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【PC/PS4/XO】Star Wars: Battlefront









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-17 06:48 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-17 06:09 PM 编辑

Darth Vader PS4 limited edition announced, classic Star Wars games included
黑暗原力降临! 《星际大战:战场前线》PS4 限定版黑武士机 11 月 17 日同步登场

  美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)16 日在安纳罕举办的 D23 Expo 中发表,将于 11 月 17 日随 EA 发行的 PS4 动作射击游戏《星际大战:战场前线(Star Wars Battlefront)》在美国同步推出以《星际大战》系列代表性角色「黑武士」达斯·维达为主题所设计的限定版 PS4 同捆主机。

  这款 PS4 限定机是以新型号的 CUH-1200 为基础,机身上部印有达斯‧维达的肖像,底层布满「STAR WARS」标志。 同捆的 DS4 无线控制器采用与黑武士盔甲相同的亮黑色配色,红蓝白的按钮与游戏杆则是受到黑武士胸前控制面板的启发,触碰板上同样布满「STAR WARS」标志。

  主机包装中除了《星际大战:战场前线》豪华版套装游戏之外,还附有 4 款《星际大战》系列经典游戏的下载代码,包含 SFC《超级星际大战》、PS2《星际大战:赛艇复仇者》、PS2《星际大战;绝地星际战机》、PS2《星际大战:奖金猎人》,提供经过强化的画面与支持奖杯功能。

  另外,为了庆祝《迪斯尼无限世界 3.0》上市,SCEA 将在 Wal-mart 限量推出与《迪斯尼无限世界 3.0》同捆的限定版 PS4 主机,内含特别设计的 PS4 主机与 DS4 控制器,《迪斯尼无限世界 3.0》套装游戏、读取台、帝国反抗军崛起游玩组合、波巴·费特人偶,以及经典游戏下载代码。

  除了上述两种限量与专卖版之外,SCEA 还预定在美国推出《星际大战:战场前线》标准版与极致黑 PS4 主机的同捆优惠组合,包装中同样包含 4 款《星际大战》系列经典游戏的下载代码。


Darth Vader-Inspired PS4 System Revealed, Two Star Wars Bundles Out This November

The Force is about to get a whole lot stronger with PlayStation. I just got off the stage at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, where I introduced a very special limited edition Darth Vader-inspired PS4 system that will be available as part of two Star Wars bundles available November 17th (pre-orders starting soon).

The Limited Edition Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Bundle will include a custom 500GB limited edition PS4 system (CUH-1200 series) and DualShock 4 Wireless Controller inspired by Darth Vader. The fully customized PS4 features an image of Darth Vader, as well as a repeated Star Wars logo across the top of the system. The Darth Vader edition DualShock 4 is inspired by Darth Vader’s chest panel and features the repeated Star Wars logo on its touchpad.

The bundle also includes Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition, as well as a digital voucher to download four classic Star Wars titles – Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter and Star Wars Bounty Hunter – playable for the first time on PS4, and sporting enhanced graphics and Trophy support. I’ll give you a minute to take that all in…

And, to celebrate the launch of Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, we’re releasing a Limited Edition Disney Infinity 3.0: Star Wars PS4 Bundle available exclusively at Wal-mart on November 17th.

The package will include the Darth Vader-inspired 500GB PS4 system (CUH-1200 series) and DualShock 4 Wireless Controller, as well as the Disney Infinity 3.0: Star Wars Edition PlayStation Exclusive Hardware Bundle Kit. The kit includes a physical copy of Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, the Disney Infinity Base, the Rise Against the Empire Play Set Pack (featuring Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa figures, as well the Rise Against the Empire Play Set piece), and the Boba Fett figure, exclusive to PlayStation through this holiday. The Limited Edition Disney Infinity 3.0: Star Wars PS4 Bundle will also include a digital voucher for the four classic Star Wars games mentioned above.

In addition to these two limited edition bundles, we’re also offering a standard-edition Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Bundle which includes a PS4 system (CUH-1200 series) and DualShock 4 Wireless Controller in Jet Black, as well as Star Wars Battlefront and a digital voucher for the four classic Star Wars games.

Adam Boyes - VP Publisher Relations, SCEA



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-8-17 06:11 PM |只看该作者
《星际大战》将建立主题园区 九部曲宣布由《侏罗纪世界》导演执导

  8 月 14 日于美国安纳罕展开的迪斯尼 D23 博览会上,公开了经典科幻作品《星际大战》将开设独立主题乐园,以及九部曲导演的消息。


  向来会公布许多未来迪斯尼动向、2 年一度的 D23,这次于博览会上,公布了未来将于加州「迪斯尼乐园」以及佛罗里达州的「迪斯尼世界」两个园区中,设立科幻作品《星际大战》的主题园区消息。 虽然于活动中未公开关于《星际大战》主题园区的开园时间,但根据官方表示,该主题园区面积将会达到 14 英亩,并且会是迪斯尼乐园中最大的独立主题园区。

  《星际大战》主题园区将会以一颗未曾探索的行星作为背景设定,在 D23 上官方也率先公开了两项主题园区的游乐设施,其中一项为游玩者将搭乘着接受极秘任务的千年鹰号驰骋于宇宙,而另外一项设施则是玩家将于园区中,体验到帝国军与反叛军间的战争。


  除了主题园区的消息外,《星际大战》同时公开了《星际大战 九部曲》将由《侏罗纪世界》导演 科林崔佛洛(Colin Trevorrow)执导的消息。 根据科林崔佛洛表示,他们将会向年轻世代叙述一个新的故事,并将透过故事告诉他们由乔治卢卡斯带给他们的「无穷的创意、纯粹的创造力、以及希望」。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-8-20 06:58 PM |只看该作者



  《星际大战:战场前线》将于2015年11月20日发售,登录XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-28 06:48 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-29 06:55 AM 编辑

First Look at Star Wars Battlefront’s 'Battle of Jaku' DLC
《星际大战:战场前线》首部 DLC「Battle of Jakku」内容公开 预购可获先行下载权力

  EA 旗下 DICE 工作室开发、预定 11 月 17 日上市的动作射击游戏《星际大战:战场前线(Star Wars Battlefront)》,宣布首部 DLC「Battle of Jakku」的消息。 官方同时表示,预购战场前线的玩家将可以获得提前一周,在 2015 年 12 月 1 日先行下载「Battle of Jakku」篇章的权利。

  《星际大战:战场前线》的「Battle of Jakku」章节将会是描写《星际大战六部曲:绝地大反攻》的 Endor 大战由反抗军获得胜利的一年后,新共和国军和大规模的帝国军残党在名为 Jakku 边境沙漠星球的大战,同时也是《星际大战》银河史中的重要转折点之战。

  而 Jakku 行星同时也是未来将上映的《星际大战七部曲:原力觉醒》的舞台之一,玩家可以看到在「原力觉醒」的 29 年前,于 Jakku 行星上坠落的死星,以及从死星中撤离的帝国军残党和登陆反抗军间的对阵。

Get a First Glimpse of the Battle of Jakku in Star Wars Battlefront

As debris from battles above shower the desert ground, the feeling of chaos is intensifying. A Star Destroyer has just crash-landed and some of its engines are still smoking. The battle has just begun…

We are proud to give you a first visual glimpse of The Battle of Jakku, coming to Star Wars Battlefront on December 1st, 2015, for all who pre-order, and a week later for all other game holders. The Battle of Jakku was the pivotal moment when the New Republic confronted key Imperial holdouts on a remote desert planet.

Learn how to be among the first players to experience the Battle of Jakku

Taking place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

In the artwork above, a Star Destroyer has crash landed, and from the belly of this battle-scared metal giant, a myriad of Imperial ground troops have evacuated and engaged with Rebel troops, also strangers to this desert planet.

This intensity of battle was one of the aspects that DICE Concept Artist Anton Grandert wanted to convey when creating the Jakku artwork. The size difference between the visual elements was another:

“There’s a David and Goliath theme to this,” says Grandert. “The epic, huge super structures of the Star Destroyers contrast against the tiny but brave Rebel soldiers fighting the Imperial forces.”

And true to the core gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront, the artwork features many different aspects of Star Wars battle fantasies - on land and in the sky.

“We wanted to portray a battle completely surrounding you, in every direction. Debris is falling from the sky, telling the story of battles above. On the surface of the planet you can see ground troops as well as X-wings, all taking part of the fight,” Grandert says.

Together with Jakku, other iconic Star Wars locations like Hoth, Tatooine, Endor, and the previously unexplored planet Sullust will all be part of Star Wars Battlefront.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-9-2 06:51 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-3 06:45 PM 编辑

Star Wars Battlefront Beta Begins Early October
《星际大战:战场前线》Beta 测试 10 月初美国展开 开放 40 人战场与新模式「Drop Zone」

  由 EA 旗下 DICE 工作室开发的第一人称射击游戏《星际大战:战场前线(Star Wars Battlefront)》于近日在官网透露,Beta 测试将于 10 月初在美国展开。

  PS4、Xbox One、PC《星际大战:战场前线》在即将展开的 Beta 测试中将着重在技术测试,以及 40 人多人战场「Walker Assault」,在此将重现原著电影《星际大战五部曲:帝国大反击》中著名的霍斯战役,并开放让玩家选择扮演「达斯 · 维达」或「路克 · 天行者」;在塔图因上展开的生存任务也将抢先开放体验,玩家将与反抗军一同击退帝国军的侵袭。

  此外,官方透露将揭露一个全新的模式「Drop Zone」,并会于 Beta 测试中开放,详细信息将于日后公开。

  《星际大战:战场前线》PS4、Xbox One、PC 预定 10 初在美国展开 Beta 测试。

You wanted a Star Wars Battlefront Beta? As You Wish.

Ever since we revealed Star Wars Battlefront in April at Star Wars Celebration, you've been asking us if there would be a Beta. Today, we are thrilled to finally be able to answer that question, and the answer is yes!

Coming early October to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on Origin for PC, the Star Wars Battlefront Beta is a technical test and will feature Walker Assault on Hoth, a 40-player multiplayer battle featuring Rebels and the Empire. Walker Assault will also give you the chance to play as two of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe: Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. The Beta will also feature our Survival Mission on Tatooine, where you and a Rebel friend must fight back waves of Imperial forces.

In addition to those two modes, we are excited to reveal a brand-new mode that will be available in the Beta, Drop Zone. We’ll be sharing more details on Drop Zone in the weeks ahead.

As part of the Star Wars Battlefront Beta we are also happy to reveal the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience. Available during the Beta at StarWarsBattlefront.com, the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience features the strategic card game Base Command, and lets you earn in-game Credits that unlock Star Cards, weapons, and more in Star Wars Battlefront. In addition to Base Command, the Companion also lets Rebels and Imperials alike check game stats and progression, customize load-outs and appearance, connect with friends, and get notified when they’re playing Star Wars Battlefront – as well as gather intel on their stats and progression so you can see how you match up! The Star Wars Battlefront Companion will be available on web and in the Apple App Store and Google Play store prior to the release of Star Wars Battlefront on November 17.

We'll have a lot more info regarding the Star Wars Battlefront Beta in the weeks ahead.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-9-9 06:50 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-10 06:58 PM 编辑

Star Wars Battlefront Drop Zone Mode Details
《星际大战:战场前线》揭露新模式「Drop Zone」玩法 官方提醒玩家留意假网站

  EA 揭露《星际大战:战场前线》新模式「Drop Zone」玩法,预定于 10 月初展开的 Beta 测试中抢先开放玩家体验。

  官方表示,新模式「Drop Zone」考验玩家的反应和战术运用,玩法类似「山丘之王(King of the Hill)」风格。 在 8 人对 8 人对战中,反抗军和帝国军要抢夺并控制从大气层掉落至地图中心的驾驶舱(pod)。

  当玩家找到一个驾驶舱时,要启动装置,一旦一方阵营抢夺了 5 个驾驶舱,即赢得胜利,若对战超过 10 分钟,则是由抢夺数多的一方获胜。 对战过程中,若有一个驾驶舱迟迟没有被一方夺走,系统将会发送另一个驾驶舱打破僵局,这是对战中便有两个驾驶舱让玩家发挥策略、并控制它们。 目前,新模式「Drop Zone」预定会在塔图因、霍斯星、苏鲁斯特星与恩多星上开战。

  《星际大战:战场前线》预定 10 月初展开 Bate 测试。 目前官方尚未开放测试资格注册申请,而 EA 社群经理 Matthew Everett 也在 Reddit 提醒玩家:「不要被假的封测注册网站愚弄(Do not be fooled by fake beta sign-up sites),测试资格注册申请将只会在官方网站上开放。 」

Fight for Pod Control in the Action-Filled Drop Zone Mode

Continuing our odyssey through the game modes of Star Wars Battlefront, our next stop is an action-filled, tactical mode where you’ll need to keep an eye on the sky. Let’s talk about Drop Zone.

Similar to “King of the Hill”-style experiences, the objective in Drop Zone centers on drop pods falling through the atmosphere onto the planet surfaces. In tight 8-versus-8 matches, Rebel and Empire teams fight to capture and control these pods.

When you locate a drop pod’s landing site, make your way to it and trigger the short claim process. Your team will win if it captures five pods, or control the majority of them after the 10-minute match is up. If a pod is constantly changing possession with no team able to defend it long enough to claim it, another pod will be sent down to break the stalemate. Then, there would be two pods that the teams have to gain control over.

Drop Zone is all about action and quick thinking, forcing Rebels and Imperial troops to always be on their feet. Though captured pods need to be defended, static players standing in a cluster too close to their pod always run the risk of being hit by explosives or a well-placed Orbital Strike.

“This goes hand in hand with our design philosophy behind many of the game modes in Star Wars Battlefront,” Lead Level Designer Dennis Brännvall explains. “We’re promoting the idea of a fast, action-packed game where you need to be mobile and think on your feet. Camping doesn't really pay off.”

Apart from playing the objective and bringing your team to victory, claiming pods comes with another perk: they contain Power Pickups. Once successfully claimed, the pod will start to open. This will take a moment, but staying around to get your hands on the contents can definitely be worth the risk. The choice is yours, though; when your claimed pod is opening up, another one will hit the surface elsewhere and going for that one could be the smarter move.

Apart from making these decisions, there are other ways to master Drop Zone. For instance, using the Droids and Turrets in your arsenal can be an excellent strategic move. Since it’s somewhat hard to predict which areas you’ll be defending, makeshift defenses like these are great to deploy. Throw down a turret and give your partner a shout that you've got this section covered, or deploy a Viper Droid that outlines where enemies are coming from.

Whether you’ll be playing Drop Zone on Tatooine, Hoth, Sullust, or Endor, a ton of work has been put in to map design from a gameplay perspective, fine-tuning key locations in order to make the matches as entertaining and interesting as possible.

“Playing Drop Zone on the Swamp Crash Site on Endor is a personal favorite. The map has a couple of nice choke points but is overall very free-flowing and hectic, as enemies can attack from anywhere on that level,” says Brännvall. “The fight takes place around a crashed GR-75 transport ship with containers from the craft strewn across the landscape, and there’s one section with a waterfall overlooked by an Ewok village, where you have to jump down into the pool below in order to claim the pod, hoping no one’s hiding in the trees above waiting to pick you off.”

We hope you’ll enjoy exploring all these ins and outs of Drop Zone - and of course all the other game modes - when Star Wars Battlefront lands November 17th. Keep an eye on the sky.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-9-18 06:03 PM |只看该作者
【TGS 15】《星际大战:战场前线》Beta 测试将开放给所有玩家体验

  EA 旗下射击游戏《星际大战:战场前线》Beta 测试即将于 10 月登场,所有玩家都有机会参与此次测试。

  先前,官方透露 PS4、Xbox One、PC《星际大战:战场前线》此次 Beta 测试将着重在技术测试,开放 40 人多人战场「Walker Assault」与「Drop Zone」模式等内容让玩家体验。

  近日《星际大战:战场前线》社群经理 Mathew Everett 在官网进一步透露,这次 Beta 测试将同时有脱机和在线模式,并包含合作(co-op)与分割屏幕合作(split-screen co-op)两种,并宣布开放所有人都可以体验这次 Beta 测试(beta is open to everyone )。

  研发团队目前正针对武器、模块、载具等进行适当的调整,他说:「我们了解玩家急切地想要了解游戏的细节,研发团队也期待能陆续向大家展示。 」

  《星际大战:战场前线》PS4、Xbox One、PC 预定 10 月初在美国展开 Beta 测试。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-9-20 07:26 AM |只看该作者
Beta for Star Wars Battlefront will be open, will include Drop Zone on Sullust

Star Wars Battlefront Community Update #4

Welcome to this week's Community Blog! My name is Mathew Everett, and I am your Star Wars Battlefront Community Manager. This blog is meant to keep you updated and informed on all our current happenings around Star Wars Battlefront. Make sure to let me know what you think of these updates and tweet us what else you would like to see. Now to this week’s update.

So... How about that beta news? Yes, we have a beta incoming and the final date will be announced as soon as we have the final details locked in. For now, I can tell you this: the beta will consist of both our offline and online modes including co-op and split-screen co-op, and it will take place on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and via Origin for PC, so we have you covered regardless of your next generation platform of choice.

Get ready hit the battlefront on Hoth via Walker Assault and check out our newly revealed mode, Drop Zone on Sullust. Now, I have to state my excitement here as this is by far my favorite mode and I can't wait for you to check it out for yourself.

Is online Multiplayer with more than two players just not your thing? We have you covered.

Stranded on Tatooine solo, with a friend online, or couch co-op, you’re going to want check out our beta Survival Mission mode.

Now that we have officially announced the beta, most of you are just itching to know how you can get in. Well, we're excited to say that the beta is open to everyone! Get ready for the beta release date and also make sure your system is ready to download the beta the moment it goes live. Keep your eyes peeled for myself and many other developers during the live beta as we have some cool stuff planned.

I almost forgot upcoming items and news! As I mentioned a few weeks back, our team is working hard to continue to gather the proper details around features, modes, weapons, vehicles, and more. We know a lot of the community is eager to get every specific detail around the game, and our team is looking forward to revealing it.

I have been collecting some of the top questions from around the community. Check them out below.

Community Questions

Q.) Will there be any AI bots in multiplayer in addition to other players?
A.) Yes! Our Fighter Squadron mode features AI units (10 on each side).

Q.) Will there be sidearms or only primary guns?
A.) We offer a primary blaster along with a hand of Star Cards. How you customize your Star Card hand will be up to you.

Q.) What comes with the various editions, i.e. Deluxe vs. Standard?
A.) The Standard Edition of Star Wars Battlefront will include the base game. The Deluxe Edition will include the base game and have the Ion Grenade, Ion Torpedo, and DL-44 unlocked right away along with the exclusive Ion Shock and Victory emotes.

Q.) Can I buy the Deluxe Edition on disk in a retail store, or is it just digitally online?
A.) The Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition is available as a physical item for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only.

Q.) Can I upgrade my vehicles in Star Wars Battlefront?
A.) Vehicles in Star Wars Battlefront come with their own weapons and abilities that make them authentic to the Star Wars universe.

Until next time, I thank you for checking out these community updates and look forward to sharing more about Star Wars Battlefront. If you have any questions, feel free to ping us on Twitter or Facebook.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-9-20 07:51 AM |只看该作者
DICE explains Star Wars Battlefront’s Hero System

The Heroes of Star Wars: Battlefront - Luke Skywalker

Like many of you, Senior Producer Jamie Keen was eagerly anticipating the gameplay reveal trailer of Walker Assault on Hoth when it was presented at E3. Aware of all the surprises the piece had in store for fans, he had his eyes glued to reactions to each exciting moment.

At the trailer’s climactic end, the Rebels are in dire straits as Darth Vader has just entered the battle zone. Dominating the fight underneath the foreboding shadow of the mighty AT-AT, the evil Sith Lord seems unstoppable.

Enter Luke Skywalker. Dishing out Heavy Attacks and Force Pushes to control the crowds, the opposing stormtroopers have no chance. Eyes on the prize, Luke charges towards Vader, their Lightsabers clash, and the outcome is left to our imaginations.

“Seeing fan reactions to Luke entering the battle has been really overwhelming. We can totally relate to those feelings; Luke crossing Lightsabers with Vader is such an iconic moment,” says Jamie Keen.

Luke Skywalker is one of several playable Heroes in Star Wars Battlefront, and fans of Star Wars will recognize his Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi look: dark clothes, gloved right hand, and his self-crafted green Lightsaber. Luke is an acrobatic character, immensely powerful, and skilled with the Force - but also somewhat new to his powers. Jamie Keen tells us how Luke’s powers and movement reflect the overall state of his development as a Jedi:

“His jump is based on a normal biomechanical jump, but it’s augmented by the Force. You see this in the films as well, such as when he’s jumping out of the carbonite pit or when he’s training on Dagobah.”

Luke’s movement is varied and powerful, featuring a wide-sweeping, heavy attack with his Lightsaber that can take out large groups of enemies. For more distant targets, the Force Push is a gratifying move that will send Imperial troops flying, and Saber Rush lets you use the Force to propel yourself extremely quickly for a lightning-fast attack.

You’ll get to step into Luke’s boots if you locate a pickup for the character. But be aware: your time as a Hero or Villain is limited, as your health will constantly decrease. You are able to extend that time and health by killing enemies though.

“Our goal was to give an average player around two minutes as a Hero or Villain,” says Keen. “But if you’re good enough, you might stretch that to around five minutes. In theory, you could play as Luke Skywalker for a whole match, but that is extremely unlikely. That said, the gauntlet is thrown!”

On November 17, you’ll get to pick up that gauntlet and try out Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and all the other iconic Heroes and Villains Star Wars Battlefront has to offer. Stay tuned for more deep-dives into these characters, and the reveal of more in the lineup.



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发表于 2015-9-25 07:16 AM |只看该作者
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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Begins October 8
《星际大战:战场前线》正式揭晓 Beta 测试时程

  Electronic Arts 今(25)日正式宣布旗下《星际大战:战场前线》将于 10 月 8 日展开 Beta 测试,并计划开放给所有玩家体验。

  PS4、Xbox One、PC《星际大战:战场前线》将于 10 月 8 日起至 10 月 12 日展开 Beta 测试,此次主要为技术测试,玩家将可以化身帝国军和反抗军抢先在霍斯星上展开 40 人多人对战「Walker Assault」、体验于苏鲁斯特星开打的「Drop Zone」模式,以及塔图因上的生存任务(Survival Mission)。

  除此之外,玩家也将有机会可以体验 iOS / Android 《星际大战:战场前线 同伴(Star Wars Battlefront Companion)》,这是一款卡牌策略游戏,透过游玩「Base Command」玩家可以获得积分,以解锁《星际大战:战场前线》星际卡、武器或其他内容。 另外,此应用程序也提供查看游戏内的状况、制定外观、与朋友联系等功能。

  PS4、Xbox One、PC《星际大战:战场前线》将于 10 月 8 日起展开为期 5 天的 Beta 测试。

The Star Wars Battlefront Beta is Coming October 8th

Get ready to be taken to a galaxy far, far away! Today, we are happy to reveal that the Star Wars Battlefront Beta will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and on PC via Origin players between October 8 and October 12. The Star Wars Battlefront Beta is a technical test and will give Rebels and Imperials alike just a small taste of the Star Wars battle fantasies you can expect to live out when the game launches on November 17.

The Beta will let you experience three modes spread across three iconic planets including:

• Walker Assault on Hoth: Fight in epic 40-player battles as a Rebel to destroy the Empire’s onslaught of AT-AT’s by calling in Y-wing bombers. Or, side with the Empire and protect your walkers while utilizing their mighty weaponry to crush the Rebel objective.

• Drop Zone on Sullust: Escape pods are crashing down and you and your team must fight to control them. With its frantic 8v8 matches, Drop Zone is sure to put your combat and strategy skills to the test.

• Survival Mission on Tatooine: Play alone or with a friend via co-op or split-screen as you battle to hold off waves of Imperial forces including AT-ST’s, TIE fighters, elite stormtroopers and more.

In addition to the Star Wars Battlefront Beta on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and on Origin for PC, you will also get a chance to try out the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience. Available during the Beta only at StarWarsBattlefront.com, the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience features the strategic card game Base Command, and lets you earn in-game Credits that unlock Star Cards, weapons, and more in Star Wars Battlefront. In addition to Base Command, the Companion also lets players check out game stats and progression, customize load-outs and appearance, connect with friends, and more.

Whether you look forward to crushing the Rebel scum or feel like you can take on the whole Empire by yourself, we look forward to seeing all you in the Star Wars Battlefront Beta on October 8th.

Be sure to sign up for the EA newsletter to get all the latest information on the Star Wars Battlefront Beta and other EA games.



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