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本帖最后由 宅男-兜着走 于 2011-4-3 10:44 PM 编辑
这是我最近去的应征考试, 写给大家做分享用途。
地点: SG
公司: HEULXX (自己猜)
我第一次面试, 面试官当场写了个Method。
- public Rectangle getRectangle(Rectangle rec)
- {
- if(rec !=null && rec.left == 0)
- rec.right = 0;
- return rec;
- }
复制代码 他的提问是, 这个method 在一个情况下, 会throw exception。请问是什么情况
单单这样看我觉得没问题, 但是我回答他: 如果 left 还没set 的话, 可能会throw null exception 吧。
- class person
- {
- person mother;
- person father;
- string name, ic;
- int age;
- public person(person mom, person dad, string name, string ic, int age)
- {
- .....
- }
- static person[] peoples;
- public static void main(string[] args)
- {
- ...... your code......
- }
- }
- // write a method to find grand children
- List<Person> getGrandchildren(Person p)
- {
- ..... method code .....
- }
复制代码 这个是笔试, 他要我写出个 Method. 找出孙子。
虽然我有写, 但是写到觉得不是很好, 如果是你们怎么回答??
地点: SG
- //write a program to display this shape.
- 1
- 1 2
- 1 2 3
- 1 2 3 4
- 1 2 3 4 5
复制代码 我的回答:
- for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i ++)
- {
- string str = "";
- for(int j = 1 ; j <= i; j++)
- {
- str += j;
- }
- Console.WriteLine(str);
- }
复制代码 我错误的回答:
- for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i ++)
- {
- for(int j = 1 ; j <= i; j++)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(j);
- }
- }
复制代码 紧张杀死人!!!!!
最近跟一间公司申请了当 PHP Web Programmer,
公司名: SPX
地点: SG
问题:Web Developer Application > Step 2 - Test Instructions
1. This is meant to test your proficiency in designing and developing a Web application.
2. Once you're done, you can navigate to the Submit page to submit your résumé and your answers.
What You Need To Do
1. You are to design and implement a simple blog.
2. Try to limit your effort to 4 days - we do not wish to take up too much of your time.
3. Make sure you state all your assumptions in your code.
4. Pages that you need to produce
• Blog entries list (this is the home page)
• Post a Blog entry.
• View a Blog entry
The Functional Specifications
1. Overview
• The blog is publicly viewable.
• The blog is updated by a blog Owner.
• You do not need to implement a log-in for the Owner. Bonus if you do.
• Each blog entry can have multiple comments by other Users.
User Registration
• You do not need to implement any form of User registration or log-in.
• State your assumptions how multiple Users can post Comments.
Blog entries list (this is the home page)
• Show number of comments for each entry
• Show date of each entry
• Show the Title and part of the Body
View a Blog entry
• Display the entry Title and Body.
• Blog entries need not be editable or deletable. Bonus if you do.
• Associated Comments appears here.
• Post a Comment form appears here.
Blog Comments
• Each blog entry can have multiple comments by other Users.
• Comments do not have to be threaded. Bonus if you do.
Optional features
• Search, Archive, RSS feeds, Sorting options, User registration, Interactive User Interfaces
• Support for GUI editing or HTML codes in the Body.
What you need to submit
1. PHP for code, MySQL for database.
2. You are required to submit 1 zipped file, "answer.zip". Make sure that answer.zip contains
1. All the necessary files for us to run your application. If you're using a framework, please include the entire framework as well.
2. All the necessary SQL statements and any other information for us to re-create the database you're using.
3. We may contact you should we run into problems duplicating your environment.
What we are looking out for
1. Your design of the database tables
2. How you write and organize code that is easy to read.
3. How you comment your code
As a bonus, we would also like to see
1. Use of MVC
2. Use of CakePHP framework
3. Clever reuse of components
4. Efficient code, efficient database calls
我的答案在这里, 用了 NO-IP host 了。 总共花了 3 天半的时间做,写程式 1天, 设计2天半
就在今天 21/1/2011 终于回复我去面试了。 值得高兴下。
11/2/2011 找到工作了, 但是不知道薪水会不会太少
就在 4/3/2011 我换工作的决定越来越坚定, 我不喜欢坐着没事情,等放工。
我要投身 软件业!!! |