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【PS4】Detroit: Become Human









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-2 04:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-2 06:38 PM 编辑

探究人性的真谛! 《底特律:变人》中英文合版 5 月 25 日同步推出一般版与典藏版
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/159684.html

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)以及香港新加坡索尼互动娱乐(SIES)今(2)日宣布,由 Quantic Dream 开发的 PS4 独占互动戏剧冒险游戏《底特律:变人(Detroit: Become Human)》确定将于 5 月 25 日同步在台湾与 香港推出中英文合版的一般版与典藏版(光盘 / 数字)。

  《底特律:变人》是以互动剧情冒险游戏闻名的 Quantic Dream 团队的最新作品。 时代设定在近未来的底特律,叙述一个模仿人类外型与能力制造的仿生人已经成为普及商品的时代,被视为 “物品” 劳役的仿生人开始出现异常。 玩家将透过关键的 3 名仿生人角色观点来探究人性的真谛。 每个选择和行动不仅决定了各个角色的命运,还决定了整个城市的去向,以及更长远的影响。



游戏原名:Detroit: Become Human
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2018 年 5 月 25 日
建议售价:光盘 / 数字一般版 马币 RM 209
     光盘 / 数字典藏版 马币 RM 249
语言版本:繁体中文 / 英文 / 韩文字幕,英文语音
开发厂商:Quantic Dream
发行厂商:Sony Interactive Entertainment
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐 / 香港索尼互动娱乐


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-13 02:48 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-13 04:03 PM 编辑

《底特律:变人》工程巨大 将有513名角色出镜
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/945117.jhtml

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)由 Quantic Dream 开发的 PS4 独占互动戏剧冒险游戏《底特律:变人(Detroit: Become Human)》即将发售,同时发布了一些有趣的游戏统计数据出来。参与了游戏制作的动作捕捉演员超过250人,在游戏2000页的剧本中,他们分别扮演了513名登场角色。同时,本作中的镜头设计超过35000处,同时还包括74000个独特的动画过场。所有的角色、分支剧情、动画和镜头设计最终统统塞进了510万行代码中,一起构成了游戏本体。

  玩过《暴雨》、《超凡双生》朋友应该对他们的创造者 David Cage 很熟悉,外媒甚至将他称为“在悲痛中发现力量的开发者”。David Cage 的作品不仅仅只是像一部电影那么简单,它很容易将玩家带入到沉重的游戏氛围中,并对其中的角色感同身受。David Cage 认为游戏应该让人们有所触动,进而联结现实生活中的问题。


  《底特律:变人》是以互动剧情冒险游戏闻名的 Quantic Dream 团队的最新作品。 时代设定在近未来的底特律,叙述一个模仿人类外型与能力制造的仿生人已经成为普及商品的时代,被视为 “物品” 劳役的仿生人开始出现异常。 玩家将透过关键的 3 名仿生人角色观点来探究人性的真谛。 每个选择和行动不仅决定了各个角色的命运,还决定了整个城市的去向,以及更长远的影响。

  《底特律:变人》将于 2018 年 5 月 25 日登陆 PS4,中文版也将同步发售。

[img]http://cdn1-www.playstationlifestyle.net/ass ... e-human-numbers.jpg[/img]


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-25 09:07 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-26 09:02 PM 编辑

Detroit: Become Human ~ Three Characters, One Story

  今日索尼公布了《底特律:变人(Detroit: Become Human)》的三名主角机器人预告片。

  KARA - AX400:Kara是由CyberLife研制的AX400家用助理型,作为一种常见的型号,功能设计为做家务以及照顾幼儿。掌握300种语言,可烹饪超过9000中菜肴,可以知道孩子做功课,并陪伴他们玩耍。

  Kara的拥有者是一名失业的出租车司机Todd Williams,性格古怪难以揣摩,有一个名叫Alice的女儿,Kara负责照顾Alice。两人察觉到了Todd的危险性,Kara试图带着Alice逃跑,但外面的世界……

  MARKUS - RK200:Markus是画家Carl Manfred的机器人,Carl Manfred是一位失去了双腿的老任。Carl将Markus视为自己的儿子,很大程度上是因为自己亲生儿子Leo让他很失望。


  CONNOR - RK800:Connor是由CyberLife研制的一种原型机,最初的目标是为人类刑侦提供技术援助。配备有专门的社交模块,能够融入任何团队。还拥有特殊功能,比如实时分子分析仪,已发生事件模拟器等。

  当报告称出现了机器人异常情况后,CyberLife将Connor提供给底特律警察来进行协助侦查。和头发花白、酗酒并且十分讨厌机器人的Hank Anderson警官一起工作。Connor需要用他的“心理学”模块来赢得同伴的尊重,并发现关于机器人异常状况的真相

  《底特律:变人》是以互动剧情冒险游戏闻名的 Quantic Dream 团队的最新作品。 时代设定在近未来的底特律,叙述一个模仿人类外型与能力制造的仿生人已经成为普及商品的时代,被视为 “物品” 劳役的仿生人开始出现异常。 玩家将透过关键的 3 名仿生人角色观点来探究人性的真谛。 每个选择和行动不仅决定了各个角色的命运,还决定了整个城市的去向,以及更长远的影响。


Detroit: Become Human - Three Characters, One Story

Many extraordinary stories have already been told about androids, whether it be in literature, film or television. But after having worked on Kara’s short video, I knew that the story I wanted to tell was different.

My first decision was to take the androids’, rather than the humans’, point of view. Instead of the wicked AI who wants to destroy good humanity, I preferred a different angle: my story would talk about humanity on the decline: selfish, dependent on technology, concerned only with comfort. Opposed to this: a new, intelligent species that we created, which discovers the world, feels emotions and asks only to live.

I wrote this story with the personal conviction that it was not only a story, but a vision of the future: how will we react when machines we’ve created become more intelligent than us and show signs of consciousness? Moreover, is consciousness only a question of computing power or is it something else?

Rather than a single, grand narrative, I chose to tell the story of three androids, three characters who discover their emotions and must choose their destiny.

I have been working on “multi-character” storytelling for several years (since Fahrenheit in 2005, even though Nomad Soul in 1999 already allowed control of dozens of different characters). It is a complex and exciting form of writing: it allows the player to stand in the shoes of several protagonists at the same time, to tell independent stories that meet, collide, intermingle, and above all tell the central narrative in a unique way.

This approach, originating in literature (Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, for example), popularized nowadays by many TV series, works in my opinion particularly well in an interactive experience: the player passes quickly from character to character, between different contexts and scenes, discovering the story from several points of view, enriching his experience.

We pushed this idea as far as we could, having three different composers (one per character) with radically different musical styles, three different moods, three different cinematographies, so that the player has a sense of playing three different games as they move from one character to another.

Through the player’s decisions and the intersecting destinies of these three characters, the player tells their own story. Every decision is important because it may impact not only the fate of one character, but also that of the other two, or even change the course of events for the wider world.

The destinies of Connor, Kara and Markus will be in your hands on May 25th. It will be up to you to tell their story.


Connor is a prototype, named the RK800, created by CyberLife. His initial goal is to assist human detectives in their investigations by offering them technological assistance. He is also equipped with a social module specially developed to create the “ideal partner”, capable of integrating into any team. He is also equipped with special features, such as a real-time molecular analyzer and a sophisticated simulator that can reconstruct past events. He is exceptionally intelligent, cold and determined, ready to do anything to succeed in his mission.

When the first cases of androids with abnormal behavior are reported, CyberLife offers to send this prototype to assist Detroit police. Connor has already undergone field tests involving androids, but this is his first investigation.

Connor is sent to join Lieutenant Hank Anderson, a grizzled, alcoholic detective who hates androids. Connor will need to make use of his “psychology” module to earn the respect of his partner and discover the truth about deviants.


Markus is an android who belongs to celebrated painter Carl Manfred, an old man who has lost the use of his legs. If at first Markus was only a machine in Carl’s eyes, a paternal affection has gradually developed. Carl treats Markus as if he were human, teaches him to paint, exposes him to literature and music; develops the android’s spirit a little each day.

Eventually Carl comes to think of Markus like a son, much to the dissatisfaction of Carl’s biological son, Leo.

Markus’ journey will take him from caregiver in the service of an old man to leading the historic android revolution. But to lead a revolution will be much more difficult than anything Markus can imagine: he must contend with the factitious disagreements of his people, face insoluble dilemmas, moral choices and sacrifice.

He must choose a path between violence and pacifism, between a closed fist and an outstretched hand. Through his choices, Markus will write the history of his people and lead them to freedom… or destruction.


Kara is an AX400 domestic assistant model created by CyberLife. The AX400 is a common model, designed to take care of the housework and look after young children. They can speak 300 different languages, cook more than 9000 dishes, help children with their homework and play with them.

Kara is owned by a former unemployed taxi driver, called Todd Williams, a strange and unpredictable character. He is the father of a little girl named Alice, with whom Kara is tasked with taking care of.

Under harsh circumstances, they quickly learn that they are not safe with Todd. Both will run away and struggle to find a path to freedom.

Becoming fugitives, they will discover a disjointed world falling apart and understand the strange feeling that unites them. They will journey from encounter to encounter, confronting violence and hatred but also the empathy of those who keep hope.

David Bull - Brand Manager, SCEA



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-31 01:48 PM |只看该作者




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-12 10:41 PM |只看该作者
How Three Composers Created the Soundtrack of Detroit: Become Human


How Three Composers Created the Soundtrack of Detroit: Become Human

In Detroit: Become Human, players will be able to control three very unique characters. Although Kara, Connor and Markus are all androids, they are of different makes and have a very different background and function in society. To emphasize these three very different stories, we decided to entrust the original soundtrack to three composers with the aim to create distinct musical colors fitting our main characters’ identities and to sustain their individual arc.

To stress Connor’s very cold and mechanical behavior, we chose a primarily electronic soundtrack. For Kara, we wanted a music that would be emotional and moving, underlining her quest for identity, love and empathy. For Markus, we needed a soundtrack that would be epic and represent the grand aspect of his journey.

We were very fortunate to find three very talented composers who accepted this highly unusual approach.


Kara Main Theme - Composer: Philip Sheppard

We first contacted Philip Sheppard, a composer and cellist who composed Kara’s soundtrack. We had chosen one of his compositions early on in the development when searching for a track for the Detroit announcement trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pelrr__9qx8). David was particularly moved by a track called Wind Storm and which featured very pulsating cellos. Philip is a cellist and has been composing soundtracks for film and television for many years.


Connor Main Theme - Composer: Nima Fakhrara

We then contacted Nima Fakhrara who worked on the movie The Signal (dir. Will Eubank), which had attracted our attention. We were particularly intrigued by the fact that Nima created custom instruments for his projects, something we thought could be very interesting for Detroit: Become Human and Connor’s very special characterization.


Markus Main Theme - Composer: John Paesano

John Paesano’s epic orchestral compositions on Daredevil (Netflix) and The Maze Runner (Dir. Wes Ball) got us interested in his work. His approach felt like the perfect pairing with Markus.

We contacted each of them, met them in LA or London, and explained to each what we had in mind for the project. Together with Mary Lockwood (music supervisor) and Aurélien Baguerre (lead audio) we setup a collaborative framework allowing each of them to be fed creatively with game assets exchanges with writer/director David Cage on a regular basis, and communication with the two other composers to be able to create unique scores within the same world.

It has been a complex endeavor but also an incredibly gratifying journey to work with each of them, resulting in a very unique soundtrack for the game, which we hope players will enjoy starting 25th May. Be sure to take advantage of the limited timed pre-order offer of the Digital Soundtrack, or the Collector’s Edition Soundtrack (Upgrade) within the Digital Deluxe Edition.

Guillaume de Fondaumiere - Quantic Dream co-CEO



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-23 11:14 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-23 11:28 PM 编辑

Detroit: Become Human Goes Gold, Demo Coming Tomorrow
《底特律:变人》已经正式进盘 明日推出试玩版

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/9553418424.html

  今日索尼互动娱乐(SIE)由 Quantic Dream 开发的 PS4 独占互动戏剧冒险游戏《底特律:变人(Detroit: Become Human)》今天公布了将在大马时间 4 月 24 日中午 12 点推出DEMO 试玩版。该试玩版名为“人质”,内容将是我们熟悉的康纳解救被仿生人绑架的女孩的桥段。这段剧情是正式版游戏非常靠前的部分,康纳将在案发现场进行调查。调查的结果和康纳与犯人之间的对话走向将决定所有人的命运。

  官方在PlayStation博客中发布了这一声明,他们表示本作已经历了长达四年时间的开发。在这四年间他们经历了所有可能面对的状态和情感——包含开发一款特殊和独特的事物而感到自豪、对是否能实现创造性和技术目标而感到怀疑、放出游戏场景和预告片之后看到玩家的积极反应而感到希望、对于没有足够的时间和资源来将一切完美整合到一起的恐惧、最终看到所有拼图聚集在一起时的快乐。David Cage和整个团队都为他们在这四年中所完成的工作感到自豪,他们感谢了来自世界各地的演员、艺术家、作曲家和合作伙伴,同时还感谢了世界各地的粉丝,他们有阅读所有粉丝的电子邮件、信件、推文和私信,最后,官方表示感谢索尼和整个PlayStation家族对他们的信任,并帮助他们实现了梦想。

  《底特律:变人》是以互动剧情冒险游戏闻名的 Quantic Dream 团队的最新作品。 时代设定在近未来的底特律,叙述一个模仿人类外型与能力制造的仿生人已经成为普及商品的时代,被视为 “物品” 劳役的仿生人开始出现异常。 玩家将透过关键的 3 名仿生人角色观点来探究人性的真谛。 每个选择和行动不仅决定了各个角色的命运,还决定了整个城市的去向,以及更长远的影响。

  《底特律:变人》将于 2018 年 5 月 25 日登陆 PS4,中文版也将同步发售。

A9VG 访谈 - http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/7492118423.html
A9VG 试玩报告 - http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/6749318309.html



Detroit: Become Human Goes Gold, Demo Tomorrow

We are extremely pleased and proud to announce today, that after four years of passionate crafting, Detroit: Become Human has officially gone gold!

During these four years, we have gone through all possible states and emotions that the development of such a challenging project induces: the pride of working on something special and unique, the doubt of attaining all our creative and technical goals, the hope when publicly releasing scenes and trailers and seeing players’ positive reactions, the fear of not having enough time and resources to make everything perfect, the joy of finally seeing all parts of the puzzle come together, scene after scene, and finally being able to play the game from start to finish. And today, I guess it is with a mixture of all these feelings that we stand in front of you.

Detroit: Become Human is no longer our game. Instead, it will soon become yours. Yours to play, to own, to hopefully cherish. The fate of Connor, Kara and Markus is in your hands, along with the fate of all other characters in the game. Through your decisions and actions, you will have the opportunity to become the writer, the director and the main protagonist of the most branching story we have ever created. A story made of hopes, fears, sadness but also of joy and happiness. A story as much about us, humans, as it is about androids.

David Cage, the entire team and myself are proud of the work we have accomplished during these four years. We are grateful to all our wonderful actors, composers, artists and partners around the world who have lent their talent to making Detroit: Become Human the very special experience it has become.

We are also extremely grateful to our fans around the world. We have read all of your emails, all of your letters, all of your tweets and messages. Each of them has given us the inspiration to make the best possible game for our fans. Last but not least, we are extremely thankful to Sony and the whole PlayStation family for believing in us and enabling us to make our dreams come true.

To celebrate this milestone, and to help you pass the time as you hold on just a little while longer for the game’s release on May 25th, I am extremely happy to announce that the very first scene of the game, Hostage, will be available for download on the PS Store starting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 24 at 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time.

As part of the Hostage demo experience, there’s also an extended Alexa Skill! Properly named “CyberLife,” the Alexa Skill will provide you guidance and additional intel about this near future android filled world. As you take on the role of Connor, a hostage negotiator android sent to take control of this high-stakes situation, the CyberLife Skill will help guide you in your decision making throughout the investigation process, while giving you a deeper look at the various characters involved within the Hostage demo. It will also give you insights on how you can best alter your decision within the experience that could result in a different ending outcome.

With the CyberLife Skill, you’ll be able to learn more about the world of Detroit: Become Human:

• Tell Me About – Get more details as you examine every piece of the crime scene.
Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife to tell me about the fish?”

• What’s Their Story? – Uncover the truth behind any character you find within the demo.
Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife to tell me about the Phillips Family?”

• Alter the Course of History – Using the Flowchart at the end of the demo, use the skill to discover alternate endings.
Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife why Connor failed to reach Daniel in time?”

To get started, all you need is the following:
1. Download the Detroit: Become Human Demo from the PS Store on PS4
2. Have access to any enabled Amazon Alexa Device
3. Download the Detroit: Become Human CyberLife Skill by saying “Alexa, enable CyberLife” or by doing a search for Cyberlife with your Amazon Alexa app (requires Alexa app and Wi-Fi internet connection).

Click here for more information on the Hostage Demo, CyberLife Skill, or Pre-Order incentives.

Guillaume de Fondaumiere - Quantic Dream co-CEO



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-4 10:40 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-8 01:59 PM 编辑

《底特律:变人》公布美术制作宣传影片 中文体验版现正开放下载
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/162258.html

  Quantic Dream 制作,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 5 月 25 日全球同步推出的 PS4 互动戏剧冒险游戏《底特律:变人(Detroit: Become Human)》,日前释出美术宣传影片供玩家参考。

  《底特律:变人》是以互动剧情冒险游戏闻名的 Quantic Dream 团队的最新作品。 时代设定在近未来的底特律,叙述一个模仿人类外型与能力制造的仿生人已经成为普及商品的时代,被视为 “物品” 劳役的仿生人开始出现异常。 玩家将透过关键的 3 名仿生人角色观点来探究人性的真谛。 每个选择和行动不仅决定了各个角色的命运,还决定了整个城市的去向,以及更长远的影响。

  本次的影片请到制作人、总监、正副图像总监等人现身说法,分享这次游戏舞台-2038 年之近未来底特律的设计概念,包含现代市街,工业废墟,还有大量的自然环境。 试图打造一个与今日没有太大差别的近未来世界。 此外还有角色的真人扫描建模、服装设计与演出撷取等制作过程。

  此外,目前官方已在 PlayStation Store 释出中文体验版,让玩家体验游戏最初的章节。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-9 07:49 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-10 08:07 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-10 10:51 PM |只看该作者


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