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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-22 06:57 PM 编辑
PlayStation 'For The Players Since 1995'
PS4新宣传片 系列主机回顾 献给玩家们的视频
PS4还有不到1个月的时间就要发售了,为了宣传次世代主机,索尼再次放出了全新的宣传片,而这次的宣传片就有点怀旧了。宣传片被命名为“4 The Players”,视频讲述了自1995年PS主机初代面市至今约20年的故事,PS系列主机伴随了很多玩家的游戏生涯。
PlayStation: For The Players since 1995
Inspired by the hashtag #PlayStationMemories which trended worldwide earlier this year, we read a lot of your tweets and messages and wanted to make a film to represent what PlayStation has meant to all of us since 1995.
This is the main kick off – a bit of nostalgia before we look forward to PlayStation 4, the biggest in our history. We’re proud of our heritage and how much PlayStation has meant to gamers growing up. Whether you’ve been with us from the start or are about to join us, hopefully everyone can relate to at least a little part of this.
In terms of the film, each section is representative of the whole era, lots of details even down to the dates on the ticket stubs, the magazines and the electronics help bring this piece to life. As we move into PlayStation 4 – the bike, the clothes and many of the items that haven’t actually been released help us look to the future.
When other brands heard what we were doing they were excited to get involved! Dominos gave us boxes from each of the console eras and we received support from a number of key publishers from across the gaming industry, helping us to look back at just a selection of games that many of us will remember playing and enjoying from over the years.
We hope when you watch the film you will look back and remember your time with PlayStation and join us as we look forward to what the future holds.
UK PSBlog:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... players-since-1995/ |