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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-9 02:50 PM 编辑
Microsoft closing Lionhead Studios and Press Play, Fable Legends cancelled
微软宣布中止《神鬼寓言:传奇》开发 计划关闭开发工作室 Lionhead
欧洲微软工作室总经理汉诺‧朗克(Hanno Lemke)3 月 7 日在 Xbox 官方信息网站 Xbox Wire 发表,将针对旗下团队与项目进行调整,中止 Xbox One / Windows 10 角色扮演游戏《神鬼寓言:传奇(Fable Legends)》的开发,同时计划关闭担任该游戏开发的英国 Lionhead 工作室。
Lionhead 工作室是 1996 年由彼得‧莫力纽(Peter Molyneux)领军成立的英国游戏开发团队,后于 2006 年 4 月被微软工作室收购,近年以《神鬼寓言(Fable)》系列游戏广为玩家所知。
本次欧洲微软工作室宣布,将中止 Lionhead 工作室旗下《神鬼寓言:传奇》的开发,并商讨关闭工作室的事宜。 同时确定将关闭 Press Play 工作室以及结束《Project: Knoxville》的开发。
《神鬼寓言:传奇》是《神鬼寓言》系列的前传,故事背景设定在初代作之前,承袭系列作的高自由度玩法,预定支持 4 人联机合作游玩。 原本以 Xbox One 套装游戏的形式制作,后宣布跨 Windows 10 并改为免费游戏。 原本预定于 2016 年春季进行测试,如今则是宣布中止开发。
Press Play 工作室则是位于丹麦哥本哈根的游戏开发团队,2012 年被微软工作室收购。 旗下作品包括《涂鸦小英雄:兄弟之难》、《触须精灵:正在进入海豚体内》与《Kalimba》。
《Project: Knoxville》是 Press Play 工作室于 2015 年 8 月透过投票所选出的游戏开发计划,制作团队将以玩家的意见做为开发的依据,让玩家透过活动专页发表对游戏开发的意见回馈。
汉诺‧朗克表示,基于微软工作室持续专注在投资与研发粉丝最感到兴奋和最想游玩的游戏与品牌的考虑,而做出本次的决定。 微软今后仍将尽心尽力于英国与欧洲的游戏开发社群,且 Xbox 仍将持续支持新 IP 与游戏原创在平台上的发展,像是来自 Remedy 的 3A 级大作《量子裂痕》、来自 Rare 的新 IP《盗贼之海》以及来自独立团队 Moon 工作室的创意新作《圣灵之光》等。
Xbox Wire
Changes at Microsoft Studios, UK and Denmark
Today, I have some difficult changes to announce that affect some of our Microsoft Studios teams and projects in the UK and Denmark.
After much consideration we have decided to cease development on Fable Legends, and are in discussions with employees about the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK. Additionally, we will close Press Play Studios in Denmark, and sunset development on Project Knoxville.
These have been tough decisions and we have not made them lightly, nor are they a reflection on these development teams – we are incredibly fortunate to have the talent, creativity and commitment of the people at these studios. The Lionhead Studios team has delighted millions of fans with the Fable series over the past decade. Press Play imbued the industry with a unique creative spirit behind games like Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Kalimba, which both captured passionate fans. These changes are taking effect as Microsoft Studios continues to focus its investment and development on the games and franchises that fans find most exciting and want to play.
I speak for all of Xbox when I say that despite this news, we remain committed to the development communities in the UK and Europe, and Xbox will continue to support new IP and originality in the games we offer on our platforms, whether they’re AAA blockbusters like Quantum Break from Remedy, adventurous new IPs like Sea of Thieves from Rare, or unique new creations from independent developers like Moon Studios with Ori.
We have nothing but heart-felt thanks for the members of Lionhead and Press Play for their contributions to Xbox and gaming. We are committed to working closely with those affected by today’s news to find them new opportunities at Xbox, or partnering with the broader development community to help place them in jobs elsewhere in the games industry should they desire.