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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-26 06:53 PM 编辑
Valiant Hearts: The Great War Launch Trailer
《勇士之心》正式上市 游戏发售宣传影像公开
《勇士之心:伟大战争(Valiant Hearts: The Great War)》是育碧所推出的一款数字下载解谜冒险游戏,与《光之子》同期公开。游戏于2014年6月25日登陆PS4、XBOX One、PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,而日前官方也放出了本作的发售宣传影像,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。
本作由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发,以UbiArt Framework引擎打造,讲述了五位来自不同国家的角色在第一次世界大战中挣扎求生的故事。这五位角色将和爱犬一起共度难关,在危险的战壕中努力生存。而在游戏中,狗将会协助玩家行动和解谜,比如从战场中抢救物资、指挥狗从铁丝网下爬行等。而PS4手柄的触摸板也会有特定功能,比如绘制圆弧来投掷手榴弹等。
Valiant Hearts: The Great War Now Available Worldwide
Today, Ubisoft announced that Valiant Hearts: the Great War is now available to download on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, and PC Digital, at the price of £11.99.
Valiant Hearts: The Great War is the story of crossed destinies and a broken love in a world torn apart. It gives players the chance to live a touching yet comical adventure which focuses on the journey of four people as they brave the battles and difficulties of the Great War following their faithful canine companion. All of the main characters are inextricably drawn together, and friendship, love, sacrifice and tragedy befall each as they help each other to retain their humanity against the horrors of war.
Valiant Hearts: The Great War is being developed by a small team at Ubisoft Montpellier, known for their work on critically-acclaimed titles like Beyond Good & Evil®, Rayman Origins® and Rayman® Legends. The team is using the UbiArt Framework to easily and efficiently animate the game’s comic-book style, which consists of a wide-ranging color palette – from the dank trenches to green forests and snowy fields – that provides stunning scenic variety and visual contrast. Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework is a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists to bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted unedited into the game world.
For more information on Valiant Hearts: The Great War, please visit: valiantheartsgame.com |