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【新闻部】Spike Chunsoft









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-11 06:20 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-11 06:51 PM 编辑

PixelJunk Monsters 2 Season Pass, limited physical edition announced

Spike Chunsoft has announced a $7.99 Season Pass and limited physical edition for the upcoming PixelJunk Monsters 2 from Q-Games.

Here are the details, via a series of Spike Chunsoft tweets:

Season Pass – $7.99

Includes the “Encore Pack” and “Danganronpa Pack” downloadable contents.

Digital Deluxe Edition – $21.99

Includes the game and all downloadable contents.

Encore Pack – $4.99 (TBD)

Take on a new stage, Encore Peak, with the new missile tower.

Danganronpa Pack – $4.99 (TBD)

Enroll in a new challenge with the new Danganronpa-themed Hope’s Peak Academy stage and the new Mana tower! A certain headmaster has filled all the monsters with despair, and even Tikiman can get some beary familiar masks for himself!

Golden Outfits Pack – free until June 7 (available at launch)

Dress up Tikiman in golden outfits and masks.

Limited Physical Edition

A limited physical edition will also be released. Details were not announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Spike Chunsoft:

About the PixelJunk Series

In 2007, Q-Games released PixelJunk Racers. Since then, the series’ popularity has grown internationally and Q-Games has released several celebrated PixelJunk titles with genres ranging from arty platformers to hard-core side-scrollers.

About PixelJunk Monsters 2

In the acclaimed tower defense series’ first ever official sequel, play as Tikiman and build towers to defend your Tiki Hut from the monster hordes. The sequel brings with it four player online co-op, new and sometimes quite explosive fruit bombs and on top of that the game has been fully re-imagined in beautifully detailed 3D. Get ready to defend your Chibis again in this fun and addictive game for all the family.

Key Features

  • Local & Online Play – Maximize the fun by playing with your friends on the couch or with up to four players online!
  • Close Encounters – Multiply the suspense by toggling your POV from top-down to an in-your-face view!
  • Fluid and Detailed Graphics – Immerse yourself in an all new world like never before as the HD animation breathes life into Tikiman and the unique maps!
  • The Mask Makes the Tikiman – A mask for any occasion! Customize Tikiman with different masks and shells.

PixelJunk Monsters 2 is due out digitally for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC on May 25 for $14.99. A demo is available now across all three platforms.

Update 05/11/18 at 12:08 a.m.: The tweet and accompanying image posted earlier confirming a limited physical edition of PixelJunk Monsters 2 has been deleted, and a new image / tweet that lacks mention of the limited physical edition has been posted, which we have updated above. In an e-mail, Spike Chunsoft told Gematsu that while it is currently planning a physical edition, it has yet to be finalized.

《PIXEL JUNK 怪兽驱逐战 2》公开游戏本篇发售后预计推出的 DLC 以及早期购入特典情报
制作 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/162462.html

  Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd. 将在 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch / PC Steam 平台发售塔防游戏《PIXEL JUNK 怪兽驱逐战 2(Pixel Junk Monsters 2 )》,在游戏本篇发售后,将于近期推出追加下载内容(DLC),并同时释出早期购入特典 DLC 情报。

  游戏本篇在 Nintendo Switch 平台上的发售日预计为 2018 年 5 月 24,PC 版为 2018 年 5 月 26 日、PS4 版则将于 2018 年 6 月 5 日开始贩卖。 并将在发售的同日推出季票礼包(2 个追加 DLC),以及和游戏本篇 + DLC 同捆的 Digital Deluxe(仅于 PS4 版贩卖)。

  日前也于 5 月 10 日于 Nintendo Switch 推出了免费体验版,PS4 以及 PC 平台中也已经先行开放下载,在正式版推出前,提供给各位玩家抢先体验本作的乐趣。


预计在游戏本篇发售后推出 2 种新追加之 DLC

DLC ① 安可扩充包
  据说以前有许多怪兽栖息在此处。 因为争夺地盘的激烈化而被封印禁止进入。 但是,现在将解开封印,梯奇族的挑战将再次开始!


预定发售日:2018 年 6 月 19 日
追加新地域(3 关卡 ×3 种难易度)
追加 2 种新塔

DLC ② 枪弹辩驳扩充包
  希望之峰是从久远以前流传到现在的祭祀圣地。 据说这里住着拥有一副熊脸的神兽呢。 若要自称为菁英梯奇曼的话,就只能入山证明自己的实力了!


预定发售日:2018 年 7 月 3 日
追加新地域(3 关卡 ×3 种难易度)
追加黑白熊 Ver. 面具、甲壳


  只要在活动期间内购买本作游戏,随即附赠早期购入特典「黄金面具」以及「黄金甲壳」。 这可是期间限定的稀有道具呢,错过可就无法入手啰!

Nintendo Switch / PC:活动期限至 2018 年 6 月 7 日。
PS4:活动期限至 2018 年 6 月 18 日。



贩卖包含了 2 种 DLC 的季票组合
PS4 版也有特别的 Digital Deluxe 组合包

<季票组合(包含 2 种新追加之 DLC)>
名称:Pixel Junk Monsters 2 季票
预定发售日:2018 年 5 月 24 日(Nintendo Switch)/2018 年 5 月 26 日(PC)

名称:Pixel Junk Monsters 2 Digital Deluxe
预定发售日: 2018 年 6 月 5 日(PS4) 

游戏名称:Pixel Junk Monsters 2
游戏平台:PlayStation 4/Nintendo Switch/PC(Steam)
Nintendo Switch:2018 年 5 月 24 日
PC(Steam):2018 年 5 月 26 日(北美 5 月 25 日)
PlayStation 4:2018 年 6 月 5 日
贩卖价格:PC/PS4 数字下载版:99HKD/380TWD
游戏人数:单机 1~2 人/在线 1~4 人
发行厂商:Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-29 07:50 AM |只看该作者
Zanki Zero details Haruto, Ryo, Rinko, Yuma, ruins, creatures, and more

Spike Chunsoft has released new information and screenshots of Zanki Zero: Last Beginning further introducing four of the game’s eight main characters—Haruto Higurashi, Ryo Mikajime, Rinko Susukino, and Yuma Mashiro—as well as the game’s ruins, creatures, and more.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

Haruto Higurashi (voiced by Toshiyuki Toyonaga) – Editor of Sloth

Editor at the industry-leading publisher Mashiro Shuppan. 25 years old. After a certain something pushes him over the edge emotionally, he heads for the rooftop, but—when he wakes up after, it was in a world where humanity had fallen.

Haruto is a diligent leader, but to that extent lacks flexibility. He is the last to wake up among the eight people on Gareki Island, and Extend TV declares that his awakening completes the last survivors of humanity. He likes spicy foods and dislikes sweets.

Ryo Mikajime (voiced by Toshihiko Seki) – Artist of Envy

A young and upcoming bondage artist who makes artwork that binds together people and objects. 25 years old. As he cannot afford to make a living off his artistic activities alone, he also works as a cameraman to get by.

Bondage is and always will be his style of art, and he only sees the things he binds as sexual “once in a while.” He is cheerful, sociable, and quick to open his heart to anyone he meets. He can also be unexpectedly cowardly, and at first has a negative attitude towards exploring the danger-filled ruins.

Rinko Susukino (voiced by Haruka Yoshimura) – Florist of Lust

A lovely woman who works for her parents’ flower shop. 25 years old. She is a hard worker with a very helpful and kind personality, but is also a bit of an airhead. When she awakens on the island, she is unable to deal with the sudden change of the conditions around her and seems to be stricken with considerable panic.

Due to the nature of her work, she knows flowers and their language very well, and judges Ryo Mikajime to be a “Cactus-like person.” She believes that she and the others are part of a television reality show, and goes into the ruins, but…?

Yuma Mashiro (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu) – Heiress of Gluttony

The only daughter of the leader of the world-famous enterprise known as Mashiro Group. 25 years old. She is an elusive character with a cool attitude, who does things at her own pace and does not often show emotion. Since she is from one of the wealthiest families in the country, her behavior is somewhat other-worldly.

At any rate, she is obsessed with eating and maintaining style. When the topic of food comes up during conversation, she has a habit of eating fantasy “air meals.”


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-29 07:50 AM |只看该作者
■ Explore the Ruins to Reveal the Pasts of the Eight Main Characters

The eight main characters are cloned humans who can only live for 13 days, but can regenerate any number of times through the “Extend” system. You will have to explore dangerous ruins while dealing with both the problems of gathering parts to complete the “Extend Machine,” through which it is possible to free the clones from their restricted life spans, and earning the amount of Score required to be able to “Extend” before they reach the end of their life span. Here, we will introduce the connection between the ruins and main characters, as well as the dangers of the ruins that go beyond wild animals.

Gimmicks: The Eight Characters Must Be Alive to Open the “Zanki Hatch”

In the ruins, there will sometimes be a thick steel gate known as a “Zanki Hatch.” In order to open this gate and progress, all eight characters must be alive.

Every chapter has plenty of ruins, which are remnants of buildings that were used in everyday life, such as commercial facilities. But it seems unnatural for gates like the Zanki Hatch to have been installed before the world was destroyed.

Zanki Zero: Last Beginning has a variety of gimmicks beyond the Zanki Hatch, including pressure-sensitive switches and small holes that only children can fit through.

Every Ruin Has a Common Feature

At first glance, the ruins that appear in each chapter, which include station buildings and tree-house style leisure facilities, do not appear to be connected. However, the ruins actually have a common feature. That is, “among the eight main characters, there is a major connection to someone’s past.”

Learn the Pasts of the Eight Main Characters through the Ruins

In Zanki Zero: Last Beginning, the character that the player takes the perspective of changes for every chapter, and the ruins you explore are also connected to that character. In these ruins that are deeply connected to the characters, like if they once worked at an office, the incidents and traumas they experienced in the past will come to light.

The first chapter unfolds from Haruto’s perspective and plays out from there. He will explore the ruins of the “Mashiro Garden Tower,” which is the station building where Mashiro Shuppan, his former place of employment, was located.

“Memories of the Ruins” Recorded in Mysterious “Capture Videos”

Within the ruins are several old televisions like the one in the garage on Gareki Island, which broadcast the same “Extend TV” station as the one in the garage. Depicted on the televisions are episodes of Extend TV in which Sho discovers a mysterious video tape (VHS) and checks it out with Mirai. According to Mirai, these tape are “Capture Videos,” and are “meant to be used to understand the memories associated with the ruins and clear it.”

The first Capture Video, which is questionably titled “Laziness #1: The First…,” shows Haruto as a new employee at Mashiro Shuppan, but how can it be used to clear the ruins as it is intended to be used? And what kind of memories are recorded in the second volume and so on?

Monstrous Creatures will Attack the Survivors

When the main characters discover the figures of humans in the ruins, they express happiness in there being other survivors besides themselves. However, what stands before them is not human, they are monsters with the appearance of humans…

According to Extend TV, these monsters are called “creatures” and are natural enemies to humanity, as they are dangerous beings who mean to take lives of the main characters. Also, Mirai says that “‘creatures’ are the ‘shadow’ of what humanity once was…”

Some Creatures can even speak. Are they really a shadow of what humanity once was?

Mirai says that creatures are not only aiming for the lives of the main characters, they are also aiming for the “Cross-Key.” However, the reason they are aiming for the Cross-Key is unclear.

—Cross Key

The Cross-Key is a cross-shaped metal part attached to the navel of all eight main characters. It preserves all the information, experiences, and memories of the clones.

Due to the information recorded by the Cross-Key, the clones preserve their original personalities no matter how many times they die. In other words, in order to create clones with the Extend Machine, that character’s Cross-Key is required.

In terms of the game system, when a character dies, their Cross-Key is automatically collected. You can rest assured that you will not lose it or forget to collect it. Also, since Mirai is actually a cloned sheep, even she has a Cross-Key attached to her left ear.

■ Shigabane Collection

Here is a look at two of the Shigabane players can obtain. If you missed our previous coverage, read up on Shigabane here.

I Fought a Lot, But Still Died

Condition: Death after attacking enemy more than 100 times
Effect: Attack power increases by 10
Death by Potato Allergy

Condition: Death after a character with a potato allergy eats a potato
Effect: Overcome allergy so that eating a potato does not kill you

■ Digital-Only Extend Edition (PlayStation 4, PS Vita)

  • A copy of Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
  • Special Soundtrack Extend Ver. – A soundtrack including over 50 songs, including the ending song.
  • Eight Swimsuits Costume Set* – Includes swimsuit costumes for the eight main characters. The swimsuit costumes also appear in 3D model events.
  • Nine Clone Avatars and One Animal Set* – Avatars of Haruto and the other eight clones, as well as the Extend TV mascot.

*Both the “Eight Swimsuits Costume Set” and “Nine Clone Avatars and One Animal Set” will be released as paid content via the PlayStation Store after launch.

Zanki Zero: Last Beginning is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on July 5 in Japan. It is also planned for release on PlayStation 4 and PC in North America and Europe, but a release date has yet to be announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-30 07:44 PM |只看该作者
《余命为零》介绍与每个主角都有关联的 “废墟” 内出现的突变怪物与地图机关
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/163247.html

  Spike Chunsoft 预计 7 月 5 日发售的《余命为零(ザンキゼロ)》(PS4 / PS Vita。 PC 版由美国 Spike Chunsoft 发售,目前发售日未定),近(28)日公布了本作迷宫 “废墟” 的相关情报。

  本作各个章节,都会切换剧情的主观角色,该章节探索的废墟,也与主观角色有密切关系。 随着探索废墟,将会揭露每位复制人角色的本尊人物曾经历过什么往事。

  日前报导也曾介绍过废墟里的敌对生物,而其中包括称为 “异兽” 的人型怪兽。 异兽似乎企图杀害主角群,夺取主角群的 X 字钥匙(装于主角群肚脐上,储存复制人记忆的记录媒体)。

  废墟里除了敌对生物,还存在着各种机关,阻挡主角一行人的去路。 而废墟里还会发现 “攻略影像(攻略ビデオ)”,记录着该建筑物的相关记录。 卡关时与其没头没脑的尝试,不如寻攻略影像会比较实在。

PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita
无间断残命求生 RPG《余命为零》


探索舞台的废墟皆有一个共通点。 那就是 “与八位主角其中一人的过去有密切关联”。 本作各章节都会切换玩家视角人物,而探索的废墟也是与该人物有关的地方。 探索着与自己有密切关系的废墟,将步步揭露主角们过去的遭遇以及内心背负的心理创伤。


废墟内部,设有与瓦砾岛的车库同样老旧的电视,并播放着「Extend TV」。 会看到翔发现了神秘的录像带,与未来一同确认内容,而未来会表示,这个录像带是「攻略影片」,是 “能得知关于废墟的回忆,有助于攻略的内容”。

标题 “怠惰其一 第一次的...” 的攻略影片中,记录着晴斗刚以新人身分进入真白出版社的情况,这究竟要如何派上用场呢?

袭击主角们的 “异兽(クリーチャ)”

在废墟中看见了人影,发现除了自己还有其他生存者,让主角群大为欣喜。 但出现在他们眼前的并不是人,而是残留着人类外观的异形怪物。 根据 Extend TV 表示,这种异形怪物被称为 “异兽”,是人类的天敌,也是企图杀死主角的致命威胁。 未来表示,异兽似乎是曾经为人的 “悲惨下场”......。


废墟中设有众多机关阻挡主角们前进。 例如八人全体生还才能开启的「余命阀门(ザンキハッチ)」、设于地板的感压式开关、只有幼年期才能通过的小洞等等,准备了各式各样类型的机关。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-7 10:42 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-6-8 11:20 PM |只看该作者
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning DLC swimsuit costume screenshots

Spike Chunsoft has released screenshots of the swimsuit costume downloadable content for Zanki Zero: Last Beginning due out alongside the game’s release on July 5 in Japan.

The swimsuit costumes can be purchased in a set or individually:

Swimsuit Costume Eight Piece Set – 1,620 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Haruto Higurashi – 270 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Ryo Mikajime – 270 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Zen Kubota – 270 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Mamoru Ichiyo – 270 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Rinko Susukinov – 324 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Yuma Mashiro – 324 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Minamo Setiouchi – 324 yen
Swimsuit Costume: Sachika Hirasaka – 324 yen
The swimsuit costume set is also part of the Digital-Only Extend Edition.

Zanki Zero: Last Beginning is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on July 5 in Japan. It is also planned for release on PlayStation 4 and PC in North America and Europe, but a release date has yet to be announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-6-11 06:37 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-6-13 07:10 PM |只看该作者
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning ‘Garage’ gameplay


Following a video showcasing the first 10 minutes of Zanki Zero: Last Beginning earlier this week, Spike Chunsoft has released another six-minute gameplay video showcasing the game’s “Garage” area.

Zanki Zero: Last Beginning is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on July 5 in Japan. It is also planned for release on PlayStation 4 and PC in North America and Europe, but a release date has yet to be announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-6-15 06:11 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-6-21 04:38 PM |只看该作者


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