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Eyeshield 21 资料全集 整修完毕 不停加新 电影版本 欢迎大家来看看









Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:39 PM |只看该作者
Apparently, the cheering crowds were just a diversion. Hiruma was actually going in motion as he ran side to side, pumping the crowd up. The play started unexpectedly when the ball was hiked directly to Sena. The Nagas were thrown off-guard again as it seemed that Sena would use the Devil Bat Ghost with the Nagas all over him. However, he lobbed the ball upwards. The Nagas were all in disbelief, as they had already covered all the receivers. Who would the ball go to? The crowd was also another distraction so that Sena could make a pass to. ....Hiruma?! The Nagas were already in disbelief in the beginning, as the ball was hiked directly to Sena. After Hiruma caught the ball, Agon still arrogantly believed that he could catch up to Hiruma, since he remembered that Hiruma's best time at the 40-yard sprint was 5.2 seconds when he tried out for the Shinryūji Nagas. However, to his complete shock, he found out that Hiruma had gotten 0.1 seconds faster and that was all he needed to outrun him and score. Now the score is only 34-35 in favor of the Nagas as Deimon prepares to go for either a 1-point kick or a 2-point conversion.

Agon then receives the final insult and defeat as the one other Deimon member that he despises becomes instrumental in Deimon's two-point conversion play. No other team has ever scored a 2-point conversion against Shinryūji. Sena lined up on the extreme left of the line; the huddle before this play boiled down to his decision - take the kick and risk overtime with his failing legs, or risk the whole game and go for the win. This, combined with the Nagas' perfect record against 2-pointers, led all to believe that Deimon was going to go for the easy kick and take the game into OT. Indeed, Musashi came on for the kick and Hiruma went into a holder's position.

Once again, however, it was a fake. Hiruma held the ball and picked it up, rushing with Musashi into the middle of Shinryūji's goal-line defense - behind Kurita who, through sheer determination and willpower, pushed Agon and Ikkyu diagonally, altering their centre of gravity, before they could get to the ball. Hiruma, meantime, lateralled the ball high into the air for Sena to catch and perform the Devil Bat Dive, thereby shattering the Nagas undefeated record both in games and 2-point conversions. Yeah. Shocked and dejected, Agon leaves the field, and warns his teammates not to slack off on their training for the Spring Tournament, where he vows to defeat the Devil Bats.

As of Chapter 229, Agon is one of the spectators at the Deimon/Ojo game, and even he admits that Shin's Trident Spear Tackle could bring the arrogant player down. However, he is quite surprised that Sena, (one whom he thinks as a no-power runt), is taking a more brutal method to stopping Shin's tackle.

  • Position: Running Back (but is also known to play Free Safety as well as Special Teams, Receiver, Kicker and Quarterback)
  • Jersey Number: 2
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)
  • Reaction time: 0.11 seconds (Human Limit - surpassed in 191st Down)


  • God-Speed Impulse - This is Agon's innate talent which allows him to move and react with near-superhuman speed. However, this ability has a fatal weakness; it only works if he can SEE the movement. When Sena placed his hand on the side of Agon's helmet, this was round the back of it on his blind side, and Agon was unable to react to it in time. Also, he can use this ability to learn complex physical maneuvers in a short time.
  • Dragon Fly and Golden Dragon Fly - See Unsui's entry.
  • Chop - Agon's preferred method of tackling. Using the side of his hand in a devastating chop, he can send most players to the turf groaning in pain. Would probably draw a flag and a double-digit penalty, and likely an ejection for repeated offences, in the pros.
  • Imitation Devil Bat Ghost - Thanks to his God-Speed Impulse ability, Agon was able to copy Sena's move.


Ikkyū Hosakawa
Seiyū: Toshiyuki Toyogana

(細川一休)The only person who has an attitude like Monta (but doesn't eat bananas like Monta does). His hair resembles Vegeta from the manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z, and he has a red mole in the middle of his forehead. By the look of him, no one should be intimidated, but his true skill lies in his running technique. He has the record of 4.9 seconds in the 40-yard-dash while running backwards, making him the best cornerback in the Kanto Zone. He is the only player on the Nagas that Agon has any respect for, since he is considered a genius. He has great respect for Agon and is probably the only one on the team who doesn't fear him and actually looks forward to playing with him. Ikkyu is proud of his jumping and catching ability. He tells Unsui that no one can beat him on air. However, Kanto's best cornerback is nothing compared to Japan's best linebacker- Shin proves this to him in his first match against him.

He is always bullied by his teammates because he gets more remarks than they do. Ikkyu is one of the nicer, more friendly players on the team, but that doesn't make him any less serious when game time comes. He's considered a genius with high-jump catches, but he is caught off-guard when Hiruma fakes a Hail Mary Pass and uses an incredibly fast and low bullet pass instead - Ichiro Takami of the Oujouu White Knights christens it a Hail Devil pass. He still intercepts it, but he gets the shock of his life when Monta strips the ball out of his hands, resulting in a Deimon touchdown. Like Agon is acting with Sena and Hiruma, Ikkyu is starting to lose his cool with Monta. He tried to face down the Deimon wideout after the touchdown, but Monta was unimpressed with Ikkyu's posturing.

Near the end of the game, Ikkyu begs for Unsui to let him have the ball, in order to make up for the upset that the Deimon receiver had caused. However, his request is turned down in favor of just running out the clock. He does manage to deflect a pass that was meant for Monta and had a chance to catch a loose ball during Deimon's two-point conversion. However, in the end, he and the Nagas lose out to Deimon.

He seems to have a crush on Mamori; in his less serious moments, he sometimes tries to praise his upperclassmen, but his attempts are thwarted by his teammates, who practice a faux ventriloquist act on him, pretending to make him say such things as "in fact, you can't match the great Ikkyuu"--to which he's told "unforgivable. ..indeed unforgivable".

With the game between Deimon and Oujo heating up, Ikkyu becomes even more determined to beat Monta as the Devil Bat receiver displays his new technique, the Devil Back Fire. Even he admits that catching a ball from behind the head is the most difficult method of receiving.

Character Statistics:

  • 40-yard-dash: 4.9 seconds (Backwards)
  • Bench-press: 65 kg
  • Position: Split End / Cornerback
  • Jersey Number: 33
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)


  • Golden Dragon Fly - See Unsui's entry

Sumito Sendōda
Seiyū: Bunmei Tobayama

(仙洞田 寿人) Although he appears like a wise old sage, he is in reality the coach of Shinryuji's team. Normally, he's strict on discipline, but he turns a blind eye to Agon's behavior, since he considers him as a player that appears only once a century. However, like Agon's brother Unsui, he does recognize Deimon's offensive potential and changes the team's strategies in order to defeat them, but it wasn't enough to stop the Devil Bats from claiming victory.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:34 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:43 PM |只看该作者
Nasa Aliens/Nasa Shuttles
(NASAエイリアンズ / NASAシャトルズ)

  • Team Mascot: Alien
  • Team colours: blue and yellow (different shades to Taiyou - closer to that of the Swedish flag)
  • Helmet logo: an atom with electron paths traced around it
  • This is the American team that Deimon plays when they represent Japan. The whole team is white, because their coach, Leonard Apollo, is racist. The best player on the team, Panther, only picks up balls and is not allowed to play because of his previous mistake in a game and not following through with the coach's instructions, although it was later found out that this was merely a rationalization.
  • The Aliens first play a practice game against Zokugaku University's Frilled Lizards and slaughter them with a score of 73-0.
  • There was a bet before the game with Deimon and the terms were that if a team didn't win by more than 10 points, then that team would stay in the opposite country (Japan for NASA, US for Deimon). Deimon lost by one point (32-33), but only because they lacked a kicker and Sena was too exhausted to try the Devil Bat Dive at the end. Neither team succeeded in one-upping each other by 10 points. So Deimon went to America, while NASA stayed. In actuality, this was all according to Hiruma's plans since he wanted the Devil Bats to gain more experience against a veteran team and get some training in the United States.
  • The more muscular members of the Nasa Aliens have a habit of getting into a group pose and flexing their muscles, in which they believe show off their physiques to all female spectators, thereby getting them dates and such. So far, it hasn't worked.

Patrick "Panther" Spencer
Seiyū: Kujirai Kousuke

(パトリック・スペンサー) Panther is a good-natured person who has extraordinary running talents, but has been reduced to being a ballboy, due to Apollo's prejudice. He trains everyday by running across rooftops. Panther's dream is to become a pro NFL player and make money so that his grandmother would no longer have to work. He is also one of the few people who is able to eat his grandmother's horrendous oatmeal recipe.

Initially, he wasn't interested in going to Japan since he really wanted to compete against Shin. Then he saw Eyeshield 21's running ability on Hiruma's web video and wanted to run against him. Eventually, he and Sena became good friends and promised to play on equal terms the next time they met on the field, (Sena was nearly at his limit by the time Panther had entered the game).

  • Position: Running Back
  • Jersey Number: 20
  • 40-Yard Dash: 4.5 seconds
  • Bench Press: 70kgs


  • Zero-Gravity Run - Panther's specialty is called the Zero-Gravity Run, which allows him to run at great speeds with extremely light footsteps. Unlike Sena's method of sharp turns and cuts, Panther can run like water, using the minimal amount of movement needed to slide around obstacles. Shin noted that Panther's running is too clean and easy to predict which route he will take.
  • Stiff-Arm - Panther also uses one hand to hold onto the ball, while the other is extended to ward off opposing blockers. This is a standard block used commonly by other Running Backs in the NFL. However, this gives his opponent a chance to slap the ball away, causing a fumble. Sena and Shin both show this flaw to him, and this teaches Panther that he needs to get more practice against opposing players.
  • Moon Salute - This strategy arranges the linemen in a crescent formation. This allows for maximum frontal protection for the Running Back. This is similar to Deimon's Sweeper tactic, but is done in a straight line rather than diagonally. The Aliens team had been developing this tactic for a long time without Apollo's knowledge.
  • Panther Ghost - (Anime) This is Panther's version of the Devil Bat Ghost that he recently learned, when the Devil Bats returned to America for a tournament between 4 great teams. He can do this at the same speed Sena can.

Jeremy Watt
Seiyū: Saito Yasuo, Shimogiki Hiroshi

(ジェレミー・ワット) Watt is the best Wide Receiver of the Nasa Aliens, and he also serves as team's translator, though he's more of a pseudo-Japan scholar (meaning that he's more of an otaku than a Japan-ophile). As a result, he often gets translations wrong, and has some misconceptions concerning Japanese culture but is shown as well-meaning and would not take offense if corrected. Most of his knowledge and obsession with Japan is pinpointed to an encounter with Shun Kakei when he played for Phoenix Junior High (prior to his return to Kyoushin). He is able to calculate the landing point for Homer's Shuttle Pass with pinpoint accuracy like Mission Control. Being taller and faster than Monta does give him an advantage over the Deimon Receiver. Watt has been seen using computers and upon discovering a humorous though disrespectful webvideo of Coach Apollo, he shares his find with his team mates. Watt is also skilled at video-games.

  • Position: Wide Receiver
  • Jersey Number: 81
  • 40-Yard Dash: 4.8 seconds

Homer Fitzgerald
Seiyū: Ochiai Kouji

(ホーマー・フィッツジェラルド) Homer is the quarterback of the Nasa Aliens and his specialty is being able to heave a football from over half the length of the field. Along with Watt, he's one of Panther's closest friends, and helped him endure Apollo's racial attitude against African Americans. Homer's biggest problem is throwing control as the ball tends to go off-course. Another thing to note is that due to Homer's upper-body strength, tackling him at the waist is not enough to sack him. However, by going for his passing arm, his ability to throw the ball is stopped. Given his large frame and powerful throwing arm, not to mention his tendency to misfire his passes, Homer could be modeled on Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre.

  • 40-yard dash record: 5.6 seconds
  • Bench Press: 130kgs
  • Position: Quarterback
  • Jersey Number: 5


  • Shuttle Pass - The Shuttle Pass is considered the signature move of the team. Homer starts by counting down from three and throws the ball for his receiver to catch, usually near the goal line of the opposing team. The problem with this tactic is that it requires a longer time to initiate the pass, which leaves the quarterback open to blitzes that result in sacks. The Muscle Barrier, the name given to the line, is crucial in ensuring the success of the pass.

Gonzales (Big Brother)
Seiyū: Kanenari Kiminobu

(ニーサン・ゴンザレス Nīsan Gonzalez) The largest member on the Nasa Aliens, (even bigger than Kurita), he plays center on the line. His massive size and crushing power will reduce any lesser player to pulp. However, his slow speed makes it easy for faster opponents to dodge. His catch-phrase is "Big Useful!" Before going to Japan, he wanted to get a kanji tattoo which meant 'big and useful guy.' He asked Watt about the kanji for 'big' and 'useful.' However, (due to a mis-translation by Watt), when putting those two kanji together, the end result was POOP! In the end, his tattoo means Big Poop Guy.

  • Position: Center/Guard
  • Jersey Number: 50

Gonzales (Little Brother)
Seiyū: Seki Akio

(オットー・ゴンザレス Otto Gonzalez) Though lacking in size and overall strength of his sibling, the younger Gonzales makes up for it in speed and tenacity. He's about the same size as Komusubi. He admires his brother and wanted to be known as the Small Helpful Guy. In a way, he is to his big brother like Komusubi is to Kurita. His catch-phrase is, "Don't look down on me!" Unfortunately, he went to Watt for a kanji tattoo as well and the kanji for 'small' and 'helpful' translates as PEE, and that gives him the title of Little Pee Guy. He is also easily fooled by handoff fakes.

  • Position: Linebacker
  • Jersey Number: 70

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:35 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:45 PM |只看该作者
Leonard Apollo
Seiyū: Horiuchi Kenyu

(レオナルド・アポロ) Apollo is the coach of the Nasa Aliens team and has an extreme prejudice against those who have innate talents, rather than using skills earned by training. This is the main reason why he does not allow Panther to play during games and had him picking up balls. He's also racist against African Americans, and he dislikes the Japanese as well, thinking that they are weak and submissive as compared to the Americans. Due to this attitude, he cancels the game against the Devil Bats.

In response to this, Hiruma creates an insulting web video. He sends it over the Internet, which directly calls Apollo a chicken for refusing to face Deimon and humiliates the Nasa coach worldwide. Outraged, Apollo reschedules their match, stating that if the Aliens do not crush the Devil Bats by at least 10 points, then the Americans would not return to the United States.

In truth, the coach's real motivation for excluding Panther is really jealousy. It is a somewhat tragic story. In his days as an NFL player, Apollo, despite his considerable efforts (such as training three times more than anyone), was never more than a benchwarmer. When it looked like he would finally play, the bigwigs of his team hired Morgan, an extremely talented sprinter and, yes, an African American, much like Panther. He was cut from the team, and the flashback he had during the Deimon game showed him asking for one more chance, but being denied another chance. Bitter about it all, Apollo went on to found an ideal high school team that relied solely in perfectly executed and superior strategies without leaning on the performance of white talented aces. Also, whenever any one of the team members of the Nasa Aliens made a mistake, he would immediately be substituted.

When Apollo's strategies during the Deimon game crumbled in front of Hiruma's tricks and Eyeshield's speed, Apollo reluctantly allowed Panther to play, after the whole team begged him to. Panther himself said that he would quit the team if he failed to stop Eyeshield and win the game if he were to be given "one more chance". This caused a flashback for Apollo.

While Panther was playing on defense, Watt and Homer revealed that for a long time, despite how badly Panther was treated, Panther had always admired Apollo, because he was a hard-working man (Panther, like Apollo had, trained three times as hard as a ballboy and secretly with the rest of the team). There was another flashback of Panther when he was little, in which he declared that he had to be on Apollo's team no matter what. Despite the failure to win by ten points, the coach commented with his back turned during the hand-shaking that it was a good game. When the Alien's change their name to the NASA Shuttles and board a bus to leave Japan, Apollo reminded Panther of the deal, which Panther didn't exactly accomplish on his end ("Never call yourself a NASA Alien again"). However, Apollo told him that there would be a number 20 uniform for the Running Back (Panther) of the new "NASA Shuttles" team (#20 was Apollo's uniform number during his NFL days with the San Antonio Armadillos). This was the loophole which allowed the team to go back to America and let Panther play as a part of.

One note in the anime, is that Apollo meets up with Morgan during the tournament between the 4 great teams. At this point, Morgan was the coach of the Russian team. Though the Aliens/Shuttles put up a good fight against Morgan's team, the Blizzards, they still lose. Dejected, Apollo considered quitting football altogether, but changes his mind after Hiruma invites him to watch the game with the Devil Bats against the Blizzards. Seeing the Bats work hard to come back from a lopsided first half, (and even cheering for Eyeshield 21), Apollo regains his drive and determination.

  • Position: Coach


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:35 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-6-15 07:52 PM |只看该作者


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 08:28 PM |只看该作者

回复 #34 Laopei2273 的帖子



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发表于 2007-6-15 08:56 PM |只看该作者
Komusubi Daikichi


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发表于 2007-6-15 08:57 PM |只看该作者

回复 #36 jeff_fu 的帖子



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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 09:05 PM |只看该作者
Amino Cyborgs
Mascot: Cyborg
  • Team members dress like doctors off the field - facially, they have a very chiselled look similar to US comic book hero Captain Marvel - but are very strong and the only school using modern technology to grow stronger. They have a firm belief that victory can only be achieved through medical science, rather than spirit and determination.
  • They're known as the Tournament Breakers, since they always choose one sport every year to enter, and win the championship of that sport. Previously, it was soccer and basketball. The cheerleaders wear nurse outfits.
  • The Cyborgs make their first entry in the Autumn Kantou Tournament, where they faced the Devil Bats in Round One. However, they failed to defeat Deimon, (8-38), even after Linebacker Munakata proclaims that he can defeat Eyeshield 21. The rest of the game was an easy win for the Devil Bats. Even though the sports medical science did make the Amino players stronger, they lacked the stamina and training to keep up with Deimon. Compared to the intensive Death March training, the whole Amino team, including the offensive and defensive players were panting while Deimon's players, who play both sides of the ball (offense and defense), weren't even tired.

Atsushi Munakata
Seiyū: Hamada Kenji

(胸肩厚) The team captain and Linebacker of the Amino Cyborgs. He was also the team captain of Amino's basketball and soccer clubs, winning the championships of those as well. He's a massively built player with a politician's personality. However, he had made a serious mistake during the summer in which the Devil Bats were in the United States. He had assumed that Eyeshield 21 would be the same as he was during the Spring Season, so he had practiced to counter Sena's habit of stopping before accelerating. However, during the Cyborg's first and ONLY Fall Game, he was soundly defeated by the Devil Bat Ghost. He soon suffers a nervous breakdown as his faith in medical science is shattered.

  • 40-yard dash record: 5.3 seconds
  • Bench Press: 115 kg
  • Position: Linebacker
  • Jersey Number: 29
  • 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)


  • Route Direction - Both Shin and Panther instinctively use this technique to lead opposing players toward them. Munakata shifts his position slightly in order to get the runner to go in the opposite direction, then Munakata tackles the player as he slows down for the turn. This method is nothing against the Devil Bat Ghost since Sena doesn't slow down at all and can change his direction in an instant.

Suguru Aoyanagi
Seiyū: Ito Eiji

(青柳卓) He used to be a scrawny student until he took the Amino Training Program for 6 months. This included going to the gym twice a week and taking an unbelievable amount of vitamin supplements and whatever else medical science could provide. He thought that he was unstoppable, and in the first few minutes of the game against Deimon, it seemed to be true. Then the Devil Bats' trainer reminded them of the proper techniques, and Suguru was crushed along with the rest of the Amino Line. He also suffers a breakdown as the muscles he gained through medical science fails against the Hah Brothers. He looks tough but he is a complete nerd, as revealed that he likes upperclassmen being yelled at.

  • Position: Lineman
  • Jersey Number: 64

Naosumi Kadoguchi
Seiyū: Shimogiki Hiroshi

(角口直角) Kadoguchi's face seems to be made up of polygons and he moves like a stiff robot. He trained himself to run by using motion-capture videos, in order to attain the 'perfect running form.' However, this means absolutely nothing when going up against Monta and his catching ability. Compared to the Devil Bat Receiver's drive to be the best at catching, Kadoguchi gave up too easily when the ball seemed out of reach.

  • Position: Cornerback
  • Jersey Number: 48
  • 40-Yard-Dash: 4.8 seconds

Yuuhi Guts

  • Logo: A burning sun over an ocean horizon. The sun has angry eyes on it.
  • Uniform and Helmet Designs: Light brown with orange flames on the bottom of the jerseys. Helmets have a sun pattern on the tops. Team colours out of uniform are maroon and gold - close to the Washington Redskins when they wear their throwback gear.
  • Their team chant is "Patience, Determination, Endurance!"
  • Yuuhi High is famous for having ace teams in all sports except for American Football. As a result, the team is made of mediocre players with low morale, little to no club funds, second-hand equipment, and a small team roster (about 10 players).
  • The team is considered weak as compared to the other clubs at Yuuhi, but this fact only spurs them to train harder. Training sessions include marathons on the beach in loincloths, squat-jumping up and down steps, towing tractor tires behind them and so forth.
  • They go against Deimon in the Fall Tournament and lose miserably (6-56), but one should take note that the coach had used aces from the other sports teams while benching the regulars. When it was apparent that the aces couldn't win against the Devil Bats, the regulars were allowed to play and they did manage a touchdown (in the manga). An important note is that Hiruma believed that Yuuhi had 0% of winning with their aces teams on the field, yet raises them upwards to only 1% when the regulars finally take over.
  • In the anime, the aces scored the touchdown while the regulars only managed first down, but they still showed a better performance and dedication than the aces.

Atsumi Daisuke
Seiyū: Shiraga Makoto

熱海大介) The team captain of Yuuhi Guts as well as the Quarterback. He's been leading the members though a series of intense training for 3 years, though it's not like the Death March the Devil Bats underwent. Atsumi is considered slightly below average as a player, (or as Hiruma put it, he's the best of the worst), and the Devil Bat quarterback gave Atsumi's team a 1% chance of beating Deimon. He seems very grounded, and is one of the few players shown that sees through Hiruma's 'scare tactics' immediately (like Kid).

When the coach decided to replace the regulars with aces from the other sports clubs, (soccer, sumo, karate, baseball, etc), Atsumi reluctantly agreed that they had better skills. At that point, Hiruma dropped Yuuhi's chances of winning down to 0. A newly-formed team of aces couldn't deal with Deimon's explosive offense power and the addition of their tight end, Taki. By half-time, the Yuuhi Guts were trailing by more than 20 points.

The other players, knowing that Atsumi really wants to face Deimon, feign injury and illness, and the coach eventually gives up, allowing Atsumi and the rest of the real football team to enter the game. They managed to put up a better showing than their replacements, even though they still lost by 50 points. At the end of the game, the Guts members cheer Deimon on to win the championship.

  • Position: Quarterback/Safety
  • Jersey Number: 9
  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: 78 kg
  • 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)

Shinobu Haibara
Seiyū: Kawano Kyohito

(南風原忍) Haibara is one of the linemen of the Yuuhi Guts, in which Atsumi places his faith in, since he does have a solid knowledge of blocking. Haibara is also frustrated that the team has no club funds and is considered weak, despite their constant efforts at training. When Hiruma decided to rattle the Yuuhi Guts at the beginning of the game, Haibara could only say in frustration that he is honored that the Devil Bats would show their full strength, while the 'true Yuuhi Guts' could not (meaning that all the members of the football team were replaced by other teams' members).

  • Position: Lineman/Guard
  • Jersey Number: 14

Katsuko Konzo
Seiyū: Nakamura Keiko

(紺上勝子) She's the team manager and one-girl cheerleader squad of the Yuuhi Guts. She helps train the players and fixes up all of the second-hand equipment that they are forced to use. She can get extremely pumped up while trying to boost team morale. She is often seen waving the team flag, holding a megaphone and most noticeably, wearing burûmâ, (the Japanese version of bloomers). She believes in Atsumi and also takes part in some of the training sessions with the team members. According to the manga, it is rumoured that she is being scouted by Zokuto University as their first cheerleader squad member, due to her intensity at cheering on the team to win.

  • Position: Team Manager/Cheerleader

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:40 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 09:08 PM |只看该作者
Hashiratani Deers

  • Logo: A Deer (but it looks like a moose)
  • Uniforms and Helmets: Brown with yellow trim on the jerseys. Helmets are yellow wit a brown top.
  • A strong veteran team. They make the most of their small size, using their speed to disarm opponents. Playing opponents of the same size, they are still superior.
  • Hashiratani had an easy time in their match against the Kyoushin Poseidons, scoring fourteen points in the first half and crushing what seemed to be an easy opponent. But after Kyoshin sends in two of its secret weapons (Kakei and Mizumachi, two of the taller players on the bench) the Deers don't score any more points. The Kyoshin Poseidons proceed to dominate the Deers by a score of 31-14

Onihei Yamamoto
Seiyū: Kusunoki Daiten

(山本鬼兵) Onihei is a cunning ultra veteran with a small body who even fellow lineman Kurita greatly admires! In fact, Onihei is the reason why Kurita came to play football in the way he does now and because of him he now has the "Funnuraba!" chant. Onihei is known for his ability to block effectively despite not being a particularly large person. He has enough strength to lift or stop Kurita single handed. He appears as a spectator at the Poseidon - Devil Bats game and has conversations with Ojo players.

  • Jersey Number: 71
  • Height: 167 cm
  • Weight:72 kg
  • Position: Lineman
  • 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)

Dokubari Scorpions

  • Logo: Scorpion
  • Uniforms and Helmets: Black with white trim on the jerseys. Helmets have the scorpion logo imprinted on the side.
  • This team did very well in the Spring Season with 10 wins and one loss. The things to note are that they won five games by forfeit, while the other games were won by taking out the opposing team's aces.
  • They were able to win so many games by predicting the actions of their opponents.
  • The Scorpions face off against Deimon in the third round, but their style of play proved to be no match against Hiruma's deceit. They lose with a score of 14-42 in the anime, 0-42 in the manga

Sasuke Kanagushi
Seiyū: Masahito Yabei

Sasuke Kanagushi(金串佐助) He's the team captain and safety. His belief is that football is a mind game. He wears his long hair in a braid that stands up like a scorpion's tail whenever he's excited or angry. Kanagushia is able to predict the opposing team's strategies by reading the telltale signs of the players. Things such as glances, body movements and certain behaviors allow him to figure out what kind of play the other team will use. However, Hiruma already knew about Kanagushia's strategies and used several tricks (including lipstick), and his own brand of psychological warfare to confound him. In the end, the Scorpions were stung by their own poison. In the anime Kanagushia also became Hiruma's slave, by accidentally saying his plan to capture Hiruma and keeping him away from the game aloud, giving Hiruma the chance to recorded it and use as blackmail. In an omake, it shows that he's slapped around frequently by his father ("I've predicted your movements! You're going to slap me on my left cheek now, aren't you?"), who's often annoyed by his abrasive personality; so, while he can predict the movements of others, it's somewhat useless.

  • Position: Quarter Back/Safety
  • Jersey Number: 14

Bando Spiders

  • Logo: Spider with a guitar
  • Uniform and helmet designs feature spider's webs - black webs on a scarlet background, similar in design to the costume worn by Spider-Man.
  • This is the team that the Devil Bats face after losing to the Seibu Wild Gunmen in the qualifying eliminator for the Kantou championship. Monta believed all was lost after a play that could have gone either way was called in Seibu's favour, leading him to rage at a game official. It was following the end of the game that Hiruma let slip that they had another chance - by finishing third in the tournament. The 3rd/4th place repechage game is Deimon vs Bando. Deimon won 37-36.
  • The team has a philosophy of being a kick team, due to Koutarou Sasaki's kicking ability, and also because most of the original members of the Bando Spiders transferred to another school, leaving only the members of the kick formation left. This makes them take on an offensive stance like Deimon, in which one point can make all the difference.

Hayato Akaba
Seiyū: Hiragawa Daisuke

(赤羽隼人) The fullback for the Spiders. Wears a blue tinted visor in his helmet, to set him apart from Sena's which is green. Originally believed by many to be the real Eyeshield 21, the ace from Notre Dame. Tall and thin, Hayato hardly looks like the intimidating figure of an ace player, leading many to underestimate him and his skills, and even Hiruma agrees he deserves the title of Eyeshield 21. In spite of his unimposing build, he can send even Kurita flying with just his arms. He had first transferred out of Bando, but later decided to go back out of loyalty to his teammates. Due to school transfer policy, he was unable to play against Oujou, resulting in the Spiders losing. When he went against the Deimon team he almost single-handedly defeats Sena and Taki. However, due to Taki getting serious, the Devil Bats are able to comeback and win. After getting defeated by Sena's lightspeed running, he graciously gives Sena his blue visor, telling him that he deserves to be called Eyeshield 21.

  • Position: Linebacker/Fullback
  • Jersey Number: 21
  • Birthday: September 21
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)
  • Like almost all the students at Bando, Akaba plays an instrument, in this case he plays guitar.
  • Akaba's eyes are naturally brown, he wears red contacts


  • Spider Poison - By thrusting out with both arms and hitting the shoulders of his opponents, he is able to push them off and cause temporary numbness. The real key to this technique is that by studying the opposing teams in advance, Akaba learns when the opposing players' center of gravity shifts. By knowing this, and Akaba can push the opponent over with ease, no matter how strong they are. Since he also tells his entire team when the other players' center of gravity shifts, so they too implement this technique.
  • Run Force - By positioning the blockers in a certain way, Akaba can actually force the Running Back into moving where he wants him to go. This way, Akaba knows exactly where the Running Back will be so he can position himself ahead of time. This technique is similar or maybe even identical to Sena's ability to determine the most appropriate path to run.

Kōtarō Sasaki
Seiyū: Moriyama Eiji

(佐々木 コータロー Sasaki Kōtarō) The kicker for the Bando Spiders. He is a direct rival of Musashi, and as noted by Hiruma, he has never missed a try-for-point kick. He even once kicked a soft drink can right into a rubbish bin made specifically for cans - off of a bridge railing. His skills as a kicker is seen when he could easily get a field goal from 50 yards. It is because of him that the Bando Spiders adopted the philosophy of a kicking team, a team that relies on kicks to win the game. However, his accuracy can also be used against him since it's easy to predict where his kicks will land and they can then be returned.

Kōtarō's most famous quote is, "That's cool." (Otherwise "That's not cool" etc.), and is seen combing his hair whenever he has time, even during a match. He seems to dislike Akaba Hayato because he keeps talking about music. Kōtarō used up a time-out just to explain the history of the Spiders to Deimon. His last name is the same as a famous samurai, Sasaki Koujiro, a rival of Miyamoto Musashi. He asked Bando's manager, Sawai Juri, who is also his childhood friend to go out with him 3 times, but was refused with "Whatever, stop saying stupid things, moron!", but she never actually said "No".

  • 40-Yard Dash: 5.5 seconds
  • Bench Press: 65 kg
  • Position: Kicker
  • Jersey Number: 99
  • Blood Type: B
  • Birthday: November 30
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)
  • In an interesting note of trivia, a poll conducted in vol. 11 and 12 of the Japanese edition had Kōtarō as the only non-Deimon player to win in a showdown, with him winning in the "coolest character" battle against Taki.


  • Onside Kick - Kōtarō kicks the ball right to the opposing team's front line, in order for his team to try to gain possession of the ball once more
  • Spider's Web - Bando Spiders aim for a consecutive offense. Firstly, Kōtarō would score points from a field goal kick, then do an onside kick. Because the other team members already know where the ball is going to land, they regain possession of the ball easily, and they repeat the cycle without even letting the opponent touch the ball.

Juri Sawai
Seiyū: Higuchi Chieko

(沢井 ジュリ Sawai Juri) Usually called "Julie". She's the team manager of Bando Spiders, and is Koutarou's childhood friend. She has a "non-desirable but unavoidable" relationship with Koutarou. Up to now, he has said, "Please go out with me!" to her three times, and she always answered with "Whatever, stop saying stupid things, moron!", but she has never actually said "No". She dislikes seeing Koutarou and Akaba fight, and noted that they are actually quite similar.

  • Position: Team Manager

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:42 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 09:12 PM |只看该作者
Kyoshin Poseidon

  • Logo: The Greek god of the sea holding a trident (Poseidon)
  • Uniform: colour scheme similar to the Seattle Seahawks - greyish-blue and green.
  • Uniform detail is of scales down the side of the uniform
  • Helmet logo is a pair of fins, one on each side
  • The team's Cheerleading Squad Captain, Otohime is said to have a crush on Kengo Mizumachi because of his pure (and immature) heart, and apparently joined the club because of a diet.
  • The team is highly focused on using its members' height to their advantage, both in stopping passes and runs from their rivals, making them a defensive team.
  • Unexpectedly, this team manage to defeat the strong Hashiratani Deer in their first match by gaining 31 points without letting Hashitarani Deer get any more points after sending out their team's secret weapons. Defeated the Zokugaku Chameleons in their second match and lost to Deimon Devil Bats by one point.
  • During their match against Deimon, Oujou's Takami comments that Hiruma is Deimon's true 'hidden ace', due to his ability to make instantaneous decisions on who to pass to, as well as his tactical knowledge.

Kengo Mizumachi
Seiyū: Ono Daisuke

(水町 健吾 Mizumachi Kengo) The third tallest player on the team and a natural athlete. Was on the swimming team but quit due to the lack of challenge. Plays on the line and uses his height and speed from a "swimmer's start" to great advantage. He has a bad habit of saying inappropriate and insensitive remarks. He is also known to strip down to his boxers in front of people, and seems to hate football equipment, saying that "It's too heavy, I can't move properly". Apparently, modesty is not an issue. Initially, he looks down (no pun intended) on Komusubi of the Deimon team due to how short he is, but learns there is a lot of strength in Komusubi's small frame and was defeated by him at the end of the game. Also, Mizumachi seems to understand Powerful-go, the "true language of truly strong men," as he responded positively to Komusubi's post-game grunt of "HOT!". He also likes swimming and spying on the females' half of the bathhouse when the Kyoshin team relaxes, stating that "The only thing to do when you go to a public bathhouse is to swim or peek, right?".

In the anime, Mizumachi gets his arm broken by Agon during the practice game against the Nagas, while in the manga, his arm is forced out of it's shoulder's socket by Agon.

  • 40-yard dash record: 5 seconds
  • Bench Press: 90 kg
  • Jersey Number: 71
  • Position: Tackle/ Defensive End
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)


  • Swimmer's Start - Mizumachi assumes the position that Olympic swimmers use on the starting block. This lowers his center of gravity and allows him to spring forward, much like Komusubi can with his Fast Start technique. However, Mizumachi's method has a fatal flaw. As soon as he brings his arm upward in the 'swim' position, his chest is exposed and he is slightly off-balance. This allows Komusubi to knock him down like a bowling pin.
  • Formation: Poseidon - Mizumachi leaves the line and joins Kakei and the other linebackers behind the defensive line. Though this weakens the line, it strengthens the passing defense, while Kakei controls the opponents run. This formation can be summed up as a 3-4 defense, where a defensive linemen leaves the line and joins the linebackers (3 linemen and 4 linebackers).

Shun Kakei
Seiyū: Takeuchi Kousuke

(筧駿) The fourth tallest player on the team and the de facto captain. Shun is the first character to admit there is a real "Eyeshield 21" playing football at Notre Dame prep school, of which Sena (who was made into an "Eyeshield 21" from Notre Dame by Hiruma) was not according to him. Shun had gone to school in America during his middle school years, losing interest in football due to the size advantage of his American counterparts and quitting the game because of it. After seeing the Japanese player from Notre Dame in action, Shun became determined to play again, to the point where he went up against Eyeshield 21. The encounter inspired him to train with new enthusiasm as he promised to meet up with him again at the finals. However, when the next game against Notre Dame finally came around, Eyeshield 21 was nowhere to be found. Shun asked around for his whereabouts, but no one seemed to know who he was or even if he existed. Shun claimed that Sena was a fake, since the Eyeshield he knew was far taller. He then declared to defeat the Devil Bat's imposter. He later admits that Sena is deserving of the title of Eyeshield 21 and tells him to keep fighting until the final game. Because Shun is consistently seen as serious, he seems to be dogged by his teammates immature actions. But because he appears used to it, he can even ignore the fact that Sena, Monta and his other teammates were trying to stop Mizumachi from peeking at the bathhouse (and making a big fuss out of it) before he who were then pushed right through the wall by Urashima, Kyoshin's cheerleader vice captain. Later, when Deimon plays the Bando Spiders, Shun seems to hint that player Akaba Hayato is the Eyeshield 21 from Notre Dame.

  • 40-yard dash record: 4.9 seconds
  • Bench Press: 95 kg
  • Jersey Number: 41
  • Position: Linebacker
  • Birthday: June 6
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)


  • One Handed Block- Shun sticks his hand out and blocks the opponent down by way of pushing him in the face. This move is similar to the now illegal "Head Slap Maneuver" used by former NFL player, Deacon Jones
  • Moby Dick Anchor- Shun uses both of his arms and tackles his opponent in a cross grapple across the waist similar to Shin's Double Spear tackle. Shun was able to stop Sena's Devil Bat Ghost with this move, however, it was ineffective against the Devil Bat Tornado.
  • High Wave - This strategy assembles all tall players at the scrimmage line and has them leap upwards simultaneously, thereby preventing the opposing quarterback from passing. It is also used for defensive blocking against a run. However, this strategy is countered by Hiruma's Wishbone tactic.

Hiroshi Ohira
Seiyū: Ogawa Teroaki

(大平洋) Introduced part-way into the Kyoshin-Deimon match. At a height of 205 cm, he's the tallest high school football player. He is introduced alongside Onishi (below), both of whom immediately begin bickering about who is 'Kakei-sensei's first disciple'. He has short and spiky black hair, and has very large eyebrows that seem to extend down to the tops of his eyes. He also appears to be very passionate & always crying. He is a first year student. The kanji used in his name are the same as those for the Pacific Ocean. Evidently, he and Onishi have been rivals since before they joined the football team, and compete over useless things, such as 'who pulled more all-nighters' and 'who studied less for an exam'. Upon witnessing Kakei's skill, however, they were motivated to play football and learn from him.

  • Position: Linebacker
  • Jersey Number: 31
  • Height: 205 cm
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)


  • High Wave - He and the other linebackers leap up, blocking any potential passes and any running tactics. This Strategy is ineffective by Hiruma Wishbone tactic.

Hiroshi Onishi
Seiyū: Washimi Ryo

(大西洋) At 204 cm, he's the second tallest highschool football player. Introduced alongside Ohira (above). He dislikes having almost the same name as Ohira ("Having a similar name to an uncouth guy like you is bad enough.") as well as their rivalry regarding Kakei. Also a first year student; he wears squarish glasses and has short orange/red hair. The kanji used in his name are the same as those for the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Position: Linebacker
  • Jersey Number: 32
  • Height: 204 cm
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:43 PM 编辑 ]


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