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Super Neptunia RPG details IF, Compa
《勇者战机少女》官网最新更新 中二病少女“IF”和天然娘“Compa”登场
今日 Compile Heart 开发的完全新作预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》在今日更新了官网信息,并公布了新人物的相关信息。
《勇者战机少女》是由 Compile Heart 开发的《勇者海王星》系列全新作品,由一家加拿大工作室Artisan Studios 制作 2D 横版过关游戏,讲述了关于涅普顿的故事,这名象征着世嘉Neptune主机的少女,来到了2D游戏的世界成为了勇者。邂逅各种各样的人物后,携带着一本神秘的魔法书踏上了崭新的冒险旅途。此外象征索尼PS3的诺瓦,象征微软 Xbox 360 的贝露,以及象征任天堂 Wii 的普兰等角色也将悉数登场。
《勇者战机少女》预计将于 9 月 27 日登陆PS4和Switch平台,并且还将支持繁体中文。
Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with details on characters IF and Compa.
IF (voiced by Kana Ueda)
A girl of strong character who lives with Compa. At the same time, she suspects she suffers from Middle School 2nd Year Syndrome. She is investigating underwater cities, and her notes about how to go to them may or may not have a reputation for being legible.
Compa (voiced by Kana Sakai)
A naturally clumsy girl who lives with IF. She is always smiling and goes about her day with IF as if conjoined at the hip. With high girl power, she is considerably talented at cooking and skilled in the treatment of injuries.
Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall. |