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来帮忙 check grammar, do a correction for me !!NEW









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发表于 2012-2-12 03:08 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 yn_mun 于 2012-2-22 11:31 PM 编辑

may request me to send the file privately if the words is too small 4 u
thx for ur help....

The company may use 3 types of competitive strategies in the market and PROTON Company is using cost leadership and differentiation.

Differentiation is associated with charging a premium price for the product. It’s often to reflect the higher production costs and extra value-added features for the consumer. Then, the company will be always aim to develop and market unique product for different market.

PROTON has emphasized on its commitment towards quality by incorporating the core value and quality policy. PROTON has ensured quality as the Number One work ethics in all operations .For example, they has established an effective and efficient quality System based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standards(proton annual report 2011-unlocking our potential, Jan 2012). It will able to help PROTON differentiae from others and achieve its commitment.

PROTON makes product that work the first time, every time. From this, we can see that proton has providing a consistently improved product and customer experience. For example, additional value added features like focusing on fuel efficiency, safety and emphasizing on the environment friendly vehicle has enhance the performance and sales of Proton Exora.So Consumers PROTON will tend to accept the extra value-added features by PROTON and may choose to attach themselves with PROTON by joining the membership clubs to gain more information

Cost leadership Strategy means selling the goods at the cheapest price in the market. The use of this strategy is to gain an advantage over competitors by reducing operation costs below that of others in the same industry. With this strategy, the objective is to become the lowest-cost producer in the industry.

Price remains a function of value, although not to the same extent as for an undifferentiated market and it is an important strategic issue for PROTON because it is very much related to total volume of sales. They have providing cars which are affordable, cost efficient and value for money. The cost leadership strategies have strong impact to draw customer attention .Generally consumers feel that the prices of PROTON’s products are affordable as compared with other brands in the category then they will select products and suppliers that provide value which equals or exceeds the actual and perceived cost both at the time of purchase and over the product’s life.  For example the retail price for Exora is remaining same price as previous version.

The relatively low car selling price of PROTON is attributed by the government policy, as the national car manufacturer, PROTON enjoys a certain amount of protection against foreign competition in the form of tariff and other non-tariff barriers.  These policies have massive impact on consumers, especially those who are value-conscious and seeking for a quality and compact cars at an affordable price.









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发表于 2012-2-12 09:46 AM |只看该作者
may request me to send the file privately if the words is too small 4 u
thx for ur help....

PE ...
yn_mun 发表于 2012-2-12 03:08 AM

请问你是从华语直接google translate 去英文的吗?全部句子都好像前段不接下段。。读都要晕了~ 我已经尽量帮你改了~但有些我真的不懂你在表达什么。。帮不到你~

PERUSAHAAN OTOMOBIL NASIONAL BERHAD or PROTON was founded on 7th of May 1983 for the manufacture and retail of motor vehicles and other products which including car accessories, tyres, and etc. This idea was created by Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir  who then introduced Malaysia's first car, Proton
on July 9,1985.The name of “ saga” was chosen by Ismail Jaafar, a retired soldier which is the name of a type of seed in Malaysia.

PROTON’s top mark retained its diamond shape with the tiger head conveying clearly to the 2 tigers on Malaysia’s national coat whereas the colour scheme is a symbol of the continuity with past success.

At the following year, over 50,000 units of proton saga had been produced and sold to overseas. In order to upgrade its technological system,Proton had set up the main plant in Shah Alam with area of a 923,900 sq meters, which was originally designed for a capacity of 80,000 units per year. Nowadays, factory in Shah Alam is able to produce 240,000 per year. Apart from that, Proton had also set up in Tanjung Malim which is able produce 5 times of capacity compared to that of Shah Alam’s production. << plant ??

PROTON has produced its 1 millionth car in year 1996 because of the launching of new models such as Proton tiara, Proton Wira and the two-doored Proton Putra. PROTON holdings Berhad was then been established in year 2003 for the management of the group’s investment activities. In January 2010, Petronas has become the official sole lubricant supplier of PROTON.

Today, Proton is still improving for the better to hit the bar as a brand that produces the best cars while embracing its values, and strive to become a successful Malaysian automotive manufacturer producing competitively priced and innovative products.

The competitive position of state-owned carmakers Proton and Perodua has remained a key focus in the automobile industry in Malaysia. There are still other competitive manufacturers such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Honda
Motor Company Ltd and etc.  So what has been driving the production activity of proton in recent years?

Firstly, PROTON is the largest Malaysian automobile manufacturer in terms of the total exportation and sales volume, with operations in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand. and they are expanding portfolio through innovation, strategic acquisitions into agreements.

The company has also established ‘Voice of Customer’ framework to get the feedbacks on quality issues from the market. As a result, Proton’s quality and perception has improved. This had been proven when the number of complaints has reduced significantly after the launching of Persona and new Saga into the market.

In order to get closer and increase the level of satisfaction of consumers’ expanding needs, the company has offered high quality product and valued price to consumers, and continuously exploring more car categories to capture growth into different markets. In addition, the company continuously evaluate o distribution model in order to fit the local dynamics of the marketplace and analyze the way how they go to market, recognizing different service needs from our customers for improvements in distribution network. 〈〈〈我完全没有改。。。

PROTON has also offered management training programs which are designed to enhance its skills while exchanging experiences from new and existing territories.
Furthermore, PROTON had continually developing programs to ensure its social and economic value in order to support its surrounding communities and minimizing operations’ environmental impacts at the same time.

红色那些是我接不到你想表达什么。。但还是有帮你改一点点。。。 加油吧~  

P/S- 不要用google translate..你老师会读到疯!!!


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发表于 2012-2-12 03:44 PM |只看该作者
请问你是从华语直接google translate 去英文的吗?全部句子都好像前段不接下段。。读都要晕了~{:4_392: ...
天真的傻猪猪 发表于 2012-2-12 09:46 AM

    没有用google translate,它是有分段的,所以你看到比较乱,谢谢你帮了我很大的帮


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发表于 2012-2-14 05:53 PM |只看该作者
NEW !!!!!!!


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发表于 2012-2-22 11:34 PM |只看该作者
来帮忙 check grammar


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Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-27 10:06 PM |只看该作者
The company may use 3 types of competitive strategies in the market and PROTON Company is using cost leadership and differentiation.

Companies may use 3 types of competitive strategies to improve their market with the aim to maximize profit. PROTON Company is one of the largest company in Malaysia. (describe a bit about proton if you need longer as intro) The main strategies used by them are cost leadership and differentiation.


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