Ubisoft 今(22)日宣布,让玩家体验单板滑雪、双板滑雪、飞鼠装和滑翔伞竞速这四种极限运动的开放世界动作运动游戏《极限巅峰》,将与 2018 韩国平昌冬季奥运会与奥林匹克委员会合作推出原创数据片《极限巅峰:奥运之路(Steep: Road to the Olympics)》,带领玩家挺进南韩与日本当地的群山展开挑战。 本数据片将于 2017 年 12 月 5 日于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台推出。
Ubisoft Opens New Studio in Stockholm
育碧将于瑞典增设工作室 致力于3A游戏研发
育碧正式宣布将在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩设立全新的工作室。曾就职于 EA 拥有超过17年游戏研发经验的 Patrick Bach 将担任工作室总监。
多年来育碧已在全球拓展了超过 30 个工作室。早在今年 4 月,育碧就在波多尔和柏林成立了新的工作室。育碧斯德哥尔摩工作室总监 Patrick Bach ,拥有超过 17 年的游戏开发者经验,曾在 EA DICE 就职 15 年,此前则从事商业短片及 3D 制图方面的工作。曾参与制作《RalliSport Challenge2》、《战地风云:叛逆连队》及《战地风云:叛逆连队2》、《战地风云 3》和《战地风云4》,并在《星球大战:战争前线》、《镜之边缘:催化剂》以及《战地风云 1》的研发过程中负责团队监督工作。
全新的斯德哥尔摩工作室将致力于研发AAA游戏、人物形象并与Massive马尔默工作室紧密合作,开发《阿凡达》游戏。“斯德哥尔摩是全球最重要的游戏中心之一,拥有大量的经验丰富的创意人才。” Patrick Bach补充道:“再加上国际化城市的喧嚣和优异的氛围,斯德哥尔摩将会是创作独特游戏独一无二的地方。”
Ubisoft Expands Nordic Presence, Patrick Bach to Lead Stockholm Studio
Over the years, Ubisoft has grown its internal production force to more than 30 in-house studios around the world, and 10,000-plus talented team members. In order to continue to nurture in-house creativity, surprise players, innovate, and continue to be pioneers in this constantly moving industry, we need to keep seeking out more of the best team players to rise to the challenge and accompany us on the journey.
Back in April, we announced the opening of Ubisoft Bordeaux and Ubisoft Berlin – both are looking to tap into high-potential talent pools, and give new opportunities for game developers to work on some of the most renowned brands in the industry. Always on the lookout for high potential markets, Ubisoft has identified Sweden, specifically Stockholm, as the next city to follow suit. With Patrick Bach, former studio manager of EA DICE in Stockholm, at the helm, Ubisoft Stockholm will work closely with the team at Massive in Malmö on AAA projects. We caught up with Patrick as he gets ready to open the studio doors and start meeting prospective team members.
Tell us about yourself!
I have been a game developer for more than 17 years, with 15 years spent at EA DICE in Stockholm. Before that, I worked with the commercial video industry and 3D graphics. I have been a part of creating games like RalliSport Challenge2, Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2, Battlefield 3 and 4 and I also oversaw the teams developing Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror′s Edge Catalyst and Battlefield 1.
Why did you decide to take on the challenge of opening a new studio with Ubisoft?
When talking to Ubisoft about values and goals I noticed that we shared a lot of thinking, especially when it came to the creative and practical process of making games. I feel like I will be able to use my potential in a new and different way in the Ubisoft family. I’m also looking forward to working with new world class colleagues around the world.
Why open a studio in Stockholm?
Stockholm is one of the great gaming hubs of the world with a huge pool of experienced and creative talent. That together with an international buzz and a great atmosphere makes Stockholm a very unique place to create amazing games.
What will the new studio focus on?
The focus is to create great games of course, including working with Massive on the recently announced Avatar game. To make great games you need a great team, a clear vision, great working conditions and a company backing you and supporting those pillars. I think we’ve got all those ingredients combined to make this studio a success, and offer something new on the dev scene in Stockholm.
Are you recruiting? How many people will there be in the studio?
Yes, as of today we are starting to look to recruit for all types of talent, with the goal of growing to 100 in Stockholm in two years.
In addition to the 100 new jobs in Stockholm, Massive continues to recruit for 200 positions in Malmö which means that Ubisoft is creating a total of 300 new jobs in Sweden over the next two years. Interested in a position at Ubisoft Stockholm? You can find more and apply to join here: jobs.ubisoft.com
《美丽新世界 1800》是实时仿真经营类型游戏《美丽新世界》系列最新续作,游戏名称取为「1800」,并非指 1800 那一年,而是以 19 世纪为本作故事舞台,将带玩家回到外交活络、人类开始迈入工业化的工业时代初期,并将会历经帝国主义时代、殖民主义时代。 游戏将继承过去系列作的特色,同时国际产品经理 Nils Ehlert 表示,多人游玩、AI 敌人、随机地图等内容将在本作中回归,其中 AI 敌人方面,Nils Ehlert 特别指出,玩家在游戏中的对手将会根据玩家的行动而改变。
由于游戏还在早期的开发阶段,因此本次仅简短展示了一小部分的游戏内容。 虽然游戏还在开发中,但已经有了不错的画面表现且以十分拟真的风格呈现。 游戏接口与过去稍微有些不同。 这次主要示范经营城市的过程,以开幕动物园为例,原本来客数不多的动物园,在从货船收到引进的稀有动物后,参观民众开始变多。 Nils Ehlert 提到,玩家身为建造、规划人口众多的大都市的统治者,要随时注意个城市之中人民的行为,像是可能会有抗议或是冲突等事件,而玩家就要想办法解决问题,让人民过的开心;解决方式可能有很多,就靠玩家的选择。
目前游戏还在非常早期的开发阶段,预计 2018 年冬季于 PC 平台上发行。 国际产品经理 Nils Ehlert 表示,以游戏目前的阶段来说现在公布消息确实有点早,但是这是有原因的。 Nils Ehlert 说明,Ubisoft Blue Byte 建立了「Anno Unio」,并将透过此提供专属游戏内容,包括开发内幕、幕后花絮等,同时玩家可以参与《美丽新世界 1800》开发过程,开发团队希望能透过抢先体验了解玩家的感受。 Nils Ehlert 强调:「我们希望能听到玩家认真且真诚的感想。 通常游戏上市前会进行测试,但实际上这个时间点游戏几乎已经完成了,实时有问题也没有办法在改变,因为我们希望能在开发初期就与玩家进行沟通。 」