Projects Teaser Site Launched by Atlus
《真女神转生》新作降至? 25周年企划正式启动

  Atlus 今日正式宣布《真女神转生》系列 25 周年计划正式启动,同时开放了本次计划的特设网站 和官方推特账号。

  《真·女神转生》(Shin Megami Tensei)是 1992 年在超级任天堂平台推出的角色扮演游戏。这是女神转生系列第三部作品,也是 Atlus 第一款开发并发行的女神转生游戏,后来被移植到 PC、PS、GBA 等多个平台。

  2016 年 2 月 Atlus 在 3DS 平台推出了系列最新作《真·女神转生 4 Final》,而在去年 9 月发售的高人气 RPG 游戏《女神异闻录 5》则是《真·女神转生》系列的分支外传作品。

  在本次放出的网站中有一个 25 th 周年的标志,25 的四周有前四作的罗马数字和发售年份。令人注目的是 25 的上方有一个“NEXT”,联想到之前 Atlus 曾表示在年后将公布新作的消息,这是否意味着真·女神转生“5”即将来临?



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-1-19 07:30 AM |只看该作者
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Mask of Truth Coming West This Year


atlus.com/uta/deception - atlus.com/uta/truth


A Grand Tale of Adventure and Peril Awaits in Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth

Those looking to explore a world full of fantastical beasts, powerful magic, political intrigue, and unlikely heroes will be able to scratch their adventurous and unleash their inner strategist, because Atlus will be publishing two new games from veteran storytellers Aquaplus! Two visual novel and strategy RPGs Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth will be released in the Americas on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in both physical and digital formats; the European PS4 version will have a physical release, but the PS Vita version will be digital-only. Mask of Deception will release in the spring, and the game's direct sequel, Mask of Truth will release later in the year with English text and the original Japanese audio. For both games, the PS4 version will be $49.99, and the PS Vita version will be $39.99.





Originally known as Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen in Japan, Mask of Deception is a grand tale meant to enchant the hearts and minds of players in search of incredible journey. The game begins atop a snowy mountain where the protagonist awakens in an unfamiliar wilderness, surrounded by deadly creatures, with nothing but a hospital gown and a splitting headache. However, he's eventually rescued by a beautiful girl named Kuon, who sports both adorable animal ears and a beastlike tail. Finding that the hapless man has no memory of anything, Kuon decides to take the amnesiac into her care, naming him Haku. As their journey takes them across the land, Haku will (reluctantly) encounter colorful characters (yes, that means more animal people), build deep relationships, battle ruthless enemies, and find himself inexorably dragged into the political machinations of the mighty nation of Yamato.

Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception Features

• An Unforgettable Story - Mask of Deception offers a story-rich visual novel experience (40-50+ hours long) that lets players shape the future of a fully realized world filled with fantastical lore and history! Mask of Deception sets up the story for a thrilling conclusion in Mask of Truth, and we'll reveal more information about the final game at a later date.

• An Active SRPG Battle System - Players will need to defend Haku and his friends by engaging in intense SRPG combat with the various hostiles that populate the world. The battle system is a thrilling mix of turn-based tactics and Attack Chain mechanics. Players can remain active during combat by successfully completing timing-based charging rings to execute critical attacks or vital dodges/blocks.

• Fully Fleshed Out Combat - Unique combat features such as the rewind function, elemental affinities/weaknesses, unique character skills, and more add a layer of depth to fights. It'll take true tactical acumen to emerge victorious in battle!

• Breathtaking Art - With a stunning art style and beautifully rendered cutscenes, the game is a feast for the eyes for Japanese visual novel and anime aficionados!

• Beautiful Songs and a Thrilling Score - The rousing music, recorded and remastered at the legendary Abbey Road Studios and EastWest Studios, is a perfect soundtrack to accompany a great adventure.





A brief note on content: While Atlus is committed to bringing over games that are as true to their original forms as possible, in the case of Mask of Deception, a scene had to have a small content edit to comply with various regional regulations about the depiction of physical discipline to minors. We worked with Aquaplus to keep the scope of the editing to an absolute minimum, and we both agree the change made to the scene in the game still conveys its full meaning without running into issues.

Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth will both be available digitally and physically for PS4 ($49.99) and PS Vita ($39.99) systems in 2017 (In Europe, the PS Vita version will only be available digitally). The games, originally published/developed by Aquaplus, will have their original Japanese audio.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-10 07:30 AM |只看该作者
The Caligula Effect Launches May 2 in the Americas and Europe ~ PS Vita




The students at Kishimai High School enjoy a blissful existence filled with classes and daily performances by the intoxicating virtual idol μ (pronounced myoo). While many students are quite content with this idyllic lifestyle, a few of them have uncovered a terrifying truth about their lives: everything is a lie. The “perfect” world they inhabit is actually Mobius, a virtual reality construct created and ruled by μ. The protagonist discovers this secret and must join with a group of other enlightened students, who call themselves the Go-Home Club, to escape. However, to do that they must fight brainwashed students called Digiheads, battle nefarious musicians, confront μ, and face their innermost traumas in order to truly become free.

Key Features

• A human story set in a virtual world – Experience a dark story as the Go-Home Club does whatever it takes to escape the digital prison known as Mobius. The crew must defeat a group of evil music producers (known as the Ostinato Musicians) who have been working with μ, and come face-to-face with their own black secrets/desires. Written by Persona series veteran Tadashi Satomi, players will fight towards freedom as they examine the ugly psychological issues that plague the various characters in the game.

• Multiple relationships to nurture – There are 500+ NPCs to recruit into the party to be used in combat. Each has a preassigned class (such as offense, support, etc…) and have a unique background story that’ll slowly be uncovered by completing various quests. Oh, but there’s only 4 characters in a party, so choose your teammates wisely!

• A strategic battle system – The game features a unique battle system called “Imaginary Chain” that makes encounters an exercise in planning. Once enemies are encountered, players will seamlessly transition into battles where they can choose from 100+ skills to unleash on their enemies. While choosing skills, players can adjust timing and see a simulated preview of their attack before committing to it. Maximize damage by creating deadly attack chains between party members and don’t let enemies catch their breath!

• Music by celebrated producers – It’s only fitting that a game about fighting musicians features original songs by celebrated Japanese producers such as OSTER project, 40mP, 164, cosMo@Bousou-P, and more!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-21 03:36 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-21 04:03 PM 编辑

ATLUS to announce new Radiant Historia title this week


ATLUS「时间移动」奇幻 RPG《光辉战史》新作预告官网现身 3 月 23 日发表详情

  ATLUS 今(21)日开设新的神秘网站,暗示即将发表新作游戏,详情将在 3 月 23 日出刊的日本电玩杂志法米通首度曝光。

  而根据预告游戏网站的网域 http://radianthistoria.jp/ 判读,可以确定是《光辉战史〈Radiant Historia / ラジアントヒストリア〉》关联新作。 《光辉战史》是在 2010 年于 NDS 推出的角色扮演游戏,继承 SQUARE ENIX 的 PS2 游戏《拉吉亚达物语》的世界观与设定,由同作品的开发成员高桥敷哲与こにしひろし于 ATLUS 开发制作。 《光辉战史》是以「时间移动」为主题的奇幻风格 RPG,玩家将扮演可以穿梭时间的主角史塔克(ストック),将被扭曲的历史导回原来应有的姿态。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-21 07:09 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-23 07:42 AM 编辑

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology announced for 3DS
奇幻 RPG《光辉战史》3DS 平台重制版公布

  ATLUS 今天上线的神秘网站揭晓谜底,据本周Famitsu 情报网站上得知,原来是 2010年发售的 RPG 游戏《光辉战史》的3DS平台重制版,标题为《光辉战史:完美年代》(Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology)。本作将追加新的剧情,及画面重制,预计于 2017 年 6 月 29 日发售。

  《光辉战史》是开发了 RPG 游戏《凡人物语》(Radiata Stories)的高屋敷哲、こにしひろし与开发《真女神转生》《女神异闻录》系列游戏的 ATLUS 联合在 NDS 平台推出的 RPG 作品。


The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology for 3DS, a full remake of the 2010-released DS title Radiant Historia with new scenarios. It will launch in Japan on June 29.

Further information, including an overview of the game, new elements, and comments from the staff, are featured within the pages of Weekly Famitsu.

Atlus 新作发表 SP 将于 3 月 26 日举行 介绍 2017 年发售的新作

  今天 Atlus 宣布,他们将于大马时间2017 年 3 月 26 日 18 点开始举行特别直播节目“Atlus新作发表SP 2017(春)”。本次的节目将从刚刚公开的 3DS 平台游戏《光辉物语:完美年代记 (ラジアントヒストリア パーフェクトクロノロジー)》开始,依次介绍预计将在2017 年内发售的各款新作。



Atlus New Title Announcement Special Spring 2017 live stream set for March 26

Atlus will host a “New Title Announcement Special Spring 2017” live stream on March 26 at 19:00 JST, the company announced. You’ll be able to watch it on Niconico and Fresh.

The event will be an introduction of the new titles coming from Atlus this year, starting with the newly announced Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology.

You can expect the first trailer and latest information, as well as the cast of the new title and familiar Atlus radio guests. Those set to appear during the live stream include announcer Chiaki Matsuzawa, voice actors Katsuyuki Konishi, Megumi Han, Tomomi Isomura, Yoshihisa Kawahara, Ayumu Murase, and Tomokazu Sugita, freelance writer Mafia Kajita, and composer Yoko Shimomura.

Atlus official Japanese website relaunched


Atlus has relaunched its official Japanese website.

Previously available at Atlusnet.jp, the newly designed Atlus website is available at Atlus.co.jp. The former will be taken offline on March 31.

Don’t forget—Atlus will host a live stream this Sunday, March 26, where it will introduce the new titles coming from the company in 2017, including the newly announced Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-24 06:26 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-27 06:54 PM 编辑

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology Debut Trailer ~ 3DS

  ATLUS 预定于 2017 年 6 月 29 日推出,普通版售价 6,480 日币,限定版「PERFECT EDITION」9,800 日币的 N3DS 版超时空幻想 RPG《RADIANT HISTORIA: PERFECT CHRONOLOGY》,日前公布最新宣传影片,由 A-1 Pictures 负责动画制作,收录了重制后的角色设计及演出声优介绍, 关卡动作及战斗等游戏系统,以及新追加剧情等内容,游戏开场主题曲『落花流水』也首度曝光。 另外,官网并正式上线,公布了游戏概要、抢先购特典及限定版等详细情报。

  本作为 2010 年 11 月发行的 NDS 版 RPG《RADIANT HISTORIA》重制作品,描述能自由穿梭时空的主角「史多克」(ストック)在往来过去与未来的历程中,将各种分歧的历史导入正轨的经过。


Atlus has released the first trailer and gameplay footage for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, its recently announced 3DS remake of the 2010 DS title Radiant Historia.

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology offers a number of new features, including visual and systemic upgrades, a full lineup of voice actors, a new character named Nemesia, and a third history (“Sub-History”) in addition to the DS version’s two histories (“Standard History” and “Alternate History”).

Here’s an overview of the game’s story:

The setting is the large continent Vainqueur, which has been turned into a desert.

There was a war between the western kingdom of Granorg and the eastern country of Alistel over the remaining green land.

In the midst of this great war, the protagonist Stocke, by awakening a magical book called the “White Chronicle,” acquires the special power to redo the past.

From a number of parallel worlds, including “Standard History,” “Alternate History,” and “Sub-History,” and in order to change possible tragedy and save the fate of a world on its way to ruin, choose the path with a ray of hope—.

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is due out for 3DS in Japan on June 29 in standard and “Perfect” editions.

  ATLUS 宣布,N3DS 版超时空幻想 RPG《RADIANT HISTORIA: PERFECT CHRONOLOGY》将于 2017 年 6 月 29 日上市,普通版售价 6,480 日币,限定版「PERFECT EDITION」9,800 日币。

  本作为 2010 年 11 月发行的 NDS 版 RPG《RADIANT HISTORIA》重制作品,描述能自由穿梭时空的主角「史多克」(ストック)在往来过去与未来的历程中,将各种分歧的历史导入正轨的经过。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-27 06:20 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-27 06:49 PM 编辑

Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey Announced for 3DS
探索更加奥妙且深层的黑暗《真・女神转生 奥妙奇幻旅程》公开

  ATLUS 在 2017 年 3 月 26 日的现场直播节目「ATLUS 新作发表 SP 2017<春>」中,公开Nintendo 3DS 平台作品《真・女神转生 奥妙奇幻旅程》。

  《真・女神转生 奥妙奇幻旅程》是以 2009 年 10 月发售的《真・女神转生 奇幻旅程》为基础并导入众多要素所推出的强化版,并确定于 2017 年秋季推出,价格未定。

  《真・女神转生 奇幻旅程》是一款在 3D 迷宫中探索,透过与恶魔对话让恶魔加入我方,使用恶魔合体出更强大恶魔等等,充满着《真・女神转生》要素的作品。 而本作中将在封闭空间「极黑世界(シュバルツバース)」为舞台,展开如同科幻恐怖电影般的故事剧情,其中玩家所身穿的装备「恶魔套装(デモニカスーツ)」也会随着故事剧情而逐渐强化,是一款世界观相当独特的作品。

  3DS《真・女神转生 奥妙奇幻旅程》预定于 2017 年秋季推出,价格未定。

Shin Megami Tensei Deep Strange Journey.jpg



Atlus has announced Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey for 3DS. It is due out this fall in Japan.

First teased in January, Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey is an easier to play, refined version of the 2009-released DS title Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey with various additional elements.

Here’s what we know so far:


Environmental destruction and ethnic conflict… on a future earth where various problems still haven’t been solved, it suddenly appeared.

Schwarzwelt, the ruined land that appeared in the Antarctic, continued to expand while swallowing everything on the earth into nonexistence. This appears to be how the history of mankind will meet its end…

Hoping for humanity’s survival, a Strike Team is sent to this mysterious land. However, the things they witness… will reveal the terrible truth of Schwarzwelt.

New Character: Alex (voiced by Megumi Han)

A mysterious girl who suddenly attacks the protagonist during exploration of Schwarzwelt. What is her goal in targeting the life of the protagonist with such open hostility?

Voice Actors

  • Protagonist (voiced by Jun Hirose)
  • Gore (voiced by Unsho Ishizuka)
  • Jimenez (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai)
  • Zelenin (voiced by Maaya Sakamoto)
  • etc.

Main Points

A must-see for every Shin Megami Tensei fan! It’s that popular title with new elements added and various elements brushed up for 3DS.

Enjoy a dramatic story with new from-the-chest-up illustrations and full voice overs.
About 350 demons will appear. A “DEEPer” demon experience.

A new character named Alex will appear, as well as a new ending route.

Further details will be shared in the March 30-due issue of Weekly Famitsu.

Atlus and Spike Chunsoft Announce Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 for 3DS
奔向新世界树之时! 《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》正式公开

转载 - 巴哈姆特

  ATLUS 在昨(27)日的现场直播节目「ATLUS 新作发表 SP 2017<春>」中,公开了 Nintendo 3DS 平台《世界树与不可思议的迷宫》系列最新作《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》。

  结合 ATLUS 人气作品《世界树的迷宫》系列的人物职业以及《不可思议迷宫》系列的道具、随机迷宫等等要素的《世界树与不可思议的迷宫》最新作品《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》确定将于 2017 年 8 月 31 日发售。

  另外,制作方也表示本作与前作并无直接关联,因此新玩家不用玩过前作也能直接游玩本作,享受结合两种 RPG 的乐趣。

  并且,随着《世界树的迷宫》系列十周年的到来,制作方也确定本作将会推出《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》世界树的迷宫十周年盒装版。

《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》世界树的迷宫十周年盒装版

  • Nintendo 3DS 用《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》游戏本体
  • 超过 200 页以及由日向悠二老师绘制封面的《世界树的迷宫》角色艺术集(暂定)
  • 限定外包装盒


共 2 张 CD 的《世界树的迷宫》玩家特选专辑-

  • 将收录由众多玩家票选出来的《世界树的迷宫》历代游戏曲目
  • 由日向悠二绘制的纸壳包装封面

※ 预购特典虽然「普通版」及「初回生产限定版」皆会附赠,但由于特典数量有限,因此请尽早预约。

  另外,官方也正式公开《世界树的迷宫》10 周年纪念人气乐曲投票活动。

  • 投票页面:http://sq-atlus.jp/sfd2/vote/
  • 活动时间: 2017 年 3 月 26 日~ 4 月 9 日 22:59 为止


  《世界树与不可思议的迷宫 2》预定于 2017 年 8 月 31 日发售,价格为普通版 6480 日圆、限定版 9800 日圆,皆不含税。

Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Logo.JPG



Atlus and Spike Chunsoft have announced Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 for 3DS. It will launch in Japan on August 31 for 6,480 yen.

First-print copies will include a two-disc “User’s Best Album” containing player favorite songs from across the Etrian Odyssey series. Users can vote for which tracks they want to be included here until April 9. The jacket that houses the CDs is a digipak illustrated by Yuuji Himukai.

An Etrian Odyssey 10th Anniversary Box limited edition will cost 9,800 yen and include a copy of the game, special-make box, and 200-page Character Art Works book featuring character illustrations from across the Etrian Odyssey series’ numbered titles.

Here’s an overview of the story:

At the bottom of the Yggdrasil Tree there is said to be an entrance to the “Land of the Gods”—.

One day, you, an adventurer who visited the lakeside town that looks out on this legendary Yggdrasil Tree, meet a mysterious girl.

“I want to go to the base of the Yggdrasil Tree no matter what it takes.”

Just who is this girl? Why does she want to go to the Yggdrasil Tree? Frequently clear “mystery dungeons” and, together with the girl, head for the distant Yggdrasil Tree!

In addition to the classes from the previous game (Landsknecht, Protector, Runemaster, Medic, Gunner, Wanderer, Ninja, Dancer, Sovereign, and Hexer), the Buccaneer, Alchemist, Kenkaku, Monk, and Farmer classes have also been added.

In related news, Atlus will host an Etrian Odyssey 10th anniversary commemoration broadcast on Niconico on May 20 at 19:30 JST. Details about the broadcast will be announced at a later date.

Etrian Odyssey 10th Anniversary Box limited edition.jpg

Etrian Odyssey Users Best Album.jpg

Shin Megami Tensei HD project new image

Atlus debuted an updated version of the teaser trailer for its untitled Shin Megami Tensei HD project announced for Switch in January during its New Title Announcement Special Spring 2017 live stream today.

The updated teaser trailer is exactly the same as the initial teaser trailer, save for an additional five seconds showing what appears to be a destroyed city.

Atlus hasn’t actually uploaded the updated teaser, but the additional scene is a single image, which moves from the bottom up, and is attached above and below.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-30 06:46 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-30 06:59 PM 编辑

N3DS 版《真. 女神转生 DEEP STRANGE JOURNEY》公布最新游戏情报

  ATLUS 预定于 2017 年秋天推出,售价未定的 N3DS 版 RPG《真. 女神转生 DEEP STRANGE JOURNEY》(真・女神転生ディープ ストレンジジャーニー),日前公布最新游戏情报。

  自 1992 年首作发行以来,今年正式迈入 25 周年的 RPG 名作《真. 女神转生》系列,2009 年 10 月推出的 NDS 版外传作品《真. 女神转生 STRANGE JOURNEY》大获玩家好评,本作则是一款 N3DS 平台全新登场的重制作品,除了沿袭 3D 迷宫探索、恶魔对话、恶魔合体及多重结局等系列招牌内容之外,还将搭载以闭锁空间「シュバルツバース」为舞台展开有如 SF 恐布电影般的故事情节以及全新次世代战斗装备「DEMONICA 军装」(デモニカスーツ)等新要素。











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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-15 07:20 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-15 07:27 AM 编辑

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology opening animation
《光辉物语:完美年代记 (ラジアントヒストリア パーフェクトクロノロジー)》开场动画公开 发售日6月29日




Atlus has released the opening animation for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, its upcoming 3DS remake of DS RPG Radiant Historia.

The opening animation is produced by A-1 Productions, which is known for works such as Sword Art Online. It features the opening theme song “Rakka Ryuusui” performed by Haruka Shimotsuki.

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is due out for 3DS in Japan on June 29.



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