Playable in solo and two-player co-op, online and split-screen, For Honor’s full-fledged story campaign is a tale of warriors in which players will live from the inside a crucial moment in the war amongst Knights, Vikings and Samurai.
A thousand years after a huge cataclysm destroyed their world, the Knights, the Vikings and the Samurai have united their scattered forces and what was a rampant conflict is about to turn into a total open war. Embodying the greatest warriors in each faction, players will need all their wits and skill to ensure the survival of their people and foil the plans of Apollyon, the merciless and bloodthirsty leader of the Blackstone Legions. Storming castles and fortresses, turning the tide of massive battles and confronting deadly bosses in intense duels, players will become Heroes of legend, symbols and models for their warrior legacies.
即将在 9 月 15 到 18 日期间展开的《荣耀战魂》Alpha 封闭测试活动,将使玩家有机会抢先试玩到《荣耀战魂》。 开发团队很期待能透过本次 Alpha 封测取得玩家们的更多建议、致力于在游戏正式上市时能带来最佳的游戏体验。 本次 Alpha 封测将会在 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 与 PC 平台上举行。 若玩家欲登记参加封测活动、或是取得《荣耀战魂》的最新消息与抢先试玩机会,欢迎造访中文官方网站了解更多详情。
本作不仅将在 PS4 与 Xbox One 平台上登场,《荣耀战魂》PC 版目前同时正由 Ubisoft 旗下 Blue Byte 工作室开发,全平台版本届时将会同步发行。 Blue Byte 致力于全心全力地保留《荣耀战魂》创意战斗系统「战斗艺术」的精髓,并且支持鼠标和键盘操控方式,为 PC 玩家提供更多样化游玩《荣耀战魂》的选择。
Ubisoft 今日也同时公开了《荣耀战魂》典藏版的内容。 《荣耀战魂》将典藏版收录额外数字解锁内容与实体典藏内容,还有三阵营 1/3 比例的全金属头盔复刻品,以及可获得后续更新追加内容的 Season Pass 资格,让玩家能遵循战士之道、称霸战场。
《荣耀战魂》黄金版:游戏主程序、限定版数字内容组合包,以及 Season Pass 资格
代表骑士、维京人和日本武士的三款 1/3 比例全金属战士头盔(附展示木架)
游戏原声 CD
《荣耀战魂》中文版预定将于 2017 年 2 月 14 日西洋情人节当天在 PS4、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台上推出。
• Kensei - History has not been kind to the Samurai. After losing their homeland to sea and fire, the nomadic warriors have ceased their wandering and have rebuilt themselves a new nation under a mighty Emperor.
• Raider - Previously thought to have vanished, the Vikings have returned to plunder, take new lands, and reclaim their ancient homeland in the north.
• Warden - Scattered for centuries, the Knights have begun at last to gather again under a single banner: that of the Iron Legion.