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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-17 06:17 PM 编辑
近日随着发售日的接近,预订于七月二十九日在PS4 发售的独占大作:《最后生还者重制版》陆续释出各家媒体的试玩心得和评论。同时玩家也可以从今(17)日释出的游戏画面一窥经过顽皮狗工作室针对PS4 硬体效能所大幅提升的效果究竟有多让人屏息。
本作将活用PS4 的硬体效能,在1080p 和60 fps 下流畅且清晰地运行,除外玩家也可选择将画面锁在30 fps。光影和角色贴图细节都倍数强化,原先用来争取贴图读取时间的动态模糊强度亦下降许多,让玩家能看清楚PS3 所不能负载的物件数量以及景物距离。同时音效方面也不马虎,这次重制版将会提供各种自订的选项和模式,让玩家根据家中的影音设备以及个人喜好进行调整。
另外,除了画面和流畅度上的升级,游戏的读取时间也将大幅缩短。操作更是针对Dual Shock 4 手把特别设计,触控板可以用来操作主角的背包,而如在游戏中拾获的录音档等等文件都能直接由手把喇叭播放。随着主角的血量产生变化,手把灯光颜色还会改变来提醒玩家自身的生命状态。游戏的举枪和射击动作亦改为L2 和R2,然而玩家仍然可以手动切换回如PS3 版的按键配置。而特别值得一提的是,有兴趣的玩家能够选择开启游戏评论,让创意总监Neil Druckmann 和乔尔的动作捕捉以及配音员Troy Baker 介绍游戏幕后制作秘辛。
目前根据试玩的情报指出,本作将无法继承PS3 版本的游戏存档。然而若是曾经游玩过PS3 版的线上模式老玩家,则可以另外获得一些额外的支援点数来帮助你快速上手PS4 版的多人厮杀。 《最后生还者重制版》另将收录自2013 年6 月起主要的追加内容,包括「抛诸脑后」单人游玩DLC、「弃守区域」与「收复之地」地图包与额外难度模式「Grounded」。若玩家有买其它DLC 也可以直接继承。至于奖杯系统方面,则会和PS3 版相同,但是不能互相共通,所以玩家可以在购买本作后另外获得一座PS4 的白金奖杯。
社群策略分析师Eric Monacelli 指出,两版本最大差异为贴图的解析度。 PS4 版本将直接在实际游玩的过程里使用原本过场动画品质的人物模组。另外顽皮狗预计会在发售日当天释出第一项更新档,开放玩家关掉抬头显示器HUD,还会支援如《恶名昭彰:第二之子》相同的分享功能,把最让你惊艳的画面捕捉下来上传到社群中。目前《最后生还者》的额外下载内容组合季票包已停止贩售。不过经过媒体的试玩心得可以得知,顽皮狗将有很大的可能会因为重制版的发售而有制作其他多人模式地图的相关计划。
《最后生还者》最早发行于PS3 平台,为推出后获得全世界超过200 个年度最佳游戏荣耀的动作冒险游戏。强化移植至次世代机种PS4 的《最后生还者重制版》目前正开放预购中。
Sony releases official screenshots of The Last of Us Remastered
Hands on: The Last of Us Remastered
With The Last of Us Remastered’s PS4 release just weeks away (July 29th), I dove into a pre-release version of the game to see exactly how Naughty Dog is leveraging PS4’s hardware to upgrade last year’s biggest Game of the Year winner.
First, there’s the immediately noticeable bump in native screen resolution. The jump from 720p (PS3) to native 1080p (PS4) gives the visuals a major shot in the arm. The crisp new presentation banishes those nasty jaggies to the margins, while higher resolution environment textures adorn the lovingly crafted post-apocalyptic environments.
But the kicker is the new framerate. I’ll admit to being at least a bit skeptical on hearing that Naughty Dog would target a smoother, more fluid 60 frames per second for The Last of Us Remastered. I wondered whether it would add a distracting layer of artificiality, that it might somehow interfere with the game’s cinematic look and feel. Luckily, based on my hands-on experiences at a recent media event in New York City, those concerns feel entirely unwarranted. Played at the higher framerate, The Last of Us Remastered has a silky smooth feel that makes aiming and camera control feel more responsive and natural.
Conveniently, the PS4 version was shown side-by-side with the original PS3 game. Curious, I picked up the DualShock 3 and panned the camera around for a few seconds, before hastily switching right back to Remastered. It’s nice to see that Naughty Dog is giving players the choice to lock TLOUR to 30 frames per second — which PlayStation.Blog’s own Ryan Clements currently favors — but for me it’s 60 FPS or bust, no contest. I suspect this one will boil down to personal preference.
Then there are a slew of subtler visual details. Lighting quality has received a boost, with improved shadow detail. Joel and Ellie’s in-game character models also look more detailed, sporting higher resolution textures that allowed me to see the fabric weave in Joel’s filthy flannel shirt. The 1080p presentation also helped me spot subtle visual details I’d never noticed in the original PS3 version, like the way tiny streams of blood trickle down Joel’s arm when he’s injured, or how rats weave erratically through garbage-strewn ruins.
The gameplay remains unchanged, though the higher framerate does lend a feeling of increased responsiveness. The most notable difference is that the L2 and R2 triggers now control aiming and firing — and yep, you can switch back to the classic L1 and R1 controls if that floats your boat.
Though I didn’t get a chance to try out the multiplayer mode (a personal favorite), the campaign is looking mighty promising. The Last of Us Remastered will come complete with all previously released DLC, including the excellent story chapter Left Behind. And at a reduced price of $50, it’s a good bet for new PS4 owners who missed out on one of the best games of the generation, or seasoned TLOU veterans eager for another dose of Joel and Ellie.
blog.us.playstation.com - The game will have a day-one patch for photo mode
