Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Coming to PC via Steam on February 1
《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代》PC 繁体中文版 2 月 2 日上市
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SQUARE ENIX 今日宣布,以 PS2 版翻新重制的角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代(Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age)》PC 繁体中文版本将于 2018 年 2 月 2 日上市。
《Final Fantasy XII》是人气角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy》系列第 12 代作品,以众多智能生物种族共存的奇幻世界「伊瓦利斯」为舞台,叙述誓要解放祖国的达玛斯卡公主「雅雪」,因战乱失去家人的少年「 梵恩」,远近驰名的空贼「巴夫雷尔」,舍弃森林的维埃拉族「法兰」,背负着叛国污名的将军「巴修」等 6 名命运各异的角色,在机缘下齐聚一堂展开波澜壮阔的冒险。
SQUARE ENIX 表示,《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代》为 PC 推出完整重新调整的版本,是款全新且进化的游戏,让现有与新玩家可以沈醉在伊瓦利斯世界中体验伟大的冒险。
《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代》PC 版本对应 60fps,支持 21:9 超宽显示器与三屏幕,让玩家体验更壮观的伊瓦利斯。 收录原始版游戏背景音乐、全新重新编排背景音乐和原始配乐 3 种 BGM 模式可供选择。 提供执照点数和金钱最大化增幅功能。 并支持控制器操作与 Steam 卡牌等。
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Arrives for PC on February 1
Following the resounding success of over a million units of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age shipped last year for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Square Enix announced that players can visit the wondrous world of Ivalice on PC beginning February 1.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on Steam will release with all of the modern advancements and features available in the PlayStation 4 version, such as latest-generation visuals, a remastered soundtrack, new Speed and Trial modes, fast forward function, and many other enhanced features. The following new features will also be added for PC users:
• 60fps - Ivalice will look better than ever with the game running at 60fps
• Compatible with 21:9 ultra-wide monitors - Up to three HD monitors can be used for a potential 48(16x3):9 experience.
• New Game Plus and New Game Minus - Post-game content modes are now accessible from the beginning of the game.
• Three background music options – The original, re-orchestrated and soundtrack versions are now available from the beginning of the game.
• Maximized License Points and Gil - New functionality added to grant players max License Points and Gil from the configuration screen.
• Full controller support, Steam Trading Cards and more to optimize the PC player experience.
Fans can learn more about the new features the PC version has to offer during special launch program on Thursday, February 2nd at 12:00 a.m. Pacific, where Producer Hiroaki Kato and Director Takashi Katano will answer questions presented by FFinal Fantasy fans on Twitter.
Square Enix has also unveiled a brand-new Collector’s Edition for the game, available now for pre-order exclusively from the Square Enix Online Store for $149.99. The Collector’s Edition features an official Collector’s Edition Steelbook™ with the original soundtrack, a five-piece Judge Masters Bust Set, six-card art set and a digital download code for the game.
Fans that purchase the game through Steam within the first week of launch will also receive a 20% discount, a three-track digital music compilation and a new Steam Skin illustrated by famed Final Fantasy artist Isamu Kamikokuryo.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age will be available on Steam for $49.99.
很久没有动静的《Final Fantasy VII Remake》似乎终于要有新消息了。近日 Square Enix 透露,他们将于下周开始的一个展览上公布本作的更多内容。
本次展览将于1月22日至2月28日期间在森艺术中心画廊(东京六本木 Hills 森大厦52楼)「FINAL FANTASY 30th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION -离别的故事展-(FINAL FANTASY 30th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION -别れの物语展-)」举办。据 Square Enix 介绍,展览将聚焦“最终幻想”系列悠久的历史,以及系列众多不同的作品。除了展出《Final Fantasy XV》的场景与画面,《Final Fantasy VII Remake》的新消息也将一并公布,虽然我们并不知道会公布多少。
上一次听到《Final Fantasy VII Remake》的消息还是去年5月,Square Enix 决定将游戏的开发工作收回到公司内部,并正在进行核心员工招聘,而监督野村哲也似乎在开发本作的同时还忙于许多其他的事情。不管怎样,希望下周 SQEX 的新消息不会辜负粉丝们长久的期待。
「离别的故事展」是以《Final Fantasy》游戏中的「离别」为主题,回顾系列游戏 30 年历史的回顾展。 来场的参加者将使用新开发的「声音 AR 系统」,戴上专用的声音导览耳机游览会场。 在展示物前鉴赏时,将会连动播放游戏的 BGM 或是角色语音、还有在智能型手机上秀出解说、还会随着来场观众的行动自动进行导航。
此外,作为「离别的故事展」的亮点,将会带来《Final Fantasy VII》以及《Final Fantasy XV》的主题展示区域,并配合本次主题「离别」带来体验型特别展示,并且可以看到为了展览特别编写的 “原创故事” 。
在故事中迎向悲剧的角色「艾丽丝(エアリス)」,在《Final Fantasy VII》区域将带领玩家来到她和克劳德初次相遇的场景「贫民窟的教会」,观展者可以一边在教会中自由走动,一边倾听为了本次特别收录的「艾丽丝的回忆」。 同区域同时也会设置《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》首度公开的设定插图等内容。
《Final Fantasy XV》区域则是将带来游戏中被称为「梦幻的结婚典礼」的最后场景,只闪过一瞬间的诺克堤斯和露娜弗蕾亚幸福的样貌,以及父亲和亲友们献上的祝福,会场中将会以特别撰写的剧本带来这段梦幻情节。
Final Fantasy VII Remake concept art debuts at Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition
《Final Fantasy VII Remake》《Final Fantasy X-2》新概念图曝光
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此外,作为「离别的故事展」的亮点,将会带来《Final Fantasy VII》以及《Final Fantasy XV》的主题展示区域,并配合本次主题「离别」带来体验型特别展示,并且可以看到为了展览特别编写的 “原创故事” 。
在故事中迎向悲剧的角色「艾丽丝(エアリス)」,在《Final Fantasy VII》区域将带领玩家来到她和克劳德初次相遇的场景「贫民窟的教会」,观展者可以一边在教会中自由走动,一边倾听为了本次特别收录的「艾丽丝的回忆」。 同区域同时也会设置《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》首度公开的设定插图等内容。
《Final Fantasy XV》区域则是将带来游戏中被称为「梦幻的结婚典礼」的最后场景,只闪过一瞬间的诺克堤斯和露娜弗蕾亚幸福的样貌,以及父亲和亲友们献上的祝福,会场中将会以特别撰写的剧本带来这段梦幻情节。
Square Enix is debuting new concept art of Final Fantasy VII Remake at its Final Fantasy “Farewell Stories” 30th Anniversary Exhibition, which will run at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo from January 22 to February 28.
The concept art is part of the “Words Aerith Left Behind” exhibit, in which the Sector 5 Church of Final Fantasy VII is recreated.
Members of the press were invited to attend the exhibition ahead of its official opening, and photographs of the concept art have appeared online.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is in development for PlayStation 4.
Post-Final Fantasy X-2 Tidus and Yuna illustrations debut at Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Square Enix is debuting illustrations of Tidus and Yuna after the events of Final Fantasy X-2 at its Final Fantasy “Farewell Stories” 30th Anniversary Exhibition, which will run at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo from January 22 to February 28.
Members of the press were invited to attend the exhibition ahead of its official opening, and Famitsu and GAME Watch shared images of the illustrations, the sketches for which were included in the “Credits & Bonus Audio” disc packaged with the Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster released in 2013.
Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 were originally released for PlayStation 2. Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PC.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT January 30 update announced
Square Enix will release an update for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT in Japan on January 30 alongside the release of the game in North America and Europe, the company announced. It is unknown if the content of the update is already included in the western release, or if the west will also receive the content in the form of an update.
Here is the full list of changes:
Languages added. English voices and subtitles for each language (English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish) can be chosen.
In the control settings of the Options menu, Circle and X can be switched.
In the control settings of the Options menu, L1 / R1 and L2 / R2 can be switched.
In Room Matches, P.LV and C.LV experience points and Gil can be obtained.
A greater amount of Gil will be rewarded for clearing battles.
In situations where you disconnect with an opponent before the Briefing screen, there will not be a penalty.
Offline Class can be more easily raised. (When your Offline Class rises, the ally COM rank also rises, which makes battles easier.)
When matching with an opponent, the online ID of opponents in the voice chat list are hidden. (Everyone’s IDs will be displayed after moving to the Briefing screen with an opponent.)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT launched for PlayStation 4 on January 11 in Japan, and will launch on January 30 in North America and Europe.
Square Enix 在新加坡的《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》发布会上,除了公布《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》消息之外,还公布了《Final Fantasy XIV Online》将在 2 月 27 日推出PS4版新加坡服!目前新加坡PC版《Final Fantasy XIV Online》已经上架了。
《Final Fantasy XIV Online》是一款已有10 万玩家的大型3D MMORPG游戏。玩家们能随意选择66中不同的服务器,不同的种族和职业来体验游戏,打造属于自己的“最终幻想”!
在新加坡服的PS Store上《Final Fantasy XIV Online》一共有两种版本,分别是完整版和初心者版。完整版包含了之前所发售的全部资料片和装备等,售价为75 SGD。而初心者版为《Final Fantasy XIV Online》的初版,并不包含之前所发售的资料片和装备等等,售价为25 SGD。如今《Final Fantasy XIV Online》PS4版在新加坡服的PS Store已经开始接受预购,所以有兴趣的玩家们记得到新加坡服的PS Store了解更多!