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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-20 07:20 PM 编辑
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Story and Characters Revealed
《狙击之王:幽灵战士 3》剧情及主角详情公布!三名主角各有身世
备受期待的FPS新作《狙击之王:幽灵战士 3 (Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3)》很快就要在4月正式上市了,今日官方CI Games透露了有关本作剧情和主要角色的详细情报。在游戏中,每个角色都拥有各自独特的经历、动机、性格和癖好,带来更深入的玩家体验。
《狙击之王:幽灵战士 3》讲述了一个有关兄弟、爱国主义与背叛的故事,主角Jon North被丢在地处西亚和东欧之间的格鲁吉亚共和国,那里正在上演一场激烈的冲突,由于战略位置极为重要,因此格鲁吉亚即将陷入内战的混乱当中。Jon接受JSOC(美国联合特种作战司令部)的任务刺杀企图分裂格鲁吉亚的独立派领袖。
Jonathan North,年龄38岁,代号:北极星(Lodestar)
首先Jon是一名海军陆战队员,但他也一直对弟弟的事心存内疚,而他的上司Frank Simms也对此表示同情,允许Jon在完成上级下达的任务后挑选几名队员帮他达成心愿。
Robert North,年龄28岁,代号:红隼(Kestrel)
Jon第一个挑选的是前格鲁吉亚特工Lydia Jorjadze,现在她的一名雇佣兵。别看她是个女人,Lydia可是一位久经沙场的老兵,曾在阿富汗与Jon一起英勇作战。然而Jon在一场激烈交火中突然失踪后,他们之间的感情也因此画上了句号(他们之间似乎还有一段潜规则戏码)。这次Lydia同意帮助Jon,只为弄清楚当年在阿富汗发生了什么。
Lydia Jorjadze,年龄32岁,代号Dael
致命的莫萨德(MOSSAD)特工Raquel Shein也愿意帮助Jon,但前提是Jon帮助她找到疯狂科学家Sergei Flostov,他正在经行一系列非法试验,以色列人希望尽快找到他并将其消灭。
《狙击之王:幽灵战士 3》计划于 4 月 4 日正式发售,登陆 PC、PS4和Xbox One平台。另外在 2 月 3 日官方将开启 PC 平台的 Beta 测试,目前测试资格已经开放申请,PC 玩家们可以提前搞起了!
CI Games Reveals Story, Characters of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3
CI Games introduces Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, the most complete sniper experiences in the market to date. Each character has his or her unique experiences and motivations, both professionally and personally. How each of the characters’ goals and personality quirks conflict or compliment each other makes for a deeper richer player experience.
Jon North is dropped into a hot conflict zone in the Republic of Georgia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, Georgia is of critical strategic importance and is sliding into the chaos and slaughter of civil war. Jon’s JSOC mission is to neutralize the Separatist Leaders who are destabilizing the country.
Personally, Jon is coming to grips with the capture and presumed death of his younger brother, Robert, nearly two years ago. Jon was present at the attack and was unable to save Robert. Recent intelligence chatter puts a very much alive Robert in Georgia, in an area controlled by Separatists. Jon believes he has a second chance to do right by his brother.
Jon is a Marine first, and deeply committed to the relentless pursuit of his professional mission. Frank Simms, Jon’s long-time JSOC handler, is sympathetic to Jon’s personal goal, as long as Jon completes his official assignment. Jon chooses a team who will help him accomplish both.
His first pick is Lydia Jorjadze, an ex-Georgian SFB and mercenary. Lydia is a battle-tested veteran who fought bravely at Jon’s side in Afghanistan. Their passionate affair ended when Jon abruptly disappeared after emerging from a deadly firefight. Lydia agrees to help Jon, with a personal agenda of finding out what really happened in Afghanistan.
Raquel Shein, a deadly MOSSAD agent, also agrees to help if Jon will help her find Sergei Flostov. Flostov is a brilliant rogue scientist conducting forbidden experiments. The Israelis want to find him and shut him down.
As the team eliminates Separatist Leaders, and teams with the Georgian Resistance, a mysterious high tech sniper, named Amazi, both thwarts and assists them. Jon fights through a treacherous web of criminal, military, and shadowy terrorist forces.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will launch on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on April 4, 2017 |