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【PS4】Shenmue 3 莎木 3









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-28 06:04 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-29 07:16 AM 编辑

Shenmue III ‘Development Report Vol. 4’ video

  Ys Net刚刚公开了《莎木3》的第四段开发者介绍宣传片,主要展示了游戏的面部表情动画。


  《莎木3》将在2018年下半年发售,对应平台为PS4和PC,发行商Deep Silver将发行游戏的实体版和数字版。

Ys Net has released the the fourth volume of its Shenmue III “Development Report” video series, this time focusing on facial animations.

Shenmue III is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in the second half of 2018. It will be published both physically and digitally by Deep Silver.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-13 06:22 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-14 11:27 AM 编辑

Shenmue III reveals new character, Lakshya Digital collaboration
《莎木3》公开新女性角色 公开与印度工作室外包合作

  昨晚《莎木》系列制作人铃木裕公开了《莎木3》的新女性角色展示图,同时还公开了与印度工作室 Lakshya Digital 的外包合作。


  另外,坐落在新德里古尔冈的工作室Lakshya Digital将和Ys Net工作室一起制作人物角色的内容,至于合作的详细信息,官方也没有给出过多内容,但这项合作很可能会加快《莎木3》的开发进度。

  《莎木3》预计将在 2018 年下半年发售,对应平台为 PS4 和 PC 。

Ys Net has revealed a new character set to appear in Shenmue III, as well as announced that production team Lakshya Digital is lending a hadn with character production.

Regarding the new character, pictured above, Ys Net says, “We gave a first look of this character earlier. You’ll have to wait and see how she fits in with the temple in the background.”

Here is Ys Net’s introduction of Lakshya Digital:

Shenmue III will have a host of new, compelling characters from all walks of life.

And while we can’t say just how many, it will be a lot! The game art studio Lakshya Digital will be cooperating with us to bring these great characters to life. Lakshya Digital is based in Gurgaon (one of India’s financial and technology hubs) and has studios in Pune and Seattle, where production work for the game is underway.

Shenmue III is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in the second half of 2018. It will be published both physically and digitally by Deep Silver.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-25 06:18 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-27 06:17 PM 编辑

Shenmue III ‘Then, Now, and Tomorrow’ Yu Suzuki video interview
《莎木 3》释出总监铃木裕与动画制作人竹内宏彰对谈访问 透露整体表现超乎原先预期

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/157119.html

  Ys Net 制作,预定 2018 年下半推出的 PS4 / PC 动作冒险游戏《莎木 3(Shenmue III)》,日前公布了总监铃木裕与动画制作人竹内宏彰的对谈访问影片,透露游戏于 2018 年的展望。

  铃木裕透露,《莎木 3》于两年半前正式发表,两年前开始制作。 虽然是首度使用「Unreal Engine 4」来开发游戏,不过引擎的功能比他预期的还要方便,让制作效率更高,因此画质表现比他一开始预期得还要好,虽然还是无法与 3A 级游戏比拟。 不过因为以前开发游戏时是连程序代码都自己包办,但现在使用 UE4 这类现成的游戏引擎时无法得知内部运作的细节,让他不太习惯。

  对他来说,女主角莎花(Shenhua)是他这一生心血的结晶,打造主角凉(Ryo)与莎花是个持续不断精进、永无止歇的工作。 如今莎花的建模终于达到让他满意的程度了,接下来的重点是把莎花的表情与动作做好。 目前已经确定游戏中会有约 100 名角色登场,Ys Net 目前与印度的拉克夏数字(Lakshya Digital)合作打造优质的角色模型,这些角色将会让大家留下深刻印象。

  这次他想挑战与以前不同的战斗,《莎木 3》的战斗将不会是像《VR 快打》那样讲究输入实机的玩法,而是汲取益智解谜要素、任何人都能上手的玩法,搭配与以往不同的 QTE 操作。

  关于角色配音的部分,凉的配音很早就决定了,不过莎花的配音则是迟迟未能决定,直到访谈前两天才终于找到合适的对象。 其他角色的配音阵容差不多都确定了,预定 2018 年开始录制。

  最后铃木裕表示,2018 年将是制作团队赋予《莎木 3》角色活生生气息的关键年,日常生活可以说是《莎木》系列的生命与一贯的主题,因此《莎木》最重要的部分就是角色在日常生活中的表现,2018 年制作团队将以完成这部分的内容为目标 ,希望大家能持续给予支持鼓励。

Ys Net has released a special video interview with Shenmue series creator Yu Suzuki conducted by animation producer Hiroaki Takeuchi on the production of Shenmue III titled, “Then, Now, and Tomorrow.”

The official Shenmue III holiday 2017 greeting card was also released:

Get the video interview and transcript below.


Hiroaki Takeuchi: It’s my pleasure to be here today.

Yu Suzuki: And mine as well.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: It is a treat to sit down and have a talk with you.

Yu Suzuki: Thank you very much.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Since that surprising announcement two and a half years ago, how have things gone overall during that time?

Yu Suzuki: Time sure has flown by. Putting the team together took quite an effort, but I feel the team we have now is a good one. The real fight starts here.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: I see. I’d like to hear your take on these past two years working on the game development and team staffing, and if anything has gone particularly well or rather not so well.

Yu Suzuki: Sure. Using Unreal Engine 4 has been a first for me, but it allowed for more conventional techniques than I expected, which in turn also brought with it completely new efficiencies. Along with those two points, it has allowed us to bring the graphics quality past what I had first envisioned.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: I have also been keeping a close eye on how the graphics look, and they get better every time I come to check. Do you feel they are fitting in more with what you had imagined?

Yu Suzuki: Yes, the graphics are certainly improved over what I had in mind. While there are of course things that would not compared to a triple-A title, they are better than what I had originally planned for and have started to come into their own.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Very exciting.

Yu Suzuki: The thing that has been harder than expected for me has been using the engine as is. Because as someone who used to write everything from code, I want to see and touch what’s inside, but can’t.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: I can imagine. Having previously created games starting by writing the programs, you would have some of that here to a degree. And along those lines, what do you feel has represented the most challenge, or rather turned out well in terms of development?

Yu Suzuki: Well, one thing I do feel better about lately is Shenhua. You could say she is my life’s work, and along with her expressions for one, I know I must forever keep on making improvements. It is a work without end. Both Ryo and Shenhua. I think we are now at the point with Shenhua’s model that I can say it finally is something I can approve of. Now it is a matter of getting the expressions and movements right.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: As fans already know, Shenmue hosts a wide variety of characters. How does character development look? Will there be even more characters to pack in?

Yu Suzuki: That’s right. In December—well it’s already December—so this month it looks like we’ll really be upping the count. It will go up to around 100 characters. The character design studio Lakshya Digital is working with us now, and we are seeing some really great models. I know these characters will make an impact and leave an impression.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Can we expect characters wthat we won’t be able to unsee? (Laughs.)

Yu Suzuki: I can say that. (Laughs.) They’ll have some personality, shall we say. Look forward to them. They’re fun just to look at.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Is there anything that you want to work on the most? Is there any challenge you want to take up?

Yu Suzuki: Well… I want to do something a little different with the battles. When it comes to fighting, there are things that I want to make my own, so I was thinking to do things a bit different from last time. We have been running some tests. It is not a game like Virtua Fighter that is about the timing. So, I hope… it will take the form of a puzzle game that anyone can play, with strong emphasis on choreography.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Well! Is that to mean you don’t have to rely as much on play skill? Do you picture then fights blended into cutscenes to some degree?

Yu Suzuki: They may be influenced by whether you pick up some item, and so on. Incorporating more puzzle-type elements. That’s what I would like to do. And QTEs, along with other things.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Can’t forget the QTEs.

Yu Suzuki: It would be nice to do a different kind of QTE.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: So much to look forward to. Can we expect to see these features added soon?

Yu Suzuki: Don’t expect them too soon. (Laughs.)

Hiroaki Takeuchi: So, we talked about the characters before. The different facets of character development are coming together, but what is the progress on the character voicing?

Yu Suzuki: Ryo had been decided early on, but we couldn’t find a Shenhua. That is until very recently. We had a lot of auditions.

(*Concerning the Japanese voice actors: The English voice actors for the main characters have almost all been cast. Remaining casting and recording will continue next year.)

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Congratulations.

Yu Suzuki: It was just two days ago.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: That certainly is news!

Yu Suzuki: Yes, it is. Most of the other parts have been cast, and the voice acting auditions are almost finished.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: I see. Will we at last get to recording in 2018.

Yu Suzuki: That’s right. We will get at it starting in 2018.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: I think it is time to wrap it up, but lastly, would you like to say something to all of your backers?

Yu Suzuki: 2018 has been the year we breathed life into the Shenmue characters. Daily life is vital to Shenmue, and is a major theme throughout. The most important part of Shenmue is how the characters go about their casual lives. This year we set ourselves up to accomplish that. I want to thank you all again for your continued support.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Indeed! We will keep our hopes up for everything ahead.

Yu Suzuki: Yes, please.

Hiroaki Takeuchi: Alright, then. Thank you for speaking with me today.

Yu Suzuki: And thank you.

Shenmue III is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in the second half of 2018. It will be published both physically and digitally by Deep Silver.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-3 02:36 PM |只看该作者
《莎木3》厂商强调 2018 年发售 还有额外新惊喜
转载 - 游民星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201801/997997.shtml

  自 2015 年 E3 上《莎木3》正式公布以来,业界就开始期待游戏的问世,不过随着时间的推移整个项目看起来并不那么顺利,在去年 6 月份官方还宣布游戏跳票到 2018 下半年。因为迟迟没有更多内容公布,许多人都担心 2018年《莎木3》是不是也可能跳票呢?

  不过最近《莎木3》发行商 Shibuya Productions 的创始人 Cedric Biscay 在新年的第一条推特上再次强调,游戏会在2018年发售,同时还会有一些新的惊喜。





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-17 07:47 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-17 06:36 PM 编辑

Shenmue III three new screenshots; more images and gameplay details set for MAGIC 2018
铃木裕《莎木3》新公开三张游戏画面 人物建模大幅提升

  今天《莎木3(Shenmue 3)》的开发商 Ys Net 放出了几张铃木裕新作《莎木3》的新图,展示了游戏画质的改善与提升。

  这些截图是Shibuya Productions的总裁Cedric Biscay通过推特分享给我们的,首先我们看到的是芭月凉和玲莎花,和我们之前看到的相比,人物建模有了飞跃式的提升!现在的芭月凉变得更帅气了,虽然不是那么的写实,但是这种唯美画风非常符合东方人的审美,让人产生了一种《恋与制作人》的错觉。


  通过这三张图,我们可以发现,现在的画面和最初的游戏画面已经有了天壤之别。尽管人们对之前的游戏画面冷嘲热讽,但是Ys Net一直在用自己的努力一点点地提升游戏的画质,而他们的付出,我们也可以通过越来越漂亮的截图感受到,制作人很辛苦,打工赚钱不容易,请大家不要再吐槽了,支持一下《莎木3》吧!

  《莎木3》将于 2018 年下半年发售,游戏将会登陆 PS4 和 PC 平台。而更多的游戏画面以及最新的情报将会在 2 月 24 日举办的 MAGIC 2018 上披露。

Ys Net will debut new screenshots and gameplay details of Shenmue III during Monaco Anime Game International Conferences (MAGIC) 2018 on February 24, Shenmue III partner Shibuya Productions announced at the press conference for the event today.

Guests at MAGIC 2018 include:

  • Yu Suzuki (Shenmue III)
  • Yoji Shinkawa (Kojima Productions)
  • Oskar Guilbert (Dontnod CEO)
  • Philippe Moreau (Vampyr director)

Vampyr will also have a live demonstration. The Nintendo PlayStation will be playable. And Eur 100,000 investment award game creation contest will be held with Jordan Mechner (Prince of Persia creator), Philippe Moreau (Vampyr) and Maxence Devoghelaere (last year’s winner) on the jury.

A few new screenshots of Shenmue III were shared in advance of its MAGIC 2018 appearance.

Shenmue III is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in the second half of 2018. It will be published both physically and digitally by Deep Silver.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-26 03:59 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-26 04:59 PM 编辑


Shenmue III MAGIC 2018 screenshots

  Ys Net 在摩纳哥游戏会议 MAGIC Monaco 2018 上,铃木裕制作人带来了《莎木3》的更多新截图,展示了本作中登场的数位 NPC 的建模。

  早在去年12月《莎木3》的众筹官网宣布本作的人设建模将由印度工作室 Lakshya Digital 负责,从截图可以看出该作的角色已经有了相当高的完成度,游戏应该能赶上原定2018年下半年发售的计划。

  《莎木3》将在2018年下半年发售,对应平台为PS4和PC,发行商Deep Silver将发行游戏的实体版和数字版。

Ys Net released four new screenshots of Shenmue III during Monaco Anime Game International Conferences (MAGIC) 2018.

Shenmue III is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in the second half of 2018. It will be published both physically and digitally by Deep Silver.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-28 06:14 PM |只看该作者
铃木裕:《莎木3》并非完结 系列或有续作
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/944602.jhtml


  与此同时,他还对摩纳哥游戏会议MAGIC Monaco 2018上放出的预告片做出了一番解释,许多玩家批评游戏中的人物缺乏面部动画,而且还肢体动作僵硬。实际上,这部视频只是去年科隆游戏展中旧预告的延伸版本,并不能代表最新的开发效果。


  尽管《莎木3》已经开发了近3年,但该作暂时还没有公布发售日期,目前唯一能确定的就是它将在今年推出(如果不跳票的话)。今年1月时,《莎木3》的另一个制作人Cedric Biscay曾在推特上发文表示,2018年将会带来很多惊喜。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-14 10:12 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-14 10:33 PM 编辑

Shenmue I & II announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
《莎木1&2HD》正式公布 2018 年内发售亚洲独占 PS4 海外版登入 3 大平台

  在今天举办的Sega Fes活动上,世嘉正式公布了传闻已久的《莎木1&2HD》。《莎木1+2合集》将在 2018 年登陆 PS4、Xbox One 以及 PC 平台。游戏在保留原版特色的同时也有诸多改进,比如分辨率全面提升;现代/经典操作设置选择;PC画质选项;改进的用户界面;日语/英语配音自由切换。 ​​​​


确定中文化! 《莎木 I & II》经典合辑 2018 年登陆 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 平台

  SEGA 今(14)日在东京秋叶原举办的「SEGA Fes」活动中宣布,将于 2018 年在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 推出《莎木(Shenmue)》系列的合辑《莎木 I & II(Shenmue I & II)》。

  《莎木 I & II》将收录 1999 年 12 月在 DC 推出的《莎木 一章 横须贺》与 2001 年 9 月在 DC 推出的《莎木 II》两款作品的内容。 从目前公布的宣传影片来看,将会采取 HD 版的方式制作。

  此外,SEGA 亚洲亦确认《莎木 I & II》将会推出 PS4 繁体中文版,并开设中文预告网站。即便如此,却丝毫不影响《莎木》系列在许多玩家心中的经典地位,系列的第三作《莎木3》也预计将在2018年年内发售!




Sega has announced Shenmue I & II for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It will launch worldwide in 2018. In Japan, it will only be released for PlayStation 4.

Here is an overview of the game, via Sega:

Since their original release, Shenmue I & II have established a passionate following and are revered as one of gaming’s greatest series of all time. These revolutionary masterpieces deliver a gripping story of retribution as Ryo Hazuki sets out to avenge his father’s death and attempts to unravel the secrets behind a mysterious artefact known as the Dragon Mirror.

Shenmue I & II comes complete with the original feature set that defined modern gaming, including enthralling jujitsu combat, investigative sleuthing, and RPG elements in addition to memorable mini- games. Shenmue I & II is set within engrossing real-time open worlds that feel truly alive thanks to day-to- night cycles and weather changes, with a population of civilians who follow their own schedules.

This is the definitive version of these all-time classics and will be the best Shenmue experience to date. The re-release will stay true to the originals with modernised features including fully scalable screen resolution, choice of modern or classic control schemes, PC graphics options, an updated user interface and the option to enjoy either the original Japanese or English voiceovers.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-19 03:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-19 04:00 PM 编辑

《莎木 I & II》经典合辑最新截图公开 开发已近完成
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946799.jhtml

  SEGA 近日在东京秋叶原举办的「SEGA Fes」活动中宣布,将于 2018 年在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 推出《莎木(Shenmue)》系列的合辑《莎木 I & II(Shenmue I & II)》,在新一期的《周刊Fami通》则透露了游戏的相关细节和开发进度。

  《莎木 I & II》将收录 1999 年 12 月在 DC 推出的《莎木 一章 横须贺》与 2001 年 9 月在 DC 推出的《莎木 II》两款作品的内容。在提高画质的同时将游戏画面拓展到了16:9(游戏过场仍为4:3),操作也添加了更为“现代”的左摇杆行动模式。此外本作还修正了 UI,并加入了 PSN 奖杯系统,目前的开发进度已达到70%。

  《莎木 一章 横须贺》讲述了男主角芭月凉出生于日本横须贺一个武术世家,年少的他亲眼目睹神秘的汉服男人逼问并杀死自己父亲的场景,卷入巨大阴谋的他随即踏上了探寻真相的旅途。续作《莎木 II》的舞台转至中国香港,追寻神秘男子的芭月凉来到这块陌生土地,父亲留下的两块古镜也被盗走,芭月凉一度陷入窘境。

  此外,SEGA 亚洲亦确认《莎木 I & II》将会推出 PS4 繁体中文版,并开设中文预告网站。即便如此,却丝毫不影响《莎木》系列在许多玩家心中的经典地位,系列的第三作《莎木3》也预计将在2018年年内发售!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-16 10:25 PM |只看该作者
Shenmue III Delayed to 2019
《莎木3》宣布将延期到2019年 为了进一步提升游戏的品质

  Ys Net 正在制作的 PS4 和 PC《莎木 3》在其官方网站上宣布,游戏将延期到 2019 年发售。去年科隆游戏展时,本作曾宣布与发行商Deep Silver合作准备在2018年下半年推出,不过现在官方表示为了提升游戏品质决定延期。

  铃木裕也出面道歉,他表示为了让游戏以最好的姿态呈现给大家,在与Deep Silver慎重讨论之后,决定延期发售,并利用这段时间进一步提升游戏的品质。

Release Date Announcement by Deep Silver

Hello Everyone,

Along with our publishers, Deep Silver, we have an announcement for the release date of Shenmue III. Our report follows with a comment from Mr. Suzuki.

Announcement by Deep Silver

“Deep Silver today announce that their upcoming release Shenmue III has been moved and will now release in 2019.

The extra time will be used to polish the quality of the game even further, to the high standards it deserves and release the product in the best possible timeframe.”

Comment by Yu Suzuki

To all of our backers, we are very sorry for the delay. After much discussion with our partners, Deep Silver, we have concluded that extending the release will allow us to deliver Shenmue III at its best. We promise to use this time to improve the quality of Shenmue III.

We cannot thank you enough for your enduring support.



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