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【PC】Shadow Realms









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-8-13 07:14 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 04:18 PM 编辑

BioWare 公开线上动作角色扮演新作《暗影国度》

BioWare 今日在欧洲游戏展Gamescom 中,公开全新4 对1 故事导向线上动作角色扮演游戏《暗影国度(暂译,Shadow Realms)》,游戏具有动态合作任务,玩家可以在游戏故事中进行自我选择,揭开隐藏于背后的秘密;游戏设定为现代幻想风格,预定明年下半年上市。
玩家在《暗影国度》中将扮演一位现代英雄,忽然觉醒而拥有魔力,不知为何被带到黑暗国度面对百年的历史战役。玩家要与其他三名英雄共同组队,来面对由暗影军团所率领的超自然生物与恶魔BOSS 怪,以拯救全人类。

BioWare 强调,玩家将可以在游戏中享受定期释出、持续进化的刺激故事,去体验耐人寻味的人物故事,与做出有影响力的选择,让玩家与好友可以在游玩时共同猜测接下来的故事是如何。玩家可以与其他三名英雄合作,体验故事导向、结合快节奏战略战斗的冒险,来对抗另一名玩家控制的暗影领主,暗影领主将可以控制旗下恶魔生物与设计陷阱、进行破坏,使每次冒险与战斗都不同。


《暗影国度》预定下个月展开封闭Alpha 测试,今日起在官网开放玩家申请测试资格,游戏预定明年下半年问世。


Official Website - https://www.youve-been-chosen.com/

EA and BioWare Unveil New Online Action Role-Playing Game Shadow Realms

BioWare, a division of Electronic Arts, today announced Shadow Realms, a new 4v1 story-driven online action RPG, set in a constantly evolving BioWare world where modern meets fantasy. Four heroes adventure against another player-controlled enemy, a malevolent force called The Shadowlord, in dynamic 4v1 co-op missions, ensuring that no two battles are ever the same. Players will have the choice to play either as – or against – The Shadowlord, building experience and progression whether they have chosen good or evil. The over-arching narrative will be released episodically, playing out over time like a great TV series, providing players the ability to experience story-driven adventures as a community.

“This game brings us back to our roots in the realm of classic Pen and Paper RPG, but also delivers something that’s completely new and innovative for our fans,” said Jeff Hickman, General Manager and Vice President at BioWare Austin. “Shadow Realms is a new BioWare RPG that has the hallmarks of all BioWare games with a rich story, a unique world setting and deep combat progression, but built as an interactive experience that evolves the genre and broadens the appeal to online gamers all over the world.”

In Shadow Realms, Modern Heroes on Earth are being awakened and recruited, because of magical powers they never knew they had, to fight in a new and dangerous war against the Shadow Legions of Embra. The Shadow Legions, who have been battling on Embra for years against the members of the Radiant Empires, have gained new strength with the coming of a powerful, unknown force that we call the Shadowlords. And, they have just figured out how to leave Embra and invade Earth.

Join the battle with three other modern-day Heroes to fight the demonic Shadow Legions and a player-controlled Shadowlord to save all of humanity. Build both a Hero and Shadowlord that are deeply customized to the way players want to play.

Visit ShadowRealms.com to sign up for a chance to get into the closed alpha. Become a fan of Shadow Realms on Facebook and follow us on Twitter via @shadowrealms.

Shadow Realms is in development at BioWare Austin and will be available for the PC from Origin at origin.com.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-2-10 07:14 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-11 06:50 PM 编辑

BioWare cancels online RPG Shadow Realms
BioWare 宣布终止新款在线游戏《暗影国度》开发

  BioWare 奥斯汀工作室总经理 Jeff Hickman 今日表示,旗下研发在线动作角色扮演游戏《暗影国度(暂译,Shadow Realms)》决定将终止开发。

  原本于去年欧洲游戏展 Gamescom 公开的在线游戏新作《暗影国度》,为故事导向的作品,具有动态合作任务,玩家可以在游戏故事中进行自我选择,揭开隐藏于背后的秘密。Jeff Hickman 表示,研发团队在游戏概念上作出了很令人惊艳的设计,也得到大量粉丝参与活动与测试时给予很好的回馈意见,但由于 BioWare 奥斯汀工作室在未来一年内及之后将参与 BioWare 的其他计划,他们很开心能够深入参与 BioWare 大家庭的新项目,相信可以让一些 BioWare 游戏更好。

  他表示,这些包括像是不断强化《闇龙纪元:异端审判(Dragon Age:Inquisition)》内容,还有《质量效应(MassEffect)》系列下一款游戏,以及其他新的 IP。

  他说,BioWare 奥斯汀工作室最大的重点还是在《星际大战:旧共和武士 Online(Star Wars™: The Old Republic™)》上,他们今年将会有许多关于这款史诗级游戏的计划,期望未来与玩家分享这些计划内容;他也感谢曾经参与《暗影国度》Alpha 测试与给予他们意见的玩家。

An Important Update on Shadow Realms

Today I’m sharing some important news about Shadow Realms and our BioWare Austin studio.

We’ve made the decision to not move forward with development of Shadow Realms. We fully recognize that this news is disappointing to some of our fans, so I want to explain more behind this decision.

While the team did amazing work on the game concept and we got lots of great feedback from our fans at events and through other game testing, right now there are other projects for the team to work on within the BioWare studios for the coming year and beyond. We’ve got an incredibly talented team here at the Austin studio, and they are excited and already deep on new projects within the BioWare family, ones that will make some great BioWare games even better.

These include additional ongoing enhancements to the award-winning Dragon Age: Inquisition, as well as the next game in the Mass Effect series and other new IP.

But the biggest focus for our team in BioWare Austin will be on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As every Star Wars™ fan knows, this is a massive year in the Star Wars universe. We have some great plans for expanding this epic game this year, and look forward to sharing the news about those plans with our players in the coming weeks.

For all the people that registered for the Shadow Realms Closed Alpha, we’re working on a way to say thank-you for signing up. To all those players that gave us feedback at Gamescom and PAX, and those that shared their thoughts and impressions in the past months, we thank you for being part of the conversation.

Jeff Hickman - General Manager, BioWare Austin



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