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15种德国进口*美容院*婚纱店*专用 ❤魅力❤ 安瓶AMPOULE!!
这里有15种德国sensual ampoule哦~
1. Hydrating 超级保湿/补水 MAL06010263K
Function: 超级保湿 与补水,一点都不油腻。用好这款才化妆,有很好的定妆效果。
Function: Anti-aging, enhance skin complex, moisturizing.
2. Lightening Ampoules 提亮/均匀肤色/淡化斑点 MAL06010258K
Function: 抑制黑色素形成,提亮 与均匀肤色 , 淡化斑点, 净化皮肤 ,防止雀斑, 黑斑,老人斑的形成
Function: Whitening, clarifies dark spot, lighten pigment.
3. Beauty lifting 结实/紧肤/增加皮肤弹力 MAL06010265K
Function: Strengthens skin elasticity and firmness of double cheek.
4. Pure Vitamin C 营养C/滋润 MAL06010252K
Function: 有丰富的营养C ,滋润肌肤,维持肌肤的弹性,保持肌肤亮丽。
Function: Detoxfies the skin
5. Soothing 敏感皮肤/日晒后/红点 MAL06010260K
Function: Diffuse redness, softening effects
6. Anti wrinkle 淡化皱纹/表情纹 MAL06011057K
Function: Improve skin texture, minimize fine liners
7. Eye care 眼部周围/眼袋/眼圈护理 (也可涂脸-滋润)MAL06010259K
Function: 修护及保护眼周脆弱的肌肤,治疗细纹,浮肿,改善黑眼圈。
Function: Increase the hydration, reduce the wrinkles and fine line
8. Regenerating 细胞修复 MAL06010254K
Function: Result in glowing complexion, smoother & softer
9. Purifying 抗豆/控油/沉掉红红的豆豆/T ZONE控油 MAL06010262K
Function: 具有舒缓和杀菌功能,减少痘痘发炎现象,适合油性肌肤和暗疮肌肤。
Function: Regulates excessive sebaceous section, antiseptic effect on acne and pimple skin.
10. Beauty shine care 用了脸会亮亮亮~shine shine MAL06010264K
Function: Improve skin texture and leave skin clear matt
11. Scar 淡化豆豆的疤痕/豆疤 MAL06010257K
Function: 修复皮肤结构,让疤痕愈合,挤压痘痘后涂上最佳。
Function: Strengthen the epithelial structure
12. Collagen 超级滋润/胶原蛋白深层滋润 MAL06010253K
Function: 胶原蛋白深层滋润 ,刺激胶原蛋白修复,减少衰老现象
Function: Anti wrinkle complex, rehydrate, anti ageing, collagen and elastin strengthener.
13. Bust Care **胸部结实美白AMPOULE** MAL06010255K
Function: For bust lifting action, restore elasticity
14. Tightening 紧致毛细孔 MAL06010261K
Function: 含有多种活性物,缩毛孔,紧实 / 提升肌肤,清除 黑头 / 白头
Function: Reducing the pores dilation
15. Oxygenerating 抗氧化/美白 MAL06010256K
Function: Rejuvenate and repair the skin aggressions |