- 分享
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- 人气
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- 主题
- 14
- 帖子
- 279
- 271248
- 积分
- 123
- 阅读权限
- 13
- 注册时间
- 2009-10-18
- 最后登录
- 2023-4-19
- 在线时间
- 762 小时
老师名字/学院名字/店名字:Sun Dgital Image Processing
店/学院/住家地址:No.138A, Jalan Dedap 13, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 JB, Johor, Malaysia.
我们的课程有/ Our Courses :
*兴趣班/基础班 Basic Class
*数码后期修改班Pro-Touch Up Class
*数码后期设计班Pro-Design Class
*数码后期高级速成班Professional Class
*数码后期制作全科班Pro-Design & Touch Up Class
学生在课程能够学习到Students can learn in the curriculum:
修改部分包括Modify Section Includes:
1. 软件认识/软件安装 Basic, install software, computer knowledge
2. 常用工具认识Knowledge of software tools
3. 修改老照片/旧照片Modification of old photo
4. 黑白照片上色Black and white transform to colour
5. 照片改色/背景改色Image and background colour conversion
6. 了解轮廓Understanding of contours
7. 了解照片灯光Understanding of image brightness
8. 修改生活照Professional modification of life photo
9. 修改婚纱照Professional modification of wedding photo
10. 修改速成法(能快速修改照片的窍门)Modify the quick fix (Can quickly modify the photo tips)
设计部分包括Design section includes:
1. 初级教学,安装,电脑常识Bacis, install software, computer knowledge
2. 提供软件工具常识Provide for knowledge of software
3. 提供基本数码后期制作常识Provide for knowledge of digital image processing
4. 排版认识Photo layout knowledge
5. 美术基本概念/美术学Basic concepts of art/fine act
6. 平面设计教学Graphic design teaching
7. 电脑绘图(花纹)Computer graphics (pattern)
8. 颜色对比认识Understanding of color contrast
9. 照片排版(生活照)Photo layout (live photos)
10. 快速人物裁割背景/背景脱低Image Cutting Tutorial
11. 认识影楼照片排版Understanding of studio photo layout
12. 设计影楼照Design studio photos
13. 制作梦幻/科幻效果Production of fantasy/ science fiction effect
14. 调色教程Color mixing
15. 排版设计速成法(能快速排版照片的窍门)Layout quick fix (Can quickly layout photo tips)
16. 海报设计Poster Design
17. 完成自己的一本完整代表作(Portfolio) Completes own complete representative works
而外知识教学Other knowledge Teaching:
o 美工学认识Understanding of art
o 相本制作Manufacture album
o 商业服务Business Services
o 价格分配认识 Understanding of the price distribution
实习任务包含Internship includes:
• 修改照片(有工资)Edit photos (wage)
• 设计照片(有工资)Design Photos (wage)
• 制作相本Manufacture photo album
• 拍摄任务Shooting task
摄影部分包含Photography section contains:
• 结婚当天摄影(陪同)Wedding day photography (accompanied)
• 结婚当天录影(陪同)Wedding day video (accompanied)
• 自己担任摄影工作 Work as a photographer
• 剪接认识Editing knowledge
• 配乐认识Understanding of music
• 制作整体DVD或相本DVD or photo album production
突发事件包含Emergencies include:
• 照片遗失-把不小心删除掉的照片找回 / Photo missing - the accidentally deleted photo recover
• 电脑故障-电脑可能突然发生故障,教你如何解决问题 / Computer failure - the computer may suddenly fail, to teach you how to solve the problem
我们的优势Our Advantages:
本公司提供4-6个月的课程,将数码后期的摘要和窍门掌握,让学生们能够在短时间里面了解数码后期制作的秘诀。更重要的是,我们有很多学习的机会让学生们 能够实习也在实习的当中获得一些工资。Sun Digital Image Processing一自贯彻高标准教学,严格要求专业技能完善化。
Our company provides 4-6 months course, in a short-term for students to understand the inside secrets of digital image processing .More importantly ,we have a lot of learning opportunities for student to practice also get some practice in wages. Sun digital image processing is high standard of teaching, demanding perfection of professional skill.
我们的导师Our Instructors:
Sun是成立Sun Digital Image Processing的创办人,2003年毕业于Neo-Art Institute Graphic Designer Diploma学 位。2002年已经在影楼业工作,曾经教导过数位洗相公司/影楼的员工及老板,至今已有9年的数码后期经验。精通设计、修改、排版、能把 photoshop演变、研究如何把软件的应用法加快,让设计能够节省时间也保持一定的水准。2006年在新加坡影楼业发展,现在自创公司,教导出下一般 有理想的年轻人!
Sun is Sun Digital Image Processing establishment of the founder, in 2003 graduated from the Neo-Art Institute Graphic Designer Diploma. 2002has been working in the studio industry, has taught several develop photo shop and studio works and bosses has nine years of experience. The familiar design, modification, layout, photoshop help the evolution of how the application of law to speed up the software, let the design be able the saving of time also maintain certain standards. 2006 studio industry development in Singapore, and now own the company to teach the ideals of young people under the general!
工业修改设计和实习Modify The Design And Practice Of Industrial:
Our student obtains the valuable practical experience from the practice and the commercial project, for example: modify the photo to see a photo profile, photo design, photo typesetting skills to understand. This helps our students to get vocational training and improve their employment opportunities and the quality of individual works.
适宜就读的学生是 Suitable For Students Studying:
Most suitable for digital image processing as the center of the students, especially the photo studio industry, such as the modified division professional studio, professional studio designers, advertising designers, photographers, and so the industry
就业机会 Employment Opportunity:
Our student have the following employment opportunity:
A〉影楼专业修改师Studio Image Process Editor
B〉影楼专业设计师 Professional Studio Designer
C〉广告设计师 Advertisement Designer
D〉广告排版员 Graphic Designer
E〉摄影师 Photographer
And Related Profession
For more information please sms me0146129928 or
email me zephyr_90@hotmail.com.
电话号码:0146129928 Terrence
email:zephyr_90@hotmail.com |