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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-26 06:36 PM 编辑
Metal Gear Survive launches February 20 in North America, February 22 in Europe
《合金装备 求生战》确认 2018 年 2 月在欧美上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/154285.html)
KONAMI 制作的 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 动作游戏《合金装备 求生战(Metal Gear Survive)》,官方今(24)日在官方推特证实 PlayStation 4 以及 Xbox One 版本将会在 2018 年 2 月 20 日在美国 、2 月 22 日在欧洲市场上市,今日起开始接受预约。
本作最初是在 2016 年 E3 展首度曝光,当时发表是预定在 2017 年内上市,但随后宣布将延期至 2018 年上市,如今正式确认在欧美市场的上市日期。
《合金装备 求生战》是《合金装备》系列生父小岛秀夫从 KONAMI 离职之后,KONAMI 推出的第一款《合金装备》游戏。 《合金装备 求生战》是建立在《合金装备5》世界观下的一款外传作品,描述《合金装备5:原爆点》结局中「母基地」遭到毁灭,但是出现了神秘虫洞,将部分残存的基地和组员吸进异世界。 在那个世界中出现了许多头部仅剩神秘结晶的不明生物,玩家们得在这样的环境之下,想办法与队友们合作,取得资源,设法找出回到原世界的方法。
※ 20:00 更新:根据后续确认 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC Steam 日文版将在 2018 年 2 月 21 日发售。 而亚洲版将在 2018 年 2 月 20 日上市。
PS4 / Xbox One / PC《合金装备 求生战》PlayStation 4 以及 Xbox One 版本将会在 2018 年 2 月 20 日在美国、2 月 22 日在欧洲市场上市。 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC Steam 日文版 2018 年 2 月 21 日发售,亚洲版将在 2018 年 2 月 20 日上市。
Metal Gear Survive will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 20, 2018 in North America, February 21 in Japan, and February 22 in Europe, Konami announced.
Users who pre-order the game will receive a downloadable “Survival Pack,” which includes the following items:
Four Gold Plated Weapons – Bat, Spear, Machete, and Sledgehammer
Two Additional Gestures – Happy and Thumbs Up
Four Metallic Survival Scarves – Purple, Green, Blue, and Silver
“Kabuki” Face Paint
“Boxman (The Orange)” Accessory
Mother Base Nameplate
Here’s an overview of the game, via Konami:
Metal Gear Survive picks up from the ending of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Players are pulled through a wormhole and find themselves in a dangerous world filled with biological threats and hostile environments where they must survive and find their way home. Not only will they fight off deadly creatures, but also explore and forage the environment for food, water and other resources to stay alive. Scavenged materials can be used to build weapons, buildings and other useful items, as well as develop a base camp, where crop growing and animal rearing facilities can be added. New weaponry will also be introduced to combat charging creatures and lethal environments, as well as familiar weaponry such as Walker Gears and Fulton balloons.
Metal Gear Survive continues the pedigree of Metal Gear Solid V‘s highly praised gameplay, with a unique blend of stealth and survival mechanics. Players will be able to experience both a single player campaign and co-op of up to four players. In the single player campaign, players will learn resource management, character progression through base camp development, and craft useful weapons and equipment that can be utilized in the co-op gameplay. In co-op, players will fight with their comrades online to collect rewarding loot which can aid in the single player campaign.