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本帖最后由 lavrilmagasins 于 2014-10-24 02:37 PM 编辑
您是否幻想过如果能够让平坦或塌陷的乳房丰满起来 那该有多么美好火辣辣丰胸吸脂器是拥有傲人上围的秘密武器 带给您梦寐以求的丰满效果它利用最新渐进式的气压交互吸放作用 对乳房进行温和而有效的气压按摩 让以前平坦的乳房逐渐丰满起来 每次使用 效果立竿见影 最短十几天后 便可拥有让人嫉妒、上挺、托高的迷人曲线使用完后乳房不但又热又胀而且可持续整个晚上让您感受乳房再次发育每天渐渐长大的欣喜效果.
每盒豐胸器包主機、大小吸盤 , VCD 说明
大吸盤 : 用來吸乳房,令胸部變大…
小吸盤 : 用來對付乳頭凹陷 ,也可以當拔火灌來用.
由美国多位丰胸专家,透过3年时间不断做临床试验而研发,集合欧美顶尖丰胸仪器之优点,采用全真空技术,将腋下周围脂肪,集中在胸部同时透过崭新气压,产生交互吸放的频率,加促血液在乳房四处循环。与一般大型丰胸器比较,火辣辣丰胸器不单只纤巧易用,而且不会产生辐射,不会对乳房有副作用;而且不经其他人手,你可以掌握吸力的大小,更可带去不同地方使 用,绝对是新一代最有效的家用丰胸器。
胸部瞬间升CUP起效过程火辣辣丰胸器采用全真空吸杯,当通上电流,便会产生高超物力气压作用,真空吸杯会紧贴乳房,透过吸力, 将乳房四周的脂肪再次集中于乳房,促进整个乳房的血液循环,令紧接着乳头和乳房细胞的输送管再次活跃。
目前在台湾TV购物热门产品,深受小姐、女士们 垂爱!吸力高达真空压力55KPa,内置可充电电池,可以随身携带使用.配有变压器接入,完全自动,新款加入紧急吸力释放按键,避免吸力过大让肌肤产生不适.能让胸部增大100MM或一个杯级以上的机会,只在于你的轻轻一触。
集多项高新技术于一体的丰胸内衣,无须承受手术的痛苦和打针吃 药带来的副作用,自然地增生长大,适用于胸脯扁平、 左右不对称、产后下垂、奶头内陷、年长松软或对自己胸脯不满意的女性。

4.常吃避孕丸 藥或服用含"荷爾蒙"藥物損及乳房健康者。
5.急速減肥、生病、飲食偏差......等等造 成乳房急速萎縮、老化者。
6.不當的胸 罩擠壓引起乳房變形、外擴者。
19-28 歲成年(乳房緩慢期):調整乳房成長機能加強乳
★★ 使用前先沐浴,讓胸部肌膚充分乾淨,再塗上豐胸按摩膏使用 , 效果最好 ★★
1. 將吸杯連接的一端 , 與主機結合 , 順時針轉45度 , 勿過份用力
2. 將真空吸杯緊貼乳房 , 確保乳房四邊沒有空隙 . 如發現未能緊貼乳房 . 可用粉紅色膠圈套在真空吸杯的邊緣
3. 上下調節(G),選擇最適合妳的吸力
4. 此時感覺應是一放一收,這是對豐胸過程的最佳狀況
5. 每邊乳房大約使用20-30分鐘
6. 用雙手輕輕按摩乳房 , 每邊循環按摩10-20秒 (此步驟最好配合外用的豐胸產品,增大情況會更可觀)
Hot Sells Beauty Breast Enhancement
A Nonsurgical, Scientifically-Proven, Breast Enlargement System
Professional, effective, breast enlarging vacuum pump.
Our breast pump is for firming and enlarging of underdevelopment breasts with immediate results Good, quick, and effective vacuum suction for females and males who want to enlarge their breasts. Or for those who want their breast to be firmer
What If There Is A Way To Increase Your Breast Size Without Costly Surgery, Time Consuming And Tedious Process Of Breast Pills And Creams?
The solution is Breast Enhancement Pump. Please don't confuse this breast enhancement pump with other pumps which you'll find else where.
With this highly advance and powerful breast enhancement pump, you do not need to do it manually. All you need to do is place it on your breast, select the power setting and the suction power will hold it onto your breast firmly leaving you hands free to do other things.
How Does It Work?
As you probably know, the breast is made up largely of fatty cells and these fatty cells are found in our blood stream as well as other parts of our body. By using the suction power of this breast enhancement pump, it's able to attract the fatty cells in the blood stream and accumulate them in the breast area, making them larger, fuller and more attractive.
On top of that, since this breast enhancement pump will attract fatty cells from other parts of the body and accentuate them in the breast areas, it'll produce a certain degree of slimming effects while developing the breast size you desire.
05 days - 1 Inches of growth
10 days - 2 Inches of growth
20 days - 4 Inches of growth
However, these are the results reported by most of our customers, the actual results may vary according to individuals.
How to use this product for the best breast enhancement care?
1. Please take a shower before using this product so that you can clean the skin of your breast adequately to enhance metabolism to the best effect
2. Listen to music or take an adequate rest so as to fully relax yourself physically and spiritually before you have your breast enhanced
3. Turn on the absorption switch, and then adjust the high strength switch
Note: After you turn on the high strength switch, adjust intensity to High, until the absorptive forces compact your breast before your breast is encircled. Then retreat by a segment towards the Low direction (now you feel that your breast is absorbed and released, which is the best case for your breast enhancement)
4. After you finish using this product, please rub the unit adequately by using water or better still alcohol, and keep it properly when it is dried
Color: White
2 [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing cups: L:12cm S:7.2cm
Time for charging: 8 hours
Voltage: 110V 60Hz 220V 50Hz
Charger: DC3V,800mA
Absorptive Force: 55Kpa
Every package comes with a body of the unit, charger and 2 [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing cups |