索尼互动娱乐(SIE)在法国巴黎举办的 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会「PGW 2017 PlayStation Media Showcase」中宣布,曾经制作《恶名昭彰(inFAMOUS)》系列的游戏开发商「 Suc Ker Punch」将推出全新的 PS4 独占游戏《对马幽魂(暂译,Ghost of Tsushima)》。
Sony Interactive Entertainment and inFAMOUS developer Suc Ker Punch announced Ghost of Tsushima for PlayStation 4 during the PlayStation Media Showcase at Paris Games Week 2017.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Sony:
The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan–until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tactics won’t lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting–the way of the Ghost–as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan.
And here is Suc Ker Punch game director Nate Fox on the announcement:
Is there a game that you always wished someone would make, but they never did? Well, that’s what we’ve been doing here at Suc Ker Punch for the last few years—building the game we’ve wanted for so long to be able to play.
It’s called Ghost of Tsushima.
Seriously, how come no one has made a sprawling samurai open-world game yet? Feudal Japan is beautiful; from the swaying bamboo forests to the ornate castles, it’s a place that demands to be explored. Don’t you want to wear a suit of samurai armor? Wouldn’t you like to fire a six-foot-tall samurai long bow? Want to journey across a lush countryside with a katana on your hip? For me, the answer is clearly “yes, yes please.”
I’ve been a fan of samurai comics since 5th grade, from Lone Wolf and Cub to Usagi Yojimbo. The types of characters, landscapes, betrayal, and sacrifice in those stories are a rich vein ready to be translated into a videogame. The artists and engineers here at Suc Ker Punch have brought this world to life on PlayStation 4, from tall grass blowing in the wind to the call of a far off crane, we want to make it feel real. All of what’s shown in our debut trailer was captured in our game engine, that’s the interactive world we’re painstakingly crafting together, that’s the world we’re going to set on fire.
In 1274, the Mongol army invaded Japan, their first stop: Tsushima Island. In Ghost of Tsushima, you play as a battered samurai, fighting back against overwhelming odds. In the trailer, you see the leader of the Mongols, a guy I would describe as an “uncomfortably reasonable killer” trying to intimidate our hero. It’s all there, right in that little scene. The power and confidence of the Mongol Empire coming face to face with pure, lethal, samurai determination.
We’re excited to finally be able to talk about the game and look forward to sharing more in the coming months. Keeping it a secret for so long has been painful. The trailer is the perfect way to share with the world what we’ve been dying to play for so many years—fighting back invaders in feudal Japan, mastering the katana and building your legend as “the Ghost.”
在本作的故事中,Jin 和另一位名为 Masaka 的女武者一起战斗,连手从蒙古手中拯救了家园。 但 Masaka 个人悲惨的过去在故事发展中与 Jin 的关系中出现了分歧。 正如玩家所看到的,最终迫使他们进行了决斗。
Masako 和她的故事由《对马幽魂》的众多配角和分支任务所组成。 这些人物将在 Jin 的主要故事情节中扮演重要角色,大部份角色也会有分支任务和故事让玩家自行探索。 事实上,玩家在今日看到的影片就是 Masako 故事情节的一部分,也是游戏内主要故事的分支冒险情节。
这个故事让玩家从中窥视 Jin 的世界及他从蒙古帝国拯救家园的旅程。 当 Jin 忽略了周围的遥远的火焰、神圣的寺庙和远方的山脉等环境时,这也暗示了对于入侵这座岛屿的蒙古人来说潜藏的种种自然威胁。
而 Jin 的装备以及他的战斗方式也相当值得玩家注意,由于他长期处于潮湿的环境,雨天十分常见,因此 Jin 将他的传统盔甲换成了名为「mino」的草帽雨衣。 尽管他用致命的技巧挥舞着武士刀,但玩家仍可以看到他正偏离武士之路,反倒化身为安静的刺客,暴力而优雅地解决敌人,这同时也意味着 Jin 的背后潜藏着更为庞大的故事。
影片的最后,红叶在 Jin 和 Masako 之间的最后决斗中缓缓飘落。 在《对马幽魂》故事中,红叶不仅是故事的视觉隐喻,也是引导游戏发展的关键。 而在故事开头 Jin 摘下的的红叶,则是这个故事创作的试金石。
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Suc Ker Punch Productions debuted an nine-minute gameplay reveal trailer for Ghost of Tsushima during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Suc Ker Punch Productions producer Brian Fleming on the PlayStation Blog:
Ghost of Tsushima is an epic, open-world samurai adventure set during the Mongol invasion of Japan in 1274. We’re telling an original story set in the world of feudal Japan—a time of warfare, chaos, and violent change. You play as Jin Sakai, a powerful samurai warrior whose adventure draws on Japanese history and the iconic traditions of samurai cinema to craft a gorgeous tale of revenge, empowerment, and hope.
What more could you ask for?
Thus far, all we have shown about Ghost of Tsushima is the debut trailer from Paris Games Week back in October. That video gave you a glimpse into the world and story we are creating. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good story trailer or mysterious teaser video as much as anyone. But to get me really excited, and to understand the experience of a new game… Show me the gameplay, baby!
Which is why I’m thrilled (or is that stress/anxiety/all of the above?) to share a taste of what Ghost of Tsushima is all about. We chose this particular sequence to capture a few of the essential visions we have for the game: a sprawling, beautiful Tsushima Island… brutal Mongol invaders… and katana combat that delivers on our target of “Mud, Blood, & Steel.” Of course this is just the beginning — and as time goes by we’ll talk more about the scope of the world, Jin’s progression and the game storyline…
Meet Masako
In this story, Jin fights alongside another samurai—a deadly onna-bugeisha named Masako. They joined forces to save their homeland from the Mongol invaders, but Masako’s tragic personal history drives a wedge in her relationship with Jin. As you’ve seen, this ends up forcing them into a duel at the end of the experience.
Masako and her story are one of many side characters and quests that form the fabric of Ghost of Tsushima These characters will play important parts in Jin’s main storyline, but most of them will also have side quests and stories for you to explore. In fact, the demo you just watched is part of Masako’s storyline, a side adventure off the game’s main path.
A Window into Ghost
This story offers a small window into Jin’s world and his journey to save his homeland from the Mongol Empire. The early moment when Jin overlooks his surroundings—the distant fires, sacred temples, and far off mountains—promises an island full of dangerous and stunning places to root out the invading Mongols.
Even Jin’s outfit and how he chooses to fight are notable–foreshadowing some parts of Jin’s personal journey. He’s in a rain-drenched part of the world, so Jin has traded his traditional armor for a straw raincoat called a mino. And while he wields his katana with deadly skill, you can see he’s straying from his samurai ways to attack his enemies with the violent grace of a silent assassin.
What does all this mean? It means there’s a much bigger story to tell—but that’s for another day.
Chasing the Red Leaves
As a final thought, watch the red leaves swirl around the final duel between Jin and Masako. The red leaves are a visual metaphor for this story in Ghost of Tsushima—but also for the path it takes to create a game. Ideas swirling around and can almost be overwhelming for me–and at the same time incredibly beautiful and exciting. The first task is identifying a clear vision—picking out the one red leaf among thousands. Once you find that idea, you set out to pursue it relentlessly as the wind carries it in exciting new directions.
That single red leaf Jin picks up at the beginning of the story was a touchstone for the creation of this story. The leaf influenced the visual development of the adventure as well as the design of the temple. Those ideas lead to gameplay, and to dozens of iterations on this quest. Even today, as we write this blog post, the team is tweaking small details of the experience. Still chasing this particular red leaf.
Just like in Jin and Masako’s duel, it’ll take a whole pile of red leaves to make Ghost of Tsushima something worth jumping into.
索尼互动娱乐(SIE)公开由 Suc ker Punch 推出全新的 PS4 独占游戏《对马幽魂(暂译,Ghost of Tsushima)》后,这款游戏公布以后就引起了大家的注意,特别是游戏的历史背景设定,看上去似乎很写实。近日,Suc ker Punch的Chris Zimmerman 接受了外媒 GameSpot 的采访,采访中他就谈到了关于《对马幽魂》历史背景设定的问题。
出人意料的是 Chris Zimmerman 表示《对马幽魂》的制作并不会完全依照真实的历史设定来,而是会有所偏离。
Chris Zimmerman说:“我们对此的看法是,我们将会偏离真实的历史,而且这是我们刻意为之的。在游戏制作过程中,我们得到了来自索尼日本的朋友们的帮助,也得到了在索尼美国的日本朋友,以及所有历史文化顾问们的帮助,他们都在帮助我们做这件事,从而确保我们不会做出那些不符合真实历史的东西。但我们还是会做一些不同的东西出来,我们会明智地选择出哪些东西才是需要符合真实历史的。”
Chris Zimmerman继续透露说,他们将会努力让游戏还原真实的历史风貌,不过他们也会夸大那个时代的美学风格和氛围。他们将会改动很多东西:比如野生动植物,以及人物角色如何互动。不过,对于那些雕像和建筑物,制作组将会准确地还原出13世纪日本的真实历史风貌。