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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-20 06:13 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details prologue, main characters, more
新生七班始动! 《闪之轨迹 III》公布由黎恩所率领之新小组成员介绍等情报
日本 FALCOM 在近日(2017 年 3 月 16 日)正式揭晓了预计在 2017 年秋季发售的《轨迹》系列最新作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的首批情报,同时也终于正式开张游戏官方网站!
本作最初是在 2016 年 12 月 20 日宣布将在 2017 年秋季于 PlayStation 4 平台上独占推出,也是继 2014 年 9 月推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》后,睽违近三年的全新正统续作。
在本次所揭晓的首批情报中,首先便是由新旧面孔「黎恩·舒华泽(リィン・シュバルツァー)」、「尤娜‧克罗弗德(ユウナ・クロフォード)」、「克尔特‧范德尔(クルト・ヴァンダール)」与「亚尔缇娜‧奥莱恩(アルティナ・オライオン)」等四位主要人物所组成的新生 VII 班「VII 班‧特务科」的初步介绍。
「但是你...... 但是你们...... 要继续向前走啊......」
── 这番话,让他们下定了决心
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the prologue, characters Rean Schwarzer, Kurt Vander, Juna Crawford, and Altina, and some keywords.
七耀历 1206 年春天的那场内战后过了约 1 年半,帝国在并吞了塞姆利亚最大的贸易都市克洛斯贝尔自治州,与数月后接续吞并了诺森比亚自治州之后,领土大幅超越了宿敌卡尔瓦德共和国。 帝国成为了大陆最大的国家。
另一方面,帝国政府加速执行中央集权化,税制也被统一标准了,过去贵族统治地区出现了混乱和弱化等等一系列问题。 其中,过去在内战时暗中行动的「噬身之蛇」,夹杂着大量猎兵团和共和国的行动,逐渐打破沉默开始行动。
与此同时,一名青年来到了帝都西郊的利布斯小镇。 他的名字是「灰色骑士」黎恩舒华泽。
2 月,从名校托尔兹军官学校毕业的他,选择了作为教官而迈进,在新的分校「托尔兹军官学院·利布斯第二分校」工作。 与完全变成军事学校的总校不同,这间学校是被称为「吊车尾」的分校,接收的都是一些有缘由的贵族子女和问题少年,还有外国人学生。 分校长是由原贵族联合军总司令的「某位人物」担任。
然后,在三个班当中,VII 班「特务科」,正是由黎恩所带领的特科班。
Get the details below.
■ Prologue
“You, you guys walk looking straight ahead…”
“Just go earnestly, single-mindedly forward…”
—Those words determined their perseverance and resolution.
Septian Calendar 1206, spring—nearly a year-and-a-half after the civil war. The Erebonian Empire—which annexed the continent’s greatest trade city, Crossbell State, and a few months later also annexed the North Ambria State—has significantly exceeded its longtime rival, the Calvard Republic, and in both reality and in name has become the continent’s greatest nation.
On the other hand, the centralization of power has accelerated by way of the Imperial government, and by unifying the tax system the areas ruled by nobles were disturbed and weakened. New problems were also born.
Meanwhile, the secret society “Ouroboros,” which maneuvered in secret during the civil war, broke its silence and began to move behind closed doors as to blend in with the activities of the Jaeger Corps and the Republic.
At the same time, a black-haired young man arrives in the Imperial western suburb of Reaves. Rean Schwarzer, the “Ashen Chevalier.” As a student, he was the “young hero” who contributed to the end of the civil war by piloting the Ashen Knight, Valimar, and even played an active role in the Crossbell Front and Northern War—.
He just graduated from the prestigious Thors Military Academy in February, but chooses the new path of an “instructor” and takes up a new post at a certain new school—-Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
In contrast to the main school, which became a full-fledged military school after the enrollment of the crown prince, the Branch School accepts special case nobles, problem children, foreigners, and the like. The headmaster served as a general commander of the old Noble Alliance—.
Among the three classes that make up the school, there is Class VII, “Special Duty Division”—a special duty class with a small number of students in which Rean serves as the instructort.
黎恩·舒华泽(リィン・シュバルツァー/Rean Schwarzer)
『我们彼此都是新人同伴。 作为伙伴一起挥洒汗水,切磋琢磨吧! 』
托尔兹军官学院特科班 VII 班的 20 岁青年,以太刀作为主要使用武器,同时也是灰之骑神瓦利玛的启动者。
军官学院毕业后被政府强烈要求加入帝国军,却坚持推辞。 为了传承托尔兹的精神,与为了使自己和骑神不再被利用,来到了帝都西郊新开设的问题学校「第二分校」当教官。
在内战时利用自身「鬼之力」 渡过不少危机,但如今这个力量渐渐不稳定,现在变得已经难以控制。 在本作中关于他自身力量的变化,以及身世之谜将会逐渐被解开。
■ Characters
Rean Schwarzer
“We’re newcomers all the same. Let’s sweat and improve together as friends.”
Age: 20
Weapon: Long sword
A young man who was enrolled at Thors Military Academy in the special division class, Class VII, and the Awakener of the Ashen Knight, Valimar.
A year-and-a-half ago, he contributed his services to the Erebonian Empire civil war, to the annexation of Crossbell State, and then to the annexation of North Ambria State, and became a hero in the Empire known as the Ashen Chevalier.
After graduating from the Military Academy, the government strongly urged him to join the Imperial army, but he politely refused. In order to preserve the spirit of Thors, and more than that in order to refrain from using the Ashen Knight Valimar or his own power, he chooses to take on the job of a n instructor at the “II Branch School,” a school with an interesting backstory that is newly established in the western suburbs of the Imperial capital.
尤娜‧克罗弗德(ユウナ・クロフォード/Juna Crawford)
『在 VII 班里得出答案之前,我是绝对不会输给帝国人的! 』
旧克洛斯贝尔出身、充满正义感的 17 岁少女。 以拐棍与枪结合的复合型装备「旋棍枪」为武器,战斗中能在「枪械模式」与「拐棍模式」间切换。
之后,她接受了某个黎恩也认识的「某人」的意见,为了确认埃雷波尼亚帝国到底是不是真正 的「侵略国家」而以克洛斯贝尔州市民的身份入学第二分校。
Juna Crawford
“I can’t lose to the Imperials until I achieve results with Class VII!”
Age: 17
Weapon: Gun breaker (a tonfa-and-gun combination that can strike and shoot)
A lively girl from the old Crossbell State filled with a sense of justice.
Admiring the work of the Crossbell Police “Special Support Section,” which has resolved various difficult cases, she successfully enters the police academy, but her dreams were crushed after Crossbell is occupied by the Erebonian Empire.
Meanwhile, Juna, who received a proposal from a certain someone, decides to enter the “Thors II Branch School” in order to ascertain the current condition of the Empire as an “aggressor nation,” and to show her pride as a Crossbell citizen.