以《恶魔城 X:月下夜想曲》等一系列歌德风动作探索玩法《恶魔城》作品广为玩家所知的游戏创作者五十岚孝司,今(12)日在募资网站 Kickstarter 发起《恶魔城》风格原创新作动作游戏 PS4 / Xbox One / Steam《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》的募资。
由《恶魔城 X:月下夜想曲》制作人五十岚孝司发起募资制作的《恶魔城》风格原创新作动作游戏 PS4 / Xbox One / Wii U / PC《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》,在募资网站上公布了第 4 波开发进度更新影片,同时宣布将于下周的 E3 展中出 PC 试玩版。
We've got an important development update from IGA this week, and we wanted to make sure the backers were the first to hear it. In short: To ensure the game meets his quality standards, IGA is bringing on additional developers and has moved his estimate for the game's release back to the first half of 2018.
Koji Igarashi: "The last thing I want to do is keep our backers waiting, but after receiving such incredible support, I feel responsible for delivering the best product I possibly can. Again, I offer my sincerest apologies."
All of us on the campaign and development sides of the team are looking forward to playing the finished game as soon as we can, but as IGA says, we also want this game to be "done right the first time."
We'll continue to keep you updated on the development process every step of the way. (In fact, the next regularly scheduled update, featuring some songs and commentary from Michiru Yamane, is just about ready to go. And as IGA mentioned, you can expect more news about the development process as soon as it's available.)
Thanks again for all you've done to make such an exciting project possible.
Bloodstained Being Published by 505 Games
《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》将与知名开发商505 Games合作
恶魔城精神续作《血咒之城:暗夜仪式》游戏官方称将与知名开发商505 Games合作。本次发布的视频中,同时演示了本作的一些游戏场景。原本预定将在2017年登陆PC / PS4 / Xbox One / PSV / WiiU 备受瞩目的恶魔城精神续作《血咒之城:暗夜仪式》公布了游戏发售将大幅度延期的消息。目前具体发售日尚未确认。
October Update: IGA finds a publisher
We've got news! And we wanted to get this to you as soon as possible, so we're breaking into our usual update schedule to report that:
A publisher has signed onto the Bloodstained project: We'll be working with 505 Games. They put together a video with IGA to make the announcement (and also show off some new footage of the game).
As you can see, one of the first things a publisher can help out with is action-packed video production.
Like IGA said from the beginning, none of this would be possible without the campaign all of you helped to build. We're excited to bring it to a wider audience, too, but everybody on the team is here to help IGA build the game you (and he) wanted from the start.