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RockStar 表示昨晚解決了一些伺服器不穩定的問題,角色消失問題在處理中。
(台灣 06:00 10 月 7 日 )
Updated 6PM ET 10/6/13: We experienced some instability on PlayStation 3 around 11:00 AM ET and service was restored at 12:30 PM ET. Another issue was seen on both platforms just before 4:00 PM ET and was resolved shortly after. We have not forgotten about players who reported (and who continue to report) issues with lost characters, items, apartments, cars, or in-game money. If you have lost any progress, please subscribe here for automatic email updates whenever there is news: http://support.rockstargames.com ... -items-apartment...
點評:R 星在公告內強調:「我們沒有忘記那些玩家回報(有人持續在回報)的角色消失問題。如果你有遇到消失的情形,請追蹤最新的客服信箱系統。」 有說等於沒說
RockStar 表示「連線問題」已解決,但「角色、物件、金錢」,正在處理中。
(台灣 10:00 10 月 6 日 )
The connection issues seen earlier in the day have now been resolved. Please note that we are still looking into reports about missing characters, rank, items, apartments, and/or in-game money. For updates on that, please subscribe to: http://support.rockstargames.com ... -items-apartment...
RockStar 已釋出 XBOX 360 版本的更新檔,角色消失的原因正在調查中,還沒修好
(台灣 16:00 10 月 5 日 )
The latest title update for GTA Online is live for Xbox 360. Please note that we are currently investigating the reports about loss of characters, rank, items, apartments, and in-game money. For more information
http://support.rockstargames.com ... money-in-GTA-Online
RockStar 正式釋出 PS3 版本的 1.02 更新檔,XBOX 360 版處理中
(台灣 18:00 10 月 4 日 )
The latest title update for GTA Online is live for PlayStation 3. We're working to have this up for Xbox 360 as soon as possible today. (Grand Theft Auto Online Launch Updates)
官方已發布消息,各位今晚終於可以玩了 T_T...
R 星剛剛追加(台灣 06:00 10 月 4 日)
We're currently working on a title update for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to address commonly reported issues with GTA Online. We hope to have it out for download as soon as tomorrow.
RockStar 表示問題仍在修復中,希望最快明天能有更新檔。
也就是角色一樣會消失,比賽一樣進不去... 要明天才會穩定...
1. 角色消失
2. 差事無法開始
3. 回溯(等級、能力、金錢)
4. 角色無法存檔
R 星剛剛追加(台灣 09:40):
10/2/13 Note: Some players have reported being able to get into the Tutorial race by re-downloading the Title Update, which can be deleted from Xbox Home or the PS3 XMB (Game Data Utility, NOT save data).
有玩家回報,當它們重新下載更新檔後就能成功通過新手教學的賽車關卡。(從 Xbox Home 或 PS3 XMB 裡刪除,不是刪除紀錄,是刪除更新檔)
台灣時間清晨五點,R 星最新更新進度:
For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
PS3 因為 PSN 伺服器的限制問題導致用戶無法登入,今天早上已經修正(美國時間)
There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible.
This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible.
For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs.
GTA$ 商城幣停賣。
摘錄,R 星說它們正在想辦法修復中
The list of issues is as follows:
Occasional "Rockstar Cloud Servers Unavailable" error message
無法連接 Rockstar 雲端伺服器的訊息
Freezing sometimes while loading into first race in GTAO with "waiting for other players" on the screen
登入 Online 後的第一個賽車任務,會卡在「等待其他玩家」
Intermittent "Failed to Host a GTA Online Session" error messages
Race Corona (start area, marker) occasionally not showing up for first race
Errors saying "Timed out when matchmaking for a compatible GTA Online Session to join"
Occasional errors about jobs failing to start or load
General issues with the Social Club site and Social Club features (slow loading, failed logins, emails not arriving, etc). For more information on Social Club status, please see: http://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/articles/200357093
關於 Social Club 的各種問題,請見:ttp://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/articles/200357093
Misc. network and server-related error messages, disconnections, or cloud server errors
Errors saying "Mission Failed" as soon as the mission begins during a session
R 星在客服網頁上表示:造成各位的不便,我們感到非常抱歉,在我們修復問題之前,也感謝您們的耐心等待。 |