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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-13 06:13 PM 编辑
Evolve ‘Big Alpha’ begins October 30
《恶灵进化》Big Alpha 测试2014 年10 月31 日在Xbox One 平台率先开跑
2K 和Turtle Rock Studios 在10 日宣布,金奖4v1 多人射击游戏《恶灵进化》将自2014 年10 月31 日起至2014 年11 月3 日止,于亚洲地区* 率先在Xbox One 平台上进行为期24 小时的「Big Alpha」测试。本次名额有限的Alpha 封测,也将自2014 年11 月1 日起至2014 年11 月3 日止在PlayStation 4 ** 和Windows PC 平台上进行。即日起玩家只要到www.evolvegame.com/xboxonealpha 报名,就有机会参加Xbox One 平台的Alpha 测试并抢先玩到游戏。由《恶灵势力》制作团队Turtle Rock Studios 开发的《恶灵进化》,至今为止已拿下超过60 个大奖和编辑奖,并且是史上唯一在同年获得E3 和Gamescome 颁给「展场最佳游戏」的作品。
「玩家们对《恶灵进化》的热烈反应,远远超过我们的预期,不过在接下来的几个月里,我们仍得加倍努力,」Turtle Rock Studios 共同创办人暨设计总监Chris Ashton 表示。 「我们必须对伺服器和配对系统进行压力测试,观察平衡性、解锁率等等。Alpha 测试并未完全呈现最终产品的内容,不过却让我们有机会瞧瞧游戏在现实世界中的表现如何,另外,我们将会在2015 年1 月间展开Xbox One 独占的《恶灵进化》Beta 公测。测试期间收集到的资料有助于让《恶灵进化》更上层楼,以期在2015 年2 月10 日上市时达到尽善尽美的境界。」
另外也会在其他地方提供数量有限的代码,让玩家有更多机会参加Big Alpha 测试。想要参加Alpha 封测的玩家可点击《恶灵进化》官方部落格,并定期察看更新资讯来获取机会。此外,透过Twitter 关注《恶灵进化》,加入Facebook 粉丝团,以及加入2K 和Turtle Rock 讨论区,都有机会取得参与本次封测的代码。
预购《恶灵进化》的所有玩家可获得「怪兽扩充包」。 「怪兽扩充包」内含游戏上市后免费提供的第四头可玩怪兽,以及可替换的「野蛮巨兽」(Savage Goliath)外观。 「怪兽扩充包」会在游戏出货前提供给所有预购《恶灵进化》的玩家。若要立即预购,请点击http://evolvegame.com/preorder。
*《恶灵进化》Big Alpha测试不开放给以下地区:http://bit.ly/1sfLLGE
** 参与《恶灵进化》Big Alpha测试需要Xbox LIVE®金会员资格和PlayStation®lus会籍。
Evolve’s Big Alpha Coming Everywhere This Halloween
You’ve been asking, “When is the Big Alpha?!?” We waited until the time was right because an Alpha this big deserved to be stress-tested in a big way. Well, now we can finally tell you. This Halloween. Evolve’s treat: We’re flipping on the servers and inviting players around the world to join us.
Starting today, Xbox One players can register for priority access to the Alpha by visiting evolvegame.com/xboxonealpha. Xbox One players get a 24-hour head start and will be able to play from October 30th to November 2nd.
A limited number of PC and PlayStation 4 players are also welcome to join the hunt from October 31st and November 2nd. That’s right, after the overwhelming responses we’ve gotten from fans – and becoming the first game in history to win “Best of Show” at both this year’s E3 and Gamescom – we want to give people on every next-gen platform a chance to play. In order to join the Evolve Big Alpha on Xbox One, you’ll need to have Xbox Live Gold subscription. On PlayStation 4, you’ll need to have an active PS Plus membership.
As a special “Thank you” to everyone who’s already pre-ordered the game, you will be guaranteed a spot in the Big Alpha over the Halloween weekend if you pre-ordered through one of these participating retailers: GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy, Target and Walmart.
If you haven’t already pre-ordered, you should really consider it. Beyond guaranteeing yourself access to the Big Alpha, you’re also getting the fourth monster for free when it is ready after the game launches, and the alternate Savage Goliath skin. Participating retailers guaranteeing access to Big Alpha for those who pre-order starting today include Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart.
If you’re still on the fence, keep your eyes peeled here. Follow the Evolve social channels as we will be giving you plenty of chances to join the hunt.
We’ve already given away thousands of codes over the Official Evolve Live stream, through the Evolve Facebook page and on Twitter, and we will continue to give out codes leading up to the Big Alpha.