- 分享
- 0
- 人气
- 7
- 主题
- 13
- 帖子
- 1837
- 76124
- 积分
- 2113
- 阅读权限
- 20
- 注册时间
- 2007-5-6
- 最后登录
- 2018-4-22
- 在线时间
- 1487 小时

- //==============================================================================================//
- // Function: MemoryOpen(int ProcessID[, Enum DesiredAccess[, bool InheritHandle]])) //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Description: Opens a process and enables all possible access rights to the process, //
- // the Process ID of the process is used to specify which process to open. //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Parameter(s): int ProcessID - The Process ID of the program you want to open. //
- // //
- // Enum DesiredAccess - The desired access. //
- // -All //
- // -Terminate //
- // -CreateThread //
- // -VMOperation //
- // -VMRead //
- // -VMWrite //
- // -DupHandle //
- // -SetInformation //
- // -QueryInformation //
- // -Synchronize //
- // //
- // Bool InheritHandle - All processes created by this process will inherit //
- // the access handle. //
- // -true //
- // -false //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the process handle //
- // On Failure - Returns 0 //
- //==============================================================================================//
- [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(UInt32 dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
- static public IntPtr MemoryOpen(int ProcessID)
- {
- System.Diagnostics.Process MyProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(ProcessID);
- if (MyProc.HandleCount > 0)
- {
- IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, true, ProcessID); ;
- return hProcess;
- }
- else
- {
- return (IntPtr)0x00000000;
- }
- }
- static public IntPtr MemoryOpen(int ProcessID, ProcessAccessFlags DesiredAccess)
- {
- System.Diagnostics.Process MyProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(ProcessID);
- if (MyProc.HandleCount > 0)
- {
- IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess((uint)DesiredAccess, true, ProcessID); ;
- return hProcess;
- }
- else
- {
- return (IntPtr)0x00000000;
- }
- }
- static public IntPtr MemoryOpen(int ProcessID, ProcessAccessFlags DesiredAccess, bool InheritHandle)
- {
- System.Diagnostics.Process MyProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(ProcessID);
- if (MyProc.HandleCount > 0)
- {
- IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess((uint)DesiredAccess, InheritHandle, ProcessID); ;
- return hProcess;
- }
- else
- {
- return (IntPtr)0x00000000;
- }
- }
- [Flags]
- public enum ProcessAccessFlags : uint
- {
- All = 0x001F0FFF,
- Terminate = 0x00000001,
- CreateThread = 0x00000002,
- VMOperation = 0x00000008,
- VMRead = 0x00000010,
- VMWrite = 0x00000020,
- DupHandle = 0x00000040,
- SetInformation = 0x00000200,
- QueryInformation = 0x00000400,
- Synchronize = 0x00100000
- }
- //==============================================================================================//
- // Function: MemoryRead(IntPtr OpenedHandle, IntPtr BaseAddress, UInt32 Size, //
- // ref UInt32 Bytes) //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Description: Reads the specified amount of bytes from a memory address. //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Parameter(s): IntPtr OpenedHandle - The handle of the opened process returned by //
- // MemoryOpen. //
- // //
- // IntPtr BaseAddress - A pointer to the base address in the specified //
- // process from which to read. Before any data transfer//
- // occurs, the system verifies that all data in the //
- // base address and memory of the specified size is //
- // accessible for read access, and if it is not //
- // accessible the function fails. //
- // //
- // UInt32 Size - The number of bytes to be read from the specified process. //
- // //
- // ref UInt32 Bytes - A pointer to a variable that receives the number of //
- // bytes transferred into the specified buffer. //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Return Value(s): On Success - Returns buffer (containing read bytes) //
- // On Failure - The return value is 0 (zero) //
- // -The function fails if the requested read operation //
- // crosses into an area of the process that is inaccessible//
- //==============================================================================================//
- [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
- static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr OpenedHandle, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer,
- UInt32 size, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead);
- static public byte[] MemoryRead(IntPtr OpenedHandle, IntPtr BaseAddress, UInt32 Size, ref IntPtr Bytes)
- {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[Size];
- ReadProcessMemory(OpenedHandle, BaseAddress, buffer, Size, out Bytes);
- return buffer;
- }
- //==============================================================================================//
- // Function: MemoryClose(IntPtr OpenedHandle) //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- //Description: Close an opened handle to a process, returned by MemoryOpen. //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Parameter(s): IntPtr OpenedHandle - the handle to a opened process, returned //
- // by MemoryOpen. //
- //______________________________________________________________________________________________//
- // Return Value(s): On Success - The return value is nonzero. //
- // On Failure - The return value is zero //
- //==============================================================================================//
- [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
- static extern Int32 CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
- static int MemoryClose(IntPtr OpenedHandle)
- {
- int rtn;
- rtn = CloseHandle(OpenedHandle);
- return rtn;
- }
这个好 够明白