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【PS3/PS4】The Last Of Us Remastered - PS4版发售日正式公布









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-7-29 07:27 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-7-29 11:09 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-30 01:41 PM 编辑

《最后生还者:重制版》发售宣传片 神作再临



The Last of Us Remastered Out Today on PS4

The time is here. The Last of Us Remastered in all its 1080p glory is now available in stores and digitally on the PlayStation Store! If you were lucky enough to log in late last night, you were already able to buy and download our game and start playing even quicker.

We’re extremely proud to launch the definitive edition of The Last of Us. We’re looking forward to reading and watching your reactions as you play the game for the first time or revisit the world again with all our new features and technical improvements.

If multiplayer is your thing, we’ve got a new bundle – the Killer Bundle – available today as well. You can check out details on this bundle of nightmarish head items on TheLastofUs.com.

As you boot up your copy of The Last of Us Remastered, be sure to check out our videos on the Photo Mode and Audio settings that are unique to this PS4 release.

We also have a New Features and Audio FAQ available that should help answer some questions you may have. The FAQ and the videos will help you get the most of our copy of The Last of Us Remastered.

If you’re new to the game, welcome! Please play the single player campaign before your jump into Left Behind. If you’re a survivor of the PS3 version, welcome back! We’re looking forward to seeing your clan in Factions and seeing how quickly you can platinum the Remastered edition. And let’s see your Photo Mode screenshots!




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-6 07:56 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-22 07:22 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-22 06:28 PM 编辑

The Last of Us will receive two free multiplayer maps on PS3 & PS4
《最后生还者:重制版》新福利 两张地图免费送

   《美国末日:重制版》自推出以来一直不太理想,尤其是上次推出的DLC包中的两张地图金融广场(Financial Plaza)和海滩(Beach)更是BUG百出,好多玩家愤怒不已,顽皮狗公司决定将两张地图免费发放。顽皮狗正式修复了这些问题,并且为了表示歉意,将会把这两张DLC地图免费推送至PS3及PS4平台。

Free maps! And about those pesky matchmaking times...

It's time for a quick status update regarding matchmaking in The Last of Us Remastered. We've been working hard to alleviate the long waits in Factions matchmaking some of our multiplayer community have been experiencing. We are working on resolving this issue for those in our community who are still affected.

We know this can be frustrating and the team here at Naughty Dog wants everyone in our community to know that working on this issue continues to be our number one priority.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have deployed LiveUpdates and Patch 1.02, which have resulted in some significant improvements, but there is still more to be done to reduce the matchmaking wait times.

Over the last two weeks, we've discovered that the most significant improvements may come from working with other teams at PlayStation to make updates to some of the existing matchmaking libraries. Since we are working with multiple groups inside and outside of the studio, we don’t yet have an exact date on when these updates will roll out. Our current estimate is on the short side of weeks, rather than months. We'll be sure to keep you updated the moment we can provide more specific timing, or an actual date.

Believe me, the entire team at Naughty Dog completely understands how frustrating this has been for many of you in our community. We've got some good news. At the end of July, we teased some new multiplayer add-on content which included a glimpse at new maps for Factions. We're glad to say that we've decided to release these two maps for free on both the PS3 and PS4 in appreciation for all of your continued patience as we work to resolve the matchmaking issues.

We will keep you updated as we continue to work on improving the matchmaking wait times and when we can expect the bigger update the roll out. In the meantime, if you find yourself waiting to get into a match, the best thing you can do is exit matchmaking and select "Find Match" again.

Thank you to everyone in our community for your understanding and continued support.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-8-30 07:25 AM |只看该作者
The Last of Us adds two free maps and matchmaking improvements


The Last of Us – Free Maps and New Weapons

Happy Friday! We’re pushing a patch today (view full notes here) that addresses many of the matchmaking issues taking place in Factions mode for The Last of Us Remastered. You should see improved matchmaking all around. It will be rolling out over the next twenty-four hours globally. Look for the update when you turn on your system today.

With that patch, as promised, we’re giving away two, brand new multiplayer maps for FREE. The first map is the Beach, an excellent map for long-range experts. The second map is Financial Plaza, which is ideal for both sniping and close quarters combat. The maps will be free for both PS3 and PS4 players. Check out these maps in our latest trailer.

Once we’ve deployed the maps, upon signing into Factions multiplayer, the store will pop up and you’ll be asked to download them for free. Here are the screens you should see.

If you’re super excited and want to see how quickly you can get back to playing Factions, the Maps for PS4 are roughly 291MB and the patch is about 137MB. For PS3, patch 1.09 will be approximately 170MB and the same maps are about 143MB.

Also newly available is our Scoped Weapons Bundle which can be purchased on the PlayStation Store for $2.99 right now. The four new weapons in the bundle are sold individually for $0.99 if you’re more selective about your guns. All weapons are available for The Last of Us on BOTH the PS3 and PS4.

Enjoy the free maps and get geared up with some new weapons and any of our many other The Last of Us Add-Ons such as the Ultimate Head Item Pack - which includes every head item we’ve made to date! Be sure to give us your feedback about the patch and new Add-Ons. Thank you for all the information you’ve given us so far. See you online!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-12-10 07:14 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-10 06:45 PM 编辑

The Last of Us Remastered multiplayer gets new DLC
《最后生还者 重制版》推出 PS4 专属 “特殊处决动作”

  PS4 动作冒险游戏《最后生还者 重制版》推出了一系列的「特殊处决动作」,容许玩家使用多种新的风格来处决敌人,其中甚至包含「用箭刺穿对方脑袋」的激烈手段。

  影片中所展示的处决动作共有 9 种,每种个别要价 1 美元,玩家可在购入之后于多人联机模式中使用。游戏制作厂商 Naughty Dog 在官方网站上表示由于新的处决动作实在过于激烈,对硬件要求极高,技术上是没有办法在 PS3 版的游戏中推出的。

  除了处决动作之外,Naughty Dog 也顺势推出了多款《最后生还者 重制版》的下载内容,包含新的武器套组和手势动作(gestures),详情请见下表:

  • 战术性武器套组(整组 3 美元,各要价 1 美元):散弹枪「Tactical Shotgun」、手枪「Burst Pistol」、步枪「Frontier Rifle」以及十字弓「Crossbow」。
  • 风险管理生存技巧套组(整组 3 美元,各要价 1 美元):孤狼(Lone Wolf)、第二次机会(Second Chance)、万事通(Jack of All Trades)、命运转机(Lucky Break)以及致命效率(Lethal Efficiency)。
  • 不相称的头饰套组(整组 3 美元,个别要价不一):维京帽(Viking Hat)、瘟疫面具(Plague Mask)、微笑面具(Smiley Mask)、法外之徒面具(Outlaw Mask)、滑雪防风镜(Ski Goggles)、坏掉的防毒面具(Broken Gas Mask)、防弹头盔(Ballistic Helmet)以及都市迷彩头盔(Urban Camo Helmet)。
  • 手势动作套组 2(整组 2.5 美元,各要价 1 美元):拍拍灰尘(Dust Myself Off)、邪恶大笑(Evil Laugh)、游戏结束(Game Over)以及恐吓动作(Intimidation)。
  • 手势动作套组 3(整组 2.5 美元,各要价 1 美元):你玩完了(You're Done)、战斗阵形(Combat Formation)、伸懒腰(Stretch)以及我会盯着你(I'm Watching You)。

  附带一提,Naughty Dog 也针对 PS3 和 PS4 两种游戏版本发布了新的更新档,详细信息请参阅游戏官网 http://www.thelastofus.playstation.com/


The Last of Us: Deadly New Multiplayer Add-Ons

If you were fortunate enough to attend the PlayStation Experience this past weekend you may have played The Last of Us Remastered with some of our brand new Factions mode add-ons. Or maybe you attended the panel with our multiplayer team and learned about how this was developed. If you participated in our tournament in Vegas you might be downloading this new content for free today.

For those of you who didn’t make it out to the PlayStation Experience there’s a lot of fun coming your way. Here’s a look.

Clearly our The Last of Us combat designer has a soft spot for a good takedown and has designed some very visceral, very lethal Special Executions across nine different weapon categories. These sets of animations are available for purchase for $0.99 each. We had to exclude some sets from the PS3 version of the game due to memory constraints on the hardware. Yes, it seems with our latest add-ons we’re squeezing every last ounce of memory the PS3 has to run our Factions mode.

You can purchase our new Tactical Weapons Bundle for $2.99. In the bundle you’ll get the Tactical Shotgun, Burst Pistol, Frontier Rifle, and Crossbow. Yes, a Crossbow. These items are available for $0.99 each if you prefer to pick your arms individually.

If you’re looking to avoid falling victim to some of these new executions and weapons buy the new Risk Management Survival Skills Bundle for $3.99. In the bundle you’re getting Lone Wolf, a skill that grants you temporary survival skills when you are away from your team, Second Chance, a skill that gives you a free health kit when you have none and take more than half damage, Jack of All Trades, a skill that grants you grab-bag level 1 skills at discount, Lucky Break, a skill that allows you to get more ammo and crafting ingredients when you open supply boxes, and Lethal Efficiency, a skill that allows you to perform a faster, low-to-the-ground neck snap when performing a special execution. If you just want one of these skills it’ll cost you $0.99.

Some of you just want to look your best as you’re surviving the post-pandemic life. We have you covered as the Misfit Head Item Bundle will soothe your style itch. Get the Viking Hat, Plague Mask, Smiley Mask, Outlaw Mask, Ski Goggles, Broken Gas Mask, Ballistic Helmet and Urban Camo Helmet in the Misfit Head Item Bundle for $6.99. Aside from the bundle exclusive Plague mask, you can buy these items individually for various prices.

Rounding out the content drop are our two new Gestures bundles. You’ll get Dust Myself Off, Evil Laugh, Game Over, and Intimidation in Gestures Pack 2. Gestures Pack 3 features You’re Done, Combat Formation, Stretch, and I’m Watching You. Both packs are available for $2.49 or you can buy individual gestures for $0.99.

All this fantastic content will be available when the PlayStation Store updates in your region. Fire up The Last of Us or The Last of Us Remastered and have some post-pandemic, holiday fun this December.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-5-2 07:38 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-6 06:14 PM 编辑

The Last of Us: Left Behind getting standalone release
备受好评 DLC 分拆上市《最后生还者:抛诸脑后》独立版将于 5 月 12 日正式上架

  动作冒险游戏《最后生还者》DLC 章节「抛诸脑后」在推出后广受好评、获奖无数,Naughty Dog 制作团队特别将这部单人游戏章节制成可独立运行的游戏,预计于 5 月 12 日在 PlayStation Store (PS4/PS3)正式上架,要价 9.99 美元,届时 PS3 版的 DLC 章节也将同步调降为相同价格。

  如果还没玩过《最后生还者》,这会是个用来体验游戏内容的好价格,将可藉此亲身体会游戏中受众人(包括评论家在内)青睐游戏人物设定和世界氛围。 「抛诸脑后」在剧情上和本篇游戏有着部分交集,许多最令人动容的场面都发生在这部前传之中。 我们将随着艾莉和莱莉偷偷地溜出寄宿学校,造访一处废弃的购物中心,看着这对挚友在莱莉加入火萤之前度过最后一次的相处时光。

  还可以在漫画作品《最后生还者:美国梦(The Last of Us: American Dreams)》中获得更具带入感的剧情体验,漫画本身由 Dark Horse 发行,故事由 Faith Erin Hicks(同时也是漫画绘制者)及《最后生还者》创意总监 Neil Druckmann 共同执笔,是部相当值得推荐的作品。

  相信大部分的 Naughty Dog 粉丝都已经玩过《最后生还者》甚或是「抛诸脑后」,如果玩得开心的话,不妨推荐朋友借着这次的独立版游戏来体验一下这款游戏。 除了单人游戏之外,这次的《最后生还者:抛诸脑后》独立版还包含了 2 个小时的多人联机试玩时间,玩家还可以透过游戏商店选取下方列出的升级方案取得更完整的游戏体验(表列价格为美国当地定价)。

  • 完整版多人联机游戏 9.99 美元
  • 完整版单人游戏+Treacherous Territories Map Pack(在已购买多人联机游戏后) 29.99 美元
  • 完整版单人游戏+多人联机游戏+Treacherous Territories Map Pack 套组 39.99 美元

  • 完整版多人联机游戏 9.99 美元
  • 完整版单人游戏+Treacherous Territories Map Pack(在已购买多人联机游戏后) 19.99 美元
  • 完整版单人游戏+多人联机游戏+Treacherous Territories Map Pack 套组 29.99 美元

The Last of Us: Left Behind Available as Standalone Download May 12th

The team at Naughty Dog is excited that Left Behind, the critically-acclaimed and award-winning single-player chapter to The Last of Us, will be available as a standalone download via PlayStation Store. The Last of Us: Left Behind standalone will be available on both PS4 and PS3 starting May 12th for only $9.99. We will be dropping the price of the Left Behind Add-on on PS3 to the same price on that day as well.

If you haven’t had a chance yet to check out The Last of Us, this is a nicely priced gateway to checking out the world and characters so many people (and critics) loved. While part of the story of Left Behind takes place during the main narrative arc of The Last of Us, I think some of the best and most touching moments of any game in recent memory occur during the prequel segments, as we follow Ellie and Riley as they sneak out of boarding school to visit an abandoned mall, getting one final chance to enjoy their friendship before Riley leaves to join the Fireflies.

You can get more immersed into the story of Ellie and Riley in The Last of Us: American Dreams comic book, published by Dark Horse, co-written by Faith Erin Hicks and The Last of Us Creative Director Neil Druckmann, with interior art by Faith Erin Hicks. I highly, highly recommend it.

We realize that most of Naughty Dog fans and readers of PlayStation.Blog will have probably already played The Last of Us and maybe even the Left Behind Add-on chapter — if you enjoyed the games, be sure to tell your friends that haven’t played this great introduction to The Last of Us.

We’ve also included a two hour trial of the Factions Multiplayer mode. The Left Behind standalone game will have built-in upgrade paths through the in-game store to both the full Factions experience and/or the full game for The Last of Us.

Below are the details on the upgrade possibilities on both PS4 and PS3 after you already own the Left Behind standalone game.

These prices reflect US pricing. Please check your local PlayStation Store for regional pricing. We hope to see all you new fans of The Last of Us on May 12th!

Arne Meyer - Community Strategist, Naughty Dog



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-5-13 07:30 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-11-1 06:16 PM |只看该作者
《最后生还者》PS4 Pro 支持补丁到来 新增原生/插值4K双模式

  PS4 Pro 的正式发售虽然还有几天,不过顽皮狗已经提前完成并发布了《最后生还者:重制版》的相关补丁。

  更新后的游戏本为1.07,根据文档描述,这一补丁将会为《最后生还者:重制版》带来PS4 Pro支持,高动态范围图像(HDR)支持,并且增强了游戏中的立体声音效。

  进一步发掘后可以发现,《最后生还者:重制版》对PS4 Pro的支持也同样分为30帧与60帧两种模式:

· 原生4K分辨率,帧率30,阴影质量高,HDR开启
· 插值4K分辨率(原始分辨率为1800P),帧率60,阴影质量最佳化,HDR开启

  跟在标准版的游玩体验一样,玩家可以根据自己的需要自行选择,同时这次更新的HDR 功能也可以在标准版版的PS4上开启,但需要确认自己的电视是否有所支持。


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