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【PS4】The King of Fighters XIV









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-8 07:08 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-11 06:40 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV 'Team Mexico' Gameplay Trailer

《拳皇 XIV》公布第 9 波队伍介绍游戏实玩影片

  SNKPLAYMORE 预定于 2016 年 8 月 25 日推出,实体版及下载版售价均为 7,200 日币的 PS4 版对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV》(The King of Fighters XIV),日前公布第 9 波队伍介绍游戏实玩影片,由墨西哥摔角家拉蒙(ラモン)、秘密组织NESTS的改造人安琪(アンヘル), 以及本作首度登场的新角色恐龙王(キング・オブ・ダイナソー)等人组成的「墨西哥队」将加入战局。



秘密组织 NESTS 的改造人,穿著清凉的白发女性,擅长使用复杂连续技,近身战实力所向无敌,个性则有点无厘头。



Ramon, Angel, and King of Dinosaurs Will Bring Lucha Libre Pageantry and Momentos Dramáticos to The King of Fighters XIV!

As we've been introducing the teams that are going to be in The King of Fighters XIV, we've come to realize an issue: None of those teams have a GIANT DINOSAUR MAN on their team! Well, thanks to Team Mexico, we've fixed that right up!

The tyrannosaur-man is known as the King of Dinosaurs and he's ready to lead Team Mexico to fame and glory. To be honest, not much is known about the mysterious KOD, but we do know he's a professional wrestler with a mysterious past, who's fighting in the tournament for a personal matter. Seriously though, when you're dressed like a dinosaur, is backstory really all that important? All you need to know is that he's literally a giant man in a dinosaur costume who bites, claws, and tosses his opponents around like a rag doll.

Since the Dinosaur can't win the tournament alone, he's enlisted the help of the fiery Angel and mighty Ramon. Angel is a former assassin of NESTS who boasts superhuman strength that allows her to deal some devastating damage. With a vicious combination of Muay Thai strikes and astounding pro wrestling moves, it'll be tough to outshine her in the tournament. Well, unless you're the legendary luchador Ramon a.k.a. "The Mightiest Tiger." The confident Ramon wants to compete for the love of the "sport," and wants to assist the King of Dinosaurs in his personal quest by throwing down some of his signature moves in the ring.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-13 07:29 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-13 06:18 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV digital pre-orders include Nightmare Geese, PS4 dynamic theme



Digital pre-orders for The King of Fighters XIV will include the “Nightmare Geese” additional costume and PlayStation 4 dynamic theme in addition to the previously announced “Classic Kyo” additional costume, Atlus announced.

Pre-orders are now live on the U.S. PlayStation Store.

The King of Fighters XIV is due out for PlayStation 4 in North America on August 23, in Japan on August 25, and in Europe on August 26.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-15 07:26 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-15 06:10 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV 'Team South Town' Gameplay Trailer
《拳皇 XIV》公布「南镇队」介绍影片 南镇掌权者杰斯率领得力干部霸气登场

  SNK PLAYMORE 制作,预定 8 月 23 日同步在台港推出中文版的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV(The King of Fighters XIV)》,现公布第 10 波队伍介绍影片「南镇队」,供玩家参考。

  本次介绍的「南镇队」是以《饿狼传说》系列的第一反派「杰斯‧侯活(Geese Howard,旧译基思‧霍华德)」为首的队伍。 君临南镇的黑道霸主杰斯,将率领麾下侯活组织的得力干部「比利‧卡(Billy Kane)」与「海恩(Hein)」组成队伍,以毫不留情的霸道招式将对手一一击溃。


  侯活组织的领导者,在阴影中支配着南镇的至高无上的掌权者。 精通日本古武术,擅长接下对手的攻击并顺势将对手摔出的「当身摔技」。 为反派的领袖人物,拥有压倒性的存在感。


  发誓对杰斯・侯活绝对忠诚的侯活组织第2号人物。 藉由棍棒使出的长距离攻击,让对手无法接近。 血气方刚,拥有「会走路的凶器」的别名。


  侯活组织的成员。 态度谦虚温和,不论何时说话都很有礼貌,但也有虐待狂的一面。 以冠上西洋棋用语、动作华丽的格斗术「弃子」战斗。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-18 05:59 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-18 06:20 PM 编辑

King of Fighters XIV Story and Antonov Trailers
《拳皇 XIV》神秘主办人「安东诺夫」现身 预定 7 月 19 日释出下载体验版

  SNK PLAYMORE 制作,预定 8 月 23 日同步在台港推出中文版的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV(The King of Fighters XIV)》,现释出最新宣传影片,曝光本次拳皇大赛的神秘主办人「安东诺夫(Antonov)」与揭露故事模式详情,同时宣布将于 7 月 19 日释出 PSN 下载体验版。

  安东诺夫是本次拳皇大赛的主办人,同时也是本作的头目。 有着一个俄罗斯风名字的他,是名金发碧眼极其魁武的壮汉,战斗是也是以发挥其体格优势为主的豪迈拳击、脚踢与身体冲撞。

  官方同时公布了故事模式的宣传影片,描述出身成谜的安东诺夫宣称自己是世界第一的冠军,向 48 名格斗高手发下战帖,再度举办新一届拳皇大赛,让各国强者争夺代表世界第一强者的拳皇大赛冠军腰带。 但事态并不像表面看到的那么单纯,一股超自然的实体敲响了毁灭的丧钟...

  影片中并预告《拳皇 XIV》将于 7 月 19 日释出 PSN 下载体验版,收录 7 名可游玩角色。 玩家可以透过「新手教学模式(Tutorial Mode)」学习基本玩法,「对战模式(VS Mode)」与计算机或是朋友对战,「训练模式(Training Mode)」精进自己的招式与连段技巧。 下载体验版还可以获得动态主题为奖励。



The King of Fighters XIV Demo Out July 19, Fighter Guide

Like a burning knuckle to the face, The King of Fighters XIV caps off its successful showing at EVO 2016 with a special surprise: the game’s demo will launch this Tuesday July 19!

With seven playable characters, the demo is just a taste of what awaits with the full 50-character roster when the game arrives on August 23. The King of Fighters XIV marks the first time the series (which has been around since 1994, by the way) has been rendered in 3D. Since seeing is believing, the demo will show you the latest evolution for the franchise.

But for long-time fans and newcomers alike, SNK has been taking extra special care to ensure the game is balanced and refined. It’s the best enhancement of the series since KOF ’98, with a complete overhaul to Combos and MAX Mode to make it more approachable for beginners, while remaining the most competitive entry in the history of the series.

At its core is the three-on-three team mechanic where players will have to pick their strongest three players from a roster of 50 characters and duke it out until there’s only one team left standing.

And to get you ready for the demo on Tuesday, we’ve gone ahead and compiled some tips from our ace play testers for each of the seven characters available in the demo to help you get a head start!

Kyo Kusanagi

Style: Standard fighter
Strengths: Good attack normals, good special attacks, armor properties on some moves, easy combos
Weaknesses: no glaring weaknesses
Difficulty: 2/5
Notes: For veteran players and newcomers alike, Kyo is a great character to choose. In addition to his old moves returning, he has even more follow-up attacks for his special moves, giving him a lot of threatening new options for offense. Try using the two hits of his command move, 88 Shiki, to react and activate into MAX mode for high damage combos. Standing HP into down-forward HK is a good combo starter.

Mai Shiranui

Style: Zoner, keep opponents at a distance
Strengths: Really good normal attacks, excellent EX special attacks in Max Mode
Weaknesses: no big combos, low damage
Difficulty: 2/5
Notes: Her fan projectile can be used to harass opponents, especially the EX version which will have a follow-up that hits on the way down. To deal with her projectiles, players will eventually have to jump. This easily sets them up to be countered by Mai’s flame-pillar super, Kagerou no Mai. EX Kachousen in Max Mode are excellent tools for pressuring opponents into making mistakes. Her standing HP is a useful tool in most circumstances.

Iori Yagami

Style: Standard fighter
Strengths: Fast attack normals, decent special attacks, easy combos
Weaknesses: no glaring weaknesses
Difficulty: 2/5
Notes: Similar to Kyo, players who used Iori previously will feel right at home with his new version — he is an offensive monster when played properly. Try making use of short hops combined with his jumping HP to mount an assault on enemies. Use Max Mode in combos for extreme damage. Forward LP and its follow-up are useful as a combo starter.

Sylvie Paula Paula (Series newcomer)

Style: Battery, builds meter for team
Strengths: Builds power gauge really well, has great EX special attacks in Max Mode
Weaknesses: short range attack normals, no big combos outside of cornering opponents
Difficulty: 1/5
Notes: Her command list is simple but effective. Use Denki Kaijin, her electricity attack, to poke at enemies and annoy them. Kaiten Coil, her uppercut kick, also makes for a solid anti-air. Her level 3 super, Mechahaya Reboot, is unique in that you can continue your combo after hitting the opponent with it. Use Max Mode outside of combos for access to EX Dischar-Jing (auto-guard properties) and EX Denki Kaijin (crumples opponent for a combo).

King of Dinosaurs (Series newcomer)

Style: Grappler, goes for big throws
Strengths: Good damage on special attacks, good throw mixups
Weaknesses: very slow, gets pressured easily, no real combos
Difficulty: 3/5
Notes: Like most grapple characters, he is slow at moving around but becomes much more effective at close-range. Having strong patience will pay off the most when using King of Dinosaurs. The HP and EX versions of his Zetsumetsu Hurricane have armor frames, allowing him to absorb attacks up-close and plow through with a powerful command grab. Apply pressure with Ankylo Hammer and use Break to go for Zetsumetsu for the mixup. If backward LP (Yucatan Punch) is landed, he can go into Ankylo Hammer or Climax move for serious damage.

Shun’ei (Series newcomer)

Style: A mix of Zoner and Combo-heavy
Strengths: High damage, excellent EX special attacks in Max Mode, great mobility
Weaknesses: Short range attack normals, most special attacks are unsafe
Difficulty: 4/5
Notes: This character has powerful EX special moves and is most effective with MAX mode activated. Because of his dependency on meter, however, it may be a good idea to place him on the back of the team so that other characters can build meter for him to use. His air dash grants him unique mobility options never before seen in a KOF game. Primarily uses Max Mode outside of combos for access to big damaging tools. Scarlet Phantom and EX Scarlet Phantom are primary starters and approach tools. Use Thruster Vision to maneuver and throw the opponent off.

Nelson (Series newcomer)

Style: Command normal chains, chain-heavy
Strengths: lots of mixup potential, can pressure the opponent very well
Weaknesses: no use for Max Mode, no real combos (uses a chain system)
Difficulty: 5/5
Notes: His chain of attacks have a lot of branching pathways, so he’s great for players who like to mix up their offense with unpredictable patterns. When playing as Nelson, try to stick to your opponents and don’t give them a chance to breathe. Nelson should not prioritize meter and is best played as a “battery character” on point position. He can open up the opponent with a lot of high/low mixups. Very difficult character for beginning players to use.

Oh, and because every good fighting game needs a villain, here’s a look at the man-mountain behind the King of Fighters tournament, Antonov.

With his glorious mutton chops, imposing physical presence, and decidedly awesome champion belt, Antonov is the boss who awaits you as you and your team ascend the ranks of the King of Fighters tournament.

Sure, he’s an eccentric billionaire who bought the rights to the King of Fighters brand in order to host a new tournament, and granted, he’s already proclaimed himself the One True King of Fighters, so I guess your only option at this point is to saddle up with the team of your choice and fight like hell to unseat this unhinged giant.

John Hardin - PR Manager, ATLUS



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-20 07:04 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-22 06:24 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV 'Team China' Gameplay Trailer
《拳皇 XIV》公布「中国队」介绍影片 八极圣拳掌门率领得意弟子上阵

  SNK PLAYMORE 制作,预定 8 月 23 日同步在台港推出中文版的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV(The King of Fighters XIV)》,现公布第 11 波队伍介绍影片「中国队」,供玩家参考。



操纵幻影的少年。 幼时因为拥有神秘的力量而被双亲遗弃,之后被唐福禄收为弟子养育。 透过修行八极圣拳,达到得以控制自身体内力量的目的。 作为唐福禄最后的弟子,与最好的朋友明天君一起向世界挑战。


能自由自在操纵「气」的八极圣拳创始者。 虽然是个矮小的老人,却可以发出形同巨大肌肉的灵气进行攻击。 是瞬影和明天君的师父,也是至今为止孕育了许多格斗家的高尚之人。 至今仍然坚持着活到老做到老的精神。


总是抱着枕头昏昏欲睡的少年格斗家。 和瞬影一同于唐福禄的门下努力修行。 格斗风格是由唐福禄命名的「八极眠眠拳」。 体内隐藏着被称为是唐福禄的秘密武器的巨大气场。


• Shun’ei – A powerful prodigy who was abandoned by his birth parents for possessing mysterious powers. Tung adopted, trained, and raised him like a son, teaching him the ways of Hakkyokuseiken. As a result, Shun’ei has learned to control his powers and enters the tournament to prove himself.

• Tung Fu Rue – A grand master of the Hakkyokuseiken fighting style who has taught many famous students over the years including: Terry Bogard, Geese Howard, and more. Although he may look like a little old man, Tung’s mastery of Chi is second to none and his years of fighting experience is what makes him one of the most dangerous fighters in The King of Fighters. The old grand master is a calm and kind master who seeks to bring out the best in his two new students in the tournament.

• Meitenkun – Shun’ei’s best friend and training partner, has a more… sleepy personality. And by sleepy personality, I mean he literally carries around a pillow everywhere because he REALLLY likes his sleep. Don’t be fooled by his lethargic nature though, because Meitenkun fights with an unpredictable sleep boxing style that catches opponents off guard.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-29 06:56 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-29 07:28 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV 'Psycho Soldier Team' Gameplay Trailer
《拳皇 XIV》公布最新队伍「超能力战士队」介绍游戏实玩影片

  SNKPLAYMORE 预定于 2016 年 8 月 25 日推出,实体版及下载版售价均为 7,200 日币的 PS4 版对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV》(The King of Fighters XIV),日前公布最新游戏实玩影片麻宫阿西娜(麻宫アテナ)、椎拳崇(シイ ケンスウ)及镇元斋(チン ゲンサイ)等人组成的「超能力战士队」(サイコソルジャーチーム)等登场参战。


為世界和平與邪惡組織對峙的女高中生偶像,格鬥風格結合了與生俱來的超能力及中國拳法,是一名認真有禮貌的女性格鬥家,堪稱 KOF 系列女主角,在本作中將以新裝亮相。

■椎拳崇(シイ ケンスウ)

■鎮元齋(チン ゲンサイ)


• Athena Asamiya – A cheerful and friendly high school girl who is adored worldwide for being a famous pop star. She has a strong sense of justice and always puts on a worthy show for her fans on stage and in the ring. Athena utilizes a variety of psionic abilities and will be a terror to any opponent in The King of Fighters XIV tournament.

• Sie Kensou – A goofy Kung Fu kid with a penchant for dragons. He fights with a hybrid Kung Fu and psychic style, and has a lot of potential to become an unstoppable fighter. Oh, he’s also in love with Athena and hopes to impress her one day with his fighting ability. That’s as good as any reason to fight right?

• Chin Gentsai – The drunken master. Chin is a very ancient fighter who lulls his opponents to sleep with his drunken antics before exploiting their carelessness. He is both master and mentor to the two younger members of Team Psycho Soldier, and wants them to test their psychic abilities in the tournament.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-5 07:34 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-5 06:46 PM 编辑

The King of Fighters XIV 'Ikari Warriors Team' Gameplay Trailer
《拳皇 XIV》 队伍宣传影片第 13 弹 拉尔夫、克拉克、莉安娜的「怒队」游戏动画公开

  SNK PLAYMORE 制作,预定 8 月 23 日同步在台港推出中文版的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV(The King of Fighters XIV)》今日正式公开第 13 弹队伍介绍宣传影片。 本次宣传 影片将介绍「怒队」的拉尔夫・钟斯、克拉克・史超、莉安娜・海登的最新动画。



海登所率领部队的佣兵。 军阶是上校。 战斗风格独特,独自结合了海登流的暗杀术与武术。 很照顾人,也很受部下信任。 与克拉克 和莉安娜一同执行任务。


是曾与拉尔夫一同驰骋过许多战场的佣兵。 军阶是中尉。 除了海登流暗杀术和武术以外,也很擅长摔角的摔技与关节技。 总是冷静沉着,也很受拉尔夫信任。


佣兵部队的女士兵。 作为海登的养女,从小就接受军事训练。 体内流着大蛇的血液,这股力量有时会被唤醒。 沉默寡言,不擅长情感表达,但偶尔会在拉尔夫与克拉克面前流露出笑容与泪水。


• Colonel Ralf Jones – Nicknamed the One Man Army, who is no stranger to fighting. Although Ralf is a bit hotheaded, he is an exceptional leader who utilizes a dangerous mercenary combat style that focuses on deadly strikes. Oh, did we mention that he’s ripped a tank wide open with his bare hands? Yeah, he’s pretty dangerous.

• Lieutenant Clark Still – Ralf Jones’ brother in arms, and a pretty dangerous dude too. Clark also trains in mercenary combat style, but he’s geared more towards wrapping his opponents up like a pretzel and slamming them. That being said, he’s calmer and more level-headed than Ralf and just as formidable.

• Leona Heidern – The cold and professional operator Leona is the adopted daughter of Commander Heidern who uses a hybrid fighting style that combines martial arts with Heidern style assassination techniques. Although she is simply a soldier, she has the powerful blood of Orochi running through her veins and must keep her emotions in check to prevent bad things from happening. She’s not a total ice queen though, because Leona is very loyal to the Ikari Warriors and will fight to protect her friends.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-12 07:35 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-12 06:57 PM 编辑

《拳皇14》异世界队预告片公开 娜可露露登场






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-15 06:53 PM |只看该作者
《拳皇 XIV》公布所有队伍剧情及演出声优名单

  SNKPLAYMORE 预定于 2016 年 8 月 25 日推出,实体版及下载版售价均为 7,200 日币的 PS4 版对战格斗游戏《拳皇 XIV》(The King of Fighters XIV),日前于官网公布出赛队伍的「队伍故事」(チームストーリー),介绍在格斗大赛「THE KING OF FIGHTERS」中出场的 16 支队伍参赛目的及结成队伍的理由, 该剧情也将与游戏主篇的「故事模式」(ストーリーモード)紧密链接。

  另外,官方也同时公布本作中登场共 50 名演出声优的确定名单,其中包括了大会主办者安东诺夫(CV:菱田盛之)与最终 BOSS(CV:ゆうさく)等之前保密到家的声优也一并发表,在游戏即将上市前带给玩家更多期待。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-16 07:15 AM |只看该作者


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