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- 625
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- 17
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-4
- 最后登录
- 2014-2-19
- 在线时间
- 1402 小时
要hostbot 阿....
你们用google search " Garena Host Bot v1.0 "
In game lobby:
!a alias to !abort
!abort abort countdown
!acc [name] [cmd] [acc] access commands available to admins, !acc lists available cmds, !acc name 1/0 - access all/none cmds
!announce <sec> <msg> set the announce message (the bot will print <msg> every <sec> seconds), leave blank or "off" to disable the announce message, use | as newline
!ann same as !announce
!autostart <players> auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, leave blank or "off" to disable auto start
!check <name> check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name> check if a user is banned on any realm
!close <number> ... close slot
!closeall close all open slots
!countbans count how many banned users are in the game
!commands toggle non admin commands
!comp <slot> <skill> create a computer in slot <slot> of skill <skill> (skill is 0 for easy, 1 for normal, 2 for insane)
!dbstatus database status
!dl <name> alias to !download
!dlinfo [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dli [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value> interval in seconds between info messages
!dlit <value> interval in seconds between info messages
!dlmax <value> maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dlm <value> maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dltspeed <value> set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlts <value> set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlspeed <value> set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!dls <value> set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!download <name> allow a user to start downloading the map (only used with conditional map downloads, it tries to do a partial match)
!downloads enable/disable map downloads
!from <name> display the country each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!f <name> display the country each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!gn display current game name
!hold <name> ... hold a slot for someone
!holds <name> <nr> ... hold a specified slot for someone
!hcl sets the game mode before the game is started (it will be put automatically. Ex: !hcl -apso .
!kick <name> kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!k <name> kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!only xx xx xx define allowed countries, for ex: !only RO ES or !only to clear list
!no xx xx xx define denied countries, for ex: !no BR RU or !no to clear list
!l show ping and country of the last player who joined
!latency <number> set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number> alias to latency
!lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!mars [name] will insult someone using mars.txt (random player if no parameter is given), partial name match
!mute <name> mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!m <name> mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!unmute <name> unmutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!open <number> ... open slot
!openall open all closed slots
!owner [name] set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!ping [number] ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!p [number] ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!sp shuffle players
!startn start game - immediately (no countdown timer)
!start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!stats [name] display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!swap <n1> <n2> swap slots
!synclimit <number> set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!top top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!top10 top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!topc calculate scores, when used with sqlite will block bot while calculating
!unhost unhost game
!uh unhost game
!unlock unlock the game
!version display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel cancel a votekick
!votekick <name> start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!verbose toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked
!vb toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked
!w <name> <message> send a whisper on every connected battle.net realm from the bot's account to the player called <name> (this command is HIDDEN from other players)
!autosave autosave game when a player gets disconnected
In game:
!addban <name> <reason> add a new ban to the database (it tries to do a partial match)
!ban alias to !addban
!bl [reason] alias to !banlast, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!banlast [reason] ban the last leaver, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!check <name> check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name> check if a user is banned on any realm
!end end the game (disconnect everyone)
!endn end the game (disconnect everyone) - immediately
!gn display current game name
!latency <number> set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number> alias to latency
!lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!messages <on/off> enable or disable local admin messages for this game (battle.net messages relayed to local admins in game)
!muteall mute global chat (allied and private chat still works)
!override cancel game over timer
!owner [name] set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!stats [name] display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!synclimit <number> set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!slap <name> slap message
!top top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!top10 top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!topc calculate scores, when used with sqlite will block bot while calculating
!unlock unlock the game
!unmuteall unmute global chat
!version display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel cancel a votekick
!votekick <name> start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
!getnames get names of current games
!gns get names of current games
!lvl !levels - dispay current player levels
!min !lmin - set the minimum level restriction
!max !lman - set the maximum level restriction
[ 本帖最后由 ︶ㄣh3aven+ 于 2009-12-27 01:13 PM 编辑 ] |