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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
由擅长制作创意游戏的Media Molecule开发的PSV游戏《折纸世界(Tearaway)》此前官方称会在10月中旬发售,不过现在这个发售日将有所变动,该工作室日前宣布游戏正式的发售日期为2013年11月22日。
该工作室的制作人Siobhan Reddy在PS官方博客上说道:“我们正处于游戏开发的最后阶段,而与此同时我们也意识到需要多一点时间来让游戏达到我们的预期。我们希望游戏的设定、故事和画面都可以给玩家们带来令人惊艳的效果。”
Media Molecule工作室曾经开发过《小小大星球》系列,全新作《折纸世界》配合PSV独有的机能会带给玩家们前所未有的体验,你可以控制折纸小人Iota(男性)或者Atoi(女性)在一个神奇的“折纸世界”中冒险。
Tearaway Release Date…
Here at Media Molecule we love to make new things on new platforms. To us, making games is a real labour of love. Our very blood, sweat and tears are poured into every pixel, every line of code, every note in every song, and every little post it note we use to plan our lives.
Tearaway is our first handheld game, set in a totally new world, with characters on a new adventure. Throughout development we have constantly explored all the ways we could think of to create the most fun and enjoyable experiences possible on a PS Vita, whilst also learning how to make a 3D creative platformer! We are really proud of the work we are doing, and are really excited to share it with you!
We are now in the final stages of development, and have come to the realisation that we need a little more time than we anticipated to finish the game; to tie all of the mechanics, story and amazing visuals together into the adventure that we want you to play. To give us that time, we’ve decided to move the release date by one month, from mid-October, to November 22nd.
We’re really, really sorry for the minor delay, we promise you hand on heart that the wait will be worthwhile! Thanks for being patient, please don’t be too cross with us, lots of love, MM.
来自:http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/tearaway_release_date/ |