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Free Lesson 25-9-2015 [Absent Part2]









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发表于 2015-9-25 02:45 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

欢迎来到Absent Part2!

上期回顾:女主角Crystal在食堂与Lloyd发生了争执以后,在回家途中播打电话给男朋友Steve倾诉委屈,突然间跑出一个不明生物把Crystal抓走了! 3天后Steve因为一直找不到Crystal, 就忧心忡忡的和他的朋友Murray和Eve 说起上星期五他在和Crystal通话时听到了奇怪声音,过后就再也联系不到Crystal了。到底Steve 有没有办法知道Crystal到底发生什么事了呢?

------- 去学校的路上(经过森林) --------

Murray : What's this?
Eve : Someone's left their phone here.
Steve : What's everyone looking at?
Steve : It's ....It's her mobile ....
Steve : She.... she wouldn't have it here, she.....
Murray : Oh my god.....
Eve : Steve....
Murray : Eve, we should report this to the teachers.
Eve : You're right. Steve, are you going to come with us to the staff room?
Murray : No, we should give him time to himself, Eve.

-------- 去职员室的路上 (遇见管理员)--------

Murray : Excuse me.......Are you familiar with a student called Crystal at all?
Staff : Um, yes i believe i remember her. What's the problem?
Murray : Well... we think she was murdered.
Staff : Oh really? Are you serious?
Staff : I'll consult with my staff and look in on this issue at once!
Staff : Oh.. yes, that's right....
Staff : I don't have my phone anymore!
Staff : In that case... I'll just have to wait for somebody to come。
Murray : Or we could go to the staff room.,.,as originally planned. Come on Eve。

----------- 上了电梯,去职员室的途中 ----------

Eve : Well go on, Murray
Eve : Murray?
Murray : DAH!!
Eve : Are you ok?
Murray : Crystal....
Eve : Crystal?
Murray : ......wasn't murdered
Eve : What, so....she's just Absent?
Murray : No! She was....... taken by something
Murray : AHHHHHH!!!
Eve : Murray, what's going on??
Murray : VISION!! Visions from the paranormal!!
Murray : They're coming out of nowhere, they're telling me about this......entity
Eve : Entity?What've you been taking, Murray?!
Murray : Nothing, but this creature takes students...... and it took Crystal....... and it doesn't take anyone it doesn't know about.

--------------  遇见Lloyd ---------------

Murray : Eve, isn't that the same guy that Steve said his girlfriend got into a fight with?
Eve : I don't know,Murray. Go ask him.
Murray : Lloyd, right? What's happened?
Lloyd : I think.....my mate Grant's dead. This is where i was supposed to meet him.
Lloyd : I found my trainers and his mobile. He wouldn't just leave them there.
Murray : Crystal hated Lloyd , right?
Eve : Yeah, why?
Murray : Well...think about it...Lloyd's enemy is gone....and now...Lloyd's best friend is gone.
Murray : This creature..or entity doesn't take anyone it doesn't know about.It's after Lloyd next.
Murray : And there's nothing we can do about it.
Murray : What was that? Oh i hope nothing's happened to Lloyd yet. I just saw him in my vision.
Murray : He could be important.


1. Familiar  熟 / 熟悉 (fə-mĭl′yər)
2. Murdered 谋杀 (mûr′dər)
3. Consult 咨询 / 商量 (kən-sŭlt′)

4. Originally 原本/ 最初 (ə-rĭj′ə-nə-lē)
5. Paranormal 超自然现象 (păr′ə-nôr′məl)
6. Creature 生物 (krē′chər)
7. Enemy 敌人 (ĕn′ə-mē)


1. look in on = make a short visit or call.
原为“拜访(短暂的)”,“照看“的意思,这里可以理解为“调查/巡查 (通过通话)”
“Staff : I'll consult with my staff and look in on this issue at once!”
“我现在就马上(at once)和我的下属咨询(consult)并且调查(look in on)这件事(this issue)!”

2. as originally planned = 照原本/最初的计划
"Murray : Or we could go to the staff room.,.,as originally planned. Come on Eve。"
或者我们可以去教职室/职员室(staff room), 就像我们原本的计划。来吧Eve

3. supposed =generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so.
可以理解为“应该是” / ”虚构的“
Lloyd : I think.....my mate Grant's dead. This is where i was supposed to meet him.
我想....我的朋友(mate) Grant 死了。 这里应该是我和他碰面的地方。

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