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【PS4/XB1/PC】Battlefield 1









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-30 07:15 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-7 07:05 AM 编辑


EA Announces Battlefield 1

Today DICE, an Electronic Arts studio, announced Battlefield 1. Only in Battlefield 1 will you bring a horse to a tank fight and squad-up with your allies in epic multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Through ever-changing environments at the dawn of all-out war, no battle is ever the same. Battlefield 1 will launch on October 21st, 2016 Worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC and PlayStation 4.

Battlefield 1 takes you across multiple and varied locations in a bid to fight your way through immersive battles. From tight urban fights in a besieged French city, to big open spaces in the Italian Alps and frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia, discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign.

In a true multiplayer sandbox experience, take to the skies and engage in high-octane dogfights through treacherous landscapes, or have a battleship obliterating the coast from the sea, and engage in some of the biggest battles ever seen as empires clash for supremacy.

“The game will deliver a fresh experience full of what makes Battlefield great, with a multiplayer sandbox, immersion, epic scale, authenticity, team play and an ever-changing world full of unexpected Battlefield moments,“ said Aleksander Grøndal, Senior Producer, DICE. “We’re inviting players on an epic journey across a war-torn world, taking them to the Great War and providing something both varied and unique in Battlefield 1.”

Set against the backdrop of World War 1, witness the birth of modern warfare, as the Great War saw a furious arms race with new machines and weapons created to get the upper hand during the most technologically divergent war of all time. Feel the intensity and immersion as Battlefield 1 takes advantage of this modern arsenal to deliver the experience fans love, but with a fresh and modern twist.

Watch the first look of Battlefield 1 here, and discover more on the future of Battlefield at battlefield.com.

Fans can also sign up to become a Battlefield Insider here. Get early access to the Battlefield 1 public beta, in-game rewards, exclusive content and sneak peeks at news about Battlefield (plus news about other EA games, services, and events).

Battlefield 1 will launch on October 21st, 2016 Worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC and PlayStation 4.

About Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 takes you across multiple and varied locations in a bid to fight your way through immersive battles. From tight urban fights in a besieged French city, to big open spaces in the Italian Alps and frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia, discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign.

In a true multiplayer sandbox experience, take to the skies and engage in high-octane dogfights through treacherous landscapes, or have a battleship obliterating the coast from the sea, and engage in some of the biggest battles ever seen as empires clash for supremacy.

Set against the backdrop of World War 1, witness the birth of modern warfare, as the Great War saw a furious arms race with new machines and weapons created to get the upper hand during the most technologically divergent war of all time. Feel the intensity and immersion as Battlefield 1 takes advantage of this modern arsenal to deliver the experience fans love, but with a fresh and modern twist.


• Epic 64-Player Multiplayer Battles – Squad up with your friends and join in the most epic multiplayer battles in FPS history with up to 64 players fighting as infantry or piloting vehicles ranging from tanks and bikes on the ground to biplanes and gigantic battleships.

• Experience the Dawn of All-out War – Be a part of the greatest battles ever known to man. From the heavily defended Alps to the scorching deserts of Arabia, war is raging on an epic scale on land, air and sea as you witness the birth of modern warfare.

• Earth-shattering Intuitive Destruction – With intuitive destruction no battle is ever the same. Destroy vehicles big and small, and demolish entire buildings. From tiny wooden houses to massive stone forts, even the grounds on which you’re fighting can be blasted apart.

• War Stories from the Far Edges of the World – Discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign that captures the variety of a global conflict through the eyes of several different characters all united by this first modern war.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-6 07:11 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-13 06:50 PM 编辑

Battlefield 5 World Premiere Set for May 6
《战地风云》新作发表在即 美商艺电发起庆祝活动回馈玩家

  美商艺电(Electronic Arts)将在时间的 5 月 7 号发表《战地风云》系列最新作品。 作为这次发表的庆祝活动,系列作品中的《战地风云 4》以及《战地风云:强硬路线》,目前已各有一部数据片开放玩家免费领取。

  最棒的是,这次免费领取活动横跨许多平台。 免费的数据片能透过 PlayStation 3、PlayStation 4、PC、Xbox 360、Xbox One 领取。 然而时间有限,像是《战地风云 4》的数据片《龙之獠牙》,免费领取时间将在 5 月 10 号截止。

  但即使错过这次,玩家也不需要太在意。 美商艺电将在接下来几个月,释出更多这两款游戏免费的数据片。 同时也将发起玩家一同参与的社群任务,让玩家体验到过去不曾有过的游戏气氛。

  至于最新的《战地风云》系列作品,美商艺电预计于时间 5 月 7 号的凌晨 4 点,在《战地风云》官方的 Twitch 频道 发表。

Battlefield reveal teased with four-second clip


Battlefield 1主创:我们对一战和时代心存敬畏


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-7 07:03 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-7 07:11 AM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Officially Announced

  本作由EA DICE开发,寒霜3引擎打造,背景设定在了一战的战场,将为玩家们带来具有冒险感的战役剧情,以及极具史诗感的多人体验。官方表示,《战地1》当中会有一些FPS历史上游戏规模最大,充满变化的战斗。游戏中包含武器的自定义,各种宏大的破坏场面,还会提供刺激的骑马战,坦克战,空战等等。


  至于多人模式方面,官方承诺会提供沙盒般的体验,包括驾驶飞机在空中混战,或者驾驶战舰在海上与敌人对轰等等。游戏支持最多64人的多人对战。同时本作当中还会加入一个小队系统(Persistent Squad System),允许四名玩家组建一个小队,并一起加入战斗。


期征兵豪华版(Early Enlister Deluxe Edition),售价79.99美元:

  • 游戏本体
  • “红色男爵包”以及“沙漠枭雄包”,其中包含各种主题武器,载具,物品
  • 五个战斗包,同时还可改变游戏中三个载具的外观
  • 提前三天玩到游戏,即在10月18日玩家就可进入游戏

典藏版(Exclusive Collector’s Edition),售价219.99美元:

  • 游戏本体
  • 豪华版当中的所有内容
  • 高级包
  • 铁盒包装
  • 14寸的士兵手办
  • 布制的宣传海报
  • 游戏主题扑克
  • 信鸽管
  • 游戏主题胸章

  《战地1》预计2016年10月21日正式发售,登陆PC,Xbox One和PS4平台。玩家们现在就可以点击这里在官方网站上注册,获得Beta公测的资格。


EA Announces Battlefield 1

Today DICE, an Electronic Arts studio, announced Battlefield 1. Only in Battlefield 1 will you bring a horse to a tank fight and squad-up with your allies in epic multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Through ever-changing environments at the dawn of all-out war, no battle is ever the same. Battlefield 1 will launch on October 21st, 2016 Worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC and PlayStation 4.

Battlefield 1 takes you across multiple and varied locations in a bid to fight your way through immersive battles. From tight urban fights in a besieged French city, to big open spaces in the Italian Alps and frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia, discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign.

In a true multiplayer sandbox experience, take to the skies and engage in high-octane dogfights through treacherous landscapes, or have a battleship obliterating the coast from the sea, and engage in some of the biggest battles ever seen as empires clash for supremacy.

“The game will deliver a fresh experience full of what makes Battlefield great, with a multiplayer sandbox, immersion, epic scale, authenticity, team play and an ever-changing world full of unexpected Battlefield moments,“ said Aleksander Grøndal, Senior Producer, DICE. “We’re inviting players on an epic journey across a war-torn world, taking them to the Great War and providing something both varied and unique in Battlefield 1.”

Set against the backdrop of World War 1, witness the birth of modern warfare, as the Great War saw a furious arms race with new machines and weapons created to get the upper hand during the most technologically divergent war of all time. Feel the intensity and immersion as Battlefield 1 takes advantage of this modern arsenal to deliver the experience fans love, but with a fresh and modern twist.

Watch the first look of Battlefield 1 here, and discover more on the future of Battlefield at battlefield.com.

Fans can also sign up to become a Battlefield Insider here. Get early access to the Battlefield 1 public beta, in-game rewards, exclusive content and sneak peeks at news about Battlefield (plus news about other EA games, services, and events).

Battlefield 1 will launch on October 21st, 2016 Worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC and PlayStation 4.

About Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 takes you across multiple and varied locations in a bid to fight your way through immersive battles. From tight urban fights in a besieged French city, to big open spaces in the Italian Alps and frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia, discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign.

In a true multiplayer sandbox experience, take to the skies and engage in high-octane dogfights through treacherous landscapes, or have a battleship obliterating the coast from the sea, and engage in some of the biggest battles ever seen as empires clash for supremacy.

Set against the backdrop of World War 1, witness the birth of modern warfare, as the Great War saw a furious arms race with new machines and weapons created to get the upper hand during the most technologically divergent war of all time. Feel the intensity and immersion as Battlefield 1 takes advantage of this modern arsenal to deliver the experience fans love, but with a fresh and modern twist.


• Epic 64-Player Multiplayer Battles – Squad up with your friends and join in the most epic multiplayer battles in FPS history with up to 64 players fighting as infantry or piloting vehicles ranging from tanks and bikes on the ground to biplanes and gigantic battleships.

• Experience the Dawn of All-out War – Be a part of the greatest battles ever known to man. From the heavily defended Alps to the scorching deserts of Arabia, war is raging on an epic scale on land, air and sea as you witness the birth of modern warfare.

• Earth-shattering Intuitive Destruction – With intuitive destruction no battle is ever the same. Destroy vehicles big and small, and demolish entire buildings. From tiny wooden houses to massive stone forts, even the grounds on which you’re fighting can be blasted apart.

• War Stories from the Far Edges of the World – Discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign that captures the variety of a global conflict through the eyes of several different characters all united by this first modern war.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-9 06:51 PM |只看该作者
《战地1》确认将有BETA测试 注册会员可提前加入

  EA已经确认《战地1》将在今年晚些时候进行Beta测试,具体时间未定。同时,EA推出了一项名为“Battlefield Insider”的注册会员服务。注册成为“Battlefield Insider”是免费的,注册就意味着同意接收来自EA的订阅邮件。此外,玩家还可以获得“游戏内奖励”、“独占内容”、战地相关新闻。更重要的是“提前进入《战地1》公开Beta测试”。

  《战地1(Battlefield 1)》故事设定在第一次世界大战,将于今年10月21日全球发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。不过,通过 EA Access 和预定特定版本的玩家可以提前三天玩到。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-2 06:09 PM |只看该作者
【E3 16】EA 预定于 E3 展前夕举办《战地风云 1》64 人对战模式试玩活动

  EA 美商艺电宣布,将配合 6 月 14 日登场的美国 E3 电玩展,于 6 月 12~14 日在美国洛杉矶与英国伦敦举办玩家活动「EA Play」,将提供开发中最新游戏试玩,举办现场活动、比赛,邀请特别来宾参与,还能获得活动独家的纪念品。 活动内容将透过直播让全世界玩家一同参与。

  而这场活动中,确定会举办日前甫发表、以第一次世界大战为主题的《战地风云》系列最新作《战地风云 1》首场在线直播多人联机对战试玩活动「Battlefield Squads」。 现场将分为两队展开 64 人对战,由《战地风云》社群「BATTLEFIELD FRIENDS」的成员 NOOB 与 StoneMountain64 分别担任两队的队长,队员包括许多知名的 YouTuber 与 Twitch 实况主,还有少数神秘嘉宾。

  EA Play 发表会预定于洛杉矶当地时间 6 月 12 日下午 1:00 举行(时间 6 月 13 日凌晨 4:00),「Battlefield Squads」则是紧接在后,预定当地时间下午 2:00 举行。

  EA 今年并未参与 E3 展的展出,仅在场外举办 EA Play 活动。http://www.ea.com/play2016/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-7 07:23 PM |只看该作者
《战地风云 1》E3近战镜头15秒片段

  EA放出了《战地风云 1》的先导预告片,这段15秒的视频为我们展示了一段非常精彩的近距离作战镜头。根据本作制作人的说法,与系列的其他作品相比,《战地风云 1》将更加注重近战。在一战时期,近距离作战是非常常见的事情,制作组也专门制作了不同的近战武器,每一种都拥有不同的攻击速度,也会对敌人造成不同的伤害。

  由于《战地风云 1》将故事背景设定在一战,因此游戏中的武器都经过的特殊的设计。玩家在熟练使用武器之前要熟悉每样武器的优缺点,根据不同的状况选用不同的武器才能在残酷的战争中立于不败之地。在本作中,狙击枪的手感和系列前作差别不大,但玩家必须熟悉狙击枪的有效攻击距离,这样才能对敌人造成伤害。和前作一样,玩家可以在游戏中自定义武器的外观。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-13 06:53 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-13 06:55 PM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Debut Gameplay Trailer & Screens
【E3 16】《战地风云 1》释出最新游戏预告片 展示 64 名玩家同时上阵战斗场面

  由 Electronic Arts 旗下 DICE 开发新作《战地风云 1》释出最新游戏预告片,展现第一次世界大战的磅礡战争场面。

  《战地风云 1》是一款以第一次世界大战为主题的《战地风云》系列最新作,游戏中将可以让 64 名玩家同时参与多人战斗,官方也于本次发表会开放现场玩家抢先体验。

  PC、PS4、Xbox One《战地风云 1》预定 10 月 21 日上市。


In Battlefield 1, No Battle is Ever the Same

DICE, an Electronic Arts studio, invites you to join a world of discovery and epic warfare through ever-changing battles only in Battlefield 1.

Intuitive destruction and dynamic weather ensure that no battle is ever the same. For even more gameplay possibilities, carve a path through walls and buildings, take down your enemies in creative ways, and leave your mark on the terrain around you through intuitive destruction. Through your actions, the pristine world around you will change into a battle-scarred landscape, changing the world forever.

With dynamic weather you will need to adapt your tactics to weather changes as the elements play a part in the battle. Playing the same map on a bright day, in heavy fog, or rain will impact what you see and hear, forcing you to adapt your play style on an ever-changing battlefield.

Operations introduces a completely new way to play multiplayer. In Battlefield 1 will you play a series of interconnected battles across multiple fronts. Play a sequence of battles where your actions have consequences beyond a single match, as you try to conquer territory or push back your attackers.

At those times when you feel all is lost, call in the Behemoths - the largest fully player-controlled vehicles ever seen in Battlefield. Roam the battlefield and rain fire on your enemy to break their defenses. All-out war never felt so epic. Take control of the Armored Train, Air Ship, or the Battleship to dominate the battlefield across land, air, and sea.

“With Battlefield 1 we’re looking to deliver the most dynamic shooter ever. We want to make sure that no battle is ever the same for the players, and with the introduction of Operations, we’re giving the fans variety for game play and creativity,” said Aleksander Grøndal, Senior Producer, DICE. “Plus, with the new Behemoths, only in Battlefield 1 can you bring an Air Ship to a dogfight.”

The Battlefield 1 open beta will be live later this summer. To get early access, players can sign up to become a Battlefield Insider here. They will also get access to in-game rewards, exclusive content, and sneak peeks at news about Battlefield 1 (plus news about other EA games, services, and events).

Watch the Battlefield 1 gameplay trailer from EA PLAY here, and discover more on the Dawn of All-Out War at battlefield.com.

Battlefield 1 will launch on October 21st, 2016 worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC, and PlayStation 4. Players who pre-order the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition can begin playing on October 18.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-12 07:05 AM |只看该作者
Battlefield TV Show in the Works

'Battlefield' Video Game Being Adapted for TV

Paramount Television and Anonymous Content are heading for the battlefield.

The two entities are teaming to bring Electronic Arts' popular video game franchise Battlefield to the small screen, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The two companies have optioned the rights to the game from DICE and EA, with Michael Sugar and Ashley Zalta set to exec produce.

The Battlefield series is a multiplayer game that features wars across land, sea and air. The Battlefield franchise has amassed more than 60 million players worldwide since debuting in 2002, and boasts a highly engaged audiences across its multiple titles. Since its 2002 launch, the franchise has featured 11 games and 12 expansion packs. The new Battlefield debuts in October.

The deal expands Paramount TV's relationship with Anonymous Content, the latter of which has a first-look pact with the studio. A network for Battlefield is not yet attached, though Anonymous Content's deal is for broadcast, premium cable, cable and streaming. It marks both companies first foray into programming based on a video game franchise.

"Paramount TV actively seeks smart content from all sectors that will resonate with audiences and translate to compelling programming,” Paramount TV president Amy Powell said. “EA's Battlefield has an incredibly dynamic narrative, coupled with a loyal fan base, which will allow us to bring this exciting and unique property to the small screen. We look forward to working with EA and Anonymous Content and thank Michael Sugar for his tenacity in bringing us this exciting project."

“Battlefield has a tremendous built-in, engaged fan base, making it a highly coveted piece of IP primed for long-form adaptation,” Anonymous Content partner Michael Sugar said. “Together with EA and Paramount TV, we’ll develop the Battlefield TV series with the same commitment to robust storytelling that has made the game such a runaway success for nearly 15 years.”



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-12 07:36 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-12 06:32 PM 编辑

《战地风云 1》释出「战斗载具」宣传影片 体验原始机械载具的铁血战斗快感

  EA 旗下 DICE 团队开发,预定 10 月 21 日推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 第一人称射击游戏《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》,现释出以「战斗载具」为主题的宣传影片,供玩家参考。

  《战地风云 1》由 DICE 开发,同样采用「寒霜(Frostbite)」引擎制作,主题则回归 20 世纪初期奠定现代战争典型的第一次世界大战。 玩家将参与包括法国城市突围巷战,意大利阿尔卑斯山空旷地形战,或是阿拉伯的沙漠战,驾驶坦克、摩托车,双翼飞机与巨型战舰来协助战事进行。

  在这次的影片中,玩家可以了解到游戏中这些仍处于黎明期的原始机动载具,将如何在战场上发挥作用。 像是因应一战壕沟战僵局而被发明与投入、纵横战场的钢铁巨兽「坦克」,首次大规模投入战争、开启立体化战场新局面的「飞机」,还有让军队迈入机动化时代的汽车与摩托车等。


游戏名称:战地风云 1
游戏原名:Battlefield 1
对应平台:PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One
发售日期:2016 年 10 月 21 日
语言版本:英文 / 繁体中文等
发行厂商:Electronic Arts



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-16 06:57 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-16 06:24 PM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Open Beta begins August 31, Gamescom 2016 Trailer
《战地风云 1》预定 8 月 31 日起展开公测 开放「西奈沙漠」地图与两种对战模式试玩

  EA 今(16)日宣布,DICE 团队开发、预定 10 月 21 日推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 第一人称射击游戏《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》,将于 8 月 31 日展开公开测试(Open Beta Test)。

  《战地风云 1》由《战地风云》系列团队 DICE 开发,采用寒霜引擎制作,主题回归 20 世纪初期奠定现代战争典型的第一次世界大战。 玩家将参与包括法国城市突围巷战,意大利阿尔卑斯山空旷地形战,或是阿拉伯的沙漠战,驾驶坦克、摩托车,双翼飞机与巨型战舰来协助战事进行。

  在 8 月底即将展开的公测中,将收录对应两种广玩家喜爱的游戏模式「征服(Conquest)」与「突袭(Rush)」的新地图「西奈沙漠(Sinai Desert)」,包含空战要素,最多可 64 人参与对战。 玩家可以选择 3 种精英兵种「哨兵(Sentry)」、「喷火兵(Flame Trooper)」与「坦克猎手(Tank Hunter)」,骑乘战马或是操控巨大的装甲列车,展开血肉与钢铁的致命对决。


游戏名称:战地风云 1
游戏原名:Battlefield 1
对应平台:PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One
发售日期:2016 年 10 月 21 日
语言版本:英文 / 繁体中文等
游玩人数:1~64 人
发行厂商:Electronic Arts


The Battlefield 1 Open Beta Starts on August 31

Ready to go boots on the ground at the dawn of all-out war? It's almost time – the Battlefield 1 Open Beta begins on August 31 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Origin for PC.

Battlefield Insider members get early access, and if you sign up by August 21, you can join them as some of the first people in the world to play the Battlefield 1 Open Beta. If you've already signed up, make sure you go to the Battlefield Insider Page and select your platform preference, otherwise you won’t get a code to play early.

The Battlefield 1 Open Beta will include the Sinai Desert map, a scorching hot battlefield located just East of El-Jifar. From infantry skirmishes in the narrow streets of the village of Bir el Mazar to dogfights above the majestic cliffs, you’ll need to make tactical use of the dunes as you engage in explosive battles. When all hope is lost, reinforcements will arrive in the shape of a powerful Behemoth: a deadly Armored Train charging through the desert sands.

Two modes will be available as well:

• Conquest. An all-time fan favorite of Battlefield players, Conquest is a large-scale game mode with up to 64 players fighting for the control of key objectives. With large armies on foot or behind the wheel and the addition of fearsome Behemoths, Conquest brings together all the elements of the signature Battlefield All-Out War.

• Rush. A 24-player mode where the Attacking force must find and destroy the Defending force's Telegraph Posts, which can be used to call in artillery strikes. The Defenders can deny the Attackers their mission by disarming explosives they plant on the telegraph positions. Should the Telegraph Posts be destroyed, the Defenders must fall back to the next sector and protect the Telegraph Posts there.

Get your Squad ready to deploy, because on August 31, you're going to experience war on an epic scale in Battlefield 1.



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