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Once again, it’s time to hunt together – or kill alone. Welcome to the Evolve Xbox One Open Beta!
In about a month, Evolve will launch! However, you won’t need to wait until February 10th for this new taste of what Evolve is like. You’re invited to join us in the next round of testing for Evolve with the Xbox One Open Beta. Starting Thursday, January 15th, 9am PST we will need your help once again.
Fans will be able to play Evolve’s “Hunt” game mode with access to the first two monsters (Goliath and Kraken) and first eight hunters (Markov, Maggie, Val, Hank, Hyde, Griffin, Lazarus, and Bucket) across all 12 maps that support “Hunt” and are included at the time of launch.
EXCLUSIVE TO XBOX ONE – Any character unlocks you achieve during the Beta will carry over to the game when it launches on February 10th. Get a head start on the defense of Shear by playing as much as you can in the beta.
Have you already prepurchased or plan to prepurchase the game digitally on Xbox One? You will get early access to the third set of Hunters, Wraith AND those unlocks carry over to t he game when it launches on February 10th!
And, Starting on January 17th at Noon PST, you’re among the first to play Evolve’s dynamic campaign, “Evacuation.” If you’re not familiar with Evacuation, it’s a dynamic campaign combining modes, maps, and victory effects that provides over 800,000 paths to glory. It gives you a ridiculous amount of variety and a different experience almost every time you play. (For more information – and videos – you should check out this story for a full breakdown of how it works.)
How do you get in? First, ’ll need an active Xbox Live Gold membership. The Evolve Open Beta will be listed in the Xbox Games Store. Once you navigate to the product page (via search or following a link), click to download the Beta. Once downloaded, it will be in your Game Library and ready for battle on January 15th.
As part of this beta, we want to continue to stress test the servers and need your help to do it – so at 2pm PST on Saturday January 17th, we need as many people as possible to be online and playing Evolve.
So tell your friends, spread the word and have them join the fight for Shear!
Happy Hunting.
–The Evolve team at Turtle Rock Studios and 2K
For more details about the Beta, check out this post on the Evolve News page.
For the latest news on Evolve or for more information on the Beta, visit http://www.EvolveGame.com/News
一起獵殺或獨自殺戮的時候再次來臨。歡迎參與《惡靈進化》的Xbox One獨佔Beta公測!
再一個月左右,《惡靈進化》就要上市了!然而,您不必等到2月10日就能親自體驗到《惡靈進化》的最新模樣。您已獲邀參與《惡靈進化》的下一輪測試 - Xbox One獨佔Beta公測。從太平洋標準時間星期四(1月15日)早上9點起,我們需要您的再次協助。
XBOX ONE玩家專屬 - 您在Beta公測過程中解鎖的任何角色都可在2月10日《惡靈進化》正式版推出後延續使用。請在Beta公測裡大玩特玩,好在捍衛Shear星球的戰事中拔得頭籌。
您已經或打算在Xbox One上預購數位版遊戲了嗎?您將可以提早玩到第三組獵人角色和Wraith,而且您解鎖的那些角色都可在2月10日《惡靈進化》正式版推出後延續使用!
另外,自1月17日起,您將搶先玩到《惡靈進化》的動態「撤離」戰役。在這做簡單說明以防您不清楚什麼是「撤離」戰役:這是個結合各種模式、地圖,且勝負會影響後續戰事發展的戰役,提供了超過80萬種邁向榮耀的組合。這讓您每次玩遊戲都可以獲得豐富的變化性與截然不同的體驗。如需更多資訊和影片,請參考這篇詳細解析「撤離」戰役的文章(超連結 - http://evolvegame.com/news/evolves-evacuation-explained)。
如何參加測試?首先,您必須具備有效的Xbox Live金會員資格。《惡靈進化》Beta公測會出現在Xbox Games市集中。一旦您找到產品頁面(經由搜尋或使用連結),點擊下載Beta。
藉由本次Beta公測,我們希望繼續對遊戲伺服器進行壓力測試,因而需要您的協助 - 所以,在太平洋標準時間1月17日星期六下午2點,我們需要大家上線玩《惡靈進化》,人數愈多愈好。
– Turtle Rock Studios和2K的《惡靈進化》團隊
如需有關Beta公測的詳細資訊,請參考 「《惡靈進化》新聞」頁面上的這篇文章。.
如要取得《惡靈進化》的最新消息或Beta公測的更多資訊,請見http://www.EvolveGame.com/News |