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【PC】Quake Champions









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-13 07:39 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Quake Champions Announced for PC
【E3 16】《雷神之锤》系列新作《雷神之锤 冠军》释出宣传影片

  Bethesda Softworks 于今(13)日举办的 E3 展前发表会中曝光《雷神之锤》系列新作《雷神之锤 冠军(暂译,原名:Quake Champions)》,并释出宣传影片。

  在第一人称射击游戏《雷神之锤 冠军》中拥有多位独特技能的英雄,官方今日特别释出宣传影片,展现英雄在游戏中的对战风格。 官方强调,希望本作能将是一款电竞游戏作品。

  《雷神之锤 冠军》目前尚未公布上市时间。


Bethesda Softworks Announces Quake Champions

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced Quake Champions, a competitive arena-style first-person shooter for the PC that will return fans to the frenetic, skill-based competition that made Quake an industry legend and solidified it as one of the first major eSports games.

In development at franchise-founding id Software, in conjunction with Saber Interactive, Quake Champions will deliver the mythos of the first Quake with the groundbreaking multiplayer mayhem of Quake III Arena. The game will also introduce a major new feature to the franchise – Champions – a roster of fierce warriors, each with unique attributes and abilities, which enable players to compete in their own distinctive style.

“20 years ago, Quake set new standards for multiplayer competition and pushed the boundaries for graphics and gameplay,” said Tim Willits, Studio Director, id Software. “It’s important to all of us at id Software that Quake Champions remains true to the Quake legacy, and delivers the speed and gameplay our long-time fans expect, while also pressing forward by introducing innovative gameplay opportunities with new Champions and abilities.”

Quake Champions continues id Software’s tradition of pushing the boundaries of modern technology and will deliver stunning graphics running at 120hz with unlocked frame rates. The game will make it easy for new players to learn while also delivering the challenge and competition 20-year Quake veterans expect.

Quake Champions is designed and built for eSports, integrating competitive features for professional and amateur levels of play. The game will be supported at tournaments and in leagues around the globe, including QuakeCon, the annual event that attracts tens of thousands of id Software fans and competitors to Dallas.

This year’s QuakeCon will be held August 4-7 and will be where id Software reveals more details about Quake Champions directly to its devoted fans. For more information about QuakeCon 2016 or to register to attend, please visit QuakeCon.org.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-26 07:29 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-5 07:31 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-5 06:39 PM 编辑

Quake Champions Debut Gameplay Trailer & Screens


Quake Champions – Gameplay Trailer and New Details

During the QuakeCon 2016 keynote speech, id Software Studio Director Tim Willits took to the stage to unveil an armory of new Quake Champions details. The presentation was full of blazingly fast action, juicy gibs and explosive rocket jumps, and it closed out with the world premiere of the first Quake Champions gameplay trailer.

Willits gave those in attendance a quick look at the four Champions introduced in the announce trailer at E3 – franchise classics Ranger and Visor, and newcomers Nyx and Scalebearer. The audience was shown a series of quick vignettes exploring each of their abilities, which you can learn more about in this video. In addition to those four, Willits showed another returning Champion, Anarki, the lanky speed-demon with a sweet hoverboard. He also teased three more Champions (though he didn’t name names) and revealed that there will be at least a dozen to choose from when the game enters closed beta.

In true Quake fashion, you’ll have an arsenal of powerful and unique weapons, each of which will feel familiar to long-time Quake players. “No loadouts, no limit to the amount of guns you can carry,” Willits assured the crowd. “Time the weapon pickups, or kill your opponents. That’s how you get weapons in a Quake game.”

Willits also surprised the crowd with the announcement of the first public exhibition match of Quake Champions, to be held live on stage during the QuakeCon Finals Party on Saturday night. A select group of competitive players will face off to give attendees an exclusive preview of what to expect from the new Quake.

Quake Champions will be going into closed beta in 2017, so it won’t be too much longer before you’ll be able to get your hands on the heart-thumping arena-style FPS and see for yourself just how fast it is, running at 120hz with unlocked framerates.

With plans for leagues, tournaments and more, Quake Champions is poised to be an eSports powerhouse. Learn more about id Softwars’s approach to eSports in this interview with Tim Willits.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-7 11:27 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-8 06:19 PM 编辑

Quake Champions closed beta sign-ups opened
《雷神之锤》系列在线新作《雷神之锤 冠军》开放封测申请

  Bethesda Softworks 今日宣布,旗下《雷神之锤》系列新作《雷神之锤 冠军(暂译,原名:Quake Champions)》今日起开放募集想要参与封测的玩家,同步公开封测宣传影片。

  在线新作《雷神之锤 冠军》于 2016 年 E3 展公布,强调继承《雷神之锤 3 之团队竞技场》的精神,结合多位具有独特技能的角色,让玩家可以体验射击竞争的乐趣。 研发团队目前还没有公开相关游戏封测内容,但研发团队曾透露,希望打造 5 对 5 的电子竞技模式。

  《雷神之锤 冠军》尚未公开封测时程,但同时宣布将于美国时间 3 月 10 日在波士顿举办的 PAX EAST 游戏展中首度开放玩家试玩,届时说不定会有更多消息将公开。

Bethesda Softworks has opened closed beta sign-ups for Quake Champions, its upcoming five-versus-five arena first-person shooter for PC from id Software.


Additionally, the company announced that users who attend PAX East 2017 in Boston from March 10 to 12 will have the first opportunity to play at the Bethesda booth. Attendees will also be able to sign up for the closed beta.

Watch a 30-second promotion for the closed beta below.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-8 11:26 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-9 04:27 PM 编辑

Quake Champions ‘Nyx’ Champion trailer
《雷神之锤 冠军》Beta测试开启 女刺客Nyx视频展示

  发行商 Bethesda 和开发商 id Software 昨天公布《雷神之锤 冠军》封闭Beta测试注册已开启。另外公司还公布消息,在今天游戏将会以宣传片的形式展示英雄角色档案信息。这次展示的是女刺客Nyx。


  这名角色可以在即将到来的beta封测中使用,《雷神之锤 冠军》目前正在为PC 平台进行开发,计划于年内发行。


Bethesda Softworks and id Software have released the first in a series of “Champion” character trailers for Quake Champions. This one introduces Nyx, who will be playable in the upcoming closed beta.

Here’s a brief overview of Nyx, via Bethesda:

Whether you want to play as an aggressive tank or a nimble damage-dealer, you’ll find your match in the Quake Champions character roster. If sly and stealthy is more your thing, you might find yourself gravitating toward Nyx, whose active ability lets her sidestep danger and plan a careful attack.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-10 07:42 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-10 06:58 PM 编辑

Quake Champions 'Blood Covenant' Arena Trailer and Screens
《雷神之锤 冠军》竞技场地图预告首曝

  在这几天的报导中,我们已经为大家报导了老牌游戏工作室 id Software的《雷神之锤 冠军(Quake:Champions)》将在近期举办一次游戏封测。在昨日游戏中一位女性英雄的相关演示也已公布。

  同时按照之前官方公布的计划,游戏的最新地图演示在今日正式公布。相关视频为我们展示了游戏中的Blood Covenant(血盟)这张地图的大致景象。


  《雷神之锤 冠军》算是《雷神》这个经典游戏在沉寂数年之后的重启之作了,目前是预定在今年年末发售,游戏目前计划是在 PC 平台首发,后续是否登陆主机,官方还在讨论之中。


Bethesda Softworks and id Software have released the first in a series of “Arena” map trailers for Quake Champions. This one introduces Blood Covenant.

Here’s a full overview of the Blood Covenant Arena, via Bethesda:

Blood Covenant. Faceless monks tend its onyx-lined sluiceways, lest even a gobbet of the celebrants’ ichor should fail to reach their Ravening Shepherd.

The Bridge

Combat on the bridge consists of players using the high ground to shoot down on the players on the mid-level Balcony, while also defending against an influx of players from the lower Catacombs. In Sacrifice this becomes a difficult point to maintain control of, unless your team utilizes the side balconies to provide cover and flank attackers.

Side Balconies

Combat here consists of players using the Bridge as high ground to shoot down on the players on the mid-level Balcony, while defending against pushes from the lower Catacombs. In Sacrifice this becomes a difficult point to maintain control of, unless your team utilizes the side balconies to provide cover and flank attackers. This point will also receive heavy damage from attackers who control the Rail Curve. Maintaining control of this perimeter position ensures that while defending the Obelisk you can take your aggressors on both head-on and from behind.

Rail Curve

Controlling this hall will grant the defender easy access to both the Railgun and Mega Health (Deathmatch) or Heavy Armor (Sacrifice). This defender can then act as a gatekeeper, sharing access to these two items with their teammates when the defender has a large enough armor stack of their own to maintain control. When players defending this hall are challenged, one often has to seek an escape route downward to the mid-level or fall all the way to the Catacombs.


When action becomes too intense, the Catacombs are a great place to recharge or briefly hide out away. The cool downs in the curve are great for restoring your Active Ability, but the most important item is the Lightning Gun, a vital weapon for skilled players. The trip to the depths of the Catacombs is well worth the challenge of working your way back up. This area will get a lot of action with players feeding in from the Blood Pool or dropping down from the Rail Curve.

Blood Pool

The central HUB of the map, players in this area are susceptible to Railgun fire due to it being a large open area that connects to all main areas. It is common for players controlling the Rail Curve to fire across this main room picking off players moving from Balcony to Pillars or vice versa. Players who utilize the main central jumppad take a huge risk of being railed from near the Mega Health (DM) / Heavy Armor (Sacrifice), or risk Rocket and Shotgun fire from the high ground. This is often a necessary risk that will reward players with the high ground, rocket launcher, and access to the Bridge or the Upper Pillars.


Across either the precarious pillars or the walkway along the wall lies a larger open fighting area behind the Statue of M’yriah. This high ground is very important as it is where the power-Up spawns. Both teams need to learn to gauge when the power-up will be spawning and position themselves so that they may be in the area just before it becomes available. Your team controlling the power-up is vital to maintaining control or turning the tide. Because this room lies between the two points, it should also be self-evident that this means your team cannot simply defend the Obelisk, but must also defend the perimeter rooms to keep powerful items from falling into the hands of your opponents.







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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-16 11:38 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-17 05:04 PM 编辑

Quake Champions ‘Scalebearer’ Champion trailer
在线游戏新作《雷神之锤 冠军》释出英雄技能展示影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特

  Bethesda Softworks 今(17)日释出《雷神之锤》系列新作《雷神之锤 冠军(暂译,原名:Quake Champions)》中英雄介绍与技能对战展示影片。

  在线新作《雷神之锤 冠军》于 2016 年 E3 展公布,强调继承《雷神之锤 3 之团队竞技场》的精神,结合多位具有独特技能的角色,让玩家可以体验射击竞争的乐趣。

  目前,官方已公开 8 名英雄形象,并陆续接露英雄 Nyx 与 Scalebearer 背景和技能展示影片,其余英雄信息将于日后陆续公布。 Nyx 的英雄技能为「鬼步(Ghost Walk)」,一段间内可隐形移动并免疫任何伤害。 征战无数战场的 Scalebearer 其英雄技能为「冲刺(Bull Rush)」,能向前奋力冲刺并对任何对手造成大量伤害,当技能启动时,Scalebearer 将失去操控性,但伤害将提高。

  《雷神之锤 冠军》于今日起开放封测申请,目前尚未公开封测时程。


The second trailer in Bethesda Softworks and id Software’s series of “Champion” character trailers for Quake Champions introduces Scalebearer.

Here’s a brief overview of Scalebearer, via Bethesda:

Having conquered countless worlds outside of the Arena, Scalebearer is a relentless Champion determined to lead you to victory. The galactic warlord’s active ability, Bull Rush, will let him charge head on against foes in Quake Champions. Take a look at the heavyweight in action in our latest Champion spotlight trailer.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-22 10:52 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-23 06:45 PM 编辑

Quake Champions 'Burial Chamber' Arena Trailer
《雷神之锤 冠军》曝光竞技场宣传影片 熔岩包围的墓室中对决

  Bethesda Softworks 旗下《雷神之锤》系列新作《雷神之锤 冠军(暂译,原名:Quake Champions)》今日公开竞技场宣传影片,带领玩家一窥墓室竞技场风貌。

  在线新作《雷神之锤 冠军》于 2016 年 E3 展公布,强调继承《雷神之锤 3 之团队竞技场》的精神,结合多位具有独特技能的角色,让玩家可以体验射击竞争的乐趣。

  Bethesda 表示,穿越邪恶的熔岩池到这危险的开放空间,玩家需要注意穿越墓室竞技场的技巧,以免陷入遭熔岩吞噬的死亡命运中。

  Bethesda 表示,此竞技场中另一区幽闭的墓室区域是英雄隐藏的好地方,此处有着蜿蜒的路径与很低的天花板,容易让玩家把握时机制造大量伤害。

  《雷神之锤 冠军》目前正在募集想要参与封闭测试的玩家中。


Burial Chamber Arena Overview

Quake Champions – Burial Chamber Arena Trailer

Step into the Burial Chamber and face judgement in the latest Quake Champions trailer. From the wicked lava pools threatening to overtake the Arena, to the treacherous open spaces, nowhere is safe in the second Arena in our profile series (you can see Blood Covenant here). Skill is required to traverse this Arena, lest you find yourself tumbling to a molten death. Get your first look at Burial Chamber in this new video.

The bones of a massive beast decorate the entry to this massive tomb. Hazardous platforms at the Perilous Outcropping dot the sea of lava, providing an ideal sniping spot for those skilled enough and brave enough to make the leap. With its winding tunnels and low ceilings, the claustrophobic grave sites of the Molten Underground offer up the opportunity for heavier Champions to do some serious splash damage, while the Lava Falls could provide an excellent chokepoint for skilled tacticians. Just be careful to avoid being pushed into the lava, which is a prevalent threat throughout the map.

Along with Blood Covenant and Ruins of Sarnath, Burial Chamber will be available to check out in the upcoming Closed Beta, which you can sign up for right now.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-30 10:47 PM |只看该作者
Quake Champions 'Anarki' Champion Trailer


Quake Champions: Anarki Champion

Among the hardened warriors and alien conquerors inhabiting the Dreamlands, Anarki sticks out like a sore thumb. It’s tough to keep up with the transhuman punk when he’s blazing trails around the Arena on his hoverboard, but his speed is just one of the things that allow him to stand on the same level as Champions like Nyx and Scalebearer. Anarki is one of the Champions you’ll be able to try out during the Closed Beta.

You can see Anarki in action in our latest profile trailer. For more on Quake Champions or to sign up for beta, visit quake.com or follow the Quake Champions on social media:


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-4 11:01 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-5 04:29 PM 编辑

Quake Champions Raw Gameplay Trailer
《雷神之锤 冠军》预告片公布 雷神之锤 3 竞技场风格

  Bethesda 今日公布了《雷神之锤 冠军》(Quake Champions)的新预告,展示了2分钟原生游戏内容。我们可以看到,《雷神之锤:冠军》有点《雷神之锤3:竞技场》的风格,老玩家肯定非常喜欢。《雷神之锤:冠军》的封测阶段将于本月开启,游戏将会于今年年内发售。


Quake Champions - Raw Gameplay of Anarki Shredding Blood Covenant featuring ZeRo4

Before stepping into the Arena, we wanted to show you some fast, uninterrupted gameplay of Quake Champions. Check out the brand-new raw footage featuring id Software's ZeRo4 as Anarki. Learn more about Quake at quake.bethesda.net.

Haven’t signed up for the Quake Champions Closed Beta yet? The test event kicks off on Thursday, April 6, with an initial group of testers. We’ll be adding more players over time, so be sure to sign up now!

Follow Quake Champions on social media: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram


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