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jolin_ng 发表于 2013-11-19 03:02 PM 
好了,也不要和他多浪費時間了。再多講也沒什麼好處。多講還會被一些小人講做是我們在挑起紛爭,在破壞關 ...
http://cforum.cari.com.my/forum. ... page%3D1&page=1
以上这番话,是由英国背包客戴夫拉姆西Dave Ramsey在国际旅游网站上发表。
拉姆西今年10月5日与同伴结伴到吉隆坡背包自由行的时候,在吉隆坡市中心靠近Hard Rock Café附近遭遇抢劫。在反抗中,他被抢匪是刀刺中右胸,同伴的背包被抢走。整个过程发生在人潮热闹的地区。而令拉姆西心寒的是,许多人目睹劫案发生,但是却没有人愿意出手相助,对劫案过程视而不见!
他也投诉当他想截停的士在他到医院寻求医治的时候,许多的士司机一看到他身上沾满鲜血,都不肯载他。最后才由旅游警察tourist police协助找到的士。
他毫不客气的说,大马的旅游宣传口号【马来西亚---真正的亚洲风情】(Malaysia truly Asia)根本与事实不符;KL也不只是Kuala Lumpur的缩写,它还有另外一层意思:Killed by Locals!
"KL Is THE Most Dangerous Place I Have Travelled To"
It's a frightening wake up call when a backpacker who has been travelling for nearly 30 years to places like Africa, Yemen and South East Asia says Kuala Lumpur is THE most dangerous place he has been to.
UK backpacker Dave Ramsey was stabbed and mugged in Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL on 5 October 2013
As the crime rate in Malaysia rises, the public is feeling less secure walking down the streets these days. Even tourists have not been spared as more fall victims to muggings and snatch thefts.
One such incident left a backpacker, Dave Ramsay from Ayr, United Kingdom angry and annoyed as he was stabbed and mugged in the KL city center near Hard Rock Cafe on Oct 5.
In relating his horrifying experience on the VirtualTourist website (www.virtualtourist.com), Dave said that he was not only mugged but also stabbed in the chest in the incident. His ordeal is also being shared on Facebook.
The mode of this mugging was to pull on a bag and when I turned round I was stabbed in the chest with a knife, while turning. This is a stab first rob later mode of attack.
My friend held onto her bag and I started to assist only to be slashed with the knife across my right arm - that was when I saw blood spraying out my chest I told her to let the bag go as her head/neck was closest to the knife.
The robber fled with the bag. I think we were marked and then surrounded as some of the "local concerned helpers" were actually trying to pull me clear.
It took 30 mins to get to a hospital (City Hospital - very happy with the medics there top job). I was lucky to be able to stand in the road to stop a taxi.
Several (taxis) passed after seeing blood - and eventually after being rejected at a private hospital I got medical attention.
Dave said he was lucky to have survived the trauma for his build. According to him, had it happened to a slimmer person, it could have been fatal.
No police anywhere in an iffy area (I think they get a cut to stay away), security at the local venues did nothing.... Very hard to get support people in street or taxis.
The tourist police did not ask ANYTHING about the perpetrator of this crime - all they did was produce a report for an insurance claim.... They have no intention of pursuing criminals, no interest.
An NYC man came in 10 minutes later having had his gold chain snatched from his neck - he said he lived in NYC 32 years and this was his first every mugging.
I genuinely feel the police in KL are worse than the criminals because they are ineffective, not present and most likely getting a cut. The politicians are the police masters I wonder how they make so much money.
Malaysia truly Asia (my arse this is a pit of crime) KL= Killed by Locals.
This place needs avoiding big time. I have travelled Africa, Yemen, SE Asia for nearly 30 years back packer and 5 star.
I am not a squeemish person but I genuinely believe this to be THE most dangerous place I have been due to the vast number of incidents and the frequency of them.... its epidemic.