Square Enix’s New Mobile Game Mashiro Witch: Marchen of Midnight is All About Magical Girls
Mashiro Witch: Marchen of Midnight is described as a dark fantasy RPG where you’ll only see witches and magical girls. Its main charm comes from the cooperative play from all the magic girls as well as the enjoyment of opening treasure chests.
The main heroine’s name is Namana Asahi, a girl who doesn’t have any memories of her mother and enlisted in an academy to help find hints on the whereabouts of her mother.
You’ll get to choose preferred looks and personalities for the heroine. The voice actress changes depending on the following personality types:
由日本 Bandai Namo Entertainment(万代南梦宫娱乐)预定于 2017 年在 iOS/Android 等手机平台上推出营运,以人气动漫《神剑闯江湖》为题材改编的这款剑剧动作对战新作《神剑闯江湖~明治剑客浪漫谭~剑剧绚烂》(るろうに剣心-明治剣客浪漫谭- 剣剧绚烂),如今官方正式宣布,本作已经自 3 月 16 日即日起正式在日本 Google Play/App Store 等手机平台上推出与玩家们见面啰!
神剑闯江湖~明治剑客浪漫谭~剑剧绚烂》为一款以日本知名漫画家「和月伸宏」人气动漫《神剑闯江湖》为主题的剑剧动作对战游戏,游戏中将会收录原作众多玩家们所熟悉的人物如飞天御剑流「绯村剑心」、神谷活心流「神谷薫」、「明神弥彦」、斩马刀「相乐左之助」、御庭番众之首「 四乃森苍紫」等众多人气角色再度收录登场让玩家们来操作使用,让玩家们可以操纵这些人气 3D 角色在舞台上与各种强敌交手对战;而且玩家们还可以透过自定义角色身上的技的连携来施展出华丽的「剑剧连锁」招式,让玩家们能有更爽快刺激的战斗动作体验,也让游戏的刺激性与战略性更加提升强化许多! 另外随着本作自即日起正式上架,官方除了送出众多好康之外,还推出可以获得能发动剑心、左之助、苍紫等人超必杀技的「☆3超必技札」的限定活动「伪拔刀斋讨伐」,有兴趣的玩家们不妨现在就赶快来挑战看看吧!