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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-21 05:15 PM 编辑
Senran Kagura 7EVEN still in the idea solidification stage
《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》最新情报故事将告一段落 目前还在构思阶段
Marvelous 制作的《闪乱神乐》系列最新作《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-(闪乱カグラ 7EVEN -少女达の幸福-)》在本周Fami通杂志中刊载了系列制作人高木谦一郎与小酒井省吾的采访内容,其中谈及了一些新作《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》的相关情报,下面就是访谈要点:
·发现有很多玩家是从《闪乱神乐SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-》入的坑。
·在《闪乱神乐Estival Versus -少女们的选择-》推出的时候,我们就想不要做单纯的割草游戏。《闪乱神乐 爆裂重制》将是一款难度比较高在动作方面比较有挑战的游戏。
·《闪乱神乐 Burst Re:Newal》可以使用几乎全部《闪乱神乐Estival Versus -少女们的选择-》时购买过的DLC饰品。游戏中的忍转身画面都是重新制作的。而语音基本是沿用以前的部分,只是在一些剧情有点矛盾的地方进行了修正。
·关于系列新作《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》目前还在构思阶段,大家要想玩到估计还要等一段时间。
·《闪乱神乐 Burst - 红莲的少女们 -》如果可能的话也想要重制,但由于眼下要做《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》,可能有些困难。
·关于系列的外传现在有很多点子,不过还是想要在《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》里先把主线剧情有一个交待。这并不表示系列会在7完结,只是故事想要先告一段落。
本作预计将于 2018 年秋季在 PS4 上推出。
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Senran Kagura series producer Kenichiro Takaki in commemoration of the release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal for PlayStation 4 in Japan this week.
Here are the tidbits:
- There are a lot of player swho started playing the Senran Kagura series with the release of Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.
- The story of Senran Kagura Burst was darker than Takaki had thought.
- One of the challenges around the time of Senran Kagura: Estival Versus was not making it a simple mow-down game. Senran Kagura Burst originally had a high level of difficulty intended for gamers, so Takaki wanted to add on to that.
- The awakening scenes of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal are all completely new.
- Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal uses the voices from the original game. The story has only been slightly modified for parts that may be difficult to understand.
- They are still in the stage of solidifying their ideas for the August 2017-announced Senran Kagura 7EVEN. It will likely be a bit longer before the game is released.
- Takaki would also like to remake Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson if the opportunity presents itself, but notes that would be difficult since he is currently developing Senran Kagura 7EVEN.
- The team has a lot of ideas, like spin-offs, but Takaki says that he wants to have the main story settle down in Senran Kagura 7EVEN.
- While Takaki does not want to end the series, he does want the story to make a beautiful landing.
- If read backwards, 2018 is 8102 (pronounced “Paiotsu” in Japanese, or “boobs”), so Takaki wants to make it a Senran Kagura year.
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 22. Senran Kagura 7EVEN is was previously announced as due out for PlayStation 4 this fall in Japan, but given Takaki’s comments, that may have changed. |