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Crystals consists of huge numbers of atoms arranged in an orderly arrangement. It is formed underground near volcanoes due to high heat & pressure available. The crystals extracted nowadays have a 4,000 year old history & contains astounding levels of energy.

主女性。消除桃花,主控家运,持家及助家运, 拥有自主权家运兴旺,对心智薄弱者,能有积极扶正的力量。
五行属“ 火”可解除性格懦弱,对被夫欺压、情感刑伤、形煞的女性,是绝对的灵丹妙药。同时拥有正、偏财,终能吐气扬眉。
Tai-Yang Xing Jia Yun bracelet
-Takes charge of happiness, accumulate wealth, averts disaster and dispels evil.
Used by females to reduce relationship problems. Takes charge of family luck and
maintains family-family harmony. Wearers enjoy family luck. Grants strength of justice
to the weak-hearted.
-Belongs to the “fire” element hence removes cowardice. For females abused & bullied
by husbands, this is the cure. Contains ability to stimulate wealth & justice to bring

五行属“ 木、水”能守密,对事持久力强,谋事认真,对人防备,能占先机。谋事得提拔,善解人意,处处得敬重。
Tan Lang Xin Ren He braclet
- Takes charge of capability, intelligence, relationship & wealth. Increase desires, p[不适当词语]ion
& motivation. Brings happiness, attract aid from gui-ren while repelling evil
- Belongs to the “wood” & “water”, wearer does things seriously and is careful. Able to
understand others and is respected.

五行属“ 金、火”,谋事成功,思考周详,对事反败为胜,提升自我,主控生命。
Qi Sha Xing Jiang Xiang bracelet
-Takes charge of jiang-xing, intelligence, increases determination & ability. Creates
strength and is able to react quickly. Enjoys the support of Earth & Sky gods. Fast
advances in matters, wealth & opportunities.
-Belongs to the “Fire” & “Gold”, bring success in career, and hence thinks carefully.
Able to turn tables in bleak situation and control life.

五行属“ 火”,燃烧心念,提升自我,努力向上,终得名利。
Tian Kui Gui Ren bracelet
- Takes charge of gui-ren, artistic ability & natural talent. Able to avert disaster & repel
evil. When gui-ren is available, opportunities are created while the wearer’s
determination is increased. P[不适当词语]ion & initiative is strengthened to make life valuable.
Crystals consists of huge numbers of atoms arranged in an orderly arrangement. It is formed underground near volcanoes due to high heat & pressure available. The crystals extracted nowadays have a 4,000 year old history & contains astounding levels of energy.
主女性。消除桃花,主控家运,持家及助家运, 拥有自主权家运兴旺,对心智薄弱者,能有积极扶正的力量。
五行属“ 火”可解除性格懦弱,对被夫欺压、情感刑伤、形煞的女性,是绝对的灵丹妙药。同时拥有正、偏财,终能吐气扬眉。
Tai-Yang Xing Jia Yun bracelet
-Takes charge of happiness, accumulate wealth, averts disaster and dispels evil.
Used by females to reduce relationship problems. Takes charge of family luck and
maintains family-family harmony. Wearers enjoy family luck. Grants strength of justice
to the weak-hearted.
-Belongs to the “fire” element hence removes cowardice. For females abused & bullied
by husbands, this is the cure. Contains ability to stimulate wealth & justice to bring

五行属“ 木、水”能守密,对事持久力强,谋事认真,对人防备,能占先机。谋事得提拔,善解人意,处处得敬重。
Tan Lang Xin Ren He braclet
- Takes charge of capability, intelligence, relationship & wealth. Increase desires, p[不适当词语]ion
& motivation. Brings happiness, attract aid from gui-ren while repelling evil
- Belongs to the “wood” & “water”, wearer does things seriously and is careful. Able to
understand others and is respected.

五行属“ 金、火”,谋事成功,思考周详,对事反败为胜,提升自我,主控生命。
Qi Sha Xing Jiang Xiang bracelet
-Takes charge of jiang-xing, intelligence, increases determination & ability. Creates
strength and is able to react quickly. Enjoys the support of Earth & Sky gods. Fast
advances in matters, wealth & opportunities.
-Belongs to the “Fire” & “Gold”, bring success in career, and hence thinks carefully.
Able to turn tables in bleak situation and control life.
五行属“ 火”,燃烧心念,提升自我,努力向上,终得名利。
Tian Kui Gui Ren bracelet
- Takes charge of gui-ren, artistic ability & natural talent. Able to avert disaster & repel
evil. When gui-ren is available, opportunities are created while the wearer’s
determination is increased. P[不适当词语]ion & initiative is strengthened to make life valuable.
五行属“金”,书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋 。
Wen Chang Intellectual bracelet
- Takes charge of studies, thinking as well as intelligence. Strengthens the determination
as well as dominance in one. Matters are handled carefully. Strong memory while the
soul can stabilise to avert disasters.
-Belongs to “Gold” element and makes improvement in studies.
主印、权力、官禄、领导。为人正直重狭义者,思想正确积极,能得他人敬重,对事主心平稳又心细,布局严谨,认真学习, 发展如日冲天,无限热忱,创造价值。
Tian Xiang Xing Guan Ying bracelet
-Take charge of power, prosperity & leadership aspect. The wearer is full of justice with
correct thinking hence gains respect of others. When handling matters, he is stable &
careful. The wearer is able to make great leaps in career with bondless p[不适当词语]ion
-Belongs to the “Water”. Wearer is respected by many and is able to handle matters carefully.
五行属“ 水”,主控人缘,广结善缘,四海得志。
Ju Meng Xing Wealth bracelet
- Takes charge of wealth, oratorical skills, prosperity & p[不适当词语]ion. Creates opportunities
while luck changes to acquire wealth. Good oratorical skills that makes the wearer
impressive. Good relationship with others rewards him with success. For those
belonging to Earth, Gold & Fire element will gain extreme luck.
-Belongs to “Earth”, sky, Earth, human, gods are merged into one & with Earth’s aura; it
is able to aid the family as well as one’s vitality.
Tian Shou Fu De bracelet
-Takes charge of desires & does charitable deeds. Prevents family break-ups, children
getting into trouble, husband-wife problems. Dispels the negative air in the body. For
those with insatiable hunger, stomach problems, sterility, this bracelet helps to solve
these problems
Tian Guan Ci Fu bracelet
-Takes charge of wealth, averting disasters. Bring smoothness in career and increases
determination. Gain God’s help while the bracelet brings happiness to the wearer. The
wearer will be truthful, kind, pretty to others
-Belongs to the “Earth”, strong will to overcome situations, brings happiness to the
society & is welcome by many |