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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-14 07:28 AM 编辑
Dying Light will release earlier than expected
多平台恐怖新作《Dying Light》新上市日期确定
游戏开发商Techland 宣布,之前曾延期的PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One 版以僵尸为主题的开放世界型恐怖生存动作游戏《Dying Light》,北美地区确定将在2015 年1 月27 日推出,含日本在内的亚洲地区则仍未定。
本作由以《死亡岛》(Dead Island)系列知名的游戏开发商Techland 负责制作,在南美及东南亚爆发僵尸入侵,交通遭到封锁状态下,玩家必须努力取得救援物资并救出幸存者。游戏收录了可自制将近100 种武器的合成功能,而使用独家开发的最新游戏引擎「Chrome Engine 6」让画质表现更令人激赏。另外,游戏中搭载类似《Evolve》的非称型连线模式「Be the Zombie」,则为针对预购玩家的免费DLC。
Dying Light Coming Sooner Than Expected
Techland is really excited to announce that Dying Light, its highly-anticipated action survival game, will hit the stores in 2015 on January 27th in the Americas, January 28th in Australia and New Zealand, and January 30th in Europe and Asia.
Dying Light can be pre-ordered from the game's official website. These pre-orders come with a free DLC mode called Be the Zombie. In this competitive asymmetric multiplayer mode, you invade other players’ games as the Night Hunter – an ultimate zombie with a unique set of deadly skills. By playing as the Night Hunter, you turn into a fast, agile and dangerous predator, whose objective is to hunt down human survivors.
The creators of Dying Light recently explained the game’s revolutionary Natural Movement system in the first Dev Diary video, recently released. Designed internally by Techland, Natural Movement empowers the player to traverse the fictional city of Harran with unprecedented ease and precision, seamlessly connecting parkour-style moves with brutal fighting.
Dying Light is a first-person, action survival game set in a vast and dangerous open world. During the day, players roam an urban environment devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help defeat the hordes of mindless, flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created. At night, the hunter becomes the prey as the infected grow in strength and aggression – even more lethal are the nocturnal, inhuman predators that leave their hives to feed. Players need to use all their skills and any available means to survive until dawn. |